Alan Colmes uses the death of Rick and Karen Santorum's baby boy as a political weapon.

I had a dream once that I was walking in front of Alan Colmes then I slowed up and "accidentally" nailed him in his face with my elbow. Some dreams I wish I could revisit over and over again, that is one of them. I don't know why Roger Ailes of Fox News hired Alan Colmes to be a Political Commentator. He brings nothing of value to the Channel. Then again, Karl Rove, Geraldo and Juan Williams don't bring anything either. We all know that progressives will use any means possible in which to try and destroy a conservative. If that means using a tragic situation to do so, they'll do it. Since they can never beat a conservative on the basis of ideas, they have to go "personal" instead. In 1996, Rick Santorum's wife Karen suffered a miscarriage in the hospital. Their baby boy was named Gabriel. Rick and Karen brought home their dead son to let their kids grieve for their baby brother. This is what the compassionate progressive Alan Colmes said yesterday about an ultra personal matter.
“Get a load of some of the crazy things he’s said and done, like taking his two-hour-old baby when it died right after child birth home and played with it so that his other children would know that the child was real”.
Interesting that Alan Colmes has no problem with some stranger sticking a spike in the skull of an unborn baby and sucking his or her brains out, but he took issue with how the Santorum's mourned for their dead infant boy. If I was standing in front of Alan Colmes right now, I really couldn't say that I would treat him with any ounce of respect. Karen Santorum was present yesterday as Rick responded to a person's question about the attack by Alan Colmes. As Rick explained the reason why him and his wife brought home their son, Karen started to cry saying "It’s just so inappropriate”.. It's one thing to attack Rick Santorum on his polices but bringing up Santorum's child and how his family grieved for him is beyond low and despicable even for Colmes. Alan has recently tweeted that he called Rick and Karen to apologize, but I guarantee that he only did it after the intense blow back that he received from doing it in the first place. I guess this is gutter politics at it's worst. That new tone in civility progressives were calling for sure didn't last long.
Colmes is a SOB. No matter one's politics you never and i mean never bring the personal and family into the equation. He needs to publicly apologize.
Ha Tyronne did you hear about santorum playing the race card today making incendiary coments about blacks like all republicans feel like they must do to be relevant
By the way tyrone did you see they caught that white boy that was setting all them fires in LA.If 1 angry white male could cause more damage than was commited during the LA riots could you imagine the damage a group of angry violent white males could inflict.
Hey Anonymous, what's your point? Just stirring the pot? Or did Tyrone own your ass in a post before this one or in a private e-mail?
Is he just one black boy who's countered your progressive thought?
Imagine if an angry caucus of black folks stand up against the progressive ranks and race baiter's and inflict a wound so massive, your party is done.
This guy is a little prick. And so is the Anonymous mouth here.
Anyway, body language is everything. once the guest started going off on Colmes, he sat back and sank in his chair. Arms crossed because he knew he f*cked up..
You could see his cheeks get red because he knew he was wrong and embarrassed. What an ass. Hope he pay's for those remarks.
anon "Ha Tyronne did you hear about santorum playing the race card today making incendiary coments about blacks like all republicans feel like they must do to be relevant"
If you are going to try and race bait me, you should quit before you start. I know exactly what Santorum said, I have the FULL CLIP of what he said. The media took a portion of what he said and tried to make it out into something he never said. What the media reported Santorum in saying was that
"he didn't want to make black people's lives better by giving them other people's money."
The one small problem though is that Santorum never said the word black.
Rick Santorum "I don’t want to make [pause] lives, people’s lives better by giving them somebody else’s money.” That makes makes sense in the context of what he said immediately following his statement: “It [Medicaid] just keeps expanding. I was Indianola a few months ago, and I was talking with someone who works at the Department of Public Welfare here, and she told me that the state of Iowa is going to get fined if they don’t sign up more people under the Medicaid program. They’re just pushing harder and harder to get more and more of you dependent upon them so that they can get your vote.”
Santorum didn't make a statement about blacks. Iowa is a mostly WHITE POPULATION STATE and we was taking about welfare entitlements in general. Do you have anything else?
Alan Colmes messed up when Hannity split. Alan even looks stupid! His remarks never makes sense, and as a Jew the fool is like Blacks who join Islam when Islam says they are cursed, created black to be slaves for white people. Tabari. Colmes is to be killed by Muslims in the Quran and yet he wont tell the truth.
He makes no sense.
Alan Colmes messed up when Hannity split. Alan even looks stupid! His remarks never makes sense, and as a Jew the fool is like Blacks who join Islam when Islam says they are cursed, created black to be slaves for white people. Tabari. Colmes is to be killed by Muslims in the Quran and yet he wont tell the truth.
He makes no sense.
CB;The one small problem though is that Santorum never said the word black".
Honestly I hadn't heard about the Santorum verbal gaffe until now. I found a site that has the tape.
I listened to, and watched the tape, and it undoubtedly sounds like Santorum said "black." Granted it very well could have been a tongue twisted slip with no intent to sound like the word black, but it definitely sound's like "black." What is obvious Tyrone, is that you're trying to be, "protector and arbiter of the White Conservative's racial sensitivity."
As I said, Santorum could have very well had a mumble mouth moment, and had no intent of saying "black." However, it clearly sound's like that's what he said, and that's undeniable.
Hey Tyrone Why not have sanitoriom cut all the intitlement programs for tonto injuns that whole race gets nothing but handouts.But just like the violent White man play the race card against blacks.Cant wait till 2030 when Hispanics replace whites as the majority in America
Santorum just appeared on the O'Reilly Factor. Santorum admits that his words sounded as if he said "black people", although that was not his intent. He stated his words came out a bit jumbled during the speech.
So the fact is, Santorum did say "black people." I accept his explanation because I understand that at times while speaking terms or words can get fumbled. So Tyrone, there's no need for you to play "protect the White Conservative from the race baiting Libuls." Santorum's explanation is good enough for me.
Ha Ha Although I do not know why your even discussing race baiting sanitorium he will be out of the race after new hampshire.The repubs had best get used to Mitt Romney as president.Cant wait when Mitt Romney wins the tea bagger movement will be proven a joke and irrelevant.
CB;"I was protecting the white conservative? That's weak even for you".
First off, you said "he didn't say BLACK." Santorum, himself, admitted that it sounded as though he did. Okay, he said it was a mistake and jumble...fine, I'll accept that. But, for you to claim that you can't hear what everyone else can hear, and what Santorum himself says he heard, there's no explanation other than you're attempting to cover his ass...plain and simple!
CB;"Coming from a person who loyally supported the white progressive polices that have destroyed the black community".
Say whuuuuuud??? So now you're blaming "whitey???" So it's the left-liberal-progressive Whitey that's holding blacks down? So Louis Farrakhan was right all along, at least according to you. So the Alpha Conservative admits that it's all "Whitey's" fault after all...who would'a thunk it!
anon "Ha Ha Although I do not know why your even discussing race baiting sanitorium he will be out of the race after new hampshire.The repubs had best get used to Mitt Romney as president.Cant wait when Mitt Romney wins the tea bagger movement will be proven a joke and irrelevant."
The real joke is the Occupy freaks and what happened to them. Most Americans relate more to the tea party then they ever could with the social reject losers of the Occupy "movement". Progressives better worry about Obama dismal record instead of focusing and trying to mock who will be the eventual nominee. Re elections are about the incumbent and whether he or she deserved another term based on HIS OR HER RECORD. Obama's record is such a dismal failure, it will be a laugh listening to how Barry try to put perfume on that huge stinking pile of crap he calls his record. Now that's funny.
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p allen "Santorum just appeared on the O'Reilly Factor. Santorum admits that his words sounded as if he said "black people", although that was not his intent. He stated his words came out a bit jumbled during the speech. "
Have you been drinking again allen? "sounded as if"? What the hell does that mean. It's either he said it or he didn't say it. I wish he did say it for one simple reason. You progressives always seem to talk out of both sides of your mouth allen. Whenever conservatives talk about either doing away with social programs or reforming them, progressives are the first to say "BLACKS WILL BE IMPACTED THE MOST BY THE ELMINATION OF THIS OR THAT PROGRAM". HOWEVER if someone talks about blacks and Social programs, then the song and dance becomes, THERE ARE MORE WHITES USING SOCIAL SERVICES THEN BLACKS. So which one is it allen? When Bush talked about reforming Social Security,
progressives squawked about SS reform hurting blacks the most.
That was just one example of the double talk.
p allen "So the fact is, Santorum did say "black people." I accept his explanation because I understand that at times while speaking terms or words can get fumbled. So Tyrone, there's no need for you to play "protect the White Conservative from the race baiting Libuls." Santorum's explanation is good enough for me."
When was the last time you ever criticized White progressives? Are you on the African American friends of Harry Reid facebook page allen? lol I don't have to defend Santorum, because he said nothing wrong worth defending in the first place. Where there is no smoke, there is no fire. So put down your water soaked matches allen, you aren't going to get a spark on this. The story is so irrelevant even the media has moved on to better things. Come up with something else that won't put me to sleep.
CB;"The story is so irrelevant even the media has moved on to better things. Come up with something else that won't put me to sleep".
Hooooold the phone Tyrone!
I've changed my point of view. Watch this clip from CNN. I was unaware of Santorums initial response to the question of what he did, or did not say. In the CNN clip Santorum tells reporter, Scott Pelle, that he; "saw the quote but did not know the context in which it was made".
So, initially his concern was the "context", not the quote itself? Furthermore, Santorum stated on the O'Reilly Factor that he doesn't use the term "Black" (when referring to Black people), that he rather uses the term, "African American." Yet during the Pelle interview he used the term "Black Children" while claiming he had saw the movie "Waiting for Superman."
As of now it appears to me that Santorum did mean to say exactly what he said..."Black People!" Even if you don't want to believe it Tyrone, what he said is indeed "race baiting." If he takes heat for it, so be it.
Using the words Black People makes sense to be. 85% of all Blacks are Black Americans. African Americans are also white. 85% are mixed, thus not African American.
Since most Blacks dont know the correct name to use, who cares. We are Americans, after 40 generations, it's home.
Santorum has the guts to expose Islam. Obama and the UN is trying to bring Sharia Law to Americ, making it against the law to expose Islam.
This is allowed, even if it is true. Banning Miss Piggy, piglet as pigs offend Muslims.
Since GOD created pigs on the 6th day and said they were GOOD, I will eat pig! From Noah to Moses pigs were eaten. Only after Moses left Egypt was he told not to eat pig. It was because of the area where they were living was not conducive to keeping pigs to eat and keep, not because pigs were evil. Arabs were there long before Moses and were not told not to eat pigs. In the 7th century Muhammad copied Orthodox Jews re: Pigs. GOD never told Arabs NO PORK. Arabs were begotten before Hebrews. Genesis 10 chapter.
Moses never went to heaven, so Muhammad never talked to Moses re:50 prayers. Michelle wil be the lst wife afterwhile!
Whoever the person is with the islamophobic rant is out of their mind. How can barack omaba put any law in place without congress let alone sharia law? I think a lot of these accusations of socialism and obama being a muslim is just a cover for wanting to call him a nigger. And the blacks that say that dumb stuff are really stupid.
You know what? You really sound as crazy as the crazy muslims you talk about. You quote all the insane passages like you believe they are true. Your just as crazy or even more crazy than they are. Who ever you are you really have a problem and should seek help.
Gerald T.
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