Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Obama was against personal attack before he was for it.

I can't believe that The Today Show's Matt Lauer actually did some hard hitting journalism directed at the Obama campaign for once. I guess he or the executives figured that they have to actually do their job once in awhile in an attempt to stabilize their declining ratings. What I watched between Matt Lauer and Obama Spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter had me stunned. I'm not kidding. Democrats always claim that it's the Republicans who are responsible for political character assassinations of their opponents, yet it's usually the other way around. When Obama was running for dictator, he talked about doing away with politics as usual. He claimed he was going to usher in a new era in Washington free of the personal attacks. Well of course, that new tone never materialized as promised. Matt Lauer brought up Obama's own words back then, and asked Ms Cutter is Obama living up to his promise, when he is out on the campaign trail with the personal attacks on Mitt Romney via Baine Capital. By the way Ms Cutter is the person who started floating the trial balloon that Romney might be a felon.

Obama is living up to his words. He can't run on his record, so he has to deflect attenion away from that and make it about Romney. Saul Alinsky at work. (D)eflect attention away from one's self. (I)solate the target. (P)olarize the target in the eyes of others, then (P)ersonally attack the target. Let's hear Barack Obama in his own words about what people who do not have any fresh idea will do. This was as Matt mentioned back in 2008 at the Democratic National Convention.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

(D)eflect attention away from one's self. (I)solate the target. (P)olarize the target in the eyes of others, then (P)ersonally attack the target. Let's hear Barack Obama in his own words about what people who do not have any fresh idea will do. This was as Matt mentioned back in 2008 at the Democratic National Convention.

I may be off the subject, can anyone explain why there are parenthesis the P's in Polorize, Personally, D in Deflect, and an I in Isolate?

4:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome. I came here from a google search at first to find this: http://wakeupblackamerica.blogspot.com/2008/11/office-of-presidental-elect.html

The comments to that thread were priceless.

Do you have a twitter handle? Mine is @laurww

12:14 AM  

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