Wednesday, June 17, 2009

How is "Obamacare" going to be funded?

How is Obama and Democrats going to pay for Obama's government sponsored health care? I've heard the dribble about how it's going to "compete" with private insurers in the free market. It actually sounds odd just saying it. Saying that the government is going to compete with the private sector is like saying oil is going to try and bond with water. Government doesn't work well with nor likes the private sector. The whole notion of government entering the private sector to "compete" is so bogus just on face value alone. Companies are in business to make money. Profit is a dirty word that Obama and liberal politicians don't like to hear. If the government cared about profitability, Amtrak and the Post Office would be both running in the "black" instead of constantly in the "red". I've said this many times before, Government is about "control". Obama can care less how much money it will take to create this disaster in the making. The goal is simple. The more people that are dependent on the government is more people under the government's thumb. Think of government entitlements as nothing more then "political crack". From a financial perspective, it is no way possible that any good can come from a government health care system. Right now our country is in debt up to it's eyeballs, yet the money presses just keep on running and printing. In the exit polls conducted after the election, people claimed that the economy was their number one issue. Americans are getting extremely ticked off at the government's continuous accumulation of debt. The state governments are equally as guilty in all this. California is on the verge of bankruptcy because of fiscally irresponsible, self serving politicians. Obama is no different. Obama and Democrats don't want to use the "Congressional Budget Office" numbers to predict how much Obamacare is going to cost. Thats because it completely exposes how much of a catastrophic disaster this scam really is going to be to the public. Obama nor his loyal stooges can give a straight answer on the actual cost. How much will it cost?! I have another question. Is Obamacare going fix the economy? Never mind what I just said. I forgot that "A CRISIS IS A TERRIBLE THING TO WASTE".


Blogger BarbFD said...

Ty: We will all be paying for those who elect not to purchase insurance but have enough money to do so...we will also be paying for those illegal immigrants who are in our country illegally. I do not mind so much helping those who have problems affording insurance, as I have personally been there in that situation. (ie...being laid off and can't afford $1200 per month for cobra) I do not understand why the government can't simply "weed out" those illegals, contact those who can afford but won't, and I am positive that the numbers of uninsured will dwindle drastically!

I also wish everyone could see the following videos, posted on

This is a terribly long tag, but scroll down and listen carefully to the lady in the video, and expert; The tag is: What to Expect with Obama's Proposed "Health Care Reform" dated March 12, 2009- this is very important, so listen!!!!
Ty: Tried to email you information, but it bounced back to me...

10:51 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

BarbFD "We will all be paying for those who elect not to purchase insurance but have enough money to do so...we will also be paying for those illegal immigrants who are in our country illegally"

Notice BarbFD that the media and Obama drones in general aren't mentioning that. They talk very boldly about how many people are uninsured "yet the percentage is very small", but they never one talk about the legal status of the people that would be "dependent" on the system. Notice how those that want "government run" health care never ever talk about reforming and fixing the existing system.Do you really want to know the "real reason" why the government can care less about how many illegals flood through the borders? Its no secret that Social Security is going broke. The only way to prop up the Ponzi Scheme is simply to have more "CONTRIBUTORS" into the system then that are "BENEFITING FROM IT". It's like any Ponzi Scheme. If the federal government gives legal status to 30 million illegals, they all get social security cards, and they start to "PAY INTO THE SYSTEM" in order to infuse it. There is always an alternative reason why the government does what it does BarbFD. I'll check my email, I might have a spam setting set too high Barb. Send it again please.

1:00 AM  
Anonymous Chilerkle said...

But that means my relatives in the medical field will be screwed over by Government funded healthcare. I've noticed that Government employees make meager salaries. How are Nurses and Doctors going to make ends meet on meager salaries. Why can't the politicians take a paycut?

I don't support Government funded healthcare because I've notice the quality of Government Healthcare overseas is abysmal.

7:22 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

Chilerkle "But that means my relatives in the medical field will be screwed over by Government funded healthcare. I've noticed that Government employees make meager salaries. How are Nurses and Doctors going to make ends meet on meager salaries. Why can't the politicians take a paycut?

It just may happen Chilerkle, sorry to say. The government always want to be the top dog. It doesn't like competition. I don't care what Obama and his hordes say, they will find a way to muscle out private insures so that in the end the government will be the sole provider of health care. Did you just ask why don't politicians take a pay cut Chilerkle?! That was funny. Corrupt people with absolute power will never vote to "limit" their power or the "perks" that comes with having power Chierkle.Thats the golden rule of politics. Granted thought, it would make for a great symbolic gesture. It would be like when Bill Clinton said "My fellow Americans, I feel your pain".Chilerkle, did you know that there is a provision in the "government rationing health care bill" that allows members of congress "NOT TO BE BINDED TO THE SAME HEALTH CARE SYSTEM THEY WANT US TO MANDATORY APART OF"! They can "opt" out. They are trying to pedal the illusion that this government health care bill is going to be the same as the health care coverage they get now as members of congress.

Chilerkle "I don't support Government funded healthcare because I've notice the quality of Government Healthcare overseas is abysmal."

I heard HORROR STORIES about the subpar treatment our soldiers get at the VA Hospitals. We have way too many fools in this country that honestly believe that the government is gong to provide them "top notch" care for practically nothing in cost Chilerkle. Most of those that believe this fairy tale are young people. The very same people that voted for an illusion last year. There is no such thing as a free lunch Chilerkle, and the Obama drones still haven't figured that out. I just wish we didn't have to suffer because of their stupidity.

9:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just recently discovered your Blog. REFRESHING. As an African-American for over 4 decades, I have found it so difficult finding divergent philosophical discussions absent of party marginalization, cultural distortion and childish invective.

Are ther people out there who naively believe that we are a pure capitalistic society? If so, they probably don’t know much about the post-depression American governmental system.

It has been argued that as a result of the Great depression, we already have socialized medicine and a progressive tax system that subverts the freewill and converts the hard-earned dollars of the young and gives to the old.

This is why I stare incredulously at anyone who says that government does not need to be in the health care, but give me my social security check and where’s by Medicare benefits? I am not incredulous because I disagree with them, I am incredulous because they seem to not realize from whence their Medicaid/Medicare coverage comes.

I have always said that as long as we the American people continue to ask government for things, government, like a parent to a spoiled child, will continue to try to give us those things...sometimes at the expense of future generations of Americans.

Some historians have postulated that one of the reasons that England began raising taxes on the Colonists is because of the rising costs of buying and defending new territories and providing military protection for the home country. This eventually became increasingly more difficult the more expansion occurred.

Therfore, the American Revolution ensued in some measure as a result of the colonist’s reluctance to pay for these costs.

Today, the largest expenditures in the federal budget are as follows:

Social Security
Unemployment Ins

Totaling 75% of the budget

Republicans and Democrats have known about these spiraling costs for at least 4 presidencies and multiple congresses. Plans to seriously address these costs were considered politically distasteful for both sides and it was not prioritized because the spoiled child was cried for staus quo.

By some estimates, it will reach 100% by 2016. Yet we continue to ask for more.

To paraphrase a thermodynamic dictum” if the pressure is not release host vessel will violently fail” or to paraphrase Sir Isaac Newton:” What goes up must come down.”

Ruthless Pragmatist

4:33 PM  

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