Thursday, October 22, 2009

My thoughts on Obama's 4 hour lay over in New Orleans on his way to San Francisco.

Liberals have pimped up the victims of Hurricane Katrina ever since it happened. They've used it as a political sledge hammer in which to attack George Bush. During the 2006 midterm elections, the one word that was repeated more then any other word by Democrats was "Katrina". Obama used New Orleans and Katrina repeatedly during his campaign last year. Well now that Obama is the President, I doubt he nor Democrats will have a need to politically pimp the people of New Orleans anymore. Its no wonder why Obama only spent four hours in News Orleans last week. Rich liberal donors are more important then poor folks that he's already exploited. I bet Obama stayed in San Francisco for the Democrat fund raiser longer then the four hours lay over he had in New Orleans. Poor impoverished people aren't exactly Obama's type of gig anyways.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tyrone Obama doesnt care either. If he cared why didn he go and not stay with the poor downtrodden slaves on the Dem plantation like Allen the slave in Detroit and his other 85% black slaves of Obama's Dem plantation with the black cracker. All crackers were not white but blacks cracked the whips also. CRACK THAT WHIP ALLEN! LOL

Abraham Lincoln said he would not be a slave and as such he would not be a slave master.

10:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



8:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not a surprise considering that Left's war on poverty hasn't lifted people out of poverty.
I've noticed that people on welfare get penalized every time they earn more money. Welfare is more of a trap than a solution to poverty.

12:08 PM  
Anonymous Joe M said...

While I think it woulda been nice for him to role up his sleeves and really see what's going on, I think it's sad that they are waiting on him or any other politican. Being from Baltimore I see what liberals do to the poor... Keeping them out of good schools, distorting history, encouraging disinfrancisement... People need to realize that if you want anything in life you need to get it yourself, no one is going to give you a nice community unless you make it that way plain and simple.

8:06 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

Almondtea "Not a surprise considering that Left's war on poverty hasn't lifted people out of poverty.
I've noticed that people on welfare get penalized every time they earn more money. Welfare is more of a trap than a solution to poverty."

The war on poverty has cost this nation multiple times then what the operations in Iraq and Afghanistan have costed by far. It is an illusion to believe that the government can actually left people out of poverty, yet dependent souls are mentally beaten down to believe it almondtea. Just like the audio of those woman in Detroit. They were joyful to get a few crumbs that will do nothing to help their economic circumstances one bit. Rich liberals wouldn't dare show the poor how to emulate their success. To empower the poor to become something other then poor is to deny liberals a loyal, obedient, impoverished class.

10:20 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

Joe M"While I think it woulda been nice for him to role up his sleeves and really see what's going on, I think it's sad that they are waiting on him or any other politican. Being from Baltimore I see what liberals do to the poor... Keeping them out of good schools, distorting history, encouraging disinfrancisement... People need to realize that if you want anything in life you need to get it yourself, no one is going to give you a nice community unless you make it that way plain and simple."

Being from Baltimore, you do know the BS that comes out of City Hall. O'Malley when he was mayor had the bumper sticker slogan "Believe". It was absolutely as meaningless as

Clinton's "Hope"
Obama's "Change" slogans
They were just empty political catch words designed to fool gullible minded people.

10:24 PM  
Anonymous Whouni said...

Tyrone, are those figure skating trophies in the background?

3:48 PM  

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