The real Trayvon Martin the media doesn't want America to ever know about.

It is said that we as human beings are the smartest people on the planet. Some days, I seriously have to question that claim. I've seen how the nation especially among blacks have reacted to the shooting of Trayvon Maritn, and my brain still hurts just trying to comprehend how Martin is being presented as someone larger in death then he ever was in life. A month ago, the nation didn't know anything about the person named Trayvon Martin. It really wasn't until a month after his death when the news media amplified his death due to the shooter not being black, that Trayvon mania started to run wild across America. Just like how Barack Obama was so loved and adored a few years ago, yet nobody really knew anything about him, the same parallel can be said about Trayvon Martin. We've all seen the pictures of Trayvon's face displayed on buttons, coffee mugs, posters, television screens, Internet posts etc of when he was 12 years old, but nobody really has seen a recent picture of him as a 17 year old. I've long questioned whether the media and Martin supporters are trying to create a narrative for the public to buy into. The perception of a person can change in the minds of others in a heart beat if the narrative changes itself( if new facts come to light that aren't flattering). There is a lot of information coming out about Trayvon Martin that most of the nation will probably never know about, because this information could start them to actually question whether he was truly the victim of George Zimmerman or the attacker of George Zimmer. Trayvon Martin was serving a ten day suspension from school, the day he was shot, but it goes much deeper then that. According to the UK Daily Mail.
He was suspended from school three times
He was on suspension when he was shot after officials caught him with a 'marijuana pipe' and a baggie with drug residue
He was kicked out of school in October for graffiti after he was allegedly caught with a 'burglary tool' and a bag full of women's jewelry
School Officials also suspended Trayvon for tardiness and skipping school.
Trayvon's parents are now claiming that there is a smear campaign going on against their son. Sarah Palin knows better then anyone what a smear campaign looks like, the parents of Trayvon Martin don't. A smear campaign is one in which lies and distortions are made in order to discredit the targeted person. If the information that is being presented is factual, then it's just the truth. According to the Daily Mail, 73% of Americans think Zimmerman should be arrested. I wonder if the 73% believe Zimmerman should be arrested based on the constant use of Martin's picture when he was twelve being plastered on everything?

Speaking of Rainbows, I bet business must be booming for M&M/Mars. They are the makers of Skittles. As a part of Trayvon Martin mania, I wonder will they come out with a limited Trayvon Martin edition packaging? Remember when I said Democrats were going to exploit this situation for political gran standing? Democrats have invited the parents of Trayvon Martin to speak at a House Committee meeting on profiling. That will fit in well in using this as a weapon in trying to stop voter ID laws I bet. Most Americans don't even know all the facts, but they know all about the constant non stop media drum beat of this story. This whole ugly episode has become a sad joke in a way. My 16yrs old cousin was shot and killed in West Baltimore about twenty years ago. Just like with Trayvon, he was shot dead. The bullets that killed both of them were the same color, the handguns used were more then likely the same color, the only difference why my cousin got a 15 second segment on the local nightly news for one night, and Trayvon Martin has become a national Marty is because the killer of my cousin was black and the killer of Trayvon Martin wasn't. That is the cold stone truth. Tens of thousands of young black men have been gunned down in cities and towns all across this country. They weren't gunned down by members of the Klu Klux Klan or by Neo Nazi Skinheads. They were gunned down and will continue to be gunned down by other young black men. Because of that, those families don't get the national news coverage, and they will never see the likes of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton demanding justice for their kids. Nobody ever wear hoodies in their honor. They are just merely disposable young black identities maybe if their shooters weren't black, then their deaths would carry more weight similar to that of Trayvon Martin's.

Speaking of buying into an image. The Daily Caller found out that Trayvon's twitter handle was called "NO_LIMIT_NIGGA", and he also had a second twitter feed by the name of T33ZY TAUGHT M3 in which he twitted "Plzz shoot da #mf dat lied 2 u!” . I'm sure you've heard this on the national news right?
Well said my friend, I couldn't agree more.
I can only remember one time, and this was recent, where a White man shot a young black man dead and there wasn't a National uproar . . .
Boys Attack Cyclist Who Fights Back, Kills 1
The reason why it never was mentioned outside of PA?
The three teens had cut school and were set on robbing people -- having already attacked two elderly men -- when they came upon the 65-year-old riding on the Thun Trail . . . "One of the juveniles punched the bike rider in the face, knocking him off his bike. Julius Johnson ran up to bike rider and kicked him."
That was when the 65-year-old pulled a gun and shot, officials said.
Johnson, 16, died at the scene while his 15-year-old alleged accomplice was taken to the hospital with a gunshot wound, officials said.
Johnson had a criminal record and was on probation at the time of the incident. He was even on electronic monitoring, officials said.
They couldn't paint the youths as innocents and the 65 year-old shooter as some cold-blooded killer.
The media so far has done a good job of trying to make Zimmerman as some racist killer, stalking Trayvon, just a kid out getting Skittles and Arizon Tea.
And unfortunately, the majority of country has already tried Zimmerman (the Court of Public Opinion) before all the facts have been examined.
Such a sad state of affairs.
I recently visited Baltimore as my husband had life saving surgery at Johns Hopkins. I was appalled at this once magnificent city and wondered if part of it was liberal leadership. You confirm my suspicion. I don't see any evidence that the black community is helping its own there. The black professionals I met got there on their own by education and hard work. Many were working full time and going to school.
Wake up, Black America, indeed.
This reminds of a scene from the movie "Bonfire of the Vanities" where Tom Hank's character was accused of running over a black person, when his mistress was the cause. In the part, they were getting away from a group of black thugs.
However, the thug was portrayed as an honor student, and his mother and a character who was patterned after Al Sharpton was marketing off of him.
If this kid turns out to be an illusion what the media is portraying, shame on them! And shame on his parents, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson for marketing him!
If my child was victim of tragedy, the last thing I would want to do is market him/her. I want justice. The only thing I would were would be a remembrance button.
Suspended from school for skipping, graffiti and marijuana residue? It was only a matter of time before the serial killer came out!
Okay Tyrone, you've given a picture of the dead boy that sheds light that he "might" not be an innocent party to his own death. You've showed a "patterned history" of a now deceased 17 year old boy.
On the other side of this equation is George Zimmerman. Looking into Zimmerman's background we find that he had 2 prior arrests, one for domestic violence, the other for assaulting a police officer. It's known that both of these charges were dropped. We now know that an investigator wanted Zimmerman prosecuted for manslaughter. Yet, no charges were filled because the county prosecutor said no. We also now know that Zimmermans father is an ex-judge who lives in an very wealthy area not far from Sanford.
Zimmerman, just as Trayvon, has a "patterned history." Trayvon has been known to deface walls with graffiti, and possess marijuana residue, for which he's suspended from school. Zimmerman has assaulted a woman and a police officer, has a father who is rich and a ex-judge, yet his prior arrests have led to dropped charges.
Yeah, it's beginning to look more and more like Trayvon did shoot himself.
The beat goes on...
As for the information you're passing along Tyrone, it appears that Trayvon Martin's Email And Facebook Accounts Allegedly Hacked By White Supremacist.
I've said several times that I don't agree with the New Black Panther Party and their craziness. But I particularly don't agree with White Supremacist groups and their craziness!
Yet I see you've posted information released by both groups. Pretty fair I might add! However, you have castigated the Panthers (and rightfully so) yet you're not to interested in the vile assertions of the White Supremacists. Either you're not aware of the White Supremacist ties to your info, or it just doesn't matter to you who's the source of the information.
CB;"Sarah Palin knows better then anyone what a smear campaign looks like, the parents of Trayvon Martin don't".
Sarah Palin????? What in the hell does she have to do with all of this? Did she have a child gunned down during her campaign? How were the lies and rumors spread about her so hurtful to "YOU", for you to claim she suffered more from a smear campaign than the Martin family?
Why would you say such a thing about the Martins, when others were talking about Palin, NOT YOU OR YOUR FAMILY? Sarah Palin is a independent self assured grown woman (although not so smart one) nevertheless, able to fend for herself.
Hell, I'm a supporter of president Obama. Lord knows he's been smeared by the best political smear merchants in the business. But I'd never compare a smear campaign of president Obama, (or any politician for that matter) to that a a family that had a child killed. One has absolutely nothing to do with the other! Gee whizzzz Tyrone, are you obsessed with Sarah Palin?
Your question seems to be why is there such outrage in this case. The answer lies the history of our country. For years the American government and legal system re-enforced racially motivated violence by choosing not to prosecute. In the 21st Century there is the assumption that we're past this behavior but then we see this case where a "white" person initiates a confrontation, uses a racial slur, and then kills a teenager and is released. If certain citizens of this country believe that the government is continuing to devalue them as human beings, they have the right to be outraged. They have the right to protest and demonstrate...after all this right is guaranteed by the First Amendment.
p allen "Suspended from school for skipping, graffiti and marijuana residue? It was only a matter of time before the serial killer came out!"
Who's the serial killer allen? I never said anyone was the killer. You are starting to throw a hissy fit again.
p allen "
I've said several times that I don't agree with the New Black Panther Party and their craziness. But I particularly don't agree with White Supremacist groups and their craziness! "
Me neither, so I guess we agree on something, wow.
Yet I see you've posted information released by both groups. Pretty fair I might add! However, you have castigated the Panthers (and rightfully so) yet you're not to interested in the vile assertions of the White Supremacists. Either you're not aware of the White Supremacist ties to your info, or it just doesn't matter to you who's the source of the information."
There is a perfect explanation why I haven't commented on the vile assertions of White Supracists allen, I haven't seen them in the news, so how could I comment on something I didn't know anything about? I have little respect for them as I do for the New Black Panthers allen.
p allen "Zimmerman, just as Trayvon, has a "patterned history." Trayvon has been known to deface walls with graffiti, and possess marijuana residue, for which he's suspended from school. Zimmerman has assaulted a woman and a police officer, has a father who is rich and a ex-judge, yet his prior arrests have led to dropped charges."
You're right allen, BOTH BOTH BOTH have checked past. The reason why I focused on Trayvon so much is because the media didn't want to be fair as usual and only decided to highlight Zimmerman's past. If the media would do their job as in fair and balanced journalism, I wouldn't have have to dig up and show the rest of the story that they purposely leave out.
p allen "Sarah Palin????? What in the hell does she have to do with all of this? Did she have a child gunned down during her campaign? How were the lies and rumors spread about her so hurtful to "YOU", for you to claim she suffered more from a smear campaign than the Martin family? "
Dry those croc tears. First off, Martin's family was talking about their son was being smeared and I responded that Palin knows what it is like to REALLY be smeared. Once again, you are reading what you want instead of what I actually said. This has nothing to do about what the Martin's suffered through, this was about the word "smear" and nothing else.
anon "The media so far has done a good job of trying to make Zimmerman as some racist killer, stalking Trayvon, just a kid out getting Skittles and Arizon Tea."
The media has turned this whole thing into one huge powder keg that might blow sky high on April 10th. I got a lot of flake for presenting the facts on Trayvon, but did it for one reason. I wanted to show how the media is bias in their reporting. This is why I despise them so much.
Patriot Kathy "I recently visited Baltimore as my husband had life saving surgery at Johns Hopkins. I was appalled at this once magnificent city and wondered if part of it was liberal leadership. You confirm my suspicion. I don't see any evidence that the black community is helping its own there."
Welcome to the city liberalism destroyed Kathy. Once upon a time, Baltimore was a very vibrant city, well I did say once upon a time. If the Baltimore City government would push for black entrepreneurship programs and mentorships, micro loans to establish businesses, lower taxes, it would help a lot of blacks to advance. Since is Baltimore, only the opposite applies, social programs and more social programs to keep those in poverty dependent the government. It's worked just as they wanted to and i shows in neighborhood after neighborhood.
anon "And unfortunately, the majority of country has already tried Zimmerman (the Court of Public Opinion) before all the facts have been examined."
That is exactly what the media was hoping for. The media thought for sure originally that Zimmerman was a white guy. When they discovered he was Hispanic they had to get creative in a hurry as to not create a black vs Hispanic narrative, so they now use the term "white Hispanic. I can only imagine what will happen if Zimmerman isn't charge. The media should shoulder part of the blame for whipping up the mob into a emotional frenzy.
CB;"Martin's family was talking about their son was being smeared and I responded that Palin knows what it is like to REALLY be smeared".
Tyrone, a politician in a political campaign, and the parents of a child that has been killed are in no way COMPARABLE! Be it with smears, tears, jeers, leers, fears or whatever situation you could dream of. To bring Sarah Palin into this conversation is just stupid. But I digress...
Allow me to show what it's really like to "smear" someone, without just cause, and totally improper injection of a lie. George Zimmerman's father, ex-judge Robert Zimmerman gave an interview to a local Florida TV station. During the interview he said this;
"I never saw so much hate coming from the president".
Mr. Zimmerman was not asked to comment about the president, nor about politics. Zimmerman was being asked about his son and the shooting of Trayvon Martin. The president clearly asked that justice prevail. He made no remarks reference the guilt or innocence of Zimmerman's son. So, where is this "hate" on the presidents part? The hate is obviously in Mr. Zimmerman's mind.
Judge Zimmerman clearly and blatantly used a tragedy, which was created by his own son, to "SMEAR" the President of the United States.
CB-"The media has turned this whole thing into one huge powder keg that might blow sky high on April 10th. I got a lot of flake for presenting the facts on Trayvon, but did it for one reason. I wanted to show how the media is bias in their reporting. This is why I despise them so much"
I saw Martin's parents on MSNBC and they were commenting on the video where Zimmerman was being escorted into the police station. They looked at the video and said that they don't see any cuts and blood around area of his head where he claimed he was attacked.
OK, I don't know who to believe. First of all, knowing MSNBC, the video could have been digitally altered, which made it look like he has no injuries to his head. Second, what day was it when he was escorted into the police station? According to the reports, the police did not arrest Zimmerman at the time of the shooting and took notes that he had grass stains on his back and cuts around his head and nose.
On a final note, what I seen on the police surveillance video looked to grainy and I cannot see any cuts or make out any facial features to identify Zimmerman. It looked like he had his head shaved there. What was he wearing when he got out of the squad car? It appear he was wearing a brown jacket over a blue/gray shirt. Even in that video, I could not see any cuts nor could I see any grass stains on his jacket. The reason why you could not see the cuts and stains on the surveillance video, because maybe it is not HD.
I'm not defending Zimmerman, but I too do not trust the medias interpretations of any event. Most of the time, they get caught in a lie.
<a href="> Wash. Times Must Read </a>
"Mr. Obama is exploiting a young man’s death to advance his political agenda."
maybe so, maybe not. Not saying this to ruffle anyone's feathers.
A reader
The killer george zimmerman has 3 arrest cases dropped against him. His fater was a virginia supreme court judge. The prosecutor drove from his home in the middle of the night to the police station to have george zimmerman released. If a black man was released under the same circumstances you republicans would say his father helped him get off. Alpha male the first story you wrote was the truth. But as soon as the white republicans ordered you to change you did. Once the republican radio talkers saw black people protesting they saw a way a to attack the black president.
Thanks p anthony for posting what the judge said about the president. I had not heard that. I looked it up and its true. George zimmermans father is is lying for his son. They give you orders alpha male and you follow them.
Gerald T.-
Alpha Conservative Male said...
"Welcome to the city liberalism destroyed Kathy. Once upon a time, Baltimore was a very vibrant city, well I did say once upon a time. If the Baltimore City government would push for black entrepreneurship programs and mentorships, micro loans to establish businesses, lower taxes, it would help a lot of blacks to advance. Since is Baltimore, only the opposite applies, social programs and more social programs to keep those in poverty dependent the government. It's worked just as they wanted to and i shows in neighborhood after neighborhood."
That is a an interesting observation because i have watched so many Milton Friedman and Walter Williams videos going back many decades showing the effects of exactly what you speak of. The facts are undeniable.
@ Anon #2..I read about that as well in Reading. They don't want a story like this to get out.
@PatriotKathy..No other way to but it, but Baltimore is a dump and cesspool of crime, poverty and filth. Yes, there are some nice areas such as Mt. Vernon, Fells, Harbor East, Fed Hill, Etc. except there are surrounded by bed and decrepit areas. You can be in a clean, decent area one minute and the next, a war zone.
We need to be honest with ourselves. What happened to Trayvon was tragic. However, we must realize that young men like Trayvon are more likely to be killed by other black males than whites.
This situation blew up, there are people who arise suspicion but you know what?? In that Twin Lakes gated community, I'll bet you have a fair load of African American Teenage kids, I called the police, if a suspicious person gets away, I can always be the "eyes and ears" for the police next time. Me? I would not go beyond reporting a suspicious person whatever their color. Still Per Pat Buchanan, to an extent, it is about race, race, age, appearance. Would GZ have felt nervous about a young black girl? An elderly black man walking? Huh? Or was it just the description of a young black man, wearing a hoody and sadly, may have been acting suspicious.,,, A reader
But again, the 13 year old witness, Brown is probably an African American and 4 years younger than Trayvon. I'm not going to risk ticking off Hispanic or Black families in a complex by pursuing a young Hispanic or Black man, I'm going to be awfully careful at least.
Anon;"However, we must realize that young men like Trayvon are more likely to be killed by other black males than whites".
"Trayvon Martin" was not "more likely" to be killed by no one other than the person that killed him!
Some of you have taken to using a "buffer" to debate the idea of a young black boys death. Those who do so (consciously or unconsciously) are in effect are showing the truth about their lack of concern over the senseless killing of young blacks.
If you really cared, you would not only comment on a blog, you would be active in the communities where the killings are occurring. If your true concern was blacks killing blacks, there are hundreds perhaps thousands of anti-violence groups you could join or support.
The conservatives arch nemesis and prime target for lobbing the claim of "race-baiter" against, Al Sharpton, leads the National Action Network. His group has held several 'Anti-gun violence' rallies across the nation.
This one held by a 12 year old.
Ask yourself, prior to the Trayvon Martin case, when was the last time you commented on a blog concerning a black child being killed? When was the last time you attended a meeting, rally, support group, action group, a candlelight vigil, or anything to support anti-violence or anti-black on black crime?
If conservatives were truly concerned about crime in the black community, why aren't there ANY conservative organizations active in the black community with a specific focus on and targeting crime?
The major focus of the conservative movement, with concern to blacks, is not crime, education or economics. The major focus by conservative organizations is POLITICS! VOTES! ELECTIONS!
In 2008 the National Black Republican Association spent tens of thousands of dollar placing 50 billboards around the city of Denver, claiming Dr. ML King was a republican. Who knows how many black children were senselessly killed during that time, yet no billboards for them.
So conservatives, the next time you want to use black-on-black crime to "buffer" your argument, at least be able to say that you're hands on involved and working to doing something about it.
Mr. Allen,
I stand behind what I say. We can have all of the marches, candlelight vigils and such that we want to. These are simply reactionary measures to a much larger problem. They have not stopped the carnage and black on black murders, have they? Have the attacks on whites and other non-blacks decreased?
The black community at large refuses to address and take responsibility for the problems. It's blame it all on "whitey" syndrome, as usual.
I have expressed my outrage numerous times throughout the years on other forums, talk radio and such about how our youth are destroying each other and the overall epidemic number of crimes committed by blacks. What happens? Of course, it gets dismissed and labled as "life" and a symptom of being black in America by black talk show hosts and such.
As for black conservatives, well, I didn't think just because many of us share the same ancestral homeland that we are required to be monolithic in our views and opinions.
Heck..I'm far from conservative..I voted for Obama..Won't happen again, though. I'm simply tired of the direction we are headed, and I get and respect what the author/owner of this blog is attemptimg to convey.
The name of this blog is appropriate. If we as a people DON'T wake up, we will no longer have anything to wake up to.
I am a Latino college student and its funny to me that you guys have not heard the term "white Hispanic" or "black Hispanic." Its the race we greatly identify with. although I understand what you were trying to get across with showing us "the real Trayvon" you have failed. A kid, 17, doing bad things...typical behavior. I know no child with an obscene twitter name..and honestly I have had a bad past myself, but i made something of my life. You nor I know the real Trayvon Martin,and we won't get the chance to. you are doing exactly what you claim the media has done. I just hope when we get all the stories on "the real George Zimmerman" we take into consideration, that one day if he so chooses he can speak on his own behalf. Trayvon can not.
The fact is a mother lost her son. A father lost his son.
And the man who killed their son, who may or may not have been acting out of self defense, walks away.
if this was your family you would be taking it this far as well.
I'm not being biased, I have not come to my conclusion on this case, but your title isn't a very good one.
First of all dumbass Zimmerman is not a White person so stop spreding that lie,next he never used a racial slur it has been proven the Media lied he said it =s fucking cold,next he killed the Black thug piece of shit because he was attacking him.If you guys and Black Panthers want to blame the Whites and want a Race War on April 9th bring it.Blacks are to stupid to survive once walmart empties.
So I guess we should call Obama a White African?he was Hispanic pure and simple.He was a thug he attacked the man and threaten to Harm him he deserved to get shot,You attack me and I feel my life in Danger Im Killing that person,my life to me is important to me more than the person attacking me.What was he suppose to do let this Balck Thug beat him to death? steal his Gun and kill him and maybe some of the Neighbors?dont say he wouldnt have done it because yolu dont know that.
This case is beginning to remind me of Matthew Shepperd. Matthew Shepperd was an HIV-positive meth addict who threw money at bars and parties like it grew on trees. The night he met his killers, he was more than happy to fund their drinks and have a good time with them. He willingly went off with them, and as meth heads are so prone to do, his killers turned on him, brutally robbing him and leaving him for dead. Because of their deep rooted homophobia? Nah. They were all drug addicts, and drug addicts have been - gasp - known to toss other addicts under the bus in the pursuit of getting high.
Try telling that to GLAAD or any other major gay rights organization. GLAAD's account for the night's events leave massive gaps in how exactly Shepperd got to the scene of the crime (I don't know if you've ever tried to kidnap a person from a crowded bar, but I imagine it's quite difficult), but they really don't give a flying eff: They have their poster child, and they're happy about that.
Trayvon Martin and Matthew Shepperd probably couldn't have formed an eloquent opinion on black or gay rights in life. That doesn't matter, however. They have now joined the club of the forever immortalized poster children, symbols of how we as a society are racist homophobic monsters who should all collectively be ashamed of ourselves.
I'm not a homophobe, nor am I a racist. However, Matthew Shepperd and Trayvon Martin are not, nor will they ever be, symbols of my white straight guilt. They were both flawed human beings who made terrible decisions, and undeservedly paid with their lives. Their deaths were absolute tragedies, but that's the end of the story. There unfortunately is no deeper meaning beyond don't do drugs and don't attack someone who might be armed.
I can't believe all of the people that were at the scene of the murder! First of all I feel so sorry for both families. I am glad this is going to Court but I am glad Zimmerman's lawyers bailed! As you can see from their rhetoric about their former client, they weren't professional. I just hope that there is a "fair" trial and all evidence is brought to court (including drug tests hopefully done on Trayvon Martin and Zimmerman, and hospital records of Zimmerman's injuries supposedly done by Martin). Both of these men were not angels but deserve fair trials. I hope to God that the Black Panthers and Rev. Sharpton's of this world go to jail one day for putting bounties on people and the racial animosities that they cause. I am not talking about their rhetoric I am talking about their scare tactics and ensighting riots that got other people killed because of this case. Where is President Obama in all of this? He never nullifies the Black Panthers' abominations! This is another reason not to vote for Obama...he is not an honest man with the people of this country. He is bringing America down. He doesn't want to bring us together and we were doing pretty well before he got here trying to get rid of racism...he has brought it back many fold. How sad!
99.99 percent of the time I disagree with every single word you write. Even the the's and the and's and the periods. For instance, what would possibly inspire you to inject Sarah Palin's name into this topic?!? You are completely nuts.
But I agree with your dismay over how this has become a national firestorm. Too many people -- who have no idea what they're talking about -- have hitched a ride to this vehicle and taken the wheel and steered this story completely out of control.
But that's where the agreement ends.
Several years ago with my very first post to this stupid/hilarious blog site I wrote about how it was a shame that Bill Bradley's ill-fated 2000 presidential run never materialized. He was hoping to use the presidency to call for a national dialogue on race relations in this country: to ask people to be honest with themselves and ask why, as a whole, we still cling to the old-fashioned attitudes of inferiority and superiority, scapegoats and stereotypes. Race has defined this country for two centuries, and it’ll likely define us for the next two centuries.
Your response, Tyrone, of course, was to call me an idiot and say everything was fine: We didn't need no stinkin' dialogue about race relations.
But you couldn’t have been more blind and more foolish, then and now.
No doubt, Trayvon's image has been distorted. All we saw was the photo of the smiling, 12-year-old little boy and not of the troubled 17-year-old. Very little was making it out there about how he was a juvenile delinquent, and not simply some innocent ice-tea-drinking, Skittles-eating angel. ...
Trayvon’s martyrdom obscures the truth. But if you’re honest with yourself you’ll agree that there are kernels of truth and justified rage deep inside all of this national hyperbole. Unfortunately it all comes out in the form of yelling and screaming, not an honest, patient, civilized dialogue. We’re not much better about being honest about race relations than we were 50 or 100 or 150 years ago.
As an aside, Tyrone, please let me say how sincerely sorry I am about what happened to your cousin all those years ago.
Your A wet back
This man has it RIGHT the end
read tyrone twits
where were his parents then
You skipped right over burglary tools and women's jewelry. What was that for? And Zimmerman's cases were thrown out so why bring them up?
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