Bare witness to the rise of Saint Michael
The theatrics of the Michael Brown funeral rally is over. This funeral couldn't have been better scripted if it came from Hollywood. Based on the convenience store video, Michael Brown was clearly not some innocent kid skipping home thinking about the first day of school, no. He was a thief and he assaulted the owner of the store when confronted about stealing some swisher sweet cigars, which are used to make marijuana blunts.
At Brown's funeral however, Michael the violent thug and thief was miraculously cleansed and elevated to that of "Saint Michael". Who was Saint Michael you ask?. Well let me explain. According to his friends and family "
Michael was a big guy, but he was a "kind and gentle soul", and before he left this earth. the day he was killed, he was out
"spreading the word of Jesus Christ" .
The scripture goes that Saint Michael was walking along spreading the word of Jesus Christ, when the devil possessed the store owner and tempted Saint Michael to go into the convenience store with his disciples and steal some swisher sweets cigars. However, one of the ten commandments is "thou shall not steal". This was in essence "The Last Temptation of Saint Michael". Saint Michael was able to overcome the temptation of the devil, and he laid his hands on the store owner jacking him up and yelled DEMON BEGONE!!! He thought he exercised out the demon so he was walking out the store, when he sensed the demon reappear, so he flinched back at the demon and said to the demon "DON'T MAKE ME HAVE TO EXERCISE YOU AGAIN"! Saint Michael still didn't realize that he was in possession of the cigars though. The devil wasn't finished however. He hoped out of the store owner and into the white cop Darren Wilson. Officer Wilson confronted Saint Michael as he was walking down the street with his disciples. Saint Michael put his hands up and said that his purpose was to spread the word of Jesus Christ and he wouldn't be stopped. That is why the devil who controlled Officer Wilson shot the peaceful giant. Testify to the Miracles of the gentle giant!
Saint Michael's Uncle and false prophet pastor Charles Ewing of the Friendly Temple Missionary Baptist Church compared Saint Michael's death to that of Jesus Christ. Well let's see. Michael Brown was buried on Monday. He should have risen from the dead on Thursday but that didn't happened. Nothing worse then deceptive comparisons. Though he did for a moment made some swisher sweets cigars disappear as a miracle and he did exercise the demons out of the store owner. He's still not even close to being in the league with Jesus Christ however. Saint Michael's Uncle stated that "Michael Brown's blood is crying from the ground, crying for vengeance crying for justice".
I find that statement kind of odd coming from a supposed Pastor. Those who are Christians believe that Jesus Christ died for the sins of mankind. Jesus didn't ask for vengeance nor justice in his death. I guess the good pastor and disciples of Saint Michael forget those details. Furthermore, blood is liquid, Liquid can't cry it can be shed, but it can't cry. A soul can cry though. One would think a Pastor would again know the difference. Some believe that Saint Michael is really that of a higher power, just ask Sarah Kinney Gaventa who "preaches" at the Saint Paul Episcopal Church in Ivy Virginia. According to her, Michael Brown is Jesus Christ.
"He became Michael Brown. He became the victim of our sin, so we wouldn’t have to sacrifice each other any more. His sacrifice should have been the last. His sacrifice was enough for us.”