Thursday, January 29, 2015

Michelle Obama: We must teach young blacks to vote Democrat "no matter who's on the ballot"

I''ve noticed how when black democrats talk negative about the Republican Party, they can give an example of how the Democratic Party has benefited  the black working class. Myself along with other blacks who are either conservative or members of the GOP have been called "sellouts" "Uncle Toms" etc for not being loyal to the Democratic Party like they are. My questions to them has yet to be answered however.  Why should we support the Democratic Party and it's liberal policies? When I point to black poverty, illiteracy, drug addiction, black on black crime etc, I can't point a finger at the Republican Party for the creation nor continuation of these problems, because the Republican Party doesn't have any elected officials in the areas where these problems are occurring in black communities across the country. Democrats are mayors and council members in these areas. The truth is a you know what, and people like Michelle Obama doesn't want young black people to become critical thinkers and figure out the obvious. Monday on the black entertainment channel TV One Michelle Obama told host Roland Martin

Odd how liberals especially black ones call black conservatives or Republicans "House Negroes" considering that Michelle Obama is essentially saying that young blacks should be field Negros" to the Democratic Party. I've always said that I do not care if blacks want to be Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Green Party, Libertarian, Constitutional Party etc. That's the way it should be. Individual blacks supporting the party that best represents their interests. I've been told by white and black Democratic liberals that I somehow vote against my interests.  When I ask them what exactly are my interests that I am voting against, they can never seem to name one, surprise, surprise. For liberal Democrats to think that blacks should mindlessly vote a party ticket just because speaks volumes about how they truly see blacks as people. Whatever happened to the days when a political party had to actually "earn" a person's vote? Democrats have long taken the votes of blacks for granted, and Michelle just proved it yet again.


Anonymous Indigo said...

ACM "Myself along with other blacks who are either conservative or members of the GOP have been called "sellouts" "Uncle Toms" etc for not being loyal to the Democratic Party like they are."

The following concerns the “Uncle Tom” phrase.

USEFUL IDIOTS. Americans who supported the Russian Communism of Vladimir Lenin were called “useful idiots.” In the dawn of the 21st century in the USA the term “useful idiots” has been generally applied as: PEOPLE WHO SUPPORT THEIR ENEMIES. Whether unknowingly or knowingly, the result is the same. Thus, “useful idiots” has included reference to Americans who supported Islamic jihad, and to Americas who support and accommodate Muslims that seek to uproot America by implanting sharia.

It also has been applied to black people who support the spirit-sucking and home-wrecking and marriage-destroying entitlements agenda of the democrats.

In 1852 came Uncle Tom's Cabin, a novel by Harriet Beecher Stowe, depicting life for blacks under slavery. The book became a part of anti-slavery efforts. In that book “Uncle Tom,” a black man:

- was not militant, but rather patient.
- was not vengeful, but rather forgiving.
- was a bible believer who was willing to trust Jesus Christ, as to the outcome of slavery. (“Vengeance is the Lord's,” Romans 12.)

In other words, Uncle Tom was religious, and a conservative.

Well, in the Communists' agenda, they had no use for American blacks to be such conservatives, but rather the Communists wanted blacks to be their “useful idiots.”

(Compare conservative Tuskegee builder Booker T. Washington, to liberal writer & NAACP organizer W.E.B.DuBois, or to multi-talented actor & activist Paul Robeson who defended Russia and affirmed his support of Marxism and Socialism )

So the Communists twisted Uncle Tom into a caricature of a low, dirty, sneaky and self-hating black person. Then many American blacks took the bait and said “okey doke.” When many blacks shifted from Republican to Democrat during Pres. FDR, then even moreso during Pres. JFK, the die had been cast, and covered up, and 90% of voting backs remain oblivious of its effects into the 21st century.

Many blacks in America, including many who call themselves religious, are unenlightened about this historical trail of: Communism >> American Black (civil rights) Politics >> Liberalism (Left, Democrat) >> & “Uncle Tom” labeling of any black person who bucked this victim-grievance-based political industry.

some links: (a defense from dialogue of Uncle Tom, whom many liberals don't like, because of Tom's religious exalting of God.) excerpt: “Stowe's Uncle Tom was a muscular and virile man who refused to obey when ordered to beat other slaves; the stock character of minstrel shows became a shuffling asexual individual with a receding hairline and graying hair.

8:41 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

"In 1852 came Uncle Tom's Cabin, a novel by Harriet Beecher Stowe, depicting life for blacks under slavery. The book became a part of anti-slavery efforts. In that book “Uncle Tom,” a black man:

- was not militant, but rather patient.
- was not vengeful, but rather forgiving.
- was a bible believer who was willing to trust Jesus Christ, as to the outcome of slavery. (“Vengeance is the Lord's,” Romans 12.)

In other words, Uncle Tom was religious, and a conservative"

Uncle Tom was a ... CONSERVATIVE??

First off, like Santa Claus and the Unicorn, Uncle Tom is a fictional character. That being said, in writing the novel Stowe created the character which reflected her personal opposition to chattel slavery. In 1852 Stowe's views on slavery were indeed "liberal and progressive." Moreover, the novel was written from the perspective of a Northern White woman whom before the war had never visited the South.

To say that the character Uncle Tom was a "noble conservative", is to say that he was gratified and accepting of his conditions. Which by the way was depicted as being the "PROPERTY" of another man, and a beaten and abused "SLAVE." Even the most committed ideologue would never graciously submit to being subjugated. So, are you saying that the black conservative of 1852 was a gracious, patient and forgiving property and a "SLAVE?" Or are you saying that the present day black conservative is a gracious, patient and forgiving property and a "SLAVE?"

I fail to see any nobility, nor the conservatism in graciously accepting being an abused slave. I myself agree with the author James Weldon Johnson who said, "he was never an admirer of Uncle Tom, nor of his type of goodness."

The promotion of a false narrative that Uncle Tom was a "conservative" is a sign of desperation.

11:02 PM  
Anonymous Vincent said...

The First Lady's statement is an appeal to ideology rather than critical thought. And, dare I say, hope over truth, a disastrous path. Quite similar to religious faith supplanting science, the running theme the Left has used to disparage Republicans and conservatives.
The more one critical examines the statements and policies of the Left, the more one will see the anti-scientific religion of Liberal Utopianism.

1:19 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

I don't believe Tom was neither a conservative nor liberal actually. Indigo said "In that book “Uncle Tom,” a black man:- was not militant, but rather patient."

Malcolm X was an aggressive militant as opposed to Dr. King was as the pacifist in nature. Even though his methods were militant, his views on economically lifting blacks was conservative were has Dr King's views were more along the progressive lines.

Indigo said Tom "was not vengeful, but rather forgiving.
- was a bible believer who was willing to trust Jesus Christ, as to the outcome of slavery. (“Vengeance is the Lord's,” Romans 12.)"

We all now that there are blacks who are liberal yet claim to be Christian, however their politics guide their religion instead of the other way around. On the flip side, there are also agnostics and atheists who are conservatives.
Tom could be considered to have a conservative trait in that he would let his faith guide him in forgiving those who wronged him, however there are many conservatives who believe in the capital punishment like myself. So again, it's hard to really say definitely that Tom was a conservative or even a liberal for that matter.

2:14 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB; "So again, it's hard to really say definitely that Tom was a conservative or even a liberal for that matter".

That statement carries an air of truth...

But again, Uncle Tom is a "fictional" character. When an author creates a character, typically it's created from that person's relative perspective. That is to say the character will reflect how the author views the world around him or her. Stowe, being a vocal abolitionist, left not doubt as to where she stood on the issue of slavery.

So Tyrone your statement holds true in that it's not known what Stowe's intent was when penning a social ideological bent to the character Uncle Tom, or that the intent was for any ideology at all (other than religious beliefs).

Indigo's statement is merely a desperate attempt to co-opt and also change the narrative of who the Uncle Tom character (a fictional character) is. At the same time he makes the claim that, "the COMMUNISTS' twisted Uncle Tom into a caricature of a low, dirty, sneaky and self-hating black person." Really? So it's the "Communists'" twisting the character, but you're not???

Uncle Tom is a FICTIONAL CHARACTER! When reading a novel and analyzing a fictional character, you can dream up as many ideological angles as your mind can imagine. Hell, you can ideologically classify the Big Bad Wolf from the three little pigs a Communist, or a Conservative, or a Liberal while claiming that it was the authors intent. However, that does not make it so.

1:31 PM  
Anonymous Indigo said...

Concerning 1964 Civil Rights Act signed into law by President Johnson:
"I'll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years."
-- Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One according Ronald Kessler's Book, "Inside The White House"

more full analysis at:

photo, and source at:

11:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Democrats love scaring Black people into voting for them. I recall hearing a political ad screaming that "When you don't vote, the Republicans burn another Black church down" or some such nonsense.

Dems can only scare you or give Black reasons to not vote Republican. Not actual reasons to vote for them.

1:49 PM  
Anonymous Indigo said...

Here is a video from @ 2006 – that's @ 8 years ago! - of Canadian columnist and author of “America Alone,” Mark Steyn. (He starts speaking at 5:30 min. mark). He had his finger on the pulse of Islamic Jihadists worldwide, moreso than most American “leaders” do today in February 3, 2015. Also, today, after video was released of ISIS burning alive in a cage, a fuel soaked Jordanian hostage, Obama addressed it on TV in his usual bloodless, cold, matter of fact manner. (He talked like a programmed liberal and/or a brainwashed muslim.) (in this speech Steyn addresses how American business owners and political leaders caved to Muslim demands because they were SCARED! that they, and their employees, might get attacked.)
Barack Obama is reprehensible for opening wide a southern back door, not only for mexican illegals and gangbangers, but also visas for jihadists and their sympathizers. What is more astonishing is that Obama has a Macy's Day Parade of followers behind him beating drums for him, and people like Sheila Jackson Lee and Maxine Waters and Debbie Wasserman Shultz who are his baton twirling majorettes, and a huge majority of black Americans who, even after the last 50 years and the last 6 years, are still marching in step with him (not to Selma, but back to Arabian slavery). If ever there was a “Benedict Arnold” traitor in high American office, it is Obama. But with the massive 49% (or less, now?) multitude of weak demoralized blind passive adults, and their brainwashed public schooled children, many Americans almost deserve to reap what they are sowing.

9:51 PM  
Blogger Z said...

I have a dear Black girlfriend who agrees with me on about every political subject going; I said "Honey! you're a Conservative" She said "Oh, well...I could never vote Conservative because that'd be going against my family"...

Her husband is a wonderful and fairly well known Black singer (mostly opera, Broadway and jazz) and almost always opens his concerts with comments which make me and my other white girlfriends feel a bit guilty for our country's 'racist history'; I don't go anymore because I don't honor or respect his using a concert for that platform, but....

2:52 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen said "
That statement carries an air of truth...But again, Uncle Tom is a "fictional" character."

Something we both agree on finally!!! But here's the thing to note, why do your fellow liberals constantly refer to black conservaives and republicans to that of a "fictional" character who had nothing to do with politics? It's the same as to why liberals refer to a black conservative or republican female as "aunt Jemimah", that is another "fictional" character which is used to market a brand of syrup. So why do liberals used these characters to describe blacks who have nothing in common with the names they are referred to?

p allen "When an author creates a character, typically it's created from that person's relative perspective. That is to say the character will reflect how the author views the world around him or her. Stowe, being a vocal abolitionist, left no doubt as to where she stood on the issue of slavery. "

Hhave you ever found it "odd" how liberals refer to blacks who don't support or are "loyal" to their point of view as "Uncle Toms" as their warped modern day pretext of the term? So to them, if blacks dare to support individual thinking, it's liberals who racially mock them for not thinking as a collective herd to support them. From that perspective, being called an Uncle Tom could be seen as being a black individualist who dares to go against black progressive group think based on perceived loyalty.

11:44 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

Z said " Z said...

I have a dear Black girlfriend who agrees with me on about every political subject going; I said "Honey! you're a Conservative" She said "Oh, well...I could never vote Conservative because that'd be going against my family"... wow."

It seems that your black girlfriend is in denial. If you she believes strongly in a certain set of values and political views yet she votes for a party platform and candidates that support the "opposite" of her views, then she is clearly "voting against her interests and values", I've been told by liberals all the time that I vote against my interests, yet when I tell them to list the issues that are important to me, they become very quiet for some reason. They simply see me a black so I must of course simply have to support liberals and the Democratic Party for no other reason then me being black. Your friend is doing a huge disservice to herself by denying what she stands for. If I were you, I would ask her what have liberals and the Democratic Party done to help elvate black people and don't say anything, and see what she says. If she can't name anything of substance, then I would ask her why does she feel compelled to support a political platform in which she can't name one issue of substance to warrant her support.

Z said "Her husband is a wonderful and fairly well known Black singer (mostly opera, Broadway and jazz) and almost always opens his concerts with comments which make me and my other white girlfriends feel a bit guilty for our country's 'racist history'; I don't go anymore because I don't honor or respect his using a concert for that platform"

This country must not be as racist as he claims, because he is still a citizen here. People denounce their citizenship everyday and immigrate to other countries in which they feel they will have a better life or social and economic conditions are more favorable. I wouldn't go to this person's concerts either. If I wanted to go to a Opera, Jazz concert etc, I am going to go to listen to music not to hear a political commentary. Your girlfriend's husband is probably the main reason why she is afraid to come to grips to the fact that she is a conservative, because she is afraid how her husband will react with her having views that are opposite of his.

12:01 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Z; "Her husband is a wonderful and fairly well known Black singer (mostly opera, Broadway and jazz) and almost always opens his concerts with comments which make me and my other white girlfriends feel a bit guilty for our country's 'racist history'; I don't go anymore because I don't honor or respect his using a concert for that platform, but....".

Oh boy.... time for some sarcasm.

Just makes you want to tell him to, "just shut up and sing!" Be it real or imaginary, don't you just hate it when people complain about the way they've been treated, all the while they're being paid to do what they do.

I have a female friend who has a high paying job in the finance industry. She's always complaining about how the men in her office tells vulgar sexist jokes, and often makes lewd comments about women. I explained to her that there are some men (particularly men in power) that do this. They're just being men. Then I asked her if her paycheck comes on time each payday. She said yes. I told her to, "just shut up and sing!"

Black opera singers Lawrence Brownlee and Issachah Savage have commented about racism that persists among the "white established Theatre' and Opera" elite. Brownlee and Savage make a fairly good living doing what they do. Z, perhaps you should explain to your friends' husband that, racism has been around in Opera circles for a long time. Explain to him that there are some white Opera elite (particularly those in power) that do this. They're just being white Opera and Theatre elitist. You're being paid so, "just shut up and sing!"

-sarcasm off...

5:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CB-"But here's the thing to note, why do your fellow liberals constantly refer to black conservatives and republicans to that of a "fictional" character who had nothing to do with politics?"

It got me to thinking about TV shows that feature an all-black cast and criticism would soon follow. During the run of "The Cosby Show", many blacks organizations argued that the show did not reflect the "true" image of a black family. So, the patriarch of the family who is a doctor while the matriarch is a lawyer, who are both black and successful is considered unreal?

But rarely do you see them bat an eye when it comes to shows that feature mostly black characters like "The Boondocks" and "Black Dynamite", and that reinforce the black stereotype.

6:18 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Big Pop;"It got me to thinking about TV shows that feature an all-black cast and criticism would soon follow. During the run of "The Cosby Show", many blacks organizations argued that the show did not reflect the "true" image of a black family. So, the patriarch of the family who is a doctor while the matriarch is a lawyer, who are both black and successful is considered unreal?".

Okay... Yet you say this;

Big Pop;"But rarely do you see them bat an eye when it comes to shows that feature mostly black characters like "The Boondocks" and "Black Dynamite", and that reinforce the black stereotype".

That type of response to the (fictional) Cosby show's where your own thought process contradicts itself. The first implies that the Huxtables should be an appropriate depiction of the Black family. Yet, as you clearly stated, Black Dynamite and the Boondocks "reinforce the black stereotype".

stereotype: noun; a widely held but fixed image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.

So if The Boondocks and Black Dynamite, (as YOU have said) "reinforce the black stereotype", and The Cosby Show did not reflect the "true" image of a black family, effectively, you are agreeing with the critics!

First off let's point out that the Huxtables, like the Evans family from the TV series "Good Times", are fictional characters. Yet, your argument is confusing because, on one hand you're saying that Huxtables are or should be the "true" depiction of Black American life. On the other hand you're saying that blacks (the reinforced stereotype) are not like the Huxtables.

I think you should look a bit further into what the critics had to say , and try to understand what their concerns were. Sure, there were positives aspects and depictions in the Cosby Show. By the same token, there were also negatives, misconceptions, and some false image depictions which can be critically analyzed and criticized.

8:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As for the issue of stereotyping, rumors for years that if someone is Italian, he must have ties to the mob; a drunken Irishman beats his wife; white Southerners are racist,inbred, rednecks; or all Asians favorite snack is dog?

Yes, I'm aware that the Huxtables and the Evans from "Good Times" are fictional, but here we have two families where one is successful and living in a nice neighborhood while the other is poor and living in the ghetto. But between these two shows, they were families that stuck together. Unlike Cliff Huxtable, James Sr. as mentioned in an episode found a job to get his family out of the ghetto and was killed in a car accident.

Cliff Huxtable may have been an a fictional character, but to many he was an idea father and husband. Not everyone is expected to behave like these other fictional characters. My mother knew a woman years ago divorced her husband because she expected him to behave like Ward Cleaver. I have yet to see a man who act similar to these positive TV fathers or husband.

As to say that these organization that claim that the Huxtables are not being portrayed and behaving like a "real" black family, should they just be as dysfuntional like the Bundy's from "Married...With Children"? Instead of the Huxtables beign successful, maybe Cliff never comes home and leaves Claire without a care for their five children who drop out of school and Sondra, Denise, or Venessa would become reckless and promiscuous and have children at a young age, and Theo joins a gang. As for little Rudy, what path would she take> Hopefully have common sense and work her way out of that environment. Is that the idea of a "real" black family, or would they rather see a black family portrayed in a positive way?

I am so surprised as to how quick they are to criticize Cosby, but not the other shows like "The Boondocks" and "Black Dynamite". I guess it is acceptable to see Riley Freeman embarrassing the gangsta life, and have Black Dynamite portrayed as being a racist, ex-CIA agent, having it out with "the Man" and running a brothel and orphanage under one roof called "The Whorepanage". Yes, I know that they are both fictional shows and "Black Dynamite" has since been cancelled. I'm surprise that they have not made a fuss about "Black Jesus" or "Black-ish".

But what I don't understand is that they had zero-tolerance for a comedy show like "The Secret Diary of Desmond Pfeifer" because they found it offensive and in poor taste due to an era where slavery was taken place? Because of their protest, the show was cancelled after 9 episodes. I wonder if they will react the same way if there was a dramatic TV series where it takes place on a plantation?


2:30 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

BP, I was addressing this question that you posed;

" So, the patriarch of the family who is a doctor while the matriarch is a lawyer, who are both black and successful is considered unreal?".

The critique of the Cosby show wasn't that the characters were "unreal." Hell each one of the critics that I read were from black professionals who lived similar lives of equal or higher status to the fictional Huxtables. Their critique was that, people like yourself would make comparisons (such as you have) to "real black life situations." Comparisons like; "Oh my, why aren't all blacks like the Huxtables!" Or; "Black people should be shamed that they're not like the Huxtables!"

If you were to read what the so-called critics actually wrote you'd see that's what they were critiquing. They weren't chastising or demeaning the shows narrative. They were refuting the silly idea's that [some] non-blacks were giving in relationship to "real life" in Black America.

6:22 PM  

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