Joe the Plumber is in the crosshair of Obama, Biden and the media

Joe Wurzelbacher of Toledo, Ohio has stirred up the political pot just 17 days before the Presidental Election, and the Obama camp and the media are boiling mad. A week ago Joe Wurzelbacher aka Joe the Plumber was not known by anybody outside of Toledo Ohio, today he is a household name. Joe the plumber has made many friends since then,but he has also made some very powerful enemies. Barack and Biden are trying to completely discredit Joe the plumber, because Barack Obama for a split second exposed himself as a wealth redistributing Socialist at Wednesday's presidential debate. I don't know exactly what the media,Obama and Biden hope to accomplish by destroying Joe the plumber. If anyone Obama and company should be upset with is Barack Obama himself. It was out of Obama's own mouth that he said "We need to redistribute the wealth". Joe the plumber didn't make him say that. He said what he felt on his own and all by himself.
Obama really doesn't believe in the power of American individualism to provide for one's self. That has always been a liberal trait for the last 30 years since Lyndon Johnson's "Great Society".Think of it like this. Liberals know that if people realized that the true power rests in themselves and not government, government would cease to have a controlling influences on the society. The government has never been known to lift people out of poverty, they can only maintain a person in it. Here's an example. Liberals try to pass off social security as a "retirement fund" every chance they get yet Social Security was only meant as a supplemental account to go along with their saved up retirement. The more power the people have means the less government has, and Centralized government control is the key objective of liberals and socialism. To people that aspire to create wealth and advance, the socialist rhetoric of Obama, Biden and others like them normally falls on death ears. To the people that don't believe in their own abilities and have been told that society is keeping them down, then the class warfare dribble promoted by liberals is music to their ears. It's always easier to blame others then to blame one's self. Of course everyday someone has to pay. That means that normally there is no such thing as a free lunch and with government that is definitely true. Someone does have to pay, and it always is the taxpayer. Anyways getting back to Joe the plumber, this is him on Fox News. I have an idea who he's voting for lol.
John McCain thanked Joe Wurzelbacher.
He asked Joe Wurzelbacher why he didn't call when the Constitution was attacked.
Joe Wurzelbacher said he had a long night and was flying to New York that evening for a sit-down interview with Mike Huckabee on Pravda.
They then began kissing.
America survived FDR,LBJ, Carter and two terms of Clinton, if the worst happens in 17 days we can survive Obama too. If anything, Obama will perfectly position Republicans to take back congress in 2010 and the white house in 2012. Obama is the second coming of Jimmy Carter.
shimmy"Joe Wurzelbacher said he had a long night and was flying to New York that evening for a sit-down interview with Mike Huckabee on Pravda.They then began kissing.
Kissing? You mean like when Katie Couric interviewed Barack Obama and how the media in general treats Obama shinny?
"America survived FDR,LBJ, Carter and two terms of Clinton, if the worst happens in 17 days we can survive Obama too. If anything, Obama will perfectly position Republicans to take back congress in 2010 and the white house in 2012. Obama is the second coming of Jimmy Carter." (Tyrone)
Correct on all counts!
Obama is closest in ideology to Jimmy Carter and LBJ, two of the most fically irresponsible and disastrous Presidents in Americans history.
Carter adhered to Keynesian principles, as the bills from the Vietnam war and the Great Society were still coming due and it imploded around be saved by Supply Side policies over the next 25 years.
Just as ALL of Clinton's achivements came in collaboration with the Gingrich Congress (massive welfare reform and huge cuts in government spending, which Clinton opposed, resulting in the temporary government shut-down in '95, which created all those surpluses and delivered the lowest Misery Index - 1998's 6.04 - since 1956), all of G W's worst calamities have come in collaboration with the Pelosi-Reid Congress (the ill-fated "Shamnsety Bill" that would've legitimized illegal immigration, the Keynesian "stimulus package" last spring and the equally Keynesian Bailout this month) date, we've had 15 straight years of single digit Misery Indexes...this year's stands at 9.88 and rising.
It's doubtful that either of the two major candidates running will be able to turn around the coming economic tsunami. Few outside of Wall Street and the financial sector have felt the first wave of this yet...YET, but it's coming.
The effects of two years of Keynesianism is coming due and to date, we still haven't addressed the legal/government causes of the mortgage crisis - sinister groups like ACORN could still sue banks for refusing to offer subprime loans (today we've seen a reversion to old time lending practisces - 20% down, no more than 2 1/2 times your annual income, credit and income verifications AND higher rates, if you can get a mortgage at all, in high-foreclosure areas, once called "red-lining")...that HAS to be addressed.
Banks exist solely to make money for their shareholders, NOT at all to provide a de facto welfare program for deadbeats who can't afford traditional mortgage instruments.
Of the two major Party candidates, Barack Obama is by far the most Keynesian and the most Liberal (in a nation where according to a recent Newsweek poll, Conservatives (40%) outnumber Liberals (20%) by 2 to 1...and that's in a "generous" poll done by a Left-leaning news magazine.
It is almost a certainty that he will re-enact many of Carter's and LBJ's high tax and reckless social spending policies and that will only further damage the economy that has yet to pay for ist current round of mistakes.
I've said since May, that given the grim economic forecast, it might be better that a Democrat take the Oval office and re-Carterize that Party and make Liberalism a dirty word for yet another generation of Americans.
jmk "It's doubtful that either of the two major candidates running will be able to turn around the coming economic tsunami. Few outside of Wall Street and the financial sector have felt the first wave of this yet...YET, but it's coming."
Right now our country is facing between $50 to 100 trillion in unfounded mandates. Polticians really have some nerve jmk, this deceptive maggots talk about everything is for the "children", they are doing it for the children. If they care for the next generation like the say, how could they continue to rack up mountains of debt and not even blink about address it now?
jmk "I've said since May, that given the grim economic forecast, it might be better that a Democrat take the Oval office and re-Carterize that Party and make Liberalism a dirty word for yet another generation of Americans"
My thoughts exactly. The young peopole in our country only know Carter from a history book, it may be time they come fact to face with his predecessor.
Wait'll the recession hits the public sector!
And it soon will.
As Joseph Stiglits (Winner of the 2001 Nobel Prize in Economics) said, "We will almost surely be going into a deep recession — the longest since the Great Depression. The immediate focus will be how to prevent it from getting worse. Inevitably, unemployment will grow, but more and more will find their benefits expire before they find another job—some 700,000 or so are likely to be in this position in the next few weeks. Pumping money into the banks was critical, but trickle-down itself is not enough. States are facing massive shortfall in revenues, and without aid, they have to start laying off workers. Foreclosures are likely to continue apace, as house prices continue to fall as a result of the bursting of the bubble.
Stiglitz is right about the wave of layoffs in many, if not most major cities....and with that a spoiled America will blame GOVERNMENT for its failure to return us to the post-Carter propserity we had for over a quarter century, between 1981 and 2007.
Government CAUSED the current credit crisis via the "turbo-charged CRA" that FORCED private banks to make trillions of dollars of subprime loans.
The Pelosi-Reid Congress presided over a shift back toward Keynesianism in 2007 and since that time, the economy has taken a's a simple matter of placing the blame where it belongs - on Keynesian policies and those Liberals in governmentn who've advocated Keynesianism.
I can't believe people want a politician who practically bullied a US citizen as our commander in chief.
That is disturbing. I get the feeling if I were to voice any concerns Obama's thugs would be banging on my door and digging through my private calls.
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