Happy 2015!!
Happy 2015 everybody, I hope you all had a joyous and safe New Years. Thankfully the Occupy Matter protesters didn't cause trouble in New York during New Years Eve. I get sick and tired of hearing from dopey protesters crying about how they believe cops are the bad guys, and everybody they come across is as innocent and pure as the wind driven snow.Contrary to progressive anti cop popular belief, cops aren't confronting people at will in order to cause trouble. I don't understand why some people have a problem understanding the simple concept of "staying out of trouble". There is no such thing as "a bad or good cop". There is however good and bad people who become cops. This is why the protesters and those advocating violence on police officers are so dangerous.They are so blinded by emotion and stupidity, they don't know the difference between the two. This is why two good men who just happened to be cops were assassinated. Today was the funeral for Officer Wenjian Lu.
Again, him and Officer Ramos were assassinated not, because they were bad people or did bad things, They were assassinated because they were cops. The anti cop protesters celebrated the death of Officer Ramos as if he was a vile villain while not even knowing that he was a very religious man who was about to graduate to become a NYPD Chaplin. Yeah, Officer Ramos was such a bad person as a cop right? I'm sure criminals who are arrested by cops hate them as much as those who have never been arrested before. I guess criminals and the anti cop protesters have something in common. imagine that. They both endorse killing innocent people. What the criminals who claim that they are the victims don't want the public to know is that they normally are arrested for a reason. Let's just say that all suspects are not saints, and for that reason have to be treated the way that they are. Watch this video and tell me if this person in the back seat is just a victim of law enforcement racism and that the cops overreacted. In the new normal, I sense of logic could be wrong.
Again, him and Officer Ramos were assassinated not, because they were bad people or did bad things, They were assassinated because they were cops. The anti cop protesters celebrated the death of Officer Ramos as if he was a vile villain while not even knowing that he was a very religious man who was about to graduate to become a NYPD Chaplin. Yeah, Officer Ramos was such a bad person as a cop right? I'm sure criminals who are arrested by cops hate them as much as those who have never been arrested before. I guess criminals and the anti cop protesters have something in common. imagine that. They both endorse killing innocent people. What the criminals who claim that they are the victims don't want the public to know is that they normally are arrested for a reason. Let's just say that all suspects are not saints, and for that reason have to be treated the way that they are. Watch this video and tell me if this person in the back seat is just a victim of law enforcement racism and that the cops overreacted. In the new normal, I sense of logic could be wrong.
In the second video, makes me wonder how the cops missed the gun that the suspect was concealing?
excerpted from: http://news.yahoo.com/nypd-says-911-caller-threatened-kill-cops-authorities-220436870--abc-news-topstories.html
"Even seasoned NYPD operators may have been jolted by two calls to 911 before dawn on December 30. That’s when Rayshawn Dixon requested officers be sent to his apartment on New York's Upper West Side, police said, so he could “blow their f****** head off." Dixon, who was charged with making terrorist threats, was the 18th person arrested for threatening cops in the nearly two weeks since two NYPD officers were shot and killed in the line of duty."
excerpted from: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/jan/4/sughed-houston-area-police-on-high-alert-after-cru/
Houston-area authorities have been on high alert after shots were reportedly fired on police officers in two separate incidents and a marked Harris County constable car appeared to have its brake lines intentionally cut. An investigation by the Harris County Precinct 7 Constable's Office is underway after a sergeant reported his “take home” marked patrol car had been sabotaged Tuesday. A county technician determined someone had intentionally cut the car’s anti-lock braking system, a local ABC affiliate reported.
Excerpted from: http://nypost.com/2014/12/29/wary-cops-letting-minor-offenses-slide/
With cops on edge following the assassination of two patrol officers on a Brooklyn street, many officers have started turning a blind eye to some minor crimes, sources told The Post, while a union mandate that two patrol cars respond to all police calls has led to slower response times to non-emergencies. “I’m not writing any summonses. Do you think I’m going to stand there so someone can shoot me or hit me in the head with an ax?” One cop said Sunday, referring to the Dec. 20 slayings and another recent attack on the NYPD. “I’m concerned about my safety,” the cop added. “I want to go to home to my wife and kids.”
The last people on earth that (poor urban) blacks should be fighting against is those who are on the front line of their protections – the police.* Yes, correct abuses always, but realize police risk their life everyday. T. Sowell has made that quote about how “civilization is like a thin skin* over a volcano.” [**The “thin skin” is the necessity for children as citizens to be taught decency, order, and compassion for both individuals and fellow citizens.] So of all things, What do the 50-year guinea pigs do? They start ripping that thin skin. When decent people start losing basic securities, then cities descend toward barbarism, like in some “third world” places, where gangs and warlords and cartels have their way.
(*What they should be fighting is being sold into crippling political, mental and economic bondage, beginning with the 1960's welfare nanny state, along with the degrading of manhood, marriage, family and morals.)
Report today about big terror killing at newspaper office in France (1-7-15), allegedly over a cartoon of Mohammed.... Many European nations now paying the price for being naive, infiltrated, blinded, and spineless “useful idiots” toward jihadist Islamists, and for more than a decade that includes the lapdog media. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/paris-shooting---ten-people-killed--at-charlie-hebdo-office-114026330.html#OuJ9RFb
From: http://clashdaily.com/2014/12/arguing-liberals-like-playing-chess-pigeons/
“Arguing with liberals is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good your are at chess, the pigeon is just going to knock over the peices, crap on the board and strut around like it won.”
(arguing with liberals is pointless - to them - about 99% of the time. They have to either be mugged by reality, or else actively seek to be enlightened by facts.)
anon "In the second video, makes me wonder how the cops missed the gun that the suspect was concealing?"
They did do a sloppy job in frisking him down. It's a good thing that their oversight didn't cost them their lives.
Indigo said..."
The last people on earth that (poor urban) blacks should be fighting against is those who are on the front line of their protections – the police.* Yes, correct abuses always, but realize police risk their life everyday. T. Sowell has made that quote about how “civilization is like a thin skin* over a volcano."
You are expecting irrational thinking people to embrace common sense Indigo. It's not going to happen. There is a reason why we never hear about police having problems in middle class working neighborhoods. It's because the vast majority of middle class people have jobs thus have no need nor desire to be criminals. They have pride and self respect. The inner cities are where the concentration of poverty is, and poverty breeds crime, and that police have to go where the crime is at. The racial agitators don't want to embrace that simple fact.
I've been reading stories over the holidays of progressives attacking police officers all across the country. Now of course these criminals feel justified in breaking the law in assaulting cops, and the protesters feel the same way.
I think anybody who is anti-cop should go through a training exercise and experience what a cop goes through about everyday.
Here I came across a story about an anti-cop, civil rights activist Rev. Jarret Maupin who led a protest for a shooting of an unarmed man by a Phoenix police officer. The Maricopa County sheriffs office invited Rev. Maupin to a training exercise. Let's say he got a lesson of a lifetime. I wonder if Al Sharpton would ever consider in participate in such an exercise?
CB;"You are expecting irrational thinking people to embrace common sense Indigo. It's not going to happen".
That's correct! And you certainly won't hear or read any voice's of reason here. (excluding mine of course...)
CB;"The inner cities are where the concentration of poverty is, and poverty breeds crime".
Even a novice, or a laymen to the tenets of social order knows that. A well known Socialist, (and Communist sympathizer) by the name of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. used that fact as the cornerstone of his quest to have government correct the situation of widespread poverty. Frankly, I blame the MLK movement for many of the problems in the black community today.
CB;"I've been reading stories over the holidays of progressives attacking police officers all across the country".
As a means to brand, and then control the "political narrative", both conservatives and liberals have been conditioned to follow false memes. Instead of looking at a tragedy simply as what it is (eg; a tragedy), pundits and politicians have conditioned the public to place blame where no blame effectively applies.
Here's a case of Georgia Militia men Terry Peace, Brian Cannon and Cory Williamson who were plotting to attack police and other law enforcement government agencies. Thankfully the plot was discovered and foiled by the FBI.
However, were the attacks you speak of on police politically motivated? Does it really do any "good" to make the claim that they are? Is it "best" for police to stop doing their jobs because of a belief that "progressive politicians" are against them? It's been proffered in conservative circles that President Obama sided with terrorist over the FBI. Would it have been "best" for the FBI to have not done their jobs in thwarting the Georgia Militia's plot?
CB;"Now of course these criminals feel justified in breaking the law in assaulting cops, and the protesters feel the same way".
Do you feel the same as the Georgia Militia? There motives clearly were not the same as the so-called "progressives" you've outlined.
Suicide By Cop.
from: http://thegrio.com/2015/01/06/man-commits-suicide-by-baiting-cops/
Man commits suicide by baiting cops into shooting him, leaves note telling officers, “I used you”
America During Obama. So now Pres. Barack Obama wants to give a “free” education to Community College students.
Just like free welfare for parents who have more babies but do not work, it will sap the incentive, and hard work, and character, out of high-schoolers and their parents. The lazy students will be given false security, and the excellent students will have the shine taken off of their distinction. College degrees – which generally mean less now than a generation ago – will mean even less.
Nothing is free when America is 17 trillion dollars in debts (100+ trillion if you count liabilities of Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid, Governments pensions). Universities have received a bulk of their money from State budgets. But Tuition and fees' part will have to be made up for because teachers and administrators and personnel still have to be paid. So prices will go up more, and more layoffs, and canceled classes and extra-curricula activities.
Obama campaigned on the “fundamental transformation” of America. He is socializing, and changing the character which the founders intended to be built in to the USA. Personally, I am turning another corner in an increasing anger and disgust at this man Obama. In spite of race hate at the time, I am glad I have a memory of the love of families and God and country in the 1960' and 1970's.
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