Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The intellectual lightening bolt Janeane Garofalo claims Herman Cain is a "paid token".

I wrote back in May when Herman Cain announced his candidacy that the racially attacks by the left were sure to follow. I was proven right over the last few months leading up to the latest example. Out of the Republican field of ten candidates running for the GOP nomination, why is it that progressives seem so fixated on attacking Herman Cain based on his race? They aren't really concerned about his politics. Oh wait, they are concerned about his politics. It's not because Herman Cain's views are any different for the most part from most of the GOP field. The problem progressives like Jeane Garofalo have is that they believe Herman Cain has the wrong skin color to have them. So much for blacks being able to have freedom of choice in this country. Last week, the washed comedian, failed actress and radio talk show host was a guest on Keith Oblerman's show on the Current cable channel. Current is Al Gore's little project, and I do mean little. It actually has fewer viewers then MSNBC. The progressive princess of skank made a deranged claim that Herman Cain is a "paid token" in the GOP race.

Herman has a touch of Stockholm Syndrome? I guess she believes that Herman Cain has a touch of Stockholm Syndrome simply, because he's not kissing her progressive or any progressive's ass. The woman is obviously meanly ill as a lot of progressives tend to be. Herman Cain is already a successful and rich person in his own right, and it just goes to show how progressives think about blacks and other minorities who don't subscribe to their way of thinking. It doesn't matter to Jeane Gerafalo what Herman Cain has accomplished in his academic and business background. That's irrelevant to her. All she knows is that Herman Cain like Michael Steele and others like them are "BAD NEGROS" who don't know their role. Speaking of Michael Steele, Jeane originally used her Stockholm Syndrome smear in addressing him back in 2009, when Micheal was first confirmed as the Republican National Committee Chairman.

Think of the irony in all of this. This is the same sad excuse of a human being who calls the Tea Party folks racists? Jeane needs to be surrounded by a four way mirror so that she can come face to face with who the real racist is. As she said

"Michael Steele and other black Republicans are self loathers with "Stockholm Syndrome" and "He tries to curry favor with the oppressor".

To people like Garofalo, black people are self loathing if they aren't monolithic in their thinking in showing undying loyalty and support towards people who think like her. In other words, progressives really only claim to care about minorities as long as the minorities know their role in who they support. I've always wanted to debate that kook just for the shear hell of it. I would bury her in her own ignorance and then jump on her grave for good measure. . Maybe Jeane can get treatment from Dr. Zo for her severe case of PRD "Progressive Racism Disorder".

Can anyone imagine what the response would have been if a well known white conservative would have said that Barack Obama was a paid token in the 2008 Democratic Primaries or Carol Mosley Brown was one in the 2004 Democratic Primaries?


Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"Can anyone imagine what the response would have been if a well known white conservative would have said that Barack Obama was a paid token in the 2008 Democratic Primaries".

Conservative political writer and blogger, J.B. Williams referred to President Obama as The Token President just 3 months after the president took office.

I wonder if it would be okay by you Tyrone if Rush Limbaugh made up a song about Herman Cain (ala "Barack the Magic Negro") mocking Garofalo's "paid token" claim? He could start here.

Once again proof that this type of rhetoric comes from "all sides." Neither conservatives nor liberals can claim that negative racial rhetoric is exclusive to the other side.

Some Blacks brush aside, and at times appear to accept the fact that some White pundits makes these types of crude statements. If you're in the minority, and fool enough to believe the rhetoric comes from just one side, you are no more than a token.

6:51 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen "Conservative political writer and blogger, J.B. Williams referred to President Obama as The Token President just 3 months after the president took office."

Who the hell is J.B Williams?

p allen "I wonder if it would be okay by you Tyrone if Rush Limbaugh made up a song about Herman Cain (ala "Barack the Magic Negro") mocking Garofalo's "paid token" claim? "

Why did progressives get mad at Rush for the parody that Paul Shanklin did entitled Barack The Magic Negro, but they didn't get mad at the progressive David Ehrenstein from the LA Times who wrote the original story with that title in the first place? Fake outrage allen.

p allen "Once again proof that this type of rhetoric comes from "all sides." Neither conservatives nor liberals can claim that negative racial rhetoric is exclusive to the other side."

This isn't simply about rhetoric allen. People like Gerafolo beleive that blacks are suppose to be subservient to Democratic liberals in order to be considered good negros. As a black man, I believe blacks should have the FREEDOM to support the ideology they want without being racially attacked for doing so. Do you believe Herman Cain suffers from Stockholm Syndrome allen?

7:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not again, i can not believe that woman is still around flapping her hateful, ignorant and juvenile mouth. Give it up woman, your mind is the by product of pond scum. Myrna Loy had more class then you and she was a democrat. She was a Lady to. You look like a snot nose punk hit sideways from the winds of fools.

It is interesting that when you compare Herman Cain's attitudes and ideology to Janeane Garofalo's that there simply is no comparison. One has common sense, integrity and the other has vile crudeness and hate.

8:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the third video when "Garofalo" called Dr. Zo "Dr. Huxtable", I remember the time when black leadership groups criticized Bill Cosby's show, "The Cosby Show" as being "phony"; who ever heard of a black couple where the patriarch is a doctor and the matriarch is a lawyer?

Why do most [[black]] people have a problem with successful black who have achieved their goal through hard work and education and expect them to give back?

I've known white successful people who came from poor, small towns and got out of them through hard work and education. What they told me was that they would never go back there.

1:04 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"Who the hell is J.B Williams?".

A rather popular conservative blog writer and right-wing loon.

2:42 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen "Conservative political writer and blogger, J.B. Williams referred to President Obama as The Token President just 3 months after the president took office."

Democratic liberal columnist of the Los Angeles Times David Ehrenstein said about Obama in his piece entitled "Barack The Magic Negro" quote.

"The Illinois senator lends himself to white America's idealized, less-than-real black man.He's there to assuage white "guilt" (i.e., the minimal discomfort they feel) over the role of slavery and racial segregation in American history, while replacing stereotypes of a dangerous, highly sexualized black man with a benign figure for whom interracial sexual congress holds no interest.

That's a fellow progressive who said that about Barack Obama. Did it ever cross your mind how Barack Obama was able to do what blacks like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Carrol Mosley Braun and other blacks weren't able to in being taken seriously by Democratic voters? As for what Mr. Williams said. There is validity to his comments. Correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't it progressives who said that

"the only reason whites wouldn't vote for Barack Obama is because Obama is BLACK"

Any criticism of Obama is meet with the same claim, "white's are only criticizing him because he is BLACK". So what was the reason to vote for Obama other then he was black? Non of his supporters never talked about what he would do as president. The same way a company could be said to be discriminatory in it's hiring if they don't have enough "black faces" in it's labor pool, the same was said about those who didn't vote for Obama. So when people like Mr.Williams in essence called Obama an Affirmative Action hired president. He is correct.

12:31 PM  
Blogger Silverfiddle said...

The worst of it is that these ignorant liberals do not understand what condescending bigots they are.

2:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if i hear ronalds regan
i can understand him
maby bush to

if i hear obama
is like actor that fergot his texst and makes it up at the sene
i do not understand him
than got herman caine this guy speak as ronald regan

not endless speech of obama
is like dawoo car with dawoo rise car
i would vote for hermain caine

he comes over as a american
not some allien from all over and no where and no passport like obama
doe he has a passport

alberto gorin

6:13 PM  
Anonymous maureen said...

luckily comedians aren't expected to act with the same level of self awareness as politicians!

well, by folks who aren't you, at least.

5:03 PM  

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