Sunday, August 23, 2009

Note to Obama from Michael Steele regarding Obamacare: Put it on the table for an UP or DOWN vote!

Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele told reporters Thursday that Obama isn't fooling anyone when it comes to wanting bipartisan support of his government run health care legislation. Only the truly ignorant or people who have been living on an island for the last two years would believe that Democrats can't pass any legislation without Republicans supporting it or even want them too. This whole bipartisan joke being spewed by Obama and Democrats is so laughable. Steele along with Republicans realize that they are in the driver seat on this issue. They are perfectly aligned with the majority of the American people. It would be political suicide for them to join the Democrats and Obama. It's nice to know that Michael is standing firm on this issue. Obama and is liberal kooks in congress "own this bill". I said this in my last post. Republicans shouldn't lift a finger in helping with a bill unless "tort reform is addressed and the government option if completely off the table".


Anonymous Barbara said...

I love this ... Michael is calling them out! "Up or down baby, put it on the table".

While our government is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on this health reform that, obviously, the American people do not want, this is in the news today.

"Millions of older people face shrinking Social Security checks next year, the first time in a generation that payments would not rise.

The trustees who oversee Social Security are projecting there won't be a cost of living adjustment (COLA) for the next two years. That hasn't happened since automatic increases were adopted in 1975.

By law, Social Security benefits cannot go down. Nevertheless, monthly payments would drop for millions of people in the Medicare prescription drug program because the premiums, which often are deducted from Social Security payments, are scheduled to go up slightly."

We, meaning the Obama administration, have poured billions of dollars into corrupt corporate practices to stimulate our economic environment and yet we are now going to not provide a cost of living adjustment to our elderly and disabled and increase, ever so slightly, their Medicare prescription drug premiums. Change? I don't think we are "changing" for the better here.

1:03 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

the demoncats do not want an up or down vote and I can tell you why:

1. They do not have enough to pass with a single payer public option.
2. The 2010 elections are looming large and key deomocats are in big trouble [Harry Reid, Arlen Specter, etc].
3. The demoncats control the whitehouse, senate and the house. They can no longer blame republicans for anything.

1:59 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

Barbara "Millions of older people face shrinking Social Security checks next year, the first time in a generation that payments would not rise."

It wouldn't be a shock barbara if the non increase is blamed on Bush somehow. This is something that hasn't been mentioned. As our country racks up more and more debt, the dollar becomes weaker and weaker. A weaker dollar and massive debt contributes to inflation. The automatic increases in Social Security of course was designed to try and stay ahead of inflation. So with inflation continuing and no increases happening for at least two years, people collecting social security will actually be "losing" money. Of course the media will never put in that context.If Bush was still president, the media would be calling it a cut as loud as they could.

5:28 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

Mr. Tent Trash "the demoncats do not want an up or down vote and I can tell you why:

1. They do not have enough to pass with a single payer public option.
2. The 2010 elections are looming large and key deomocats are in big trouble [Harry Reid, Arlen Specter, etc].
3. The demoncats control the whitehouse, senate and the house. They can no longer blame republicans for anything."

I wouldn't say they don't have enough votes yet allan. It is hard to say how the blue mutt dems are going to vote. They would be fools to believe that if they support this mess, they'll be safe in their conservative districts come next year. The number objective of any self serving politician is "self preservation". I believe a certain percentage will say screw Obama, Pelosi and Reid and vote against it out of seeing their home district poll numbers collapsing. I just hope the clueless, go along to get along RINO's don't counter the number of blue dog defectors allan.

5:35 PM  

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