Black lives truly don't matter to Black Lives Matter
The whole "Black Lives Matter" movement is such a hypocritical joke. They key word is "hypocritical". I've been a very vocal critic of this group for awhile now, because they are so fake in what they claim to stand for. My city of Baltimore has a population of about 635,000 people. New York City has a population roughly 11 times the size of Baltimore around 8 milllion, yet Baltimore has more homicides this year then that of New York! It has been open season in the killing of blacks her in Baltimore alone, and it's not the Baltimore Police who are committing these murders of "black lives". It's not the KKK or Aryans Skinheads doing the killings. It's other blacks who are killing blacks. Last month in July marked the deadliest month in Baltimore in over 40 years!! So as the murder count here in Baltimore shoots up like pinball machine score, the group that claims that "black lives matter" has been nowhere to be found in the city calling for an end to the loss of "black lives". Like I've always said, I guess a black life doesn't have any value until that life is killed by a cop (preferably white), then and only then will that black life matter to the racial grievance crowd. When BLM ignores the undeniable cause of how blacks are dying all over the country on a daily basis and yet decides to focus on how blacks are killed in the rarest of occasions, they do not realize just how much they lack credibility as a so called movement, and they don't have mainstream credibility. I've reported on several occasion about black children who have been killed by other blacks, and the black community especially BLM didn't say a word. Well at least some blacks are speaking out about just how fake and fraudulent BLM truly is. Peggy Hubbard lives in the Saint Louis Area, and she created a video exposing just how fake BLM and others who support them are. Warning for explicit language,