Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I didn't watch the SOTU address last night for one simple reason.

I knew Obama was going to deliver his same old tired class warfare, socialist BS that he has done from his first SOTU address. Apparently, I was right on target.

Since Obama has no accomplishments he can speak of that has helped the American people even to this day, no wonder he has to keep recycling his past SOTU speeches by changing the wording just to give a hint that he is saying something original.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

No matter what Obama does alpha male your not going to give him credit. So why did you even bother to write about the state of the union address? You can lie about obama on any given day.

The stimulus worked because it slowed the rate of job loss. The auto industry bailout worked. Manufacturing is rising. Last year I was able to put my 23 year old daughter on my insurance which saved me tens of thousands of dollars after her ski accident this year.

Aplha male there are some people out there that are even more stupid than you. A south carolina state republican rep said that his state was suffering job loss and no job growth because of the presidents policies. The next day he said that most unemployed people we just to lazy to look for a job.

Smart people know all the rhetoric is just election year politics. The idiots fall for the socialist muslim birther communist purposely destroying america bullcrap.

Gerald T.

3:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you really want to see america destroyed then elect facist racist neocon fanatic nazi Newt gingrich. He'll attack Iran to purposely set off a world oil economic crisis to begin the turmoil. He is going to use iran as an excuse to bring down america so that no black person would ever become president again.

Gingrich made a pact with greek italian facist and nazis when he went to greece last year. Facist and racist groups have secretly pumped huge sums of money into gingrich pacs. His goal is to destroy america as we know it and make western europe and north america all christian caucasion. He hates america because it has allowed blacks to become to powerful. Newt has said he wants blacks to be janitors.

His 3rd wife is no different than the whore of babylon. She pursued newt while he was still married and promised she would help him take over the presidency. She is pure evil.

Gerald T.

5:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obama is such a hypocrite when it comes to the issues of illegal immigrants. He talks about stopping illegal immigration, thought the opposite.

When Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer (R) signed a bill to crack down on illegal immigration, the Obama administration sued the state because of civil rights violation.

Does Obama know that countries have borders? Would he allow strangers walk through his yard? I'm being facetious of course if he wasn't president.

7:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was basically more of the same rhetoric and lies he's been spouting out for the last three years. He's just trying too hard to be re-elected and placating as usual.

11:26 PM  
Blogger J Curtis said...

It seems that the Serengeti Saviour has even aleinated the Catholic Left

2:03 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Tyrone says;"I didn't watch the SOTU address last night for one simple reason".

The real reason you didn't watch the SOTU is because, "you don't like the president!" That's the actual reason. Everything else is election year partisan rhetoric.

SOTU speeches are typically a rehashing of an administrations aspirations. A president typically lays out what challenges the country is facing, or has faced, and how his administration is handling those challenges.

How about this Tyrone. I'll grant you that most "far right hard-line conservatives" also refused to watch the SOTU speech. So that leaves the Democrats, Independents and moderate Republicans who were left to be polled about the actual content of the speech, and not some election year political attack ad of sound bytes pieced together by the GOP.

A CBS poll taken after the speech shows that NINETY ONE PERCENT of those polled APPROVED of the presidents proposals.

Most people who follow politics are steadfast in hearing what a president has to say, whether they like him or not. Only a hard liner political hack, (like yourself Tyrone) would totally refuse to watch a presidents SOTU solely out of a personal disdain for the president. So, I'd say about 10% of right-wing political types refused to watch.

However, for the sake of the argument, lets increase the number of disgruntled non watchers to 20%. Add that 20% to the 9% to those who did not approve of the presidents proposals. That still leaves an overwhelming 71% who still approves of the presidents proposals.

Hell, even the GOP had to watch it to pull out the sound bytes to put the attack piece together. For all you know they could have taken certain portions pieced them together, out of context, and claimed the president said anything.

As one of those who refuse to watch, you're simply allowing the GOP to do your thinking for you! At least 9% of Republicans did have the wherewithal to spin the speech for themselves....

3:54 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Gerald T;"The stimulus worked because it slowed the rate of job loss. The auto industry bailout worked. Manufacturing is rising".

Don't expect Republicans to admit the stimulus worked. They're the same ones who claimed (and prayed) that GM and Chrysler would still after the bailout. Hell, despite GM and Chrysler rebounding and hiring workers, rising stock prices, turning large profits and paying back the loans, Republican, "Mitt Romney" still claims the bailouts didn't work.

It's eerily ironic because Romney is the same guy who's company, Bain Capital, specialized in bankrupting American manufacturing companies. I would ask, why would Romney want an large American manufacturing company to go bankrupt? The answer lies in what Bain capital does! Here's what Bain Capital did to a S.C. steel manufacturer.

Romney's wishes for the auto industry's failure is two-fold. First, a bankrupt GM would have resulted in millions of additional job losses. Job losses equates to election year talking points for the campaign trail. Second, his rich buddies, (possibly including some of his own personal interests) could have raided GM or Chrysler and made millions.

Creating "INDIVIDUAL" wealth is the main concern of the Republican Party. What they don't tell their supporters is that EVERY CAN'T BE RICH! Rich people are not concerned about creating "jobs" or concerned about your "liberty" or your "pursuit of happiness." They're concerned, and only care about their own! That's the "facts!" However, I'm not envious or have any gripes about class or feel at war with rich people. Frankly, if I were rich, I'd feel the same way as they do!

9:05 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

Gerald T "No matter what Obama does alpha male your not going to give him credit. So why did you even bother to write about the state of the union address? You can lie about obama on any given day. "

No Gerald, I don't go out of my way to criticize Obama. If he ever did anything right up until now, I would have been said so. I can't help to notice that he's either doing the damaging things to this country on purpose or by accident. If you think I am being unfair to him Gerald, why don't you list the accomplishments of Obama that has helped the American people over the last 3 years.

Gerald "The stimulus worked because it slowed the rate of job loss. The auto industry bailout worked. Manufacturing is rising. Last year I was able to put my 23 year old daughter on my insurance which saved me tens of thousands of dollars after her ski accident this year. "

The stimilus was nothing more then a slush fund that went from the federal government to the state governments in order for them to band aid their budgets so they wouldn't have to lay off union municipal workers who pay campaign dues to the Democratic Party. What ever happened those promised "shovel ready jobs" Obama promised was going to come out of the stimulus gerald? Even Obama joked in admitting that the shovel ready jobs was a myth. Read it for yourself Gerald

I don't give credit to a person who tries to play me and everybody else for a bunch of suckers. Blind loyalty to a candidate or president can make people do that.

Gerald "The stimulus worked because it slowed the rate of job loss. The auto industry bailout worked. Manufacturing is rising. Last year I was able to put my 23 year old daughter on my insurance which saved me tens of thousands of dollars after her ski accident this year. "

You talk about the auto industry bail out working? Oh really? I didn't know it was the industry Gerald, I thought it was two American auto companies headed up by Obama's special interest UAW supporters. Funny how the majority of the auto industry in the south didn't have to seek a bailout, oh wait, they knew how to control their labor costs and make quality cars people wanted to buy,oops. The auto bail out was nothing more they crony capitalism which I thought leftists were suppose to be against. What did the American tax payer get by bailing out two companies they shouldn't have? If the government's job is now about bailing out companies, why didn't Obama bail out Eastman Kodak before it went bankrupt Gerald a few days ago? Oh, maybe because the workers there aren't union perhaps?

1:23 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

Gerald "Smart people know all the rhetoric is just election year politics. The idiots fall for the socialist muslim birther communist purposely destroying america bullcrap. "

Last time I heard, it was Obama talking about "economic fairness" not republicans, tea party or those on the right. The facts are bitch I know, but terms like "economic fairness, social justice, economic equality" are terms socialists and communists are known for using. Sorry to hear about your daughter's accident Gerald, I hope she gets better, but is it the right of the federal government to tell private companies how to run their business? Once the government gets it's tentacles into a business sector through legislation, it's just one step closer to being able to take over that industry "in the name of the public good"

Gerald "If you really want to see america destroyed then elect facist racist neocon fanatic nazi Newt gingrich."

Aren't you being just a tad over the top in your over dramatic rhetoric of Newt Gerald lol?

I'm not exactly known as a pom pom waver for Newt, but he is "not" a nazi, fascist nor racist. I'm still debating on whether he is a neoconservative or a paleoconservative. Newt would still even with his flaws be light years better then Obama hands down.

Gerald "He'll attack Iran to purposely set off a world oil economic crisis to begin the turmoil. He is going to use iran as an excuse to bring down america so that no black person would ever become president again."

Obama may have made it possible that no other black person will ever be president again. Look at the price Americans have to pay for gas right now. This isn't due to Gingrich nor Bush nor even Romney. Our economy is in the toilet, because Americans don't have the disposable income to spend in the economy to make it grow, because they have to spend on it high gas prices and inflated food prices due to the high diesel prices truckers have to pay to transport it. Obama said he was going to end our dependence on foreign oil, yet last week he killed the Keystone XL pipline from Canada to Texas which would have created 20,000 jobs and created a source of energy from our friends in Canada, now that oil is going to go to China instead.

2:09 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen "The real reason you didn't watch the SOTU is because, "you don't like the president!" That's the actual reason. Everything else is election year partisan rhetoric."

Wrong allen. There were several SOTU speeches by George Bush I didn't watch either. I wasn't a fan of his, but I tolerated him. BS will always be BS allen no matter how many times it's repackaged. I knew what Obama's theme for the SOTU address was going to be last week. I had better things to do then to listen about Warren Buffet's secretary. Tell me allen

Did Obama mention anything about paying down this $15 trillion dollar debt?

Did he mention anything about the inflationary pressure Americans are suffering through?

Did he mention anything about the drastic rise in energy prices?

p allen "A CBS poll taken after the speech shows that NINETY ONE PERCENT of those polled APPROVED of the presidents proposals. "

lol lol lol lol, I needed that laugh. So Obama won the election with 52% of the vote, but 91% of the people polled after his SOTU address approved of his proposals. LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL oh dam lol.
I'm not a big believe in "online polls" either allen. I've seen how supporters of a particular candidate can over run the polls to give the impression that that candidate is more supported then he or she is, case in point Ron Paul. The Paul supporters are notorious for doing that. Furthermore if 91% of the people support his proposals, why can't he get over 45% in his approval rating? Got to love fuzzy math. This is how absurd the poll truly is. Fewer than 37.8 million people tuned in to watch Obama's SOTU address to begin with. I have to pass this along, I know a lot of people who will crap their pants laughing at this.

2:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gingrich Calls Spanish the ‘Language of the Ghetto’

3:58 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

anon "Gingrich Calls Spanish the ‘Language of the Ghetto’"

I'm not sure if he said that or not, but I agree regardless. If a person immigrates from any country to America and doesn't want to assimilate and learn English, they are only to find themselves having a very hard time getting ahead in America. That is just a fact. Spanish isn't a ghetto language, but if a person who come from a Spanish speaking country to America and doesn't want to adopt, they will find themselves living in the ghettos so to speak. That is what Gingrich meant.

12:06 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"band aid their budgets so they wouldn't have to lay off union municipal workers who pay campaign dues to the Democratic Party".

That "band aid" you readily admit, did exactly what the stimulus was supposed to do! Public sector as well as private sector jobs were being lost at an alarming rate. Thus, for you to admit that the "band aid" stopped the bleeding is proof positive that the stimulus worked. Try spinning again Tyrone...

CB;"I don't give credit to a person who tries to play me and everybody else for a bunch of suckers".


CB;"Funny how the majority of the auto industry in the south didn't have to seek a bailout, oh wait, they knew how to control their labor costs and make quality cars people wanted to buy,oops".

Lets see... auto plants in the South. There's Nissan, Toyota, Honda, Hyundai, Volkswagen, Kia, name a few. What do they have in common? They're FOREIGN COMPANIES! And guess what else? These foreign companies received Billions in Government Subsidies.

What else do they have in common? At one time or another in their histories, each one has received some form of assistance from their OWN governments. Who are the "suckers" you speak about?

CB;"Obama said he was going to end our dependence on foreign oil, yet last week he killed the Keystone XL pipline from Canada to Texas which would have created 20,000 jobs and created a source of energy from our friends in "CANADA?".

You've have been played for a "sucker." Your conservative Tee-Vee and radio talkers have somehow convinced you that "CANADA" is not a foreign country! Read carefully Tyrone, and if you need further info, consult a map of the world- CANADA IS NOT THE UNITED STATES! Taking oil from CANADA would increase the U.S. dependence on "FOREIGN" oil...

11:05 PM  

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