Monday, August 18, 2008

John McCain was riding high in the saddle at Saddle Back

I watched the political forum Saturday night hosted by Rick Warren of the Saddle Back church. When I first heard about the forum, my first thought was "Why in the world does Barack Obama think that he has a snowball's chance in hell in suckering the Evangelical voters into thinking he is a true Christian".?Even with that said, I didn't expect McCain to do that well either. To say I was pleasantly surprised is a massive understatement to say the least. John McCain was on his "A" game Saturday night. Listening to McCain was almost like listening to Ronald Reagan reborn. For the whole hour, I was thinking I must be dreaming or this is a cruel joke if I was dreaming. McCain come out and answered all of Warren's questions direct and precise. McCain addressed the importance of drilling for new oil as an issue of National Security. He also mentioned that he believes marriage is a union between "one man and one woman" and that America was founded on Judah Christian values. If the McCain that showed up Saturday night is going to be around for awhile, Barack Obama is in very deep trouble. Obama was average at the debate barely, but McCain blew the crowd away, and he completely contrasted himself from Obama's radical liberal views. Obama once again was stuttering and pausing a lot. Since Pastor Warren was asking the questions, Poor Obama didn't have the services of his trusted "Teleprompter 5000". When Obama was asked the question of when does he think life begins, Obama was trying desperate not to give a direct answer. He ended up saying something along the lines that the issue was "above his pay rate". Obama should have known better then thinking that all he had to do was just say he supports "faith based initiatives" and that would be enough to get him through the forum. Top Obama supporters couldn't have liked McCain's performance. Obama supporters are banking on conservatives not coming out to vote for McCain in November. Saturday night proved that might not be the case. I've talked to many conservatives after the debate in the conservative chat rooms and forums, and the ones who weren't going to vote for McCain said they are now taking a second look and like what they heard from him. If McCain continues on this path he set at Saddle Back, he should have no problem rallying the conservative base around him. As for Obama, it looks like his chances of cutting into the Evangelical Christian vote base is as it was before the Saddle Back forum, that will be slim and none and slim just left the building. This is Obama addressing the issue of abortion and when babies deserve rights

now listen to McCain's response on when he believes babies deserve rights. A difference between night and day.


Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Tyrone, did you really expect Obama to do well among traditional republican voters? How well do you think McCain would have done in a forum of the same type hosted by the NAACP?

Since the GOP adopted the anti-abortion platform, evangelicals have religiously flocked toward the candidate who says "anti-abortion" the loudest and the most.

CB says;"Listening to McCain was almost like listening to Ronald Reagan reborn."

Actually, you were! Every "Reagan-ism" was used in his response's. What would you expect? He was seated in a bastion of evangelical conservatism. The type of questions coming from this group were more than obvious, thus he was pre-scripted with "Reaganesque" responses which were certain to wow the crowd.

When it comes to the abortion issue Republicans smell votes. What really gets me though, is how many evangelicals and other anti-abortion activists put aside all other issues when choosing whom to vote for. I know quite a few people who take a firm religious moral stand against any candidate who states that they are pro-choice. Ironically, most of them are men!

That fact is that Roe v. Wade will never be overturned. As long as women have the right to vote, speak out and protest it will never happen. Moreover, Republican and Democratic politicians alike "knows" it will never happen. Basically, Republican candidates have used the anti-abortion issue simply to garner the evengelical vote.

I saved the best for last....

CB says, once again...;""Why in the world does Barack Obama think that he has a snowball's chance in hell in suckering the Evangelical voters into thinking he is a true Christian".?"

We've been down this road before, so I'll make this one short and to the point. There is diversity in judging someone else's faith;

"Accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgment on disputable matters ... Who are you to judge someone else's servant? To his own master he stands or falls ... So then each of us will give an account of himself to God ... So whatever you believe about these things keep between yourself and God."
-(Rom. 14:1-22)-

Now, should you question your own Christianty for not attempting to be "helpful" in some kind of way?

10:43 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen" Tyrone, did you really expect Obama to do well among traditional republican voters? How well do you think McCain would have done in a forum of the same type hosted by the NAACP?"

Obama did get several applauses during his hour, so its not like the saddle back crowd was hostile towards him allen. You know I right.The fact isn't that Obama did bad, it was that MchCain did that much better.If the fourm was hosted by the NAACP, it would have clearly favored Obama and the crowd would have indeed been hostile towards McCain. What you fail to understand allen is that congregation of Saddle Back isn't going to vote for the candidate based on race but based on what candidate best hold their views. With a NAACP forum, its will come down to race and party affiliation. McCain clearly wouldn't stand a chance.

P Allen "Since the GOP adopted the anti-abortion platform, evangelicals have religiously flocked toward the candidate who says "anti-abortion" the loudest and the most."

Yeah and? Enviro nuts groups flock to the Democrat party based on it's insane environmental positions. The same with trial lawyers, unions, gay groups, ill legal alien groups etc.

P Allen "That fact is that Roe v. Wade will never be overturned. As long as women have the right to vote, speak out and protest it will never happen. Moreover, Republican and Democratic politicians alike "knows" it will never happen. Basically, Republican candidates have used the anti-abortion issue simply to garner the evengelical vote.

If Roe vs Wade will never be overturned, then why do liberal democrats in congress always go out of their way to make sure that the supreme court doesn't have a conservative majority? Why is it that liberals in congress always bring up the issue of abortion when it comes to judicial nomination process for the bench? Roe Vs Wade isn't even a real law, its as illusionary as "separation between church state". In civics 101, only the executive branch at the state and the federal level can make laws aka enforce laws by signing bills created in the legislative branches at the state and federal levels. The role of the Judaical branch is too merely review a a law to see determine if it's constitutional or no. Roe vs Wade is legal terms is a farce.

P Allen"When it comes to the abortion issue Republicans smell votes. What really gets me though, is how many evangelicals and other anti-abortion activists put aside all other issues when choosing whom to vote for. I know quite a few people who take a firm religious moral stand against any candidate who states that they are pro-choice. Ironically, most of them are men!"

No kidding Allen. Oh course they smell votes, it's called their "base". Democrats are the same way, they smell "abortion right votes",correct?As for men taking a moral stand against abortion, what's your point? Men aren't suppose to? There are men that also support abortion groups like Planned Parenthood and NARAL, so once again what is your point?

P Allen"Now, should you question your own Christianty for not attempting to be "helpful" in some kind of way?"

lol, big difference allen. I don't try to validate my sins allen, I ask for forgiveness. Abortion is a sin period, and same for same sex pseudo marriage. You can post scripture all you like allen, I'm not judging anyone based on what I think. It's all in the bible. Like I've said many times before, "Can a person embrace sin and still call themselves Christians"

12:28 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB says;"If the forum was hosted by the NAACP, it would have clearly favored Obama and the crowd would have indeed been hostile towards McCain."

I watched McCain's speech at the NAACP Convention. If memory serves me correctly, he was received rather cordially.

CB asks;"If Roe vs Wade will never be overturned, then why do liberal democrats in congress always go out of their way to make sure that the supreme court doesn't have a conservative majority?"

Both sides attempt to put judges on the court that fit their "overall" ideology. Roe v. Wade is a political football. It only comes into play during elections and the "not so often" appointment of a court justices.

Of the thousands of case's that are submitted each year, only 100 or so are heard before the court. You couldn't imagine the turmoil the court, and the country would go through in this day and age.

CB;"Abortion is a sin period, and same for same sex pseudo marriage."

Yet, how's sin is it... American law has never taken "sin" (in the religious sense) into account. As I've often said, the only way to end "all" abortion, is to take away the individual rights (a.k.a. "choice") of "all" females in American society. Basically, when a women becomes pregnant she will then become a ward of the state until the child is born.

10:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel that obama does not any answers so he must have a low pay grade.

Conservative brother please email me. I wanted to talk to you about an election race.

mook345 at yahoo dot com


7:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike Hargadon is running for congress.

He needs you vote.

Keep up the good work conservative brother!!!!

5:53 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

P Allen"I watched McCain's speech at the NAACP Convention. If memory serves me correctly, he was received rather cordially"

I guess McCain was received very cordially. He was kissing Obama's hehind and trashing his own party while there. What wasn't there to like by the NAACP of what McCain was saying? With that being said, Obama was also accepted very well ath Saddle Back, and I believe the audience listen to him and they McCain then formed a decission on who they are going to vote for.

12:14 AM  
Blogger The Vegas Art Guy said...

That is what happens when one candidate has a core set of beliefs and the other one is simply trying to get elected by any means necessary. Weather you agree with McCain or not, you have a good idea of where he stands and why. With Obama, the view changes depending on the audience...

12:01 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

the vegas art guy "That is what happens when one candidate has a core set of beliefs and the other one is simply trying to get elected by any means necessary. Weather you agree with McCain or not, you have a good idea of where he stands and why. With Obama, the view changes depending on the audience.."

So true vegas. It has become laughable. Now the Obama sheeple are saying that McCain "cheated" by hearing the questions. Their tinfoil hats must be to tight. For them to say that McCain cheated is like saying that a person cheated on an open box test. The saddle back forum wasn't about right or wrong answers, it was about the candidates beliefs or certain issues. The Obama sheep can't come to grips realizing the OBVIOUS fact that Obama failed because he didn't feel comfortable being himself at the forum. As for McCain, your right vegas, I'm not a big fan of McCain, but I do have respect for him. Everybody of course don't have integrity to follow their beliefs regardless of other people's opinions. I guess being a "Maverick" and having "Integrity" goes hand and hand.

10:09 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

anon "Mike Hargadon is running for congress.He needs you vote.
Keep up the good work conservative brother!!!!"

Good luck to Mr. Hargadon. The only way for Republicans to retake congress is to get back to the core basics of conservatism. The grass root efforts are the keys to straightening out the mess republicans find themselves in right now.

10:13 PM  
Blogger Eric said...

PAA, I wanted to thank you for posting -(Rom. 14:1-22)-. I was trying to work through some issues this week, and God used you to help me find the solution.

1:30 AM  

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