Thursday, December 10, 2009

Will Smith thinks that Barack Obama represents a "flash point in the evolution of humanity"?

How in the hell can so many people on the left be so freaking mentally screwed up?! I haven't been to the movies in years and for good reason. I will not contribute my hard earned money to a community of hypocritical, communist loving, dim witted Hollyweird drones. Hollweird is a place where when people age it doesn't bring maturity. Actor Will Smith said in an interview with CNN that Barack Obama marks a "flash point in evolution" for humanity.

Liberals believe that Barack Obama is the smartest person to ever hold the position of President. They worship him as some sort of god like person. They become very insulted when people challenge them on their claim of his intelligence. They still can't answer to this day why their beloved messisiah refuses to release his grades from when he attended Occidental College, Princeton and Harvard. This is what happens when a typical Hollyweird liberal like Will Smith speaks without having a script prepared for him to memorize, he sounds foolish. Contrary to what Will Smith said, there is nothing evolutionary about Barack Obama, and he hasn't played a historic role on the world's stage in regards to being a great humanitarian figure. What I'm saying may sound harsh to does who are Obama supporters, but the facts are the facts. Great humanitarian figures that come to mind are Mahatma Ghandi, Mother Theressa, Billy Graham, Dr. Martin Luther King, President Ronald Reagan, These people are etched into the timeline of humanity, because they have actually contributed to the changing of humanity with their deeds. Obama was merely elected to a political office. Barack Obama today while accepting his honary Noble Peace Prize admitted that he did nothing to deserve it. I have to give him credit for him admitting the obvious. Praise and accolades come when people actual do things to earn them not just for merely being born a certain skin color and elected because of it. That's something Will Smith and his fellow celebratards will never comprehend. It's just not in their script.


Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"Great humanitarian figures that come to mind are Mahatma Ghandi, Mother Theressa, Billy Graham, Dr. Martin Luther King, President Ronald Reagan".

Ronald Reagan???? That's certainly a matter of opinion...

CB;"Praise and accolades come when people actual do things to earn them not just for merely being born a certain skin color and elected because of it".

Tyrone it appears as though you just can't get past the idea that President Obama is Black. Your conservative mentors have pushed that issue since the presidential campaign began.

I already know how you're going to reply, by spouting the rhetorical conservative talking point; "it's the libruls always claiming racism whenever someone disagrees with Obama's policies." In fact, that's exactly my point!!

President Obama has never stated nor implied that his only, primary, secondary, or indirect emphasis, and interests would be placed on Blacks, minorities or any other racial group in America. There is no proof whatsoever showing that he has! As a matter of fact, some minorities have began to complain because he hasn't addressed certain issues he said he would during the campaign.

Allow me to digress to the issue at hand. You have stated that you believe that President Obama;

* received the Noble Prize because of "the color of his skin."

* was elected President because he is Black

* receives a pass in the "librul" media because he Black

* is loved around the globe because he's Black

* received the "BLACK DEMOCRATIC VOTE" because he's black.

that's just to name a few...

So, if you hold all of those beliefs (and then some) why is it difficult for you to believe that some conservative's do indeed hate President Obama because he's Black?

You're a human being Tyrone. A human being with emotions that are no different from anyone else. Let me show you why you resent President Obama Black.

First off, let's bar being rich or poor because the state of being rich or poor can change, whereas race and gender is basically for life.

Let's say (lord forbid) that Sarah Palin got the Republican nomination. If for one minute I were to believe that the only reason she received the nomination was because she was a woman, and the everything she did, and everything she gained was because she was a "woman", I would indeed despise her simply because she is a woman.

In fact you would feel the same way if someone received all they have simply because they were white! That's not to say you would hate "white people" per se', you would just hate that idea that they received the "accolades" and all that goes with it solely because the person is White.

Your mentor's Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity, Savage, Coulter, Levin, et al, are loading you mind with bull crap. It is they who get a kick out of making the president race an issue. And whenever they hear a "Black conservative" call the president a racist, it sends a tingle up their leg...

1:44 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen "Ronald Reagan???? That's certainly a matter of opinion..."

Let me help you understand allen with facts. The greatest threat to humanity and civiliation is the potential use of nuclear weapons.Reagan ended the nuclear standoff between two superpower nations without a single missle being fired. The facts are what they are allen. Sorry reality doesn't suit you very well in this case.

p allen "Tyrone it appears as though you just can't get past the idea that President Obama is Black. Your conservative mentors have pushed that issue since the presidential campaign began."

It seems allen that you can't come to grips that the only reason for all of unwarranted praise towards Obama is because he is a black liberal
president. If Obama was a black conservative, this praise of his would exist. It isn't merely because he is black by itself. I asked you a question several times, and I am still waiting for the answer. What is the difference between Barack Obama, John Kerry, Al Gore, Jimmy Carter, Walter Mondall, Michael Dukakis and Hillary Clinton ideology wise? All of these people ran for president. Unless you can tell me differences that make Obama stand out from any other liberal ideology wise to make his worthy of being worshipped as some transformational figure, my point is more then valid.

p allen "I already know how you're going to reply, by spouting the rhetorical conservative talking point; "it's the libruls always claiming racism whenever someone disagrees with Obama's policies." In fact, that's exactly my point!!"

Is Harry Reid a conservative allen? He tried to link anyone who opposed a government run health care bill with people who wanted to block the advancement of civil rights and women suffrage legislation. So try again allen. Using the race card is shameful in itself, but what liberal read did is beyond words.

p allen "President Obama has never stated nor implied that his only, primary, secondary, or indirect emphasis, and interests would be placed on Blacks, minorities or any other racial group in America. There is no proof whatsoever showing that he has! As a matter of fact, some minorities have began to complain because he hasn't addressed certain issues he said he would during the campaign."

What are you talking about allen? Where did I ever say Obama was going to make blacks were going to be his first priority? I wrote a few weeks ago that the congressional black caucus and other black groups are upset with Obama over the high unemployment rate among blacks.

9:49 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen "Allow me to digress to the issue at hand. You have stated that you believe that President Obama;

* received the Noble Prize because of "the color of his skin."
* was elected President because he is Black
* receives a pass in the "librul" media because he Black
* is loved around the globe because he's Black
* received the "BLACK DEMOCRATIC VOTE" because he's black.
that's just to name a few..."

You talk about me making an issue of race, did you read the story I did about your liberal pals over at MSNBC commenting on the race of the people standing in line at Palin book signings allen? As to what you were saying. Can you name any other U.S President to be awards a noble Peace prize weeks after being sworn into office allen? If you can, please name him.

So, if you hold all of those beliefs (and then some) why is it difficult for you to believe that some conservative's do indeed hate President Obama because he's Black? Liberals and the media made the issue during the election about "making history", what "history" was made with the election of Obama allen? It was the history of Obama's skin. Dam, just go and google Obama and making history. When you see calanders and posters of Obama next to Dr. King, what is the comparison allen? You can try all you like, you can't deny other obvious "historic" aspect of Obama, and it has nothing to do with him as a person beyond the color of his skin. Obama is loved around the world by liberals, socialists and communists because he is not only black but he's black and one of them.

p allen "So, if you hold all of those beliefs (and then some) why is it difficult for you to believe that some conservative's do indeed hate President Obama because he's Black"

Of course, there is always an opposite end to every center. I never stated other wise allen, but there are also moderates and liberals that don't like Obama because he's black also. When liberals and especially blacks ones came out during the campaign and said that if whites don't vote for Obama it's because they are racists. They actually tipped their hand to the only reason any should vote for Obama. When rapper Ludacris talked about "painting the white house black", what did that mean allen? You are getting on my case when you really should be looking at your fellow libs who made the only real case for why people should have voted for Obama.

10:21 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen "You're a human being Tyrone. A human being with emotions that are no different from anyone else. Let me show you why you resent President Obama Black."

So Dr. Allen is going to go inside my head and tell me something I don't know about myself?lol lol priceless, LOL

p allen "Let's say (lord forbid) that Sarah Palin got the Republican nomination. If for one minute I were to believe that the only reason she received the nomination was because she was a woman, and the everything she did, and everything she gained was because she was a "woman", I would indeed despise her simply because she is a woman."

You must be a sexist then Allen,hmm? Don't you want to make "history"? ;-)
Actually your comparison of Palin doesn't work with Obama allen for several reasons. Palin has the background to warrant her winning the republican nomination. She has the executive experience on the local and state level, most of our presidents have been governors. Would some state vote for her or against her, because she's a woman? Yes Obama on the other hand never had the experience, he was a state governor in Illinois and spend 4 months as a U.S Senator before running for President. If anything, it shows how sexist that Palin would be questioned about her being "qualified" or "prepared" while Obama was idolized and never questioned. The facts once again weigh out.

p allen "n fact you would feel the same way if someone received all they have simply because they were white! That's not to say you would hate "white people" per se', you would just hate that idea that they received the "accolades" and all that goes with it solely because the person is White."

The reason what I say have merit allen is because I know who the left thinks. As I stated before, Obama is no different then any other liberal in America. He doesn't have revolutionary idea that makes him stand out from the pack. With that being said, where are the songs and status and worship of people like Bill Clinton, Walter Mondall, LBJ etc? They were liberal presidents. So what made Obama before he was even elected worthy of the praise and accolades that liberal presidents before him never even came close to getting allen?

p allen "
Your mentor's Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity, Savage, Coulter, Levin, et al, are loading you mind with bull crap. It is they who get a kick out of making the president race an issue. And whenever they hear a "Black conservative" call the president a racist, it sends a tingle up their leg..."

Thanks for your liberal stereotypes of who you think are the mentors of a typical conservative allen. Actually my "mentor" is none of the above. If you need to know my conservative mentor is a guy by the name of Tom Marr here in Baltimore allen. Better luck with your next assumption. Just watching Obama follow in the footsteps of Carter is giving me my tingle up my leg and then some.

10:21 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

what has Obama actually done for the US or the world since he was elected? what tangible things has he done that are positive? I will not accept answers like: "he has brought hope.." or "he has engaged the community" or any left-wing psycho-babble like that. Some one please enumerate his accomplishments?

1:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't stand the people who voted for Obama because he's black. It just proves how shallow and phony liberals are! I'll proudly admit I never voted for Obama! Will Smith's statement about Obama being a flash point in the evolution of humanity is absurd!

Evolution is the ideology of eugenists who wanted to terminate the black race! Irony of Ironies!

People always use evolution as a justification for genocide! They ridicule people who disagree with their perverse ideology. Yeah if anything Obama represents the perversion of an ideal of a colorblind society! Obama represents narcissism hardly someone I'd want to look up to.

2:05 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"You must be a sexist then Allen,hmm? Don't you want to make "history"?.

Making "history" is only relevant to what has occured in the past.
A few years ago, one of my students won the 100 meter in the state Track & Field finals. He broke a long standing record for the fastest time, thus making "history." Making "history" was indeed a great accomplishment, yet all I hoped for, before and during the race, was for him to win...

I, like the vast majority of others who voted for President Obama, voted for him because we "wanted" him to win.

CB;"Actually your comparison of Palin doesn't work with Obama allen for several reasons. Palin has the background to warrant her winning the republican nomination".

Palin didn't win the Republican nomination. Contrary to your beliefs, Palin didn't even help McCains efforts in the presidential campaign.

4:08 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"You must be a sexist then Allen,hmm? Don't you want to make "history"?.

Making "history" is only relevant to what has occured in the past.
A few years ago, one of my students won the 100 meter in the state Track & Field finals. He broke a long standing record for the fastest time, thus making "history." Making "history" was indeed a great accomplishment, yet all I hoped for, before and during the race, was for him to win...

I, like the vast majority of others who voted for President Obama, voted for him because we "wanted" him to win.

CB;"Actually your comparison of Palin doesn't work with Obama allen for several reasons. Palin has the background to warrant her winning the republican nomination".

Palin didn't win the Republican nomination. Contrary to your beliefs, Palin didn't even help McCains efforts in the presidential campaign.

4:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is controversial figure who was nominated for the Nobel Prize: Stanley "Tookie" Williams, the founder of the criminal Crips gang unit, convicted killer, and who was sentenced to death for two murders he committed.
He was nominated because he wrote childrens books to guide them away from gang activity.
Williams didn't receive the prize, but it puzzles me that how his supporters would refer to him as a political prisoner before he was executed. Just because he wrote childrens books, I didn't think he should have been nominated in the first place.
As for Obama receiving the Nobel Prize, what has he done lately that was considered "noble", other than what you mentioned Tyrone, was that he made historical significance by being the first black (bi-racial to be exact) elected President of the United States? If he can get this country turn around and fix the economy, end the war on terror and other things that are worthwhile, then maybe he should be nominated.
Suppose if there was a black conservative that did something that was noble, would he/she get any recognition?

9:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon, Time made the greatest deceiver of the world as the mostinfluential man, and his name was Muhammad bin Adbuallah, the greatest pedophile, liar, schemer, slaver, racist as quran saidsura 3:54. KEEP THE PRIZE.

oBAMA SAID mUSLIMS INVENTED ALL THIS OR THAT, NEVER A WORD ABOUT ANY ONE ELSE, NOT A WORD. i WATched him and he felt uncomfortable, as any human with a conscious would. The same day 5 Muslims left to find Osama. He still praised Muslims. Black Muslim shot 4 policement in Washington State and 5 from DC and 22 killed in Somalia who had graduated from medical school, by a Muslim soldier of allah in a country suffering from lack of anything and everything. Not one word from any big time HNIC.

Beyonce was called a slut and a hoe by Muslims yet not a word. Connie Rice was cartooned as a black widow pregnant with monkies as Muslims have called black for 1400 years and not one word and this was from Allah and Muhammad not just a minor muslim.

Obama has 4 proponents of Sharia Law which mean all men over 12 will be castrated and all women will have their vagina cut out. Such a loving God, allah the DEvil sura 3:54.

Howard U. better watch out for an uprising of Muslims

10:53 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Anonymous;"Suppose if there was a black conservative that did something that was noble, would he/she get any recognition?.

Black conservatives must be recognized first within the conservative movement. In their present state, Black conservatives are not leaders, and aren't considered to be leaders. Black conservatives are followers...

2:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i salute will he visit Jerusalem
am not a real fan of him
wander if Obama was a white person
if would said same thing
or is t Obama is a black person
does he see a black person only
and blind to his program
apologizes Obama does t give a damm
for the american people
if was one black person should fit
be martin Luther king

3:31 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

plumppudding"I can't stand the people who voted for Obama because he's black. It just proves how shallow and phony liberals are! I'll proudly admit I never voted for Obama! Will Smith's statement about Obama being a flash point in the evolution of humanity is absurd!"

Liberals are shallow people, its to be expected. They're hypocrites first and foremost followed by shallow then petty. Those who did vote for Obama based mainly on his race showed how little they care about this country. They could care less if Obama wrecks it as long as he is the "proper skin color", they will defend him until the end.

p allen "I, like the vast majority of others who voted for President Obama, voted for him because we "wanted" him to win."

Oh really allen? Who do you think you're fooling?lol You still can't explain why Obama has been treated like no other president in history. From the songs, to the statues and shools being renamed after him, you can't explain it away. It is far far far more then people "just glad he won",please.

p allen quoting CB;"Actually your comparison of Palin doesn't work with Obama allen for several reasons. Palin has the background to warrant her winning the republican nomination".

p allen "Palin didn't win the Republican nomination. Contrary to your beliefs, Palin didn't even help McCains efforts in the presidential campaign."

Contrary to your disbelief 80% of republicans said that Palin did help the McCain ticket and was a welcome addition. Nice attempt at revisionist history, it make work on those kids your brainwash, but you should know it doesn't work here. lol You still haven't told me and everybody else what made Obama any different then others liberals that have run for President before him other then the color of his skin. Still waiting allen.

5:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Without Palin McCain would have had no votes. People voted for Palin not McCain.

Obama doesnt even think black, he is not black. He is an African ARAB from Kenya. A "Christian" who never praises a Christian black of white or otherweise. He praises Muslims who are told to kill Christians and Islam a religion that degrades blacks and for that I will say NO and the educatiom sex czar wanting fisting to kids!

5:55 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"You still can't explain why Obama has been treated like no other president in history. From the songs, to the statues and shools being renamed after him, ect...".

You ask how has been treated any differently?? First off, he is the first Black president of the United States of America. You do know your American history, don't you??? I see no need to continue to go over history with you...

You want to "play down" the fact that a Black man becoming POTUS, and that's all well and fine. But your personal animus is not what guides the hearts and minds of the rest of us that live in the "real" world.

It's no problem that you disagree with his politics and policies. Have at it! Take him to task on whatever you disagree with! But picking and choosing certain issues and situations, then using the idea that "it's because he's Black" is stupid no matter who does it...on the right or left!!!

However, you can't omit historic trends and idea's. Is America as racist as it was, let's say 40, 50, 60 or 70 years ago? ABSOLUTELY NOT!! We have a Black president to PROVE IT!! Yet are there still some racist attitudes in vestiges and pockets, some hidden and some openly displayed? Yes there is!

You don't know why some Whites claim that President Obama is "getting a pass." In the same vane, you don't know why some Whites would not give him a pass. Hell, it recently came to light that Neo-Nazi racist clown Hal Turner was being paid by the FBI to spout racist rhetoric.

You need to come off the "conservative go-to talking point." The president is Black, and so are YOU! Thus every time one of your "conservative radio pundits" lashes out about the president "getting a pass" because he's Black, that very same pundit can and will say the same about "YOU" if you were elected! All a pundit detractor need's is for someone to pay him to say it!

Every time you agree with or repeat; "Obama gets a pass, or, they like him, or, they gave it to him because he's Black" talking point, you close your mind to all other options. Such options which "could" be the actual reason but you've pasted a concept (like Prof. Henry Gates) that's comfortable in your despair.

CB;"You still haven't told me and everybody else what made Obama any different then others liberals that have run for President before him other then the color of his skin. Still waiting allen".

President Obama is Liberal on some issues, Centrist on others, and seemingly Right-Wing on others. Is escalating a war a "Liberal" policy? Is Universal Health care a "Centrist" policy?? Is a tax increase on the rich a "Right-Wing" policy? Is a tax-cut for middle class America Centrist?

As for the conservative take on the president, it's easy to find him depicted as a African witch doctor, an Ape, a coon, a nigger, ect... which all plays to his "color."

8:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No Allen only men YOUR COLOR. He is part white remember and an honary Arab.

Muslims said you were once white and handsome, now next to an animals like Darwin said and taught that the apelike man was YOU>

9:33 PM  
Blogger Erica said...

FYI. This site has been mentioned in an article on Jefferson's Rebels.

Black Conservative Voices Courageously Step Away from the Crowd

9:20 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen "You ask how has been treated any differently?? First off, he is the first Black president of the United States of America. You do know your American history, don't you??? I see no need to continue to go over history with you..."


He's the "first BLACK president". Getting you to finally admit the truth is like trying to yank teeth allen. Actually the unwarranted idol worship isn't soley because Obama is black. It's because he is black and liberal. Like I said before allen, If a black conservative was elected president, schools wouldn't be renamed after him or her, songs wouldn't be created to idoloize a black conservative president. You know I'm right allen.

p allen "You want to "play down" the fact that a Black man becoming POTUS, and that's all well and fine. But your personal animus is not what guides the hearts and minds of the rest of us that live in the "real" world."

How can I play that down allen? The facts are that he is the president and is black. I'm not "downplaying anything allen, if anything your liberal hordes are "over hyping" Obama being elected as the first black president. The renaming of schools and creating songs of praise are the perfect examples. Because you can't dispute what I say allen, you have to try and tar and feather what I say as being "animus" towards Obama. You simply can't address the facts straight on allen.

p allen "
It's no problem that you disagree with his politics and policies. Have at it! Take him to task on whatever you disagree with! But picking and choosing certain issues and situations, then using the idea that "it's because he's Black" is stupid no matter who does it...on the right or left!!!"

I'm not the one singing Obama's praises because he is a liberals and due to the color of his skin. I'm treating him as I would if John Kerry would have become president or Al Gore would have. In other words, I'm treating Obama as I would any other liberal no different.

p allen "However, you can't omit historic trends and idea's. Is America as racist as it was, let's say 40, 50, 60 or 70 years ago? ABSOLUTELY NOT!! We have a Black president to PROVE IT!! Yet are there still some racist attitudes in vestiges and pockets, some hidden and some openly displayed? Yes there is!"

If a black conservative was elected what you say wouldn't even be valid in the eyes of your liberal pals allen. You keep forgetting who you are talking to allen. You can't fool me for one second!! lol Racism will always exist.To end racism would mean to alter human thought. Trying to end racism is like trying to end poverty, good luck in that happening. Liberals tend to obsess on things they can never change, then they try to make their obsess everybody else's problem.

12:17 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen "You don't know why some Whites claim that President Obama is "getting a pass." In the same vane, you don't know why some Whites would not give him a pass. Hell, it recently came to light that Neo-Nazi racist clown Hal Turner was being paid by the FBI to spout racist rhetoric."

The has given Obama a pass from day one. That even can't be disputed with a straight face allen. Compare the media coverage of Obama by the media vs the coverage by the media of Governor Sarah Palin. I posted three times already Chris Mathews saying that "it was his job to see Obama succeed". The Washingto Post admitted that their coverage of Obama was basis in favor of giving him favorable press.

p allen "You need to come off the "conservative go-to talking point." The president is Black, and so are YOU! Thus every time one of your "conservative radio pundits" lashes out about the president "getting a pass" because he's Black, that very same pundit can and will say the same about "YOU" if you were elected! All a pundit detractor need's is for someone to pay him to say it!"

Hate to burst your bubble, but no "talking points needed". It's called using "common sense". CS is something that you libs try to avoid like the plague. Liberals can't talk out of both sides of their mouths allen. They can't say in one breath that they believe in diversity of idea, then criticize others as being racists because they have "opposing views".

p allen "President Obama is Liberal on some issues, Centrist on others, and seemingly Right-Wing on others. Is escalating a war a "Liberal" policy? Is Universal Health care a "Centrist" policy?? Is a tax increase on the rich a "Right-Wing" policy? Is a tax-cut for middle class America Centrist?"

This should be interesting. Please tell me the issues on which Obama is a "centrist"?

p allen "As for the conservative take on the president, it's easy to find him depicted as a African witch doctor, an Ape, a coon, a nigger, ect... which all plays to his "color."

If any conservative would call Obama those names, they have a problems. To say that these people representive conservatism allen does that mean that liberals who call woman like Sarah Plain "cunt, bitch, whore, milf" etc representing liberalism?

12:29 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"If a black conservative was elected president, schools wouldn't be renamed after him or her, songs wouldn't be created to idoloize a black conservative president. You know I'm right allen".

You are right Tyrone. But it's for reasons that you choose to ignore!

On the national level and to a degree at local levels, Black Conservatives politicians don't get elected...THEY'RE APPOINTED.

Black conservatives are ignored politically by Black liberals, White liberals and WHITE CONSERVATIVES! Politically speaking, Michael Steele is about the brightest politician (black or white) in the Republican party today. The only problem is that he's been delegated to play a role and he accepts it! If he had the moxie of say the "Bill & Hillary Clinton's" he could break down the "white conservative" power structure a further his political aspirations.

In every case I know of, Black Conservatives aren't leaders....THEY'RE FOLLOWERS. From Clarence Thomas to Micheal Steele to Ken Blackwell to Alan Keyes, from Michael Massey to Ward Conneley... barely if ever elected, and if needed selected, and all followers!

1:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10:37 AM  
Anonymous DCA said...

CB, you're right on the mark! Anyone who's read as little as "MacMillan's Encyclopedia Of Religion",topics "Eugenics", "Existentialism", knows YOU'RE the man of THIS hour!

I am caucasian (if not illegal to say "white"); B-Rock was from the same Hyde Park (U of C, Chicago) neighborhood as me; we had the most beautiful co-op food chain owned SINCE 1932 by people of every race/stripe in the neighborhood; B-Rock, Daley, and Quinn last year drove it into closure in a way that you warn of in your article.

Thanks for being another voice in cutting through the fog of propaganda.

9:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe you guys. This President has given health care to everybody, which is the most important thing any US President has done in 50 years, and you still argue about the color of his skin. Just this single goal is enough to make him stand head and shoulders above Reagan, Clinton, Carter, and the Bushes. What you're all doing is laughable and vulgar.

6:50 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

anonymous " I can't believe you guys. This President has given health care to everybody, which is the most important thing any US President has done in 50 years, and you still argue about the color of his skin."

Correction there anon. The president can't give healthcare to anyone. Unless he is paying for someone's health insurance out of his own pocket, he isn't giving anyone nothing. Other people will be hit with sky high taxes and FORCED TO PAY FOR OTHER PEOPLE'S SUBPAR HEALTHCARE. Unlike you and others, I can pay for my own stuff thank you very much. I'm not a freeber looking to free load off of the dollars of other peoples hard work. I guess for some, they don't have a problem with it.

anon "Just this single goal is enough to make him stand head and shoulders above Reagan, Clinton, Carter, and the Bushes. What you're all doing is laughable and vulgar."

It looks like you agree with making people the wards of the state anon. I'm just not down with being a member of the down trodden masses depended on government to "provide for me". As the polls show, most of Americans feel the same way as I do, because most Americans are opposed on this socialist rationing "healthcare" bill of Obama. Ask your this question, if this bill was so great for the American people, why were both the house or senate versions done behind closed doors? Why weren't either bill posted on line 48 hours so people could read it? Why are members of congress excluded from enrolling in their own bill? As for your comment about us fousing on Obama's race. You might want to reread my original commentary. My commentary was on how Obama supporters and the media treat Obama based on the color on him being black and liberal via the comments of Will Smith.

8:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a liberal, and the last three demacratic presidents have been right to center corparate shills. With that said, I am not drooling over Obama.

3:54 AM  

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