The New Black Panthers place a bounty on the head of George Zimmerman.

I believe when people think along the lines of race and emotion, they tend to think stupidly. People who form thoughts based on looking through the prism of race are more likely to form their opinions really based on emotion then by facts. When the New Black Panther Party injected themselves into the Trayvon Martin shooting incident, I knew nothing good could come from their involvement. These people are nothing more then very angry, militant black thugs. These are the same New Black Panthers who racially intimidated white voters at a Philadelphia voting precinct on election day in 2008.
Obama's Attorney General Eric Holder wouldn't try the case against them, because they were black. Anyway, the NBPP first issued a bounty of $10,000 for the capture of George Zimmerman. now the New Black Panther Party has upped their bounty to a cool one million dollars.
On top of that, they are also claiming they want to mobilize a ten thousand black men posse with the goal of hunting down and capturing George Zimmerman. If the Klu Klux Klan or the Aryan Brotherhood came out and openly stated that they were going to issue a bounty and form a posse for the capture of a black man, how long do you think it would be before those involved would be arrested for racial intimation, conspiracy to commit a hate crime etc? Of course, it would be almost instant and rightfully so in that case. So how is it possible that the NBPP is able to stand out in the open and issue a bounty on a citizen who hasn't been charged by the government with a crime? Obviously these idiots didn't think this through very well. Since Mr. Zimmerman hasn't been charged with any crime, what will the New Black Panthers do with him even if someone kidnapped him and brought him to them? Oh yeah, if anyone is dumb enough to take up the New Black Panthers Bounty, that person will go to prison for abduction and kidnapping. Why isn't Eric Holder speaking out on this? For that matter, why isn't Obama speaking out against this? He had time to pander to the racial mob in claiming that if he had a son, he would look like Trayvon Martin. Maybe Obama is afraid of alienating blacks who want Zimmerman's blood by arresting the New Black Panthers. If some of you think that the NBPP is just mouthing off and aren't really going to hurt anyone including Zimmerman, you could be right nor maybe not. Hashim Nzinga who is the Chief of Staff for the New Black Panthers and the one who issued the bounty was arrested today for illegally possessing a hand gun as a felon.
Was just doing some reading on this and found something intersting/scary.
Seems there are no statutes in Florida law covering citizens arrest. here's an excerpt from one of those legal self help sites.
"...In the Florida Court of Appeals case "Ripley v. The State of Florida" (2005), it was made clear that the content of citizen's arrest law is identical to an officer arresting someone outside of their normal jurisdiction.....When someone has the reasonable suspicion that a felony has been committed, a citizen's arrest might be made. The arrest is no different than any other police arrest. All relevant laws apply.... "
If I was the Zimmerman family, I'd think about using this to punish the NBPP. I'd find a friendly magistrate or judge in a friendly police district. I'd make my arrest of George and go thru the proper legal procedures outlined (Local LEO mirandizing, etc..) then go before the judge and have him dismiss and release. I'd then apply for the reward offered and sue if and when they refused to pay, as they are surely wont to.
On a side note. This should really be troubling for liberals out there. If they think the self defense statute is bad, imagine if every white, hispanic, etc.. with a racial axe to grind starts arresting 'suspected' felons ?
And come to think of it...doesn't this mean that George Zimmerman actually DID have full and expressed powers to stop and detain Trayvon ? Since he could have been intending to make a citizens arrest he was therefore acting well within the bounds of the law to use force (you cannot use excessive force to effect an arrest) and when Trayvon escalated the situation by attacking him, well...we know how that turned out.
"Always stand on principle, even if you stand alone."
John Quincy Adams
If someone were to take up the NBPP's offer to take out George Zimmerman, not only would the person be held liable, so would the NBPP.
Take the case back in 1981 in Alabama where Josephus Anderson, a black man who was acquitted of murdering a white police officer. Anderson was later convicted in a separate trial.
Members of the United Klans of America and its senior, Bennie Hays, were upset of the outcome of the trial believed that the reason why Anderson was acquitted because most of the jury members were black.
Hays goes on to say: ""If a black man can get away with killing a white man, we ought to be able to get away with killing a black man." I found that statement ironic, since for a long time, the KKK and other white supremacist groups have gotten away with murder, prior and during the Civil Rights Movement.
Later that night, Hays' son Henry, and fellow Klan member James Llewellyn "Tiger" Knowles, went out and kidnapped and murdered a black teenager, Michael Donald.
Hays and Knowles were arrested, tried. Bennie Hays was indicted but died before his trial begun. Henry Hays was sentenced to death and Knowles is now serving a life sentence.
Later after the trial, Morris Dees of the Southern Poverty Law Center filed a $7 million wrongful death lawsuit against the UKA on behalf of Michael's mother, Beulah Mae Donald, and won. The settlement bankrupted the UKA. The Donald family was given the deed to the UKA's meeting hall.
Here's a thought: if someone were to take up the NBPP's offer and harm Zimmerman or members of his family, would the SPLC be there on behalf of Zimmerman's family? I doubt it.
Listening to that video, I had to LMFAO! This guy is more concerned about white on black crime and police brutality while there are people of his peers killing each other. Also, according to statistics, there are more black on white crimes than there are vice versa.
Yes, there is racism in America. Yes, the are still white supremacy groups in America, and I detest them. But much of Black America needs to realize, that most of White American rejects the ideology and propaganda from the likes of KKK and the neo-Nazis.
I guess the reason why Obama and Eric Holder does not get involved to stop the threats of the NBPP, is because they don't want to "lose support" of the black community.
My thought is that the reason why they don't get involved is because they think like them. Heck, Obama listened to the likes of Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and Harvard Professors Henry Gates and Derrick Bell.
This is a warning about trying a case in the "court" of the media-fed public opinion. In one episode of Walker Texas Ranger a vigilante mob almost hung an innocent man, and also (tipped off by the real killer) burned down a house that he escaped from. After Walker uncovered the innocence of the man and cornered the actual killer, he told the mob: "That's why we have laws. You almost hung an innocent man. Now go home." We all know what happened to blacks in the past, and, I'm NOT yet saying about Zimmerman; but just saying.
KNowing some of the bbp members from back in the day, I kinda figured the new panther party was just a nationalist group of clowns waiting to find a prison cell to occupy.
anon "Listening to that video, I had to LMFAO! This guy is more concerned about white on black crime and police brutality while there are people of his peers killing each other. Also, according to statistics, there are more black on white crimes than there are vice versa. "
They have to ignore the obvious. The thousands of young black men who have been killed across the country has never had the attention paid to them like with Trayvon Martin. The excuse I keep hearing is that "the circumstances are different". The only circumstances is that a Hispanic guy pulled the trigger in this incident where any other time the person ending the black person's life is another black person. That is why I haven't got caught up in the insanity of wearing hoodies and treating this 17yr as some sort of a martyr
anon "If someone were to take up the NBPP's offer to take out George Zimmerman, not only would the person be held liable, so would the NBPP. "
That is true. I would think that Holder and the Justice Department would be liable as well knowing that the NBPP announced the bounty, and they knew about it but didn't act to stop it.
Media Matters apologizes to Drudge when Drudge did post a real photo of the young man , what's it with the gold teeth? Still, what someone did in the past is limited in another case. But the MSM has done all to demonize Zimmerman.
I am calling myself the angry black woman because this racist commentary is insulting. Zimmerman is 6’2″ 230 pounds and Trayvon Martin was 140 pounds approximately and 17 years old with a baby face. Clearly a child. Zimmerman was going to the store and not on patrol and patrol participants do not carry weapons of any kind. The killing of this young man was to score brownie points with his friends or organizations he is involved with possibly skin heads, Klan or Neo-Nazis or some kind of informant for the government or very wealthy man who obviously has the goods on someone in power. How can he keep getting acquitted of crimes and still be allowed to carry a weapon and participate in any type of neighborhood watch. Zimmerman is not Latino he is White. A Caucasoid man can only get away with this kind of behavior. If her were Latino he would be on a bus back to Mexico. Zimmerman stated that the young man had his hand in his waistband, that was code for the police or anyone to assume the child had a gun. If, he thought Trayvon had a gun, why did he not wait for the police since he is not trained in police enforcement. I can tell you this he had a premeditated plan in mind. Which was killing this young man. His affiliations are probably giving him praise for his actions. I would not be surprised is he gets off for this murder and is given a prestigious position. Probably with the NRA or one of the other racists groups I mentioned already.
anon "Media Matters apologizes to Drudge when Drudge did post a real photo of the young man , what's it with the gold teeth? Still, what someone did in the past is limited in another case. But the MSM has done all to demonize Zimmerman."
This is funny but predictable. Media Matters apologizes to Drudge when Drudge did post a real photo of the young man , what's it with the gold teeth? Still, what someone did in the past is limited in another case. But the MSM has done all to demonize Zimmerman."
Leave it to the left to always throw the race card out when it had nothing to do with race. This is the same media matters who calls any conservative media personality racists, Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity,Bortz etc. I hope Matt Drudge tells Media Matter to go blank themselves with their apology, because they are just going to use the race card again and again and again. I'm glad they had to eat crow. Crows are black, I better not use that word, Media Matters might be monitoring this. lol
Yet more stuff to digest.
After interviewing Zimmerman, Sanford, Fla., Investigator Chris Serino (lead homicide investigator) stated he was unconvinced Zimmerman's version of events. Serino recommended that Zimmerman be charged with manslaughter, but was instructed to not press charges because the state attorney's office determined there wasn't enough evidence to lead to a conviction.
In other developments, Joe Oliver, supposed "friend" of George Zimmerman, was on the Lawrence O'Donnell show this evening. Oliver admitted that he was "not really that close a friend" with Zimmerman, yet his "gut feelings" told him that Zimmerman was innocent of any wrong doing.
It should be noted that Oliver stated he worked with Zimmerman but, had either given up his job, or taken a a leave of absence, so that he could help defend his friend.
Question: Is there anyone here that would be willing to give up their job to help defend a "not so close friend" who's being accused of killing a 17 year old boy in cold blood? Mind you, that you are not an eyewitness, a blood relative, nor do you have any type of vested interest in the case.
I wonder how Mr. Oliver, who is no without a job, is supporting himself and his family? If you willfully give up your job you can''t draw unemployment benefits. No only that, I'm sure his "ex-employer" stopped his health benefits. What if he gets sick or has a horrible accident? Maybe he'll apply for welfare or food stamps....
holy smokes. Angry black woman is really drinking the koolaid. Nows its some sort of evil White Power/ CIA cabal of black children assassins. I mean...this makes sense, right ?
Listen Angry woman, you may not know this, but you are likely as not, insane. Soooo.... Do not pass go, Do not collect $200. Go straight to the emergency room and tell the doctors you see evil CIA and KKK assassins EVERYWHERE !
Seriously, woman. If you go look at the murder rate statistics all the 'white power' establishment has to do to get blacks killed is let them live in the same neighbothoods !
Why would they - by that I mean all those WP/CIA operatives - go to all that trouble of training assassins ?
But on to more serious things...
Allen. Is this lead investigator the one from the same police force that you've been contending DIDN'T do an investigation worth a crap ? Which is it ? Did they investigate or not ? You can't have it both ways bro. Either they investigated and ultimately decided not to charge at that moment, or they DID investigate and due to a preponderance of the evidence available decided to wait and see what developes.
You have to remember. They already have the shooter, so 95% of the investigation is done. The 'first 48' rule is already accomplished. Its not a whodunit. From this point they piece togethor eyewitness interviews, the shooters interview, any forensics, and so forth.
Also remember that the State Attorneys office is going to have ALOT better grasp on how 'prosecutable' this case is, as its the lawyers - not the cops - who are ultimately going to be the ones trying it.
On a side note, seems Zimmerman is a registered Democrat who lists his race as...Drum roll please... Hispanic. Not White CIA assassin.
As far as this Oliver guy is concerned..Uhm..Whats your point ?
"Always stand on principle, even if you stand alone."
John Quincy Adams
Low life right wingers are the worst. I have read that right wingers are trying to shame trayvon martins mother for attempting to trademark her sons name. You scum ought to know that there are already other scum out there that are going to capitalize on her dead sons name. If anyone was going to be paid to use trayvons name shouldn't it be his mother.
Republicans are two faced bastards. On one hand you are all for capitalism. But when capitalism makes perfect sense you find a way to tear down a person doing the same thing you would do. The same with the health care debate. Republicans were the ones who originally wanted the health care mandate. Now you lying sack of dog craps are pushing against the black president just so you can claim you defeated the black president.
Gerald T-
Gerald T "Low life right wingers are the worst. I have read that right wingers are trying to shame trayvon martins mother for attempting to trademark her sons name. You scum ought to know that there are already other scum out there that are going to capitalize on her dead sons name. If anyone was going to be paid to use trayvons name shouldn't it be his mother."
Blah Blah Blah Gerald. The right wingers aren't the ones making money off of Trayvon Martin Gerald. It's the left wingers who are pimping his name and remains. That is the reason why Trayvon's parents have to trademark his name in order to keep the vulture leftwingers from cashing in on their son. You left that part out Gerald. They are the ones selling the hoodies, tshirts, coffee mugs and other Trayvon Martin merchandise. Trayvon is nothing more to them then a marketing opportunity, so once again take your fake outrage and finger pointing and do a 180 in your pointing.
Gerald T "Republicans are two faced bastards. On one hand you are all for capitalism. But when capitalism makes perfect sense you find a way to tear down a person doing the same thing you would do. The same with the health care debate. Republicans were the ones who originally wanted the health care mandate. Now you lying sack of dog craps are pushing against the black president just so you can claim you defeated the black president."
Actually Obama is biracial, but why let facts get in the way of your perfectly entertaining rant. As for Obamacare, what Republican wanted the mandate? More importantly, name the conservatives who wanted it. This is where you stand down Gerald.
Gerald T: "Republicans are two faced bastards. On one hand you are all for capitalism. But when capitalism makes perfect sense you find a way to tear down a person doing the same thing you would do. The same with the health care debate. Republicans were the ones who originally wanted the health care mandate. Now you lying sack of dog craps are pushing against the black president just so you can claim you defeated the black president."
You mean that same Black President who was against the Healthcare Mandate when running against Hilary Clinton, but then signed it into law?
Supreme irony? Top court poised to throw out Obamacare in echo of case Obama made against Hillary Clinton
Back during the 2008 campaign, Obama argued strenuously against the individual mandate. In a debate in South Carolina, he said: "A mandate means that in some fashion, everybody will be forced to buy health insurance. ... But I believe the problem is not that folks are trying to avoid getting health care. The problem is they can't afford it. And that's why my plan emphasises lowering costs."
And yes, seconding Tyrone's request for those Republicans and Conservatives who "wanted" the mandate. And if they do exist, show us how they are against the mandate now.
Lastly, just so you know . . . forcing people to buy a product is NOT Capitalism.
Yet more...
Something doesn't smell right as this case continues to unfold. First off, ABC news releases a tape showing; Trayvon Martin Video Shows No Blood or Bruises on George Zimmerman. In the video tape, (in my opinion) it doesn't look as though Zimmerman was involved in any type of scuffle. Take notice also that Zimmermans shirt (which is light enough to show stains) does not appear to show any blood or other stains. What really puzzles me is that his shirt is also "neatly tucked" into his pants which is not consistent with someone who had just been in a fight.
In another development, initial reports after the shooting shows that Trayvons body was listed as a "John Doe." However, the police report (supposedly) filed the night of the shooting shows Trayvons name, address (redacted) and birth-date. Why was Trayvon listed as a John Doe with the coroners office, yet the police report shows that the police knew his name?
News sources have now located Zimmerman's father who happens to be a Retired Judge. Hmmmmmmm?
Okay guys, begin the spin... You can start with the fact that Zimmerman is a Democrat. It seems that conservatives have made that a key issue in this case. Ready....Set....Spin!
P Allen, here's the police report . . .
. . . officer Timothy Smith reports that "While I was in close contact with Zimmerman, I could observe that his back appeared to be wet and covered with grass as if he had been laying on his back on the ground. Zimmerman was also bleeding from his nose and from the back of his head."
That's not spin, that's fact.
You don't believe that the police would have cleaned him up or had him cleaned up by EMTs on the scene?
But no, let's instead go by a grainy police video that because of its low quality is far from conclusive. One that has been observed as showing a gash on the back of his head.
Oh and if you could P.Allen, provide a link to that coroner's report that lists Trayvon as "John Doe." I'd really like to see that seeing as how most outlets are reporting the coroner's report as "SEALED"
If the coroners report is "sealed" how can I get it?
From Jonathan Capehart of the Washington Post;
"It wasn't until Trayvon's father, Tracy Martin, called to file a missing-person's report on Feb. 27 that police went to Martin's fiancee's house with pictures of his son's dead body. News reports have said that Trayvon's body was tagged as a John Doe".
I have no reason not to believe him. However, if it comes out that he was not listed as a "John Doe", so be it!
Here's a question for you Anon. Officer Smith stated in the report that he was the first officer on the scene. My question is, why didn't Smith question Zimmerman? Typical police work involves asking questions to ascertain a feel for the crime scene. Did Zimmerman shoot Trayvon and he fell where his body was lying? Did he shoot him 20 or 30 yards away and he fell where he was? Was there anyone else with Zimmerman, or with Trayvon? More importantly, Zimmerman told Smith that he had shot Trayvon, yet Smith, a police officer, felt that he shouldn't, couldn't, or wouldn't ask Zimmerman "WHY"????????
If the coroners report is "sealed" how can I get it?
You're the one who claimed that the coroner's report is listed as John Doe. If it's sealed, then don't you think the story you're quoting if fishy at all?
As for your questions about Officer Smith and his lack of questioning in the initial report, while he may not have asked questions at the scene, it doesn't mean that they NEVER asked Zimmerman questions. After all, the police initially wanted a manslaughter charge brought up on Zimmerman. How would they have come to that conclusion? By asking him questions and assessing the evidence.
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