Sarah Palin: A woman of grace under unrelentless fire.
I'm not going to candy coat my support for Governor Sarah Palin. I support her and like her. She is a very decent, honorable are respectful person and a sister in faith. To bad I can't say the same for the bottom feeding, vile, venomous, pieces of human garbage that have called Governor Palin some of he most distasteful, disrespectful, humiliating names that I have ever heard in my life. I'm actually ashamed to a point to be an American citizen knowing that there are people in this country that will stoop so low to destroy a person's character just so they can make history of having a black man elected President. When I look at Barack Obama, the media and his supporters, I think of the names that no person especially a woman should ever be called. Sarah Palin besides being a Governor is also a mother and a wife, did people forget that? People have been telling me how great America has become by the election of Barack Obama. That's funny, because all I see from Obama supporters and the media is how pathetically low Americans have sunk in order to make sure that happened. Did Sarah Palin make some mistakes? Yes she did. Here's the secret though, Obama and Biden made some mistakes as well. The difference is that Obama and Biden's mistakes were shielded by the media, and Palin's was exposed and exploited. I won't take "pride" in the election of one person at the expense of trying to destroy another. That's just how I am. Now after the election is over, the McCain loyalists are trying to throw Governor Palin under the bus and they are leaking rumors to the media that are running with these rumors as if they are facts. This is what I have to say about the McCain backstabbing serpents. All I can say is I hope they get their ten pieces of silver out of deal and can live with themselves afterwards.
Leave it to me to be the gift that keeps on giving. I put this together to say exactly what I think about Obama supporters and the medias brutal and unjust treatment of Governor Palin. History has been made, and it's not one to be "proud of" that's for sure.
I just discovered your blog, looking for a shirt that I saw at the airport today "Black America Voted for a Change". I am a teacher, and we had a student sent home because he was wearing a shirt with a tiny Confederate Flag on it, but a black child (the one who complained about the white child's shirt) was allowed to wear a shirt that said "Black Power" on it. I'm not a supporter of the Confederate Flag, but I did see the white kids point when he said he was being discriminated against. So anyway, I was looking for this shirt so I could show another teacher and found your blog.
I agree with everything you are saying and only wish that we had found it earlier and had gotten your message out earlier. You are right, the MEDIA helped brainwash America into voting for Obama. At another Airport on election day I spoke to a reporter and he said that Obama would give more headlines and chances at Pulitzer prize winning articles which they supported him.)
Anyway, Sarah Palin was not my choice for VP, but I felt like she always held herself with grace and I respected her for that. (I wanted someone like Romney or Rice.) Palin was always straight forward and didn't try to change who she was. I'm glad she's not now with the election over. Stand tall Sarah!
I saw video celebrating Barrack Obama's victory and I seriously wanted to puke! These same hateful hypocrites supposedly rejoicing in overcoming racism.
The Obama camp just came across as crass opportunists who played the race card and launched bigotry against a decent christian woman.
I as a black woman am disgusted with other black people. The same people who decry racism perpetuate it so flippantly no wonder a lot of white folks aren't taking racism seriously anymore.
anon "I am a teacher, and we had a student sent home because he was wearing a shirt with a tiny Confederate Flag on it, but a black child (the one who complained about the white child's shirt) was allowed to wear a shirt that said "Black Power" on it."
It's a sad truth that political correctness is just another way of social engineering and indoctrination. The parents of the kid that had the confederate flag on his shirt should have made a complaint that the black child had black power on his. A child was called a racist for simply wearing a Sarah Palin shirt. It's long pass due for Americans to stand up these they fools and put an end to the political correctness crap. If we don' as a nation don't stand, it will only get worse.
anon "You are right, the MEDIA helped brainwash America into voting for Obama. At another Airport on election day I spoke to a reporter and he said that Obama would give more headlines and chances at Pulitzer prize winning articles which they supported him.)"
The media presented the news "as they saw it" not as it actually was. They are still attacking Palin over clothes!!! The media didn't report one negative story on Joe Biden or Barack Obama. The media in this country is pure liberal democrat activism on television, thats all it is. Liberals want to say Fox News is not balanced, I say thank god for Fox News. If it weren't for Fox News, I wouldn't have learned anything about Obama. If it weren't for talk radio, I wouldn't have known anything about Obama like all of his supporters. Thanks to Fox and talk radio, I knew 100 times more about Barack Obama as a person voting against him, then the people that voted for him. That is sick how the media tries to dumb down people in order to push their agenda.
anon "Sarah Palin was not my choice for VP, but I felt like she always held herself with grace and I respected her for that. (I wanted someone like Romney or Rice.) Palin was always straight forward and didn't try to change who she was. I'm glad she's not now with the election over. Stand tall Sarah!"
I have nothing but the upmost respect and admiration for Governor Palin. I'm ashamed as an American for how absolutely low other Americans had to stoop to try and destroy her just because they felt that white women could possibly steal Obama's show. The latest poll from Rasmussen shows that 69% of Republicans felt she was an asset to McCain's campaign, actually I beiieve 100% that is was the core of McCain's campaign. She is already at the top of the list in other polls for the Republican pick in 2012. Yesterday I went back and watched the debate between Palin and Biden, and I came to a conclusion. Sarah Palin is NO dummy by the furthest stretch of the imagination. She does have the skill and talent in my book to be VP or President. The overwhelming reason why she got the raw deal is due to her being a woman and especially a republican woman. The media wants people to think that the Republican National Committee is mad at palin for the clothes, that is an illusion. They know who's their torch bearer going forward post bush.
chilerkle "I saw video celebrating Barrack Obama's victory and I seriously wanted to puke! These same hateful hypocrites supposedly rejoicing in overcoming racism."
I guess they are under the assumption chilerkle that racism is offically dead because Obama was elected. Nobody ever accused Obama suporters of being intellectual dynamos chilerkle. lol
Obama attracted some of the vilest of the vile people in our country. His candidacy attracted the bottom feeders of society. Based on how they treated and referred to Palin, I will never have one ounce of respect for Obama and what he accomplished. The insane obsession to elect a person just because of the color of his skin was not a justification for what they did to Palin. So from here on out, I'm going to treat Barack Obama the exact same way his supporters and the media treated Sarah Palin chilerkle. I think it's only fair ;-)
chilerkle "
I as a black woman am disgusted with other black people. The same people who decry racism perpetuate it so flippantly no wonder a lot of white folks aren't taking racism seriously anymore."
I've noticed that too chilerkle. I believe that blacks and white liberals hav used the race card so much that it has lost any true value anymore. They have taken a potent word that actually had a strong label, and they have watered it down. The definition of the word racist use to be a person that didn't like people of other races. Now the word racist means "anybody that doesn't agree with or supports a liberal's view". When the 12 year girl worn a Sarah Pain Tshirt to school, her brainwashed classmmates called her a racist. Her wearing the shirt had nothing to do with hating people of different races, her wearing that shirt went against what liberals deemed acceptable thus she was called a racist. The insane obsession over Obama's race has completely overshadowed him as an person.Obama right now is resembling something that of a popular freak show based on the coverage based soley on race then that of a qualified and capable person. If I was him, I would actually be pissed off about it. I would say "I'm black but I'm also a person as well not just a color of skin".
I would recommend that you drop Palin and support Jindal.
I would argue that he will be the best match for Obama in 2012. Frankly, I am scared. He is the best kept secret of the G.O.P; and I am not even in that camp...
Kofi;"I would recommend that you drop Palin and support Jindal.
I wouldn't place to much stock in a Jindal nomination. Obama was slammed by the hard right evangelicals who attempted to label him as a Muslim. Jindal was (perhaps still secretly is) a Hindu until he became an adult.
Evangelicals are not at all politically tolerant of any other religion.
The right wing attack machine should expect the same kind of attacks on Jindal, and very similar smear tactics against their candidate.
kofi bofah " I would recommend that you drop Palin and support Jindal.
I would argue that he will be the best match for Obama in 2012. Frankly, I am scared. He is the best kept secret of the G.O.P; and I am not even in that camp.."
Right now I support both Palin and Jindal kofi. I've been a major supporter of Jinal for a while now. When he speaks, it's just like listening to Reagan. With
that being said, I'm not sure if he will have the name recognition to beat people like Palin, Romney. I think he will be pushed hard by social conservatives. As for Palin, I like her. I did some research on how she manages as a governor in Alaska, and she is a fiscal hawk. That is something the Republican Party on a national level haven't seen in awhile. She made a few mistakes, but Obama made more and was elected. All of the claims by the anonymous McCain staffer turned out to be bogus and on top of that Palin has been cleared of any wrong doing in regards to the "troopergate" investigation.So there really isn't anything hanging over her head if she decides to fight in 2012. So for now those two are on my radar list as the top tier candidates for the Republican nomination in 2012.
p allen " I would recommend that you drop Palin and support Jindal.
I would argue that he will be the best match for Obama in 2012. Frankly, I am scared. He is the best kept secret of the G.O.P; and I am not even in that camp.."
This coming from the same person that said Obama was going to lose due to the "Bradley affect" allen? lol
You were wrong in a big way then in judging white voters, and your wrong now in judging evangelical voters. Matter of fact Jindal is set to meet with a very influential evangelicals at at a Christian conference in Iowa
CB;"This coming from the same person that said Obama was going to lose due to the "Bradley affect" allen? lol"
I never said Obama would lose due to the Bradley Effect.... I said I was "apprehensive" about whites voting for Obama.
I also said that Obama would need a "majority" of the white vote to win. I was wrong! He only recevied 43 percent of the white vote, yet he still won.
What's different in the case of Republicans and Evangelicals is that the hard line religious right demands control over the party and it's platform. This faction is stead-fast and set in their ideals.
I just came across your blog too. And I am aware your blog posts are not recent. I am interested if you would include links to support your position about Palin. There is documented evidence even if the media is liberal. I think your opinions could more analytical. Then maybe those American "sheep" would more enlightened. I certainly am confused and unclear about the republican's position on the economy. As you mentioned the media is biased. So than I recommend you present the facts that include the conservative principles and ideology. I get the impression your conservative stance is based on ranting and republican platitudes. Instead Americans need new ideas,a new premise. The conservatives have a lot of work to do too. Another thing, what are some of your solutions?
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