Friday, October 17, 2008

Howard Stern demostrates how absolutely stupid many Obama supporters are.

Howard Stern once upon a time called himself the "King of all media". I use to listen to him growing up and for the most part he was pretty funny. Well he is still funny. This segment is funny on so many levels, and it's not because of anything special that Howard Stern says. Watch the clip and you will see what I mean. This is the Barack Obama "Harlem Quiz". Listen to the lady talking about McCain being "uneducated" then listen to her responses.

Now I know why Democrat activist groups bus fools like these down to the voting percents ever four years like cattle. It has been irritating to listen to an average Barack Obama supporter speak, because 9 out of 10 they are absolutely clueless on the issues and don't even know what Obama stands for. It's more depressing knowing that ignorant minds of gravel have the power to cancel out my well informed vote. Isn't democracy grand? :-(


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's hard to believe anyone could be that uninformed in the 21st century. Makes you think we should license voters so that we can be assured they know a thing or two. After all, you can't drive a car without a written test.

5:34 PM  
Blogger Palmetto said...

It's hard to believe that anyone could be so uninformed in the 20th century. Makes you think we should require a license to vote. To even drive you need to take a written test, but any moron can cast a vote.

5:45 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

It doesn't surprise me in the least. They're is a certain atmosphere stupidty circulating around America right now. I just heard today that a young girl was called a racist just for wearing a McCain/Palin Tshirt. Liberalism has gone WAY WAY WAY beyond just being a mental disorder. The people that worship Obama aren't the sharpest tools in the toolbox, thats for sure. They are either extremely stupid or mentally cracked.

6:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A girl being called a racist for wearing a McCain/Palin t-shirt. That is like the time I heard that a black man was called an Uncle Tom for too, wearing a McCain/Palin T-shirt.
I've met a couple of blacks who are supporting Barack Obama; they're voting for him because he's a brother. (As a Caucasian, if I were to say that I'm voting for McCain because he's a brother, I might be called a racist)
I respect their decision but I reminded them that the image of the person is not important; the issues and his integrity are what is important.
I'm more of an independent and I like both candidates. But I'm more interested in the important issues.
I asked them a hypothetical question: let's say if the presidential race was between Obama and Colin Powell (Powell about 10 years ago or more was considering a run for presidency). Who would they vote for? They said that they would choose Obama over Powell; Powell was considered and Uncle Tom. Of course, Condileeza rice was hot spared of the backlash either.
I wonder what it is about when a black person having this kind of attitude? Expecting that every member within the black community should act as a unit and stick together.
It was like earlier this year, liberals would argue, if I don't vote for Obama, I'm a racist; If I don't vote for Hillary Clinton, I'm being sexist; If I don't vote for McCain, I'm being biased for questioning his age.
Let's see, how about I compromise. I know, I'll vote for Green Party candidates Cynthia McKinney/Rosa Clemente. Both are women; one is black and the other is Hispanic. What the heck. Nobody is going to call me a sexist or racist. Only outcome I would see is that they're not going to win this election.
Just to let you know, I'm just being sarcastic and I'm no fan of Cynthia McKinney after that stunt she pulled a couple of years ago with the incident involving the Capital police officer.

10:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't stand black people who plan on voting for Obama most of them don't even give good solid reasons to vote for him other than if you are white you are a racist if you vote against Obama.

Since I'm black I'll be labeled a sellout for voting against him.
Never mind the fact that I find Obama's moral values and his politics to be bad for this nation. I've noticed that he preaches share the wealth a very communist ideal.

The fact that he attends a church whose pastor harbors a deep seething hatred for this country and other unsavory characters he associates himself with. I wouldn't be surprised if Barrack Obama was indeed a vile racist himself.

What really irks me more than anything is when foreigners stick their big noses into American Affairs. I don't care how Europeans vote. I laugh at the stupidity that is wrought upon Europe due to political correctness. When Europeans vote liberal I feel smarter because at least I get to laugh at their foolishness.

11:00 PM  
Blogger Roadhouse said...

Obama supporters should check out the video on my blog this week and then tell me they still support him.

11:12 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

anon "I've met a couple of blacks who are supporting Barack Obama; they're voting for him because he's a brother. (As a Caucasian, if I were to say that I'm voting for McCain because he's a brother, I might be called a racist)
I respect their decision but I reminded them that the image of the person is not important; the issues and his integrity are what is important.
I'm more of an independent and I like both candidates. But I'm more interested in the important issues.
I asked them a hypothetical question: let's say if the presidential race was between Obama and Colin Powell (Powell about 10 years ago or more was considering a run for presidency). Who would they vote for? They said that they would choose Obama over Powell; Powell was considered and Uncle Tom. Of course, Condileeza rice was hot spared of the backlash either."

I've said from the very beginning that blacks that make the laughable claim that if any whites don't vote for Obama is a racist and blacks that don't vote for Obama are "sellouts" are outright brainwashed and mentally raped. If this election was between Collin Powell and Joe Biden for President, the very same people making the racist claims couldn't wait fast enough to vote for Biden. They're is an ignorant psychological element being reinforced in the black community that somehow they must support Democrats at all costs. In essence it appears to like some sort of psychological dependency in believing or wanting to believe that the Democrat Party is their protector or something along those lines. I knew when Obama won the nomination, his supporters and the media were going to make his campaign mostly about race and anyone not supporting him being labeled as racists. This is why people in general need to stand up against liberals both black and white that try to use race as a weapon of guilt to get what they want. There is no RATIONALE reason why Obama is suppose to be voted for due to the color of his skin.

12:57 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

I've notice that people that are analytical tend not to suffer from the dependency mindset. When blacks and whites try to confront me about party or ideological , I always tend to know more about the issues every time. More often then not they tend to get angry when I am able to destroy any arguement they have and when they can't answer not one of my questions.

chilerkle "Since I'm black I'll be labeled a sellout for voting against him.Never mind the fact that I find Obama's moral values and his politics to be bad for this nation. I've noticed that he preaches share the wealth a very communist ideal."

I wouldn't sweat it chilerkle. People like them are morally bankrupt. So called churches like Trinity United Church of Indoctrination is part of the problem. There so many black fake pastors screwing up people's heads with this racial victim hood garbage, no wonder many blacks think the way they do chilerkle. To them liberalism has become their god and faith has taken a distant second. I know you've noticed chilerkle that black so called Christians that support Democrat liberals can't relate how their political beliefs align with their spiritual beliefs. Whne I hear them say Obama is a Christian, I just shake my head and laugh because they obviously forgotten the meaning of the word. I've also noticed that many blacks that support liberals victim hood ideology also don't care for this country. Blacks talk of slavery like they were actually slaves. The only bondage many of them are in is bondage they have set upon themselves. They resent any blacks that don't share their views of this country. I can't remember ever hearing a black liberal actually saying that he or she loves America. They are subscribers of Jemimah Wright's "KKK of A" and "God Dam America" mindset. Notice white liberals feel the exact same way and expect blacks to feel that way also.

1:24 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

The fact that he attends a church whose pastor harbors a deep seething hatred for this country and other unsavory characters he associates himself with. I wouldn't be surprised if Barrack Obama was indeed a vile racist himself"

I wouldn't doubt it for one minute chilerkle. A racist can be packaged just right to come off as a legitimate mainstream appearing person. Obama associations however can't be "white washed" as easy though. I truly don't believe he is a Christian. Obama helped to organize the Million Man March. Farahkan and Jerimiah Wright are good friends. Why would two so called Christians be friends with a man that referred to Christianity as "a gutter religion"? There are some things that scripted speeches can't mask.

chilerkle" What really irks me more than anything is when foreigners stick their big noses into American Affairs. I don't care how Europeans vote. I laugh at the stupidity that is wrought upon Europe due to political correctness. When Europeans vote liberal I feel smarter because at least I get to laugh at their foolishness."

lol, I agree 1000000% chilerkle. European countries are being over run by muslims, and in the 20 years or so will be the dominate of the population of Europe. Europeans haven't figured that out yet. No European socialist country has the Gross Domestic Output or standard of living that the U.S has under a free market capitalist system. That's why the world's economies trade according to what our markets do.Socialists either here in America or abroad will never ever ever figure out that redistribution of wealth will never accomplish the same means as individual wealth creation chilerkle.

1:37 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Roadhouse;"Obama supporters should check out the video on my blog this week and then tell me they still support him."

I still support Obama after viewing the video, so.... what? Killing mayhem and political turmoil...TIA!
How about providing some history or some type of context to your argument??

1:45 AM  
Blogger Jason said...

Oh my God!! Does anyone pay attention!!!

6:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tyrone-you mentioned about that most blacks believe that the Democratic Party is their protector.
A couple of years ago, I was watching a biography special (not to be confused with the A&E show) on either PBS or the History Channel about Abraham Lincoln.
There was this guy, who was black, who was a history professor, instead of talking about Lincoln as a man, what he was doing was trying to discredit Lincoln by claiming that Lincoln was not the man that everybody hears about in the history books.
He claims that Lincoln used the "n" word in his conversations with other people and wrote the word in his journals. And, Lincoln's main intention was to free the slaves and then ship them back to Africa and to make America an all-white country. Eventually, some of the freed slaves were shipped back to Africa and founded the nation of Liberia.
Though, Lincoln had a change of heart when he listened to Frederick Douglas and heard about the battles that were fought by the 54th Massachusetts Regiment, he felt it was time to give all blacks a full and equal citizenship.
But that was never to be, since he was assassinated.
OK, Lincoln was an abolitionist and the Great Emancipator and a Republican.
Now, I don't know, nor do I care about what he said about Lincoln is true. But, whoever this guy is, he should be grateful that he never lived in an era when slavery was legal. He should be thanking Lincoln instead of taking the time to discredit him.

8:22 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

anon "A girl being called a racist for wearing a McCain/Palin t-shirt."

Oh yeah, I came across that story today. I will comment on this shortly. What happened to that 12 year old girl was very wrong.

8:29 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

Jason "Oh my God!! Does anyone pay attention!!!"

In this election cycle jason common sense, rational thought, and the facts have been thrown out the window to be replaced with "change".

11:01 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

anon "He claims that Lincoln used the "n" word in his conversations with other people and wrote the word in his journals. "

Not that I'm doubting him, but did the professor give say what his political affiliation was? They're are some people that said that Lincoln just wanted to reunite the north and the south. The Republican Party was founded five years before the civil war on an anti slavery platform. If Lincoln did have journals that has racist names it, I'm sure it would be public knowledge and there would be proof of it's existence.

anon " And, Lincoln's main intention was to free the slaves and then ship them back to Africa and to make America an all-white country. Eventually, some of the freed slaves were shipped back to Africa and founded the nation of Liberia."

your absolutely correct. Ever since the founding of liberia, the United States have played an unofficial role of big brother to them. Even their flag resembles the stars and strips, the only difference is that their flag as one star. Many of the freed slaves wanted to return to Africa,but when they did return they considered themselves to be Americans more so then Africans. If Lincoln wanted to create an all white country, he would have ordered ever free slave to be rounded up and deported.

anon "Though, Lincoln had a change of heart when he listened to Frederick Douglas and heard about the battles that were fought by the 54th Massachusetts Regiment, he felt it was time to give all blacks a full and equal citizenship."

The problem with some historians is that they will try to reshape history to suit their ideological bent. Since the original purpose of the Republican Party was to stop slavery, if Lincoln would have preserved it if that meant reuniting the union then he would have went against the very cause the party was founded.

11:30 PM  
Blogger Roadhouse said...

P. Anthony Allen,

The video shows the historical context, and simply asks a question. What do you not understand about that?

The simple third grade level question is: Why would someone support or associate with Odinga?

11:55 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Roadhouse;"The simple third grade level question is: Why would someone support or associate with Odinga?"

Third grade level??? Never mind, I'll let that one pass...

Here's the facts at a "grown-up" non-bias level.

Barak Obama's father is a Kenyan. For this reason, "all" Kenyans are proud and hopeful of a possible Obama presidency in the U.S.(If that's what disturbing to you, just say so)

Corruption had existed in Kenyan politics long before Obama's visit.

Although Odinga had been arrested in the early 1980's and 90's and suspected of plotting against the Kenyan government, he was never tried and was released. And at time's fleeing the country believing he was marked for assassination.

T.I.A.- (This Is Africa) Is a phrase (acronym) used by some African bloggers and writers. The phrase was borrowed from the Hollywood film "Blood Diamond."

Without going into the history of Africa's European colonialism and it's root causes of the violence, I'll just stick to the subject at I'll digress.

It was Odinga that tried to portray Obama's 2006 trip to Kenya as a personal endorsement. Obama did not endorse any Kenyan candidate. As much cannot be said by former Clinton administration official Dick Morris.

Morris ran Odinga's presidential campaign in 2007. If anyone one has questionable ties to Kenyan politics and Odinga, it's Dick Morris.

Subsequently, Obama has called on both side's, President Kibaki and the Odinga opposition, to begin talks. And, much to the chagrin of the Kibaki government, Obama has openly condemned the Kenyan governments corruption.

These fact's indeed add a little context to your video clip. If you would like to know more about Africa or Kenya, feel free to ask. I follow some African politics too!

2:03 AM  
Blogger Thuyen Tran said...

CB: If Lincoln did have journals that has racist names it, I'm sure it would be public knowledge and there would be proof of it's existence.

Me: Lincoln did hold to racist views against blacks.

But people who use that against Lincoln to try to make the Civil War as not caused by slavery are dead wrong.

It must understood that Lincoln was very much influenced by the racial mindsets of the times. Most abolitionists shared those views, too. Lincoln himself was not abolitionist in sense of immediate end to slavery (at least before the war), but was for gradual end to it, with slavery not being allowed to expand into territories, so that it died a natural death.

The fact Lincoln was racist in how he said a lot of things on blacks still does not take away from the fact that he still detested slavery and still preferred that "all men" be freed.

12:06 PM  
Blogger Thuyen Tran said...

"The problem with some historians is that they will try to reshape history to suit their ideological bent. Since the original purpose of the Republican Party was to stop slavery, if Lincoln would have preserved it if that meant reuniting the union then he would have went against the very cause the party was founded."

I disagree.

Lincoln did in fact wrote a letter saying that if he could preserve the Union by ending slavery, he would do so, and if he could preserve the Union by preserving slavery, he would do so as well. He did say that does not take away from the fact he wanted all men worldwide to be free in the same letter.

It does not go against the Republican Party platform.

To him, if reunion does not take place, then he would not be able to prevent expansion of slavery and be able to cause slavery to die. Having an independent South will mean slavery will last far longer.

To him reunion and eventual end to slavery are linked.

12:09 PM  
Blogger jw137 said...

You and your bevannes friend must have quoted from from someone else because you both said the exact same thing. There are uninformed repubs as fact MANY! Howard needs to interview some back woods west virginian romney supporters. I'd love to hear those answers.

1:31 AM  
Blogger jw137 said...

Well excuse the hell out of your fellow blacks for being proud of Obama. Cival rights gave come a long way and Obama represents a great mive forward in this country. You go ahead and continue hating tho...especialy your own race.

1:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not the color of skin, but the content of character is the famous line of Martin Luther king jr. Yet these individuals voted for the color of the skin. What's ironic is that they'll be the first (and quite quick about it) to label someone a racist. The definition of hypocrisy. Makes me vomit.

11:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually eastern Europe and Russia is no less than 93 percent catholic.

11:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you truly knew anything about history and philosophy you would never support that socialist. Don't know what socialism is? Communism? Fascism? Marxism? Feminism? Time to read a few books and do some serious research. You're actually a casualty. You adopted the mindset THEY want you to inherit. People like Frederich Douglas and other freed slaves and escapees would have never voted democrat. That was the party of the confederates and the kkk. They wouldn't care if he had brown skin. They voted republican. In reality, the left wing is actually the sellout.

11:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, Obama is not a natural born citizen, therefore ineligible for presidency. should never been allowed to run. Why is he in? His birth certificate is a phony. The examiners have proof of this and will come to public for all eyes to see sometime this year. Can't wait to see that. Drinks will be on me.

12:06 AM  

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