Zo lays it down cold on the liberal's weak attempt to bring down Rush Limbaugh
This is Zo smacking liberals around as usual. This time he completely rips in the utterly weak and pathetic tactic by kooky liberals trying to create the myth that Rush Limbaugh is the leader of the Republican Party. He also tongue lashed D.L Hughely in a way that has to be seen. Liberals kooks despise Zo very much, that's why he's alright in my book.
Zo is something else with words.
I completely missed the Rush Limbaugh madness:)
I heard that Hughley lost his job. Please confirm this. Is this their idea of diversity? Have mercy.
Brilliant, as always.
he is great. I wrote a "My Conservative Man."
You missed it pamela?! lol lol
Democrats want to use Rush Limbaugh as the new "GOP BOOBEYMAN" to replace Bush. They even admitted it. How lame is that pamela? If their policies and ideology was so in tune with the American people, they wouldn't need to create an opposition figure head in which to create support. Rush is just loving this pamela. Thanks to Emanuel and Carvil, Rush's is gaining even more listeners. He even challenged Obama to a debate last week since they want to call him the leader of the GOP. It's just amazing that the White House is going after a private citizen. I guess they need a distraction to take people's attention off of the economy. They know they can only milk the "last 8 years line" for so long.Hughley experienced the Donald Trump experience pamela, he was fired by CNN. It is confirmed. The timing is suspect though . I don't know whether people complained to CNN about the interview or just that Hughley sucked in the ratings and was canned because of that. Steele should have known that the only reason he was invited on Hughley show was to be setup against Limbaugh. If I was Steele, the red light would have immediately went off in my head as soon as I got the phone call from CNN.
To me this is the beginning of the silencing of the Opposition. I hope it backfires on Obama's minions in the media and congress!
I'm glad Rush gained more listeners to the annoyance of Obama and his followers!
Obama can't ignore the Tea Parties and rising annoyance with his confiscatory bill. I won't call it a stimulus package that's dishonest.
I heard even Whoopi Goldberg is not too happy about the tax increases that will result from the stimulus package(read confiscatory bill)
link from Michelle Malkin's blog:
You know this bill is bad when a staunch liberal like Whoopi is not happy about it!
I remember when Harry Reid and I think 20+ other Democratic congressmen wrote a letter to KABC stating that Rush had painted all soldiers in Iraq that disagreed with Bush as fake soldiers when he was talking about a handful that were indeed fake. Some organization got millions of dollars when he auctioned the letter off on eBay. Reid tried to play it off like he was in on the deal. Rush called their bluff and asked all of them to contribute to the non-profit organization since they were supposedly in on the ruse. I howled out loud about this.
You would think that after that humiliation they would have learned their lesson. I guess they are showing that they really think the American people are stupid. This is incredibly insane to me to see another repeat of this madness. SMH while LOL. I'm sure Rush is indeed having a blast.
chilerkle "To me this is the beginning of the silencing of the Opposition. I hope it backfires on Obama's minions in the media and congress!"
Let them try chilerkle. It will only expose them as the oppressors of free speech we all know they are. We can tell others until we are blue in the face, sometimes people learn about others from watching the operate in their true form. Just like roaches don't come out until the lights are off.
chilerkle "I'm glad Rush gained more listeners to the annoyance of Obama and his followers!"
The Obama flunkies at Newsweek are releasing an anti Rush story with Rush on the cover tomorrow. The cover page has a picture of Rush with the word "ENOUGH!" over his mouth. I guess either the loyal Obama koolaid drinkers at Newsweek are just mad at Limbaugh for challenging Obama or they got their marching orders from Carvil or Emanuel.
chilerkle "I heard even Whoopi Goldberg is not too happy about the tax increases that will result from the stimulus package(read confiscatory bill)"
I guess when Obama talked about for 19 months or so about raising the taxes on "the rich", Whoopi never thought it would apply to her even though she is a member of the evil rich Obama is targeting. lol. Whoopi is just another example of a clueless liberal finally realizing that what she supports can and does hurt her as well.
chilerkle "You know this bill is bad when a staunch liberal like Whoopi is not happy about it!"
Liberals that claim to want "universal health care" will regret it if it ever happens in this country. They have this romantic notion on how things should be. Their nightmare is realized when their dreams come true. I would tell Whoopi to stop crying, she voted for him. They're is no hope, and she has to deal with the change.
pamela "I remember when Harry Reid and I think 20+ other Democratic congressmen wrote a letter to KABC stating that Rush had painted all soldiers in Iraq that disagreed with Bush as fake soldiers when he was talking about a handful that were indeed fake."
Democrats never let the truth get in the way of a good Republican smear job Pamela. That's Democrat politics 101.
Pamela "Some organization got millions of dollars when he auctioned the letter off on eBay. Reid tried to play it off like he was in on the deal. "
Play it off?!!!lol If Forrest Gump was a real person, I believe even he would laugh at Reid.
Pamela "Rush called their bluff and asked all of them to contribute to the non-profit organization since they were supposedly in on the ruse. I howled out loud about this."
Rush has that ability to play liberals for absolute suckers. He does it better then anyone. That's why he has 25 million listeners daily. Hopefully next year will mark the end of Harry Reid in the U.S Senate. This is the clown that said in the summer " he can smell the visitors".
I hope Obama and Liberal's arrogance gets the better of them and they publicly call the American people stupid!
What would be even more delicious is if it was caught on tape and some blogger uploads the video on youtube because I doubt the media would dare show the video it would surely reflect poorly on them. Like, they have integrity let alone credibility!
Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter are entertainers.
God of Bacon "Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter are entertainers."
You wish that Ann and Rush are merely entertainer bacon. It's easy to try and diminish "what they say" when you "demean their status as people". That is a classic liberal trait. Attack the messenger instead of the message. If Rush is just a simple entertainer as you say, why is a political party and the Presidential Community Organizer so worried about what an "entertainer" says bacon?
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