Was C.A.I.R behind the firing of Juan Williams from NPR?

I can't believe that I'm coming to the defense of Juan Williams on something. This guy normally makes my blood boil every time I see him opening his mouth on the Fox News Channel. Be that is it may, it was flat out wrong for the political correct, pseudo intellectual pinhead who run National Public Radio to fire Williams for speaking the truth about what he said about Muslims. I truly hope there will be a huge backlash against NPR over their overreaction to the truth. Juan my be a liberal, but at least the man isn't a naive fool when it comes to common sense on this issue. Juan was a guest on Bill O'Reilly's show yesterday, and the topic was about Muslims in America. Juan stated in a response to Bill
"Look, Bill, I'm not a bigot. You know the kind of books I've written about the civil rights movement in this country. But when I get on the plane, I got to tell you, if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims, I get worried. I get nervous".
Juan went on to warn Bil against blaming all Muslims for "extremists," saying Christians shouldn't be blamed for Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh. Juan justified his comments, but that wasn't enough for the powers that be. The lame excuse that NPR is giving to why they fired Juan is that "they received "strong criticism" over Juan's comments. So now we seem to have a mystery on our hands. Who is the guilty party in the ultimate termination of Juan Williams? Was it the PC pinheads over at NPR who may be using the public relation shield of "strong criticism" to justify the firing of Williams, or could it be the Muslim bully group C.A.I.R "Council on American Islamic Relations that is responsible? C.A.I.R has been known for going after people in the media especially talk radio who speak out against radical Islam. Most of Fox's viewers are conservative in nature. That definitely not a surprise. So I find it very unlikely that the viewers who were watching the O'Reilly Factor when Juan made his comments were "offended". So this leads me to believe that C.A.I.R or some similar Muslim intimidation organization put the screws to the sheep over at NPR.
This was the response by C.A.I.R to Juan's comments. They wanted NPR to take action against Juan Williams, and I'm sure a slap on the wrist wasn't what C.A.I.R "demanded". The lame cover up by NPR is so pathetic, it's actually laughable. Alicia Shepard is the ombudsman for NPR, and she said "My office spent most of Wednesday fielding phone calls and emails from NPR listeners angry and upset by what Juan Williams said about Muslims. We got at least 60 emails and that was in response to something he said on another network. My job is NPR’s content – not Fox’s". The O'Reilly Factor averages around 3.8 million viewers a night, give or take. First off once again, I find it highly unlikely that these "angry NPR" listeners even watch Fox News nor the O'Reilly Factor. So that is the first BS flag I'm throwing out on the field. Second, getting 60 emails from people who claimed to have watched Bill's show which once again averages around 3.8 million doesn't even remotely constitute "public outrage". So if we were to believe this lame excuse of NPR listener outrage, we could come to the conclusion that Juan William's decade long service to NPR wasn't worth much if it only took 60 emails to get him fired. At the end of the day, I believe that the finger prints of C.A.I.R will have been found in all of this. Like I've always said, when the message can't be disputed, debated or debunked, the messenger will then be the one targeted.
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I'm protesting to Public Radio, at least Minnesota Public Radio. Why in the hell do they allow Garrison Keillor on the air, the Lake Wobegon author and crack down on Juan Williams who has been on National TV starting 20 years ago with CNN? This is a travesty and disgusts me. I'd urge others who feel this way to send an email to your local or national public radio to protest this action.
(please disregard any duplicate posts).
FOX ought to spite NPR and give Juan Williams a time segment for "La Hora de Juan Williams" Huh huh?? Seriously, he's a legitimate leftist who speaks his piece. Liberals accuse conservative media of bigotry, Please!
You are spot on. It is free thinking men like yourself that will call the Dems out and re-unite our nation.
So they got 60 emails complaining about Williams honest statement about his {less than noble reaction to Muslim on plane.. I think they've now received over 3000 complaining about NPR's termination of Williams!
completely insane isn't it? better not have an opinion that doesn't match the powers that be.
glenn becks program today talked about George Soros/MediaMatters funding NPR recently for "investigative reports"
i enjoy your blog, thanks :)
"Juan went on to warn Bil against blaming all Muslims for "extremists," saying Christians shouldn't be blamed for Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh."
Ths is the argment Whoopi made againt Bill O's comment that Muslims killed us. However, Tim McVeigh was 1 "Christian" who did one bombing. Since 9/11 there have been over 16,000 attacks perpetrated by Muslims. Now to get around all of this PS crap is easy. Call out the Wahabbi's who are a Muslim sect. Say the Wahabbi's killed us on 9/11 and you'd be pinpoint accurate not offending the larger sect of decent American Muslims - those who came here to be free and let others be.
It is wahabbi oney that is building mos of the mosques in this country. Someone ought to ask Fisal if he is Wahabbi and does support them.
Check this book out by Willian Wagner (I am not he BTW)"How Islam Plans to Change the World"
Tyrone,I dont agree with Juan either,most of the time, but this timeI do. CAIR is associated with the Muslim Brotherhood and their goal is usingour freedom to destroy us.
Tyrone Elijah Cummings,Barbara, Dutch, Rangel,Jackson, Conyers are on their list as supporters!
Bet Obama wont say a word! He supports then Islamic agenda, so say the Egyptian ambassador that spilled the bean,by saying Obama told him that he was still a MUSLIM,WHILE AT THE wHITE hOUSE, BACK IN June, 2010.
Looks like the forces of Political Correctness have targeted an individual that I would imagine to be safe from their wrath. Looks like if they can target someone like Juan Williams then it's safe to assume that nobody is safe.
Political Correctness is lunacy and I'm surprised that Juan Williams has the gall to call it lunacy.
I've noticed that the people who are coming to Juan's defense like myself are conservatives. It show really who the real tolerant people are. We don't agree with Juan on the vast majority of issues, but we at least respect his right to have diverse views that aren't aligned with ours. Juans friends on the left have not only thrown him under the bus, they've backed the bus over him in reverse for good measure, then they hung him out to dry.
Although I have disagreed with Williams on many points. I will say that he has always seemed very fair minded to me. Here is my question which I have not heard asked yet. Williams firing over controversial remarks in which he was really proving a point about how you can not blame all for the actions of a few. Was that not the supposed lesson which was learned from Shirley Sherrod's firing? Hmmmm yet she was made to be a saint why isn't the defense for Williams the same? Oh I guess because Sherrod wasn't a fox contributer. Not to mention in liberal dream land Fox Caused Sherrod's firing Unbelievable!!!!
This is just a joke:
Do you know, according to each sides' point of view, the difference between Liberals and Conservatives?
According to Liberals: the Conservatives are bad.
According to Conservatives: Liberals are people who want to make you look bad.
I don't think what Williams said was hateful, according to the NPR and CAIR. But what don't get is, when people discuss their feelings of prejudices, why hold it against them?
Even when they do not express any prejudices or any bigotry, they still get in trouble.
My brother who is white, nearly lost his job because he was having difficulty with his co-worker who was a minority. He was accused of bigotry. He explained that the reason why he was having problems with his co-worker was because he was not doing his share of the work. He did not get fire, instead his managers told him to be a little more "sensible".
TSVDP "I'm protesting to Public Radio, at least Minnesota Public Radio. Why in the hell do they allow Garrison Keillor on the air, the Lake Wobegon author and crack down on Juan Williams who has been on National TV starting 20 years ago with CNN? This is a travesty and disgusts me. I'd urge others who feel this way to send an email to your local or national public radio to protest this action."
Many people now want NPR's funding cut. I never supported the concept of the government funding them in the first place. I going to check around and see if a national petition can be organized for the purpose of cutting of public money to NPR and NPT. The rest of the media has to compete in the market place and survive or fail based on their performance, and these two organizations shouldn't be no different.
anonymous "FOX ought to spite NPR and give Juan Williams a time segment for "La Hora de Juan Williams" Huh huh?? Seriously, he's a legitimate leftist who speaks his piece. Liberals accuse conservative media of bigotry, Please!"
Fox News just signed Juan to a 3 year contract worth $2 million dollars yesterday. So much for the left claiming Fox is the political arm of the Republican Party. Though I can't stomach Juan, I understand why Fox News signed a new deal with him. Fox truly is Fair and BALANCED. It is ironic how liberals cause conservatives of bigotry and racism, yet it is those so called bigoted racist conservatives who came to the aid of a black man who hold views that are opposite of theirs. Liberals can learn a lot about tolerance and compassion from conservatives.
anon "You are spot on. It is free thinking men like yourself that will call the Dems out and re-unite our nation."
thank you. Exposing the truth is the main reason why I do what I do, but pissing off liberals, marxists, statists in the process is just sweet icing on the cake. :-)
anon "
I don't think what Williams said was hateful, according to the NPR and CAIR. But what don't get is, when people discuss their feelings of prejudices, why hold it against them?"
I don't believe what Juan professed was a prejudice. If I was on a plan and a person dressed in Muslim grab started loudly chanting that Allah is great and American must die, I would be way more then uncomfortable!! A Muslim tried to blow up a delta flight over Detroit on Christmas Day. 911 is self explanatory. The bombing of flight Pan Am 103. These acts have been committed by Muslims. Nobody is saying that ALL Muslims are terrorists, but the the odds do point to a terrorist attack being committed on a plane by a Muslim. Until Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and Atheists suicide and homicide bombers caught up in the numbers of attacks "right now they all stand at 0", Muslims acting a "certain way" on a plane will make people feel "uncomfortable". Juan was fired for telling the honest but brutal truth.
Me~Kelly "completely insane isn't it? better not have an opinion that doesn't match the powers that be."
True, Juan found out that even a liberal isn't safe if he or she strays off the Political Correctness path even in making one non PC comment.
They didn't get 60 e-mails at PBS unless there was an organized effort by CAIR to make an example of Williams.
It wouldn't have done them any good to complain to FOX.
Liberal whiners....
If Fareed Zakaria said brothas walking around the airport parking garage made him worry that they were gang bangers, he'd be fired too. Free speech is one thing. Saying that crap and getting paid for it is a whole other ballgame. ... Boo hoo hoo, NPR has higher standards. And you're upset about it? Typical.
Fareed wouldnt have said brothas.
Muslims are experiencing their 15 mins of fame. Sharia Law is insane. Americans wake up. Once I was notallowed to swim at the pool in Baltimore with whites, now Muslims are bringing it back. Arab money is buying Sharia. Wake up America as what happened to Juan willbe forced on you by Islamic Law called Sharia.
Finally Black women and man foreigners are fighting the islamic take over of Freedom.
The 4 stages of the planned take over and the 20 year plan can be received each of $3:
Dile Inc.
Knowledge Unlimited
P.O.Box 144
Randallstown, Md.21133.
This is a research tank to inform the public re: religion and religious history.
Many topics, can save time.
Get the list of senators and congressmans supporting Sharia Law. $1
@Alpha Conservative Male, and the 2nd Post. Fox definitely needs a liberal analysis show, Juan is the man to do. Alan Colmes was intolerable to watch then, yet the likes of Hannity's constant bashing of liberals doesn't aid in understanding the opposing viewpoint. Irregardless of their liberal beliefs, FOX is fair and balance, so let them have a platform. And as you said they're the bigoted
Tyronne, as it was done with Conan O'brien...Juan Williams needs a following, hell Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson ain't supporting... TEAM JUAN
I've met Juan Williams personally. He may be suffering from liberalism, but he's a really good guy. He didn't deserve this treatment, and NPR is going to lose a ton of listeners over this. I invite you to read my post about Juan on my blog.
lets first evry one is critzism or
complian about something.wich normal with a respond.
wiith out come over as mian spot,
to jews is lot of times or manny times.
toward a muslim i never see this
insane respond.geert wilders is for court juan get fired,
if this was to a jew or cristian or afro american i don t think he be fired.
influnce of cair,cair only don t know.influnce of some muslims if not most yes.
don t if i was a interview with ibrahim hooper od cair he did t anser no qwestion
rambel trough like obama.maby it was obama who knows.
one thing
one thing.if we do not stop this insane behavor than blog as this be gone to.
so are we mad as hell we are
ready shovel jobs take you shovel shovel cair away.
NPR should be removed from the air and C.A.I.R should be investigated by the Department of Homeland Security
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