Black lives truly don't matter to Black Lives Matter
The whole "Black Lives Matter" movement is such a hypocritical joke. They key word is "hypocritical". I've been a very vocal critic of this group for awhile now, because they are so fake in what they claim to stand for. My city of Baltimore has a population of about 635,000 people. New York City has a population roughly 11 times the size of Baltimore around 8 milllion, yet Baltimore has more homicides this year then that of New York! It has been open season in the killing of blacks her in Baltimore alone, and it's not the Baltimore Police who are committing these murders of "black lives". It's not the KKK or Aryans Skinheads doing the killings. It's other blacks who are killing blacks. Last month in July marked the deadliest month in Baltimore in over 40 years!! So as the murder count here in Baltimore shoots up like pinball machine score, the group that claims that "black lives matter" has been nowhere to be found in the city calling for an end to the loss of "black lives". Like I've always said, I guess a black life doesn't have any value until that life is killed by a cop (preferably white), then and only then will that black life matter to the racial grievance crowd. When BLM ignores the undeniable cause of how blacks are dying all over the country on a daily basis and yet decides to focus on how blacks are killed in the rarest of occasions, they do not realize just how much they lack credibility as a so called movement, and they don't have mainstream credibility. I've reported on several occasion about black children who have been killed by other blacks, and the black community especially BLM didn't say a word. Well at least some blacks are speaking out about just how fake and fraudulent BLM truly is. Peggy Hubbard lives in the Saint Louis Area, and she created a video exposing just how fake BLM and others who support them are. Warning for explicit language,
What can we say? Black Lives Matter is an overrated left wing movement funded by anti-American, Billionaire socialist, George Soros! Their only aim is to be disruptive by drawing unnecessary attention towards themself by reinforcing the fallcious narrative that America is a racist nation and that innocent, "unarmed" young, black men are being unjustly targeted by racist, white cops! They will continue to push forward their carefully contrived message of racial grievances, well into the 2016 presidential elections with the Democrat frontrunner, whoever that may be, banging the drum that "blacks are victims"! what's worse, the next presidential debates will be conducted at CNN. And you could bet your bottom dollar, that the non- issue of "police brutality" and Ferguson MO will be integrated during the debates with an emphasis on the "Black Lies Matter" movement!
He's back.
"And he delivered, recounting the ride he and Reid had just taken from the conference to the fundraiser in his up-armored presidential limo, where they talked about old times and getting back to Washington to “deal with the crazies in terms of managing some problems.”
Read more:
The "crazies." Guess that would be me.
“All Lives Matter” are words of moral cowardice, writes black columnist Leonard Pitts Jr. In addition to leftist liberalism being a mental disorder, it is now a contagious disease that has spread.
Have you thought about joining together with other conservative, reasonable and rational Blacks to start a movement that could be called "Black Responsibility Is What Matters" or something to that effect? There are many other Black citizens with websites, youtube channels, blogs, etc. with the same message as your own. With the combined audiences of all of you, peaceful marches and protests could be organized and could generate a great deal of media attention.
Blacks need to start coming together to fight against crime, violence, drugs, absent fathers in the home, rap music, and the glorifying of the thug and gang life. As of now, the BLM is allowed to set the political and social agenda and is just playing into the lie of the victimization of Blacks at the hands of "The System." BLM is gaining momentum daily, as the reality of the problems in the Black Communities isn't talked about. And God forbid White people speak up, because to do so gets them labeled as "racist" by Blacks and in the media, and any rational discussion is shut down.
Here's a follow-up video by Peggy Hubbard.
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I think you might like to know how the education system dupes parents, particularly those parents that trust the system. Please see
I am a Maryland resident, and my background is in the ABOUT section.
renee xuereb said..."What can we say? Black Lives Matter is an overrated left wing movement funded by anti-American, Billionaire socialist, George Soros! Their only aim is to be disruptive by drawing unnecessary attention towards themself by reinforcing the fallcious narrative that America is a racist nation and that innocent, "unarmed" young, black men are being unjustly targeted by racist, white cops! They will continue to push forward their carefully contrived message of racial grievances, well into the 2016 presidential elections with the Democrat frontrunner, whoever that may be, banging the drum that "blacks are victims"! what's worse, the next presidential debates will be conducted at CNN. And you could bet your bottom dollar, that the non- issue of "police brutality" and Ferguson MO will be integrated during the debates with an emphasis on the "Black Lies Matter" movement!"
Black Lives Matter should be renamed Black Hypocrites Don't Matter. BLM really doesn't get how phony and two faced they are coming off to most of the nation. Of course George Sorros is funding these misfit losers. Most of those "protesters" don't have jobs, so they have to be getting their money from some place. Notice that they always seem to be protesting during the time most people are at work. I seen how they made Bernie Sanders look helpless at his own rally by taking over the microphone. Curiously though, I've noticed that they haven't yet to crash and take over a Hillary Clinton rally like that. The CNN debate make not be as bad renee. Even though it will be on CNN, the moderator will be Hugh Heweitt. Hugh is a conservative. My only reservation is that Hugh works for Salem Communications which owns Red State which Eric Erickson is the editor in chief. He's made it perfectly known that he doesn't like Trump and disinvited him from a conservative event he was hosting as well as he didn't invite Ben Carson for some utterly lame reason. So we'll have to see how Hugh moderates the debate.
AMS "Tyrone,
Have you thought about joining together with other conservative, reasonable and rational Blacks to start a movement that could be called "Black Responsibility Is What Matters" or something to that effect? There are many other Black citizens with websites, youtube channels, blogs, etc. with the same message as your own. With the combined audiences of all of you, peaceful marches and protests could be organized and could generate a great deal of media attention. "
Thanks AMS but nah. It wouldn't work. Most blacks are multi generationally indoctrinated. The very first conservative I've spoken to was Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson. I use to listen to how purely dumbed down, ignorant progressive Democratic blacks use to call into his show and racially attack him. I use to call his show on Fridays, and he was always pleased to hear from me, because having an articulate, free thinking black person on his show was a rarity back then. You can't reason with a crazy person, and you can't reason with a person who is brainwashed/ indoctrinated person. For example, Obama can rob a bank tomorrow,, and most blacks will defend him in saying he did it to help the poor. Blacks called the Clintons racists back in 2008, yet most of them will vote for Hillary in 2016. It's just not worth trying to reason with these people. I rather just debate black liberals and and expose them to others just how flawed their ideology truly is and hopefully blacks who are critical thinkers can see for themselves.
According to Donald Trump, one of the problems in Baltimore and Ferguson are the result of illegal immigrant gangs. So it appears that you conservative blacks have been barking up the wrong tree! Tyrone, why aren't you organizing marches and demonstrations against the illegal immigrant gangs in Baltimore? Black conservatives have been the scape-goa... ooppps, I mean at the forefront of the conservative movement in claiming "blacks are most hurt by illegal immigrants." Lo' and behold and who woulda' thunk it, its the illegal immigrants casing the trouble in Baltimore and Ferguson!
You have to support, and vote for Trump now Tyrone. Hell, he's going to spend at least a billion dollars to clear Baltimore of the illegal immigrant gangs! Hey, here's and idea... Maybe he could build a wall around Baltimore to keep the illegals from coming back! Better still, to make sure those doggone illegal gangs can't muck-up black communities, Trump could build a wall around the black part of town! That'll keep you and other black Baltimore residents safe from the illegal gangs...
I'm listening to Hillary Clinton now from 1996 stating how she is "adamantly against illegal immigrants..." and how businesses should not be hiring them. Why the big change? Could it be a new growing voting bloc?
It boggles the mind how someone with no integrity can be supported by so many.
Like ACM said, this isn't a group that can be reasoned with.
Hello, ACM.
My date on my last post of Hillary Clinton's immigrant comments is incorrect. That was actually said in 2003, not 1996, when she was in the Senate.
P Allen said "You have to support, and vote for Trump now Tyrone. Hell, he's going to spend at least a billion dollars to clear Baltimore of the illegal immigrant gangs! Hey, here's and idea... Maybe he could build a wall around Baltimore to keep the illegals from coming back! Better still, to make sure those doggone illegal gangs can't muck-up black communities, Trump could build a wall around the black part of town! That'll keep you and other black Baltimore residents safe from the illegal "
I have no record of Trump saying that, but if he did allen, then I would be the first to say he doesn't know what he's talking about that. Granted there are gangs in America that have illegals as members. The El Salvador gang MS 13 comes to mind, the Latin Kings are nother, but these gangs nor any other that have illegals are at war with black gangs in Ferguson nor Baltimore. Baltimore specifically is a black on black genocide issue. Baltimroe does have it's share of illegals. Many are concentrated down in an area in Baltimore of Northern Fells Point. It's amazing actually that for the growing population of illegals in the city of Baltimore, the murder and crime rate is still predominantly dominated by blacks.
Vincent said "Vincent said...
I'm listening to Hillary Clinton now from 1996 stating how she is "adamantly against illegal immigrants..." and how businesses should not be hiring them. Why the big change? Could it be a new growing voting bloc?
It boggles the mind how someone with no integrity can be supported by so many.
Like ACM said, this isn't a group that can be reasoned with."
I noted the change of dates in your last post Vincent, and you are right. We both know as do most people who are politically aware knows that neither political party gives a dam about illegal aliens. All they care about is whether these people will vote for them and their political party. The rest of the nation and it's citizens be dammed. Hillary, like my jackass former Governor now Presidential candidate Martin O'Malley along with idiots like Jeb Bush only cares about bending over and in essence kissing their asses at the nation's expense just so as long as their political power can be preserved for yet another election cycle.
Indigo said "Anonymous Indigo said...
“All Lives Matter” are words of moral cowardice, writes black columnist Leonard Pitts Jr. In addition to leftist liberalism being a mental disorder, it is now a contagious disease that has spread. "
I saw when Martin O Rotten was made to grab his ankles and walk back his comments about "all lives mattering", even though for once he was actually right in his original comments that "all lives matter". Liberals like Leonard Pitts and BLM are so blinded by their hard wired ignorance they can't even come close to seeing what the true problem is in the black community. They are also 14k hypocrites on top. Leonard seems to forget that the number one clarion call by the left is the word "equality". If liberals claim that they want equality, then ALL LIVES should matter then. It seems that Leonard Pitts and BLM want special treatment for blacks who were killed by police over anyone else which makes them exclusive of anyone else's life mattering. For them to claim that black lives (those killed by cops )is more deserving then the homicides of any other person that is non white just shows how BLC really can give a rats rear end about anyone else accept themselves. Even black lives (those not killed by a cop) don't matter to them.
Here is a video "Black LIES Matter" where the black speaker ties together Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and the money behind thug demonstrations, and last but not least, what blacks SHOULD be protesting about in their own homes, neighborhoods, the political leaders they vote for, schools, and media.
Childhood background, including his father's divorce, and restraining order against his threatening crazy mother, of the black homosexual man who shot and killed two journalists & wounded another on live TV. Also involved are his 23-page rant and paranoia against white people (really just a vent for his frustrations and inability to keep a job). The media does not report on the hidden family issues behind Vester Flanagan II, a.k.a. “Bryce Williams,” a disgruntled former employee of WDBJ, Roanoke, Virginia. Citing anger issues passed down through generations, Jesse Lee Peterson says in his article: "All angry people are mentally ill, to one degree or another."
Leonard Pitts’ column (August 23, 2015) described “All lives matter” as “words of moral cowardice”. All lives do not matter? Really? Only black lives? What about the black man who assassinated the white sheriff’s deputy in Texas August 28? His life matters, not the deputy’s? Or the black man who murdered two white TV station employees in Virginia August 26? Falsely concluding that police routinely shoot black men for no good reason, in the face of hard evidence to the contrary - spawning popular misleading chants such as “Hands up, don’t shoot”, has become Pitts’ standard fare. Failure to comply with police directions is the common thread in nearly all police shootings of blacks (and whites); yet he never advocates compliance. Nor does he address honestly the reasons for the insanely high rate of black-on-black violent crime (which may cause some to wonder whether black lives really matter - to some blacks) and black-on-others crime, and why that likely has something to do with some others’ unfavorable attitudes toward blacks in general. Shouldn’t we be looking for ways to promote black progress and pride, reduce black-white conflict, and encourage harmony? Then why publish Leonard Pitts’ columns which routinely encourage blacks to see themselves as victims and police as aggressors? His columns contribute to the problem, not a solution.
Leonard Pitts’ column (August 23, 2015) described “All lives matter” as “words of moral cowardice”. All lives do not matter? Really? Only black lives? What about the black man who assassinated the white sheriff’s deputy in Texas August 28? His life matters, not the deputy’s? Or the black man who murdered two white TV station employees in Virginia August 26? Falsely concluding that police routinely shoot black men for no good reason, in the face of hard evidence to the contrary - spawning popular misleading chants such as “Hands up, don’t shoot”, has become Pitts’ standard fare. Failure to comply with police directions is the common thread in nearly all police shootings of blacks (and whites); yet he never advocates compliance. Nor does he address honestly the reasons for the insanely high rate of black-on-black violent crime (which may cause some to wonder whether black lives really matter - to some blacks) and black-on-others crime, and why that likely has something to do with some others’ unfavorable attitudes toward blacks in general. Shouldn’t we be looking for ways to promote black progress and pride, reduce black-white conflict, and encourage harmony? Then why publish Leonard Pitts’ columns which routinely encourage blacks to see themselves as victims and police as aggressors? His columns contribute to the problem, not a solution.
CB;"I have no record of Trump saying that,".
Really?? You're not following the GOP front runner? What's worse is that you don't read the Baltimore Sun, your own hometown paper!! What about U.S. News and World Report?The St. Louis Post-Dispatch couldn't find any "illegal Mexican" gang members there either.
But if those aren't trustworthy sources You can listen to Trump say it himself. (go to the 1:45 mark on the audio track)
CB;" Baltimroe does have it's share of illegals. Many are concentrated down in an area in Baltimore of Northern Fells Point. It's amazing actually that for the growing population of illegals in the city of Baltimore, the murder and crime rate is still predominantly dominated by blacks".
Ooooohhh! That must be the illegals that are taking all the jobs from Baltimore's black residents. It's those darn illegal Mexicans driving down wages. You know what wages I'm talking about, right? The low wages that were driven down by low-skilled illegal Mexicans, that you're staunchly "AGAINST" raising for low-skilled American citizens.
Its the "illegals" that has your jobs, and are keeping your wages low! But I can't afford to pay higher wages because it "kills jobs!" Conservatives often talk out both sides of their mouths....
Obama and Bill Deblasio have started a major race war while inciting this fake, "Black Lives Matter movement" to take the initiative in encouraging retaliation against the police.The MSM are doing what they do best in downplaying the hateful rhetoric in which this George Soros funded group truly represents. Death to white America! None of the RINO's seem to want to place blame where it truly belongs. Right on Obama's doorstep! If George W Bush were still in office and he greenlighted a racially motivated activist group to take the initiative in attacking blacks, he would have been impeached! Day after day, we are witnessing the presence of paid activists and moronic stooges, who are taking to the streets while chanting, 'death to the pigs'! and what do the conservtive pundits do? Nothing! They go on television and analize the actions of the protestors who are not exercisizing "free speech" but rather encouraging the murder of white people!
Louis Farakhan recently entered a so-called, "black church" and incited the same phenomenon of "death to White America" and continues to remain a free man! If there were truly justice in America, all of these racial rabble rousers would have been arrested already! All of the RINO candidates, and Donald Trump as well, should be hammering Obama and the Democrat party for inciting this racially motivated movement which is responsible for the deaths of several victims including two young cops in NYC, a news reporter and cameraman, a white sherriff and the most recent one in Atlanta! Its time for this revolutionary anarchist group to be exposed as the frauds they truly are!
Black Republican Calls on Obama to Denounce #BlackLivesMatter
"In fact all black leaders need to denounce that movement…"
Ted Cruz Connects the Dots and Calls Out Obama for Racial Cop Killing in Houston
Black Lives Matter?
Black Lives Matter
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