A 1995 Interview of Barack Obama praising his "former pastor" Jerimiah Wright.
I will keep saying it even if Obama wins Tuesday. A person is judged by the company he or she keeps as well as that person's personal judgment. This is an interview Barack Obama gave back in 1995 in Chicago. Notice in the background is a copy of Obama's book "Dreams of my father". Most of Obama's supporters never even heard of this book, and the media has completely ignored it. That book tells a lot about Obama's admiration for his father that was a devouted socialist in Kenya. Anyways, Obama talks about him discovering his identity. As a bi racial child, it looks like he wishes to identify with just one part of his race and not both. In his book, Obama stated that the reason he joined Trinity United Cult of Christ was "because he was drawn to it's black value system". These are the words from the "holly man" of "Christian love" that Obama "had" such respect and admiration for.
I don't mean to spam your blog; but I see that you claim Baltimore as the #1 slum in America.
I would award that designation to Detroit:
Forgotten America: The Other Side of Capitalism
I have profiled a list of my top 13 most miserable U.S. cities. Don't worry - Baltimore is on there...
For a post-Halloween shock, Google "Obama Supports Public Depravity." (This regularly occurs in Nancy Pelosi's pigpen, and the SF mayor tells cops to NOT arrest anyone exercising the illegal, kinky, child-abusing "rights" Obama supports which are flaunted on public streets in front of little children!) After recovering, Yahoo "God to Same-Sexers: Hurry Up" and "Dangerous Radicals of the Religious Right." Obama etc. don't want anyone to know what goes on at g-y festivals because news of them could ignite and unite the Religious Right like nothing else - which explains why nothing was said about g-y rights at any of the Presidential debates! Joretta
kofi bofah "I have profiled a list of my top 13 most miserable U.S. cities. Don't worry - Baltimore is on there..."
Thank you kofi. Baltimore actually should be ranked number 2 or 3. Baltimore has one of highest if not the highest murder rate per capita of population, it also has one of the lowest income per capita of any major metropolitan city. As long as liberalism has been around, I would think there would be no more slums in America. The cities with the slums are run and controlled by liberals, yet the conditions never seem to get better decade after decade forget about year after year.
"For a post-Halloween shock, Google "Obama Supports Public Depravity." (This regularly occurs in Nancy Pelosi's pigpen, and the SF mayor tells cops to NOT arrest anyone exercising the illegal, kinky, child-abusing "rights" Obama supports which are flaunted on public streets in front of little children!) After recovering, Yahoo "God to Same-Sexers: Hurry Up" and "Dangerous Radicals of the Religious Right." Obama etc. don't want anyone to know what goes on at g-y festivals because news of them could ignite and unite the Religious Right like nothing else - which explains why nothing was said about g-y rights at any of the Presidential debates! Joretta"
I wouldn't walk through the streets of San Francfrisko, I would be afraid of breathing the air. It doesn't surprise me the types of people supporting Obama, There's the liberal Hollywood coke tray crowd, I wonder if Obama is promising them free razor blades to cut up their stuff. The porn industry is supporting Obama. I guess they need to make sure that abortion stays legal in case one of their workers become "knocked up" I meant injured in their profession. Gangster rappers are supporting Obama as well. I wonder are they going to try to fit the Presidential limo with chrome and 24'inch rims? Of course the flamming homosexual crowd is behind Obama. Opps, that was a bad choice of words!! lol The issue gays and marriage come up in the last debate between Obama and McCain though. Of course Obama is lying, he knows he support changing the definition of marriage to accommodate gays. Obama did learn something while at Harvard Law School. He learned to lie pretty well.
Yes Barrack Obama is a two-faced fork-tongued phony! A vile bigot to the tenth degree! His contempt for this country and its citizens is quite off putting how can anyone vote for a man. When he has shady companions and he won't refute any serious charges against him. Being aligned with morally bankrupt socialists and a false prophet says more about Obama than his hope and change mantra!
If Barrack Obama wins and he drags this country through the slime and the mud I hope people no longer cower before that tired old racist charge!
I can't help but conclude that Barrack Obama is vile bigot and it speaks volumes about how morally bankrupt a lot of people in the Democratic party really are!
Liberals are lying hypocritical dirt bags!
I don't want any sermon from them about diversity or tolerance and their phony erase the hate campaigns.
I hope you don't mind I linked your site to a post I did regarding an experience I had. Love your blog.
tenderfoot"I hope you don't mind I linked your site to a post I did regarding an experience I had. Love your blog."
Thank you tenderfoot.I don't mind at all. Glad you like it.
chilerkle "Yes Barrack Obama is a two-faced fork-tongued phony! A vile bigot to the tenth degree! His contempt for this country and its citizens is quite off putting how can anyone vote for a man. When he has shady companions and he won't refute any serious charges against him. Being aligned with morally bankrupt socialists and a false prophet says more about Obama than his hope and change mantra!"
No tell me how you really feel about Obama Chilerkle lol lol I feel the same way.This election for us is like having the choice of being placed inside of a furnace or boiler. Either one is no good. Obama becoming President is bad enough, but just think about the people he will appoint as President!! His cabinet will be enough to scare me! I am willing to bet that he will reconnect with Wright after the election win or lose. I'm thinking about starting a nationwide grassroots effort to expose the mainstream media for the bunch of manipulating, bias pieces of garbage that they really are. If Obama does win Tuesday, it will be because of the media protecting Obama and unfairly going after McCain and Palin. They're is an enormous amount of material about Obama the media just turned it's head on. I can't stand the media with a passion! I know churches across America were telling their congregations about the issues that are important to them in this election. In the black churches, I know the pastors were talking more or so inline about the "historic" aspect of this election. Of course, the morality of how the candidates lineup in regards to who better represents the the beliefs of Christians was thrown out the window chilerkle.
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