Monday, October 27, 2008

A radio interview with Barack Obama in 2001 on redistrubtion of wealth for African Americans.

Barack Obama is a flaming socialist. If anybody thinks that a free market economy is going to get better under a hard left socialist, you are going to be in for the rudest awakening imaginable.

Listen to the response given by the Obama camp. They can't deny it wasn't Obama in his own words talking about the issue of redistribution of wealth. The Obama surrogates only defense is to blame Fox News and not Obama himself. This is obviously a clear pattern forming. Biden said twice in his two interviews that the hard questions were "Right wing" Republican questions. Obama in his own words brought up the whole issue of socialism. His goon squads in the media have tried to destroy Joe the Plumber for simply standing up to the messiah on the issue of redistrubtion of wealth. The tactic of Obama is simply to blame the people for daring to ask factual questions related to the campaign. The Obama camp can blame Fox New all they want for doing their job. The blame game does get old after awhile though. This is a classic interview. Megyn Kelly systematically destroyed Bill Burton of the Obama campaign when he tried to use the Fox News was bias excuse for releasing the story. I do see a bias though, but it's not from Fox News. She kicked his sorry behind! :-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll buy Barrack Obama's unrealistic socialist ideals when he and other rich liberal Democrats and Celebrities are willing to distribute their wealth. Celebrities waste their wealth on stupid stuff like Greenpeace,PETA,Narcotics and other such wasteful nonsense.
Notice these share the wealth types don't wanna share their wealth they want the working types to distribute the fruits of their labors!

Barrack H. Obama lead by example and share your opulent wealth or shut up!

11:22 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

This is absolutely ridiculous and smells of total political desperation. If you listen to the complete interview there's no way you could assume Obama was promoting "socialism" for the American people.

It's clear that the "tragedy" Obama is referring to is the civil rights movement relying too much on the courts to provide political and economic justice.

Contextually, the reference to "redistribution" was clearly defined as equally access to higher education, legal representation, quality health care, ect...

More than half of the governments annual budget is spent on "SOCIAL PROGRAMS." Most of these programs are pinned as "INTITLEMENTS." Public institutions, such as schools, were formed by the government's founding fathers (Jefferson and Webster) in the late 1700's and became a social construct.

Thus, if one considers Obama's economics ideas as "SOCIALIST", one must assume that we are, have been, and will continue to be a SOCIALIST nation!

This cry of socialism is totally crazy and off base. Could this be "code" for something else??

7:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sOCIALIST IS THE NEXT STEP TO mARXISM OR cOMMUNISM. Adolph Hitler was a Democaratic Socialist aka NAZI. Obama was raised by his grands, who were socialist and his mentor Baker was a Communist. His mother was a "frequent traveler" a code word for a commie. He used religion just like Hitler did, for convenience. Notice how he chose a Marxist/Islamic connection is Harvard and Pakistan! Wright was a muslim, but it was not profitable enough so he started his Marxist Blaxck Liberation Church and called it Christianity. Jesus was not a poor black man, Jesus has a job, he was a carpenter!

2:21 PM  
Blogger Biased Girl said...

I've heard the tired excuse that Obama was referring to segregation in the Democratically controlled South, which is passable and I'm assuming that's the reason they are using it. I think he was talking about Reparations. Which is just another form of the redistribution idea.

My two cents.

PS. First time to your blog...I'm going to keep reading. I'm dying to know what the Obama supporters have to say to you. Keep up the good work.

3:56 PM  
Blogger Stefan Ming said...

it's amazing how the media is hiding this from the public and playing this like it's no big deal

4:39 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

A stark contrast is beginning to develop in this campaign.

I watched a Sarah Palin speech she gave today on the stump. The "election rally" speech included several reference's to Rashid Khalidi, and at least two reference's to Bill Ayers. Palin also spent at least 8 to 10 minutes referencing terrorist, 5 to 6 minute's warning of "one party rule" in the congress and White house, 2 to 3 minutes on the socialist policies of Jimmy Carter and George McGovern, a few references to America not being safe if the opponent is elected, sexist politics and Joe the Plumber.

In Contrast, I watched the 11:00pm speech Obama gave in Florida. The first 15 to 20 minutes he talked about the Bush administrations policies and the economy, the Bush tax cuts, and his solutions on how to turn the economy around. Mind you, he threw in a few jabs (99.9% of plumbers make less than $250k a year), but overall, he spoke about his plans if and when he becomes president.

We already know that "all" politicians "lie". The deciding factor will be which candidate you believe, and/or, which candidate's lie's you believe.

In this particular case, (the fore mentioned speeches) it's either Obama is lying about what he want's to do. Or, since Palin never stated what she and McCain would do, she is lying about what Obama is lying about, and want's to do!

5:32 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

chilerkle "I'll buy Barrack Obama's unrealistic socialist ideals when he and other rich liberal Democrats and Celebrities are willing to distribute their wealth".

I just found out today chilerkle that Barack Obama's aunt is living in a Boston slum.

It's so hypocritical that Barack Obama talks about spreading other people's hard earned wealth around like he owns it, yet he is a multi millionaire and won't even take care of his own aunt or brother. Charity is suppose to start at home. Obama is only generous I guess giving people other people's money. Conservatives at least give to the needy out of their own money, that's giving from the heart.

chilerkle "Democrats and Celebrities are willing to distribute their wealth. Celebrities waste their wealth on stupid stuff like Greenpeace,PETA,Narcotics and other such wasteful nonsense."

Funny how they give money to causes that really don't help humanity at all chilerkle, but they claim to care about "working" class so much. I remember back in the 80's they put on the "live aid "concert to raise money to feed the people in Ethiopia, They felt so proud of themselves and patted themselves on the backs. I bet the hollywood liberal nose candy crowd didn't contribute one red cent out of their own pocket towards "the cause". If they truly cared about the people in Ethiopia, they would support promoting Western Values and building up the country. Nope, that would make to much sense for liberals. Feeding them for a few days sounded much better.
The only money Obammy gave was to his vile racist church and "his spiritual advisor? chilerkle.

8:33 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

P Allen "This is absolutely ridiculous and smells of total political desperation. If you listen to the complete interview there's no way you could assume Obama was promoting "socialism" for the American people"

Desperation? Allen you have to learn to deal with the truth. Every video I post, I usual watch more then twice. I know what Obama was stating during the interview. Something else I did discover too during the interview. Obama also trashed the constitution. What does it mean to you when people not just Obama promote the redistribution of other people's wealth allen? Obama cult members never want to deal with an issue related to Obama that is negative. That is something elese I've noticed repeately allen.

p allen "It's clear that the "tragedy" Obama is referring to is the civil rights movement relying too much on the courts to provide political and "economic justice."

Oh yeah!!Now we are going to get to the hurt of the issue allen. What is "economic justice"?!!

p allen "Contextually, the reference to "redistribution" was clearly defined as equally access to higher education, legal representation, quality health care, ect..."

So when Barack Obama told Joe the plumber that "he wants to spread the wealth", he was referring to "health care, higher education and legal representaton allen? Ah NO! LOL

P Allen "More than half of the governments annual budget is spent on "SOCIAL PROGRAMS." Most of these programs are pinned as "INTITLEMENTS." Public institutions, such as schools, were formed by the government's founding fathers (Jefferson and Webster) in the late 1700's and became a social construct"

The foundig fathers didn't intend for government to take on a life of it's own and take more and more of people's liberties and wealth for the express purpose of growing and empowering itself allen. Most of the social programs that are in existance today were created during the Raw Deal era under FDR and the so called Great Society under Lyndon Johnson. The founding fathers believed in limited government.

P Allen "This cry of socialism is totally crazy and off base. Could this be "code" for something else??"

Pray tell, what could being labeled a socailist be a "code" for allen?Explain

9:08 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"So when Barack Obama told Joe the plumber that "he wants to spread the wealth", he was referring to "health care, higher education and legal representaton allen? Ah NO! LOL"

That's definitely what he's was taking about. Equal access for everyone. Something you or I don't have now.

If you some how (God forbid) contracted the HIV virus, could you receive the same care a Erving "Magic" Johnson?

If you killed and dismembered a colleague, could you get the same defense as Robert Durst? (Durst was found not guilty)

At the present, can you afford to send your kid to a major university for 4 years? (without putting a strain on your budget)

If your answer to any or all of those questions is "NO", you should ask why. Unless you see yourself as "non-deserving" of good health care and equal access to legal representation. And you feel that a good education should only be for the wealthy.

CB;"Pray tell, what could being labeled a socailist be a "code" for allen?Explain"

Code for "not like us". Code for "a different race" than us. Code for "Black, Negro, Colored, African American."

Socialist is a "brand new" mantra for this particular political cycle. The Democratic platform has not changed much from 2004. Was it "socialist" under John Kerry?

3:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Redistribution of wealth is Communinism with the educated elite with all of the money at the top. It is state-sponsored slavery with all of the hoi poi on the same level whether you work or not. Since the state sponsors it, one cannot express opposition to the non-workers receiving the same as the workers. Obama just put off newspapers who didnt agree with him. He disgraced Joe the Plummer because he asked a question he didnt like. Hitler and Stalin did just this. If you didnt agreee with them you were dead. Islam does the same thing mandated by Allah/Muhammad. Hitler and Hussein were best buds as they had the saME GOALS, WORLD DOMINATION AND HATRED OF JEWS. The Rhineland Bastards were the mixed German and African children who were sterilized or killed in labor camps. Hitler terrorized the German people after they voted for him enmass. Even some Jews thought he was just being political, until he put the hammer down. He had already told them how much he hated them but was using words of deceit and they fell for it. Judenrats they were caLLED AS THE ONES WHO HELPED Hitler herd other Jews into the camps. Soros was a Jew who did this and he found joy in it. Read his life story! It will open up your eyes. Will the DNC continue down its path to pure Communis? The DNC was the party of slavery until
1940's when they started to offer social programs to stay in power.
Those programs offered free this and that and the Republicans offered education and work. Before Blacks releaized what had happened to them they were hooked and today's black family is the result of the abuse of the black family. James Baldwin said he never even knew his father, like many black sons today. The result is shown in the angry black men who are easy prey to gangs and religions of ill repute. Girls who wander aimlessly looking for love in all the wrong places and find abuse from all of the wrong societal trappings disguised as CHANGE. Abuse takes the form of acceptance of this form of female abuse as love. What is good has become bad and what is bad has become good. NAZI is Socialism, not a code word for blacks as the Kansas City Star black reporter said. I dont think Hitler was a black man nor Karl Marx, an ideology that excited Obama, son of former slave traders, the Luo tribe of Kenya.

10:02 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Anonymous;"Hitler, Karl Marx, Communism, Obama, son of former slave traders, the Luo tribe of Kenya, Allah/Muhammad, Hitler and Hussein.


"James Baldwin said he never even knew his father, like many black sons today. The result is shown in the angry black men who are easy prey to gangs and religions of ill repute. Girls who wander aimlessly looking for love in all the wrong places and find abuse from all of the wrong societal trappings disguised as CHANGE."

All of these things existed before Barack Obama became a candidate for president, let alone before he was even BORN!

Yet, you and those who oppose his candidacy have some how found a way to "list" all of these tragedies while describing Obama.

Get a grip guys, you're acting like you've lost already. At least wait until he's elected before you "get bitter, cling to guns or religion or have antipathy toward people who aren't like you or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain your frustrations."

11:03 PM  

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