Saturday, August 15, 2015

The 5 sentence guide on how young black males can avoid having problems with the police.

Apparently a certain percentage of people especially black can't seem to comprehend the obvious. I've been told by the "street smart" blacks that I am not down with how the police "really are". I laugh, when I hear these fools try to make 1+1 into 5. 

It's not a mistake, timing or whatever that I have never had a problem with the cops as a black man living in Baltimore in my entire life.

First off, I've never had the desire to do things that would draw attention from the cops to begin with. For example, there is a reason why cops engage black men standing on street corners. Loitering is usually against the law anyways, Second, many open air drug transactions in inner cities happen on street corners and where people are gathered. .The statistic I want to see in order to establish a ratio percentage is to take the number of black men who claim they are harassed by cops and then compare it to whether they have a criminal record.  Of course there are times when a truly innocent black male could be in the wrong place at the wrong time and thus arrested for being perceived as taking part in a criminal activity with others, but that's not the norm. The solution for black males to not have to deal with cops is again so obvious, yet sadly a certain percentage of young blacks will never figure it out thus they cycle will continue.







Blogger Renee said...

Most young black men unfortunately are growing up in Democrat supporting single-parent households where they are deprived of the presence of a strong minded, intact black father. The policies of the Democrat party have served only to transform a once God-fearing, Christian minded group of able bodied black men and women who were once proud to utilize their God-given talents in working hard while providing a stable environment for their offpring into a beeding maching of detach, unskilled and uneducated teen parenthood! Despite how the United States once treated them under the racist, Democrat produced, "Jim Crow Lws", most were generally patriotic and sought equally as hard as their white counterparts in fighting for a nation which sadly took them for granted! Today, most young black men under the leadership of the so-called first "black president, Barack Obama, have lost the desire in adopting the very moral values and strength in which the pre-1960's generation of black men upheld. Their only heroes today are the rudderless and unsophisticated, verbally-challenged, gangster wanna-be, urban hip-hop thugs who rake in millions, while trashing "the man"!

So, how can these boys adopt an attitude of respect and love for self when all they are being presented with on a daily basis is utter chaos? Who is going to teach these young boys to fear God, while respecting authority especially when they are in the presence of law enforcement? This is not Selma Alabama, circa 1955. The average young black male teenager is not in peril of ending up like Emmit Till. These young men such as Michael Brown, Treyvon Martin & Freddie Gray, all grew up in Democrat controlled households, headed by their mammas where they were encouraged to walk around with a chip on their shoulders while viewing themselves as "perpectual victims of racism""! They were not the best of black America and had they lived, would most likely have continued engaging in derelic behavior until their rebellious attitudes eventually landed them in jail or dead!! Sadly, they chose the latter.

. The philosophy of liberalism encourages promiscuity which has literally dismantled the black community. Spawning children without the benefit of marriage while promoting the use of contraception as a means of "birth control" has become the official gospel of liberalism. Again, most politicians both within the Democrat party as well as the Republican party, make no effort in denouncing this recklessly iimmoral practice. Despite the fact the both the black & latino community, generally identify themselves as "Christians" they continue to support the morally corrupt policies of the Democrat Party which breeds generations of broken, single mother headed households where young boys are forced to seek out their "mentors" through the presence of drug dealers and gang bangers! They will never be able to aspire greatness as a Dr. Ben Carson or the late John H. Johnson of Ebony/Jet entertprise so long as they are being trained by their white liberal educators to view characters, such as ex-rug dealer Jay Z,, the drug-infused, Lil Wayne and murdered hip hop thugs like Notorious B.I.G & Tupac as their only heroes!

Until a brave and courageous politician finds the motivation in exposing this very obvious cycle of poverty which continues to produce generations of "baby mamma dramas" & "paternity test" theatrics as routinely marketed by the shiftless, ratings seeking opportunist, Maury Povich, expect more of the same in the behavior of this lost generation of youth, in particularly, young black male youth!

2:39 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"Of course there are times when a truly innocent black male could be in the wrong place at the wrong time and thus arrested for being perceived as taking part in a criminal activity with others, but that's not the norm".

The term you've used, "the norm", is a a term of "relative truth." Truth is always relative to some particular frame of reference, particularly the personal preference. Some would say that black-on-black violent crime and rioting in black communities is "the norm." They say it because they believe its true, even though there's no proof that violent crime is "the norm." So no, innocent black males being arrested or targeted is not "the norm." By the same token, neither is black-on-black violent crime or rioting "the norm."

However, a [negative] perception of a particular group leads to an unwarranted stereotype of that entire group. After the recent shooting of the marine recruiter office shooting in Chattanooga, Tennessee, several gun shop owners have banned "all Muslims" from their stores. Thus, these gun shop owners believe that "all Muslims" are radical fanatics with the intent of attacking them. In the gun shop owners mind, you are a threat before you have said or done anything, just because you're a Muslim.

My point here is, police officers or police departments should not operate under that same assumption when dealing with the black communities. The gun shop owners are not paid to patrol Muslim neighborhoods. So they can choose to discriminate, disassociate, not serve, or even hate whomever they choose. Police officers don't have those options. Mind you, I'm not saying that all cops are paranoid, or bad cops. But with the advent of various video records and methods, more and more cases of bad policing are being discovered.

So Tyrone, I agree with your "five sentences" on how to avoid problems with police. However, I'll offer my five sentences for police not to have problems with black males.
1. Know the community that you're policing.
2. Don't hold a negative perception about "all people" of a particular group or race.
3. Do the job you're paid to do, protect and serve the public, and arrest criminals.
4. When you "know" that another officer has done wrong, report it.
5. Record all incidents with your dash or body camera.

So if both police and black males follow those rules, many of the negative incidents would not occur.

6:59 PM  
Anonymous Indigo said...

Well said, Tyrone. You covered the branches.
Well said, commentor renee. You covered the root.

For the sake of this country USA I hope that ability to "comprehend the obvious" and that "brave and courageous" leadership, will prevail soon. To you both, job well done.

9:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@ Rene Xuereb,
What are you talking about Rene? For years blacks have blamed "whitey" for all of their problems. Now you are giving them another excuse to shift the blame to the democrats. After we freed them they were republicans. They screwed that up. Now they are democrats. Who are we going to blame next? The socialists the communists the christian church? Black people have had more than enough time to set themselves straight in the United States. Theres even a black president and after eight years black people have gotten worse. People come here poor with almost nothing from all over the world and pull themselves up in one or two generations. Im from eastern Kentucky Appalachia where everybody lives in democrat controlled household. I grew up poorer than any black in Baltimore or DC. We were not shooting killing and robbing each other. My parents still live there have been democrats all their lives. Ninety five percent of the people there are hard working christian folk with very high moral standards. Its not that blacks are democrats. Thats just another excuse for a failed race of people. They can be republican and that still wont change a thing. Stop making excuses for them by blaming democrats and white people.

Proud American

12:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a question to the Black Lives Matter movement:

If blacks who break the law and feel that the police are not treating them "fairly", would it make you feel any better to have black police officers to patrol the areas that have high crime activities black neighborhoods like Baltimore? Will the black criminal cooperate with the police officer or mouth back at him? If there was a shootout, will the black cop, do you think that the cop is going to try and talk him out of dropping his weapon, or is he going to shoot back to defend himself? Since white police officers have dealt with white criminals in similar situations, how is that going to defer if it was a black cop dealing with a black criminal?


12:15 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

renee xuereb said "Most young black men unfortunately are growing up in Democrat supporting single-parent households where they are deprived of the presence of a strong minded, intact black father. The policies of the Democrat party have served only to transform a once God-fearing, Christian minded group of able bodied black men and women who were once proud to utilize their God-given talents in working hard while providing a stable environment for their offpring into a beeding maching of detach, unskilled and uneducated teen parenthood!"

That pretty much sums it up in an nutshell renee. Young blacks today have no respect for their elders, and they have no respect for law enforcement. They feel they are entitled to act however way they want and everybody else better support it or else! You hit on a critical point that liberals will never acknowledge, because their democratic controlled education system is partially to blame. I would like to see the percentage of young black males who are in prison who have a college degree or a marketable trade vs those who didn't. Most of them in prison dropped out of high school and even those who graduated a certain percentage can't even read on a six grade reading level. The morality that was apart of the black community 50 years ago came from the children being raised in the church, clearly those days are long gone!!

renee xuereb said "Despite how the United States once treated them under the racist, Democrat produced, "Jim Crow Lws", most were generally patriotic and sought equally as hard as their white counterparts in fighting for a nation which sadly took them for granted! Today, most young black men under the leadership of the so-called first "black president, Barack Obama, have lost the desire in adopting the very moral values and strength in which the pre-1960's generation of black men upheld. Their only heroes today are the rudderless and unsophisticated, verbally-challenged, gangster wanna-be, urban hip-hop thugs who rake in millions, while trashing "the man"!

I sake my head watching these fools here in Baltimore idolize Freddy Grey. It baffles my mind just thinking about it. This person was a heroine poison pusher in West Baltimore. He sold poison to them, ruined black people's lives and possible caused a string of heroine overdoses. They'd idolize him will diss someone like Dr Ben Carson who's life's legacy will be that of saving lives and working and succeeding in overcoming poverty. Gangster rap artists have more influence over young blacks then the ministers of churches in their neighborhood have. This is why so many young black males are so screwed up.

8:37 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

BP said "I have a question to the Black Lives Matter movement: If blacks who break the law and feel that the police are not treating them "fairly", would it make you feel any better to have black police officers to patrol the areas that have high crime activities black neighborhoods like Baltimore? Will the black criminal cooperate with the police officer or mouth back at him? If there was a shootout, will the black cop, do you think that the cop is going to try and talk him out of dropping his weapon, or is he going to shoot back to defend himself? Since white police officers have dealt with white criminals in similar situations, how is that going to defer if it was a black cop dealing with a black criminal?"

BLM is nothing more then a Democratic front group just like Occupy Wallstreet was. BLM doesn't give a rat's ass about black lives. Baltimore has become a shooting gallery since the riots, black lives are being taken left and right by other blacks, and black lives matter IS NOWHERE TO BE FOUND. Nah, they are too busy for some reason disrupting the rallies of "Bernie Sanders". I didn't know that Bernie had a role in black lives being killed. Remember 3 of the police officers being charged in the death of the poison pusher Freddy Grey are black but progressives still try to position this case as if it was a case of racism. If a black officer is involved in the shooting of a black suspect, black agigators won't say much. It's only if the cop is white. Then the show begins.

Indigo "Indigo said...
Well said, Tyrone. You covered the branches.
Well said, commentor renee. You covered the root.
For the sake of this country USA I hope that ability to "comprehend the obvious" and that "brave and courageous" leadership, will prevail soon. To you both, job well done."

Thank You Indigo. If this country was rooted in the art of common sense thinking instead of self victiazation and the absurdity of political correctness, the United States would be in pretty good shape right now. This country has become so morally and intellectually off balanced, these days seems like we are living in a daily episode of the Twilight Zone, it's just that bizzare.

9:28 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen said "So Tyrone, I agree with your "five sentences" on how to avoid problems with police. However, I'll offer my five sentences for police not to have problems with black males. 1. Know the community that you're policing."

Ever notice that the black communities with the majority of police unrest by the citizens are areas that are "high crime": areas allen? Here's my wapred since of logic. If these areas weren't high crime areea then that would mean that the cops would have to be in those communities as often. I know it sounds crazy but police are suppose to fight crime, and thus they go to "where the crimes are most likely to happen". So in essence the cops "know the community they are policing"

p allen stated "2. Don't hold a negative perception about "all people" of a particular group or race."

Is there evidence that all police hold a negative perception about "all people" of a particular race or is it your perception? Remember all cops aren't white. There a cops who are also black, Hispanic, Native American, Asian etc.

p allen said 3. Do the job you're paid to do, protect and serve the public, and arrest criminals."

Finally we both agre!! You are absolutely right (for a change). Cops are paid to put their lives on the line to protect the public. They are public servants entrusted with a very important responsibility. I beleive cops are underpaid and they deserve a huge raise in salary for serving in urban cities where they are targets by the criminals, the communities and sadly even the politicans. There are bad people who are cops and those people need to be weeded out of the police departments. Some are people who get off on having the power that badge represents but most cops are good people just trying to do their job.

p allen said "4. When you "know" that another officer has done wrong, report it.
5. Record all incidents with your dash or body camera."

Wow, it must going to snow in the middle of August! We agree AGAIN!! This is starting to get scary. You are coorect, bad cops should be exposed if other cops know of their wrong doings. This is one reason why certain elements of the public do not trust the cops, because they feel the cops will look out for bad cops at the public's expense. I will admit that sometimes yes that does happen, but it shouldn't happen. It becomes hard to build public trust and a dialog with this type of thing happening.

p allen said "So if both police and black males follow those rules, many of the negative incidents would not occur."

Well it would eliminate the number incidents happening in a perfect world that is. But in this world the best anyone can hope for is a sharp reduction in those types of incidents happening.

9:28 PM  
Blogger Renee said...


Since WWII, The Democrat Party managed to sustain the full, undivided support of the black community. This despite the fact, that FDR made no attempt in abolishing the Democrat established, Jim Crow Laws. Blacks today continue to remain a one party support group. Less than 5% of registered black voters even identify as Republicans and will make no attempt, whatsoever, in supporting a morally upstanding, conservative Republican candidate who rejects the sin of sodomy, the fallacy of "gay marriage" & abortion in opposition to a morally corrupt, liberal Democrat candidate who supports all of these morally reckless policies!

You haven't made an intelligent case in defense of your position as oppose to refuting my provable statements. For nearly 50 years, blacks have continually accepted the crumbs of the Democrat party which is centered on tax-payer, funded, morally corrupt government subsidies including, welfare, sub-standard housing, sub-standard public education, medicaid, contraception and the corrupt "health" services of the abortion mills of Planned Parenthood"! Back in 2012, during the presidential race, a very embarrassing video went viral showcasing an extremely, boisterous & inarticulate welfare marm, who was depicted, yucking it up for the cameras as she abruptly infomed a gentleman who was video taping her & a group of Democrat supporting blacks, prepping up votes for Obama in the rain in Cleveland, OH.

There she glared before the camera phone, proudly announcing; "Keep Obama in president! Ya know,? He gave us a phone! Everybody out there, low minority, got an Obama phone! And to add insult to injury, the cameraman began engaging her by asking her how does one acquire an Obamaphone? To that she retorted; "You sign up! You have food stamps, you caint pay yo rent! You on disability! All of the typical crippling assests in which the policies of the Democrat party inspires amongst its most vulnerable and uneducated voters, who generally fall within minority communities! I've heard all of these wonderful stories about immigrants who traveled here to America and started out with nothing but made something of themselves, time and time again. And that basically does not account for the self-defeating attitude of naive black Americans, especially those who reside in predominantly, black communities. The fact is,the Democrat party is run and controlled primarily by, rich, predominantly white, Ivy league, educated capitalist minded men who accuse the Republican party for possessing the very same type of individuals!!

Only the Democrats continue to garner the full undivided support of the black community, this despite the fact, that most blacks continue to bear them most harshest treatment, socially, politically and economically as a result of their support of Democrat policies!

9:53 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"Is there evidence that all police hold a negative perception about "all people" of a particular race or is it your perception? Remember all cops aren't white. There a cops who are also black, Hispanic, Native American, Asian etc".

Ever heard of "Stop And Frisk?" Are you not aware that over 80% of the stops were on Blacks and Hispanics?

CB;"Finally we both agree!! You are absolutely right (for a change)".

Really Tyrone? That one is a no-brainer....

CB;" You are correct, bad cops should be exposed if other cops know of their wrong doings.".

Again.........Really? You need to tell that to the Baltimore Police Department. One or more of the Baltimore PD has to know how Freddie Gray's neck got broken while he was in IN THEIR CUSTODY.

During his administration, former Detroit Mayor Coleman Young often challenged the "Blue Wall Of Silence" in the Detroit PD. Many believed that the street rule of "no snitching" was a contrasting retaliatory effort by the community because the police wouldn't "snitch" on each other.

2:00 AM  
Blogger Renee said...

You gotta love these two sisters Tyrone. never in my lifetime would I have imagine that two intelligent black woman, would take the initiative in "Thumping" for a Republican presidential candidate while exposing the lies and absurdity of the Democrat party and liberalism! Since taking on the the very unprofessionla Megyn kelly who tried to sabotage Donald Trump during the Fox News, tlevised Republican debates, they have garnered a mass following on Youtube! I wish them the best of luck!

8:05 AM  
Anonymous Indigo said...

posted 8-18-15
ACM in comment “This country has become so morally and intellectually off balanced, these days seems like we are living in a daily episode of the Twilight Zone, it's just that bizzare."

And from today here is more evidence of that.

Pundits (political analysts) in America have become nauseating. 90% of pundits in America need to quit it, and go get a job. Americans should look and listen and decide for ourselves who we would vote for. We do not need a class of anaylists to sift and cipher for us. They are doing a bad job, and like the media, the RINOs, and the money hungry agenda-led corporate bosses, they invariably are on the wrong side, and against America's best interests.

For example, on the internet (8-17-15), I read several Jewish columnists who are dead set on treating Donald Trump like he is a temporary joke. Yet, Trump is the main one who has spoken out on how ludicrous is the massive persecution against the tiny land of “Israel” (size of New Jersey), by the leaders of the massive lands of the Arabs / Muslims (whose 27 nations are 60 times the population, and 600 times the land mass of “Israel”). Instead of praising Trump's defense of Israel, those Jewish pundits support status-quo candidates which aided getting “Israel” into its current state, and now enabling a nuclear Iran. Jewish pundits against their own Jewish people and nation. Yet, they want to advise us? on who we should take seriously? Hah! They need to go hide somewhere, and take the rest of the pundit industry with them. Besides liberals, many “neo-cons,” establishment republicans, and RINOs, act like morons. Or like Trump said in the Aug. 6th GOP debate, “Stupid.”

So Donald Trump comes out with a policy statement on what to do about illegal immigration, and the MSM (maninstream media) reporters call Trump's statements “controversial” (Said on 8-17-15 and again today on 8-18-15). Controversial? Really? Who said? What about porous borders, anchor babies, overstayed visas, murders, rapes, welfare fraud, run-down neighborhoods with 20 in a house, zones of thousands of unchecked unassimilated foreigners and millions of others claiming “refugee” status (since Carter's 1980 bill), jihad training camps in USA, depleted city and state budgets? What adjective will the MSM call those things? Controversial? No, nothing, because they do not even report those illegals and invaders. But then they call Trump's desire to do something about them “controversial.” That is the lapdog media today.

9:55 AM  
Anonymous Indigo said...

“Police shoots an UNARMED black man!” - - - as if that headline says it all. Well it doesn't! First of all, as we all say, any cop who is bad or cannot handle the authority or abuses that authority needs to receive his punishment.

Having said that, one city recently had some free demonstrations for the citizens to interact with police. In one of them it was shown how a man with a hidden knife standing 5 feet away, could within 2 seconds pull the knife and murder another person. Furthermore, a man or a teen can kill with a knife, a fist, a foot, a tool, or bang a head against a wall or ground, or if not kill there are many other ways to scar, maim, disable, or divert attention away from a threat. Police officers perform a dangerous and very valuable service, and they never know when it may be on a split-second basis. If things were done right I agree with Tyrone they should be paid more.

It is high time to address the roots of the criminality coming from black homes and neighborhoods; the careless unmarried fornicating baby daddy and baby mama. Youth's vulgar monosyllabic profanity posing as “talk,” the insolent disrespect, the low pants sagging, the hanging out on the corner with no job, the brutal lack of manners including to women, the aged, children, other ethnics, or anyone who looks vulnerable, and then making it all worse by messing up the mind and judgment and self-control with drugs. Recently a white woman was ordering at a Taco Bell drive-thru when she became unconscious. Three black teens came along. Did they call for help? Why, no, they stole the woman's diamond wedding ring off her finger and then left her there to die. (Later, police caught up with them.)

It is high time to start focusing in on the parents that produced such. God told parents to do and to teach their children what He said is right and wrong (Proverbs 1; Ephesians 6). Thomas Sowell recently wrote:
"Do the people who are always demanding that there be more "training" for police ever say that the hoodlums that the police have to deal with should have had more training by their parents, instead of being allowed to grow wild, like weeds?"
(note here: those who, like Bill Cosby, do say so, need to be sure they don't have skeletons in their closet.)

As black columnist Lloyd Marcus wrote, black people “have been played.” (And they lost) Liberal elites who would never do such things in their own families have experimented with poor and uninformed blacks and got blacks (democrats) to vote for the flesh with their politicians and leaders (inc. false religious), instead of heed the Word of God and what is right. Black neighborhoods are not as warm and spiritual as they used to be, but have taken on a tinny, empty, materialistic blight. They have become more like the experimenter. It ain't black and it ain't right.

8:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CB-"BLM doesn't give a rat's ass about black lives. Baltimore has become a shooting gallery since the riots, black lives are being taken left and right by other blacks, and black lives matter is NOWHERE TO BE FOUND."

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke refers to them as Black LIES Matter. The BLM tend to know more about black criminals killed by police than they do about the innocent victims who were caught in the crossfires. Recently in Ferguson, a nine-year-old girl named Jamyla Bolden was shot and killed in her bedroom and her mother suffered a gunshot wound to her leg who fully recovered. This comes a couple of days after police shot and killed an 18-year-old, Mansur Ball-Bey in St. Louis who pulled his gun at them; coincidentally it was during the anniversary of Michael Brown's "murder". So, where is BLM's cry for justice for this young girl? Nowhere! They are too busy rioting in honor of Mansur Ball-Bey.

Also, in reference to this little girl's murder, the Southern Poverty Law Center stated, "that Jamla Bolden was the victim of the 'false narrative' of a victimized white majority under siege by allegedly violent people of color in the United States." The also stated that it was important to highlight the fact that thesse black children are struck down all the time from gunfire from other blacks in major cities like St. Louis and Detroit. Correct me if I'm wrong, like the BLM, it sounds to me that the SPLC could care less about the fatality of this little girl and other black children who were killed by other blacks. The part about "allegedly violent people of color" it sounds to me as if they were making excuses for these criminals. Yeah, and I suppose it was that poor little girl's and other young black children fault for being at the wrong place at the wrong time.


1:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I came across a video featuring an Illinois resident who lives across the river near St. Louis named Peggy Hubbard who has a message to the BLM movement and blacks who commit criminal acts.


10:22 PM  

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