This is how Biden reacts when the media isn't licking his knee caps.
Poor Joe was probably wondering what in the hell just happened when the interview was over.. I guess Joe is only capable of answering fluff questions. This is how hard hitting journalism should be. If only the national media could understand the concept of hard hitting balanced journalism. For the record, Biden lied about the campaign not paying ACORN to register voters. Obama paid Acorn $800,000 to "get out the vote". Nice try Joe, now say it isn't so.
Joe Biden suffered another emotional short circuit during another hard hitting interview in Philadelphia. Say it isn't so angry Joe. How funny is it that people called the station crying that Biden was actually asked hard questions and comparing the the CBS station to "FOX NEWS!! Would they have called the station to complain if the anchors were drilling Sarah Palin in an interview?
You all know the answer to that. Some of the callers called the interveiw "ambush journalism". Of course they didn't say a word about the Sarah Palin "ambush" interviews with Kouric and GIbson. Will two faced hypocrites ever have any shame?
Early on Biden lied when he said, "the Obama campaign has not given ACORN a single cent," when in fact, "The Obama campaign paid Citizens Services Inc., a group affiliated with ACORN, more than $800,000 for get-out-the-vote (not voter registration) efforts during the primary election."
Oh, please, of course a conservative will think that Biden was asked "hard" questions. The questions were irrelevant and just Republican talking points that the reporter read with no emotion. I would have laughed to if I were Biden because the questions were things we have heard before. Give me something new.
Geeky girl " Oh, please, of course a conservative will think that Biden was asked "hard" question"
Maybe you can refresh my memory geeky girl. Can you recall an interview in which Biden or Obama was asked those types of questions? I will answer the question for you, its no. Palin was asked about her thoughts on the "Bush Doctrine" and questioned exstinsively about her "foreign policy" credentials. The media has been kissing the asses of Obama and Biden and proving cover for them. Of course you don't want to see it geeky, becaue the stuttering chipmunk is your guy. but if you like I can give a laundry list of examples that the media "overlooked". If Sarah Palin would have popped a fuse during an interview like Biden, it would have been national news and on the front page of the New York Time up until election day. So please try another approach geeky.
The media is focused on Sarah Palin's wardrobe, yet didn't say anything about his connections to Tony Rezko in the deal on how he purchased the lot to build his million dollar house. They also didn't say anything about how he got a sweetheart deal in financing it. The media did no investigative research into his affiliation with Acorn, Lewis Farrakhan, his connections with Jerimiah Wright or investigated the contents of his two books. Oh I forgot, Sarah Palin's daughter being pregnant, her child with special needs, and her firing an at will employee must be more important, yeah whatever.
How did Biden handle the tough questions? Did he fall apart by claiming, "I'll get back to you on that one", or "I can see Russia from my back porch"?
All is fair in politics. Biden got questioned as the interviewer seen fit. Hell, it's her show!
By the same token Palin was questioned according to the interviewers whim. Either you handle it, or you dont!
"The questions were irrelevant..." (gg)
No they weren't.
She asked a legitimate question about Barack Obama's stated suppor of "redistribution of wealth."
"Redistribution" is a polite term for "theft."
Look, if, say, J K Rowloing makes a BILLION in royalties from her Harry Potter books, all that means is that millions of people were willing to part with $10 or $20 of their own money in exchange for the entertainment value of her products (those books and the movies based on them).
All those people made an individual choice and entered into a freely chosen contract, "I will exchange X amount of my dollars for this item."
So, there's no way post-hoc to suddenly claim, "J K Rowling made too much money!"
She made exactly the amount of money that her own freely signed contracts with her publisher and those movie-makers, provided her - probably 10% to 15% of the value of the sales from those items.
It's the same with various skills.
Now I know no one would argue that firefighting or teaching school are as valuable a set of skills as is thoracic surgery or patent law, and that's the reason those in the latter two professions earn hundreds of times what most of those in the former professions do.
A good thoracic surgeon earns between $2.4 MILLION and $3.8 MILLION because that set of skills is so rare and difficult to master.
Barbara West's questions went to both the political and economic naivete of Barack Obama and Joe Biden didn't do as much defending as dodging.
Nice job Joe. I thought he was supposed to have Barack Obama's back on interviews like this.
CB:"Will two faced hypocrites ever have any shame?"
Full disclosure would certainly make Mrs. West's claim of "fair and balanced" a bit more palatable...
Seems as though those questions she asked could have come from the Republican operative she sleeps with! (And that's meant to assert that she "literally sleeps" with a Republican operative!!!!!)
P Allen " How did Biden handle the tough questions? Did he fall apart by claiming, "I'll get back to you on that one", or "I can see Russia from my back porch"? "
Biden became angry at the questions clearly. The one thing I will give Palin credit for allen is that at least she doesn't lose her cool in an interview. To call the questions "rightwing" is an extremely pathetic deflection from having to answer the questions by Biden. Allen, maybe you can tell me what questions were invalid and why. As I see it, The questions that the anchor asked were legit and factual. As for Palin, do you really believe she can see Russia from her house allen,seriously? As Biden said which didn't get any press coverage, big surprise. "It's a three letter word, J O B S" LOL Biden has been gaffing left and right, but the media ignores it and focuses exclusively on Palin,and I guess I'm suppose to be stupid enough to believe that is balanced coverage?yeeaaaahhh riiigghhtt
P Allen "Full disclosure would certainly make Mrs. West's claim of "fair and balanced" a bit more palatable..."
Oh really allen? How much money have the media that have been doging Palin and McCain given to the Obama campaign allen? If you really want to talk about "full disclosure". I can less if the anchor donated money to a candidate not running for President Allen. If she was a contributor to McCain, then and maybe then you could make the claim of "conflict of interest". Her contribution wasn't to McCain now was it? You are also missing the primary point as usual. Why is it that it took a local news anchor to ask the questions that the national media refuses to do? Please answer that allen if you can.
CB;"Her contribution wasn't to McCain now was it? You are also missing the primary point as usual. Why is it that it took a local news anchor to ask the questions that the national media refuses to do?" missed the point...
I didn't say "she" [Barbara West] contributed anything. It is her "HUSBAND" who is a Republican donor, contributor, fund-raiser, media consultant and operative.
I've said it many times. All is fair in an election campaign. It's "all-fair-game" to compare an opponents agenda to Marxism, fascism, racist, sexist, or even pedophilia!
Let's ask Palin is the baby really her's or her daughters....and bring forward proof! Let's ask Obama about his associations since he was old enough to speak! Let's ask McCain about the "covered-up" car accident he had in 1964 where someone was killed. Ask McCain about the 30+ propaganda films he made while in N. Vietnamese custody.
The dogs are beginning to come out on the McCain side. We'll just have to wait and see how all this craziness turns out...
Biden was crying Waaaah no fair!
How dare they ask me tough questions *sniff*!
Man this is juicy.
I've become rather cynical about our Electoral Process thanks to the Obama fangirl press and the childish antics of Obama supporters and the darn near worship of Obama by Black people especially black people who claim to be christian!
Shame on them!
I wonder what kind of aftermath we'll have to weather if Barrack Obama loses LOL!
I wanna see how desperate and pitiful liberals will act. Hopefully Michelle Malkin will sell another Liberals Unhinged book! I hope it will out sell her first one if that happens!
Biden reminds me so much of Howard Dean when he's about to zap out due to anger issues.
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