Saturday, May 05, 2012

Anderson Cooper of CNN did something totally unimaginable against a progressive from

What you are about to watch is something that CNN and Anderson Cooper aren't exactly known for doing. Anderson Cooper had as a guest on his AC360 show Thursday night Justin Ruben who is a spokesperson for Justin tried to present to Anderson the bogus template about the GOP's "War on Women". Well a very, very, very strange exchange happened between Anderson Cooper and Ruben. Anderson Cooper actually took Justin Ruben to task over his very tall tales he was saying about the GOP attacking women specifically through funding cuts. As I was watching Anderson, I couldn't believe what I was seeing in astonishment. 

He was actually doing hard hitting fair and balanced journalism!!

Justin had to be thinking to himself as Anderson Cooper was shooting down directly each and everyone one of his lame talking points, what the hell is going on here? He was thinking Anderson is suppose to be asking him softball questions and being sympathetic to the non sense he was saying. I have a theory to why Anderson actually acted like a real journalist for once.It was reported yesterday that CNN's ratings are at a 10 year low. It could be that the CNN executives might be starting to realize that distorted and bias propaganda presented as journalism doesn't attract viewers, it repels them. The secret to turning around CNN isn't really a secret. It's simple actually. There is no need for CNN to recreate the wheel, all they have to do is learn and emulate what Fox News has done.If Anderson Cooper and others at CNN just focuses on reporting the facts and being tough but fair with people on both sides of the political divide, CNN will easily surpass MSNBC and might dare I say be in a position to challenge Fox News. I might be getting ahead of myself, because one good interview isn't what a trend makes. For what it's worth, AC did show that he can be a true journalist, when he wants to be.


Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB'"For what it's worth, AC did show that he can be a true journalist, when he wants to be".

As Cooper himself would say, "you see him as a 'true journalist' when what he says fits your agenda"....

3:17 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

P Allen "
As Cooper himself would say, "you see him as a 'true journalist' when what he says fits your agenda"...."

Anderson Cooper is suppose to be a journalist and only report the facts which he did this time. Normally he presents his own political agenda as journalism. Notice what I said allen

CB"If Anderson Cooper and others at CNN just focuses on reporting the facts and being tough but fair with people on BOTH SIDES of the political divide, CNN will easily surpass MSNBC and might dare I say be in a position to challenge Fox News."

Notice I said "BOTH" sides of the political divide. I don't mind political commentators taking a stance, because that is what they have been hired to do.

5:23 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB; "If Anderson Cooper and others at CNN just focuses on reporting the facts and being tough but fair with people on BOTH SIDES of the political divide, CNN will easily surpass MSNBC and might dare I say be in a position to challenge Fox News".

PUH-LEEEEEEZZE! You don't even believe that! With the present political climate, the only way CNN could pick up ratings is to lean, or cater to a specific political agenda. The only reason FOX News has it viewership is because they promote a right-wing political agenda. The sames goes for the left leaning MSNBC, CBS, ABC and the other so-called "librul media."

Getting back your assertion of the bogus template about the GOP's "War on Women." You have a firm belief that a "War on Women" is bogus, yet you're lock step in line with the "Class Warfare" notion. Both of these declarations were brought into play from their perspective political sides. For you to claim one is bogus, yet the other is real, reeks of hypocrisy.

Although you say that "a journalist should only report the facts", it doesn't mean that "you" really "expect or want" them to. You know that you adhere to a certain political ideology. Thus, if a certain idea or assertion (such as a GOP War on Women) doesn't fit the mode, it doesn't matter if it's true or not, you will reject it! Just as you will accept the assertion that there's some kind of "Class Warfare" being played by your political opposition.

Mind you, I accept the notion that a commentator should report the facts and be fair with both sides on an issue. I'll also accept that "you think" that a commentator should be that way. However, for you to think it, and actually live by it, is two different things!

7:54 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen "PUH-LEEEEEEZZE! You don't even believe that! With the present political climate, the only way CNN could pick up ratings is to lean, or cater to a specific political agenda."

I believe what I say, that is why I said it in the first place. Fox News doesn't cater to the right as you and other leftists think. Fox News has more left wing political commentators on it's network then CNN, MSBC combined have those on the right. The only reason why you and others on the left believe Fox News is right wing is, because they report the news even the news the other networks chose to ignore, because it goes against their agenda. If the others reported what Fox News report, then Fox couldn't be acussed of supporting the vast right wing conspiracy then.

p allen "The only reason FOX News has it viewership is because they promote a right-wing political agenda. The sames goes for the left leaning MSNBC, CBS, ABC and the other so-called "librul media.""

So called librul media? Yeah, I guess I am just making the whole thing up. Oh can you tell me why NBC News altered the Zimmerman 911 tape? Oh never mind, you don't know, but you know that it's a joke that the media is called the liberal media. lol A person like you allen is funny. I can present evidence upon evidence upon evidence, and you will just ignorantly turn the face and come up with the most absurd excuse in defense of it. Thank goodness most people unlike you believe that their is a liberal bias in the media.

p allen "Getting back your assertion of the bogus template about the GOP's "War on Women." You have a firm belief that a "War on Women" is bogus, yet you're lock step in line with the "Class Warfare" notion. Both of these declarations were brought into play from their perspective political sides. For you to claim one is bogus, yet the other is real, reeks of hypocrisy."

Who's the ones attacking women as whores, sluts, bitches, cunts, milf etc allen? It's progressives like Bill Maher, George Lopez, David Letterman, John Stewart, Chris Matthews, Ed Schultz etc against women like Sarah Palin, Sharon Angle, Laura Ingraham, Michelle Bachman, Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter etc? The evidence speaks volume to that. After everything the left has called and done to Palin, I can't believe that these clowns can with a straight face lay claim that it's the GOP that is waging a war on woman. Oh hell, I didn't even mention how the left treated Hillary just four years ago this time.

p allen "Mind you, I accept the notion that a commentator should report the facts and be fair with both sides on an issue. I'll also accept that "you think" that a commentator should be that way. However, for you to think it, and actually live by it, is two different things!"

That isn't the job of a political commentator.A journalist is suppose to be fair with both sides. Anderson Cooper is suppose to be a journalist. If CNN hired him for his political views and they happen to be on the left, that is fine. That is not the case. Sean Hannity is a political commentator on Fox News. Greta Van Sustren is a reporter/journalist on Fox News. Do you see the difference?

2:17 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen "Getting back your assertion of the bogus template about the GOP's "War on Women." You have a firm belief that a "War on Women" is bogus, yet you're lock step in line with the "Class Warfare" notion. Both of these declarations were brought into play from their perspective political sides. For you to claim one is bogus, yet the other is real, reeks of hypocrisy."

Come back to earth allen. It's the left who is creating this who "Class Warfare BS" not the right. Obama and the left keep spewing on and on about the "rich not paying more in taxes" blah blah blah. The Occupy movement is the leftist movement that resents capitalism and the financially successful. So the class warfare battle is being wagged by whom again and against whom? It's the left who created the narrative of the 99% vs the 1% the last time I looked.

2:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find it funny how most people on the Left claim that Fox News is all just "right-wing propaganda".

When I point out how liberal medias like MSNBC News spew their propaganda and lies, and how they get caught in their lies, a lot of times they claim it was a "right-wing conspiracy" to make the network look foolish.

I don't know what they're talking about, I think MSNBC News has made themselves look like fools with the likes of Chris Matthews and Al Sharpton. The only time I see those fools, is when they have conservative guests on their shows. When their guests talk them under the table, they do their best to shut them out.

I saw one time how Chris Matthews who tried to shut out Michelle Malkin during the John Kerry Swift Boat controversy. Every time she spoke, he kept interrupting her. Very annoying. I cannot stand that guy.

3:56 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"Who's the ones attacking women as whores, sluts, bitches, cunts, milf etc allen?".

Ted Nugent calls Hillary Clinton a Worthless Bitch.

Nugent also called Diane Feinstein a "worthless whore."

Rush Limbaugh calls Sandra Fluke A "slut" and a "prostitute."

Writer Burt Prelutsky calls Michelle Obama A Bitch

Tammy Bruce calls Michelle ObamaTrash in the White House.

To you, instances of THE EXACT SAME VILE ATTACKS count for nothing. Yet I'm supposed to believe you are being "FAIR?" Hardly Tyrone, get real...

CB;"The only reason why you and others on the left believe Fox News is right wing is, because they report the news even the news the other networks chose to ignore, because it goes against their agenda".

The difference here Tyrone is that I know that MSNBC promotes a Left-wing agenda. I'd be as blind and gullible as you if I didn't see it. On the other hand, either you refuse to admit, supportive of a lie, or just brainwashed into believing that FOX News does not promote a right-wing agenda.

CB;"Oh can you tell me why NBC News altered the Zimmerman 911 tape?".

They did it to promote an agenda! Actually, there was no need for doing it, and someone was "FIRED" (rightly so) for doing it! Can you tell me why FOX News falsely reported that President Obama attended a Madrassa? Can you tell me why FOX News altered President Obama's stated of, "not being born with a silver spoon?" Was anyone fired over those "altered states?" However, since you're a "true conservative", I have to allow for your spin. I expect that you'll offer up an excuse for those instances. So when you do, in kind, I'll spin up a "liberal" excuse for the Zimmerman alteration. Mind you, I wont do it simply because you call me a liberal. I'll do it because almost anyone can spin up lies. It's only "FAIR" to do so...

2:16 PM  
Anonymous DYNAMO said...

It's impressive to see this much journalism from someone from a network which often promotes it's own agenda. Fox, MSNBC and CNN are all biased, but this was a nice change.

I'd also like to point out that is this downright entertaining. Witnessing someone get blown up like this on TV might compel people to watch the news more often, and God knows we need that!

I like this blog, too. Very few blacks are thinking logically when they vote Democrat. I would love for you to write a guest piece for my blog if you feel so inclined. Thanks!

2:34 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Anon;"I saw one time how Chris Matthews who tried to shut out Michelle Malkin during the John Kerry Swift Boat controversy. Every time she spoke, he kept interrupting her. Very annoying. I cannot stand that guy".

I watch the interview that Bill O'Reilly did with President Obama during the Superbowl. O'Reilly interrupted the president throughout the interview. I believe I read that he did so about 45 or 50 times!

I don't see FOX News as being a "right-wing conspiracy." I see them more so as a "cabal." Oh sure, they conspire with right-wing politicians in promoting their agenda. But to call it a "conspiracy" makes it sound like their agenda is some kind of... big secret?

Just to show you how Republican politicians rely on FOX News to push their talking points and agenda, heres a snippet of GHW Bush being told not to divulge his close relationship with Roger Ailes.

Another tidbit, former GW Bush White House press secretary, Scott McClellan told Chris Matthews that the Bush White House routinely gave talking points to Fox News commentators.

It's my belief that, if at least you want the appearance of being fair, you would, at the very least, admit that both the left and the right spin their opposing idea's, and have allied themselves with opposing media outlets. But to deny that the media outlet "THAT YOU SUPPORT" is not as partisan, makes you just as culpable as those you accuse...

3:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of reporting journalism, have you saw the O'Reilly Factor episode when Bill O'Reilly did a story about two white journalists who worked for the Virginia-Pilot, who were assaulted by a gang of blacks?

When they reported their story, it did not show up on the next day's edition; the story appeared about two weeks after the attacks.

When O'Reilly, did the story, the publisher and the editor-in-chief wrote an angry letter to O'Reilly for doing the story.

If the roles were reversed, I'm pretty sure the liberal Virginia-Pilot would not have any troubles with it.

5:03 PM  
Anonymous Eddie said...

I like this guy.

11:28 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

anon " Speaking of reporting journalism, have you saw the O'Reilly Factor episode when Bill O'Reilly did a story about two white journalists who worked for the Virginia-Pilot, who were assaulted by a gang of blacks?"

I heard bits and peices about the beating a few days ago. I would think that the media would have been all over this covering it being that it was their fellow members of the press who were attacked, but the reason why they haven't really covered it is obvious. Attackers wrong race, victims wrong race.

1:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CNN and Anderson Cooper ARE FAIR & BALANCED which is a claim Fox is always trying to make but people are absolute idiots if they actually believe that! AC will take both dems and repubs to the carpet if he sees BS in what they are saying! I don't see why people don't see this...but they usually already have their minds made up when they watch.

7:31 PM  

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