The last place a major earthquake should have struck.

It's bad enough that Haiti is the poorest country in the western hemisphere, but it is even worse that a country that is dirt poor had to withstand a 7.0 magnitude level earthquake. In a situation like this, we can only pray and send what we can to help. Reports are claiming that one out of every two houses have been leveled by yesterday's earthquake, and the death toll could go into the tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people. Haiti was barely functioning as a country before the massive earthquake, and now it's beyond crippled. There are reports that the main hospital has collapsed as well as the presidential palace. My trust rests with the charitable organizations that are trained to handle emergencies like this. The Salvation Army as well as the Red Cross are already on the scene. The people of Haiti also now have no clean water, food and shelter. Humanitarian charities from around the world are already on their way. It's great to see the world come together to help out in what has to be one of the worst natural disasters of all time to impact a country. I have a feeling that most churches will be taking up collections to help the people in Haiti, so please give what you can. I know money is tight for a lot of people, but the old biblical saying goes something like "give and it shall be given back to you". Keep the people of Haiti in your thoughts and prayers.
I tend to notice is the last few years, when natural disaster strikes in foreign land, how is it that our government is so quick to react to come to its aid.
However, here at home, we tend to respond slowly: Hurricane Katrina, the Bay Area Earthquake of 1989, also major floods and tornadoes that would effect the areas across the nation.
You peoples master fat mouth drug addict rush limbaugh is gloating and laughing about this he thinks it is one big joke.
This is unreal. Very sad. Sometimes we tend to make our own problems into huge ordeals. Lets not forget that some people have bigger problems than we do. Makes you appreciate your own life, freedoms, and oppertunities that many outside the US never experience.
shwn " You peoples master fat mouth drug addict rush limbaugh is gloating and laughing about this he thinks it is one big joke."
Try speaking english next time, so I can understand what you are trying to say shwn. Let me take a stab at this. You some how think that Rush Limbaugh is "happy or gloating" over this? I actually had a chance to listen to his show today, and he made reference to the reaction by Obama and not the situation of the people in Haiti. So try and get over your hatered of Limbaugh. Aren't liberals suppose to be "compassionate" of others with opposing viewpoints?
anon" I tend to notice is the last few years, when natural disaster strikes in foreign land, how is it that our government is so quick to react to come to its aid.However, here at home, we tend to respond slowly: Hurricane Katrina, the Bay Area Earthquake of 1989, also major floods and tornadoes that would effect the areas across the nation."
I've noticed that as well. I guess the reason is because when natural disasters happen in our own country, the eyes of the world aren't as focus on us as they usual are on other parts. Our government doesn't want to look bad when a foreign natural disaster strikes.
Amen Tyrone. Cares and prayers for those effected by this catastrophe.
I've sent a donation to the American Red Cross. The people of Haiti are going to need doctors, nurses, medicines and food-stuffs. If anyone knows of another reputable "foot on the ground" organization please let me know.
It's really unfortunate that an entire country has to rely on the outside world just to provide the equipment in which to help dig out people who are buried alive. One thing is certain, this humongous humanitarian mission isn't going to be a several month project. We're talking years.
GregGVDC "This is unreal. Very sad. Sometimes we tend to make our own problems into huge ordeals. Lets not forget that some people have bigger problems than we do. Makes you appreciate your own life, freedoms, and oppertunities that many outside the US never experience."
So very true Greg, I know exactly what you mean. It angers me when ungrateful, clueless citizens try and bring down without a doubt one if not the greatest country on this planet. If an earthquake was to happen in our country, we have the resources and know how to deal with it. Our country has been called all these negative names by other jealous nations and by our own citizens, but once again look who is looked upon in the hour of crisis in helping a foreign country, the United States of America.
p allen "Amen Tyrone. Cares and prayers for those effected by this catastrophe.
I've sent a donation to the American Red Cross. The people of Haiti are going to need doctors, nurses, medicines and food-stuffs. If anyone knows of another reputable "foot on the ground" organization please let me know."
Nice to see we are on the same page allen. Now that I think about it, the temperature today did get in the 40's. I believe the medical ship the USS Comfort here in Baltimore is on standby awaiting orders to possibly aid in Haiti. The USS Comfort is a huge floating hospital with operating rooms and everything. The only problem is that it will take it five days to reach Haiti upon receiving the orders.
I'm watching the CBS News hour long coverage of the disaster in Haiti. I have to admit, I was getting choked up watching. The human devastation is beyond imagination. I've seen apocalyptic movies, no hollywood special effect can duplicate this. The latest report I heard that there is like 10,000 to 1 for patients needing care for every doctor available. I heard about some Internet bogus charity scams popping up. People who would take advantage of people's generosity and use the suffering and lose of life to profit need to be thrown in jail for a minimum of 20 years hard time. People who would dare try a do something like this are beyond scum in my book.
I feel bad for the people of Haiti. I would do more for them if I could.
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