Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Obama manages to tick off Al Qaeda without even saying one word.

Poor little Barry. He can't seem to caught a break these days. It seemed just like two months ago, he was on cloud nine. His loyal cult was foaming at the mouth in delight imagining a sheer utopia that would take shape on January 20th. There seems to be a little hiccup in the plans though. It looks like the Islamic terrorist organization Al Queda is upset that they didn't get an invite to Obama's inauguration. I'm kidding, but they are upset at Obama though. Obama has been trying to stay clear of commenting on the Israeli operations to root out Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Palestinians supporters were protesting at Obama's rented Hawaii Beach House, and there has been anti Israeli protests in Fort Lauderdale. These are the representatives of the "religion of peace" in action.

The old saying use to be that "If you don't go looking for trouble, trouble won't find you". Well it looks like little Barry Obama has found trouble just because he was trying to avoid it. Al Queda's number two in command Ayman al-Zawahiri lashed out at Obama in a audio recording accusing him of not doing anything to stop Israel's offensive in the Gaza Strip, I guess Mr. Zawahiri didn't get his satellite phone call from his cave that Obama's "Office of the President Elect" is merely a prop, Obama has no power yet. I kind of take offense to Mr. Zawahiri's attitude towards little Barry. How insensitive can he be? Obama is rehearsing very hard to make sure he gets his role down just right by January 20th. All isn't lost for Obama though Mr. Zawahiri described Israel's actions in Gaza as a "crusade against Islam and Muslims" and called it "Obama's gift to Israel". And here I was worried that by Obama's silence, he was going to betray Israel. At least Al Zawahiri put that thought to rest. Is Obama going to take this verbal smack down by Al Zawahirir? I would think Hussein's street creds in the Muslim world is being questioned. If Obama doesn't have the testicular fortitude to challenge Al Zawahiri, Obama could always run to Farahkan for help. That would make for an interesting conflict in the Muslim world. How about the Nation of Islam vs Al Queda? Joking aside for a moment. I wonder could the reason Al Zawahiri released this audio attacking Obama is because Israel is inflicting heavy causalities on Hamas? The audio could be a desperate attempt by Al Queda to tip Obama's hand. I never thought I would ever have to say that Joe Biden was actually right about something. Back in October, Biden said Obama will be tested. challenge when he becomes President. I don't think he thought it would be two weeks prior to being sworn in though. So with the number two member of Al Qeada calling Barry out, Barry also has to deal with Hugo Chavez cutting off it's propaganda heating oil give away to low income residents in the United State. Since Obama is the political Messiah, I'm sure he can take a gallon of heating oil and multiple it for the multitude of the poor, so everything should be alright. Obama might want to bring a few bottles of aspirin on the 21st, he's going to have a hard first day trying to understanding why people still hate the United States eventhough Bush will no longer be around. I said this was going to be a fun four years didn't I? I just remembered something also. This is the same Al Zawahiri that called Obama a "House Negro"just two months ago. There is nothing magic in that.


Blogger Pamela said...

Have mercy.

1:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're on Obama's ass because Al Qaeda hates him. You'd be on his ass if they said they liked him.

Is there a point here, or are you finally ready to write that you're just a silly little wind-bag?

1:20 AM  
Blogger Pamela said...

Just read this. Looks like the French media is using 4 year old footage to show Israel's carnage in the current conflict.


Where are the casualty numbers coming from? I am getting really suspect at the differences in the numbers. Are the Palestinians over reporting the numbers to make it appear like they are the David against the Goliath Israel? Only God knows what is really going on there.

1:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obama is waiting for Israel to kick butt, then he wont have to choose sides.

Al Qaeda is not the only Muslims who called Obama names. American Muslim Clarence Reeves aka Abdul Musa just called Obama Stupid at the same time he called Dr. King a coward at Towson U. in November 2008. In the 60's Malcolm X called Dr. King a house nigga during an interview now on tape for all to see. Muslims never helped during the civil rights movement because Dr. King had whites and Jews helping. Obama knows what Islam is all about and although he dislikes it, he is under their spell via Farrrahkan, Wright and his foreign Muslims buddies from Chgo and Harvard (Marxist). Today, because Marxism has no religious god, Islam has become friends to the godless ideology of Marxism, which now is known as the black liberation ideology coined by Cone. Wright and Farrahkan went to Libya for a pow wow with Quadaffi. Now if Wright is a true Christian, why interfaith with two Muslims who seek his demise.
Afterall, Muslims call Christians apes and pigs. Is Wright an ape? or a pig? Sura 5:60! Is his wife an ugly, raisin head, pug nosed slave, and stupid as Tabari 1:280 says? Obama knows what he is doing!

8:53 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

anon " You're on Obama's ass because Al Qaeda hates him. You'd be on his ass if they said they liked him.Is there a point here, or are you finally ready to write that you're just a silly little wind-bag?"

lol, why do you care one way or the other what I think or don't think about Obama? As long as you worship him, isn't that all that really matters in the end? You know "hope and change"? Liberals attacked Bush non stop, and that was accepted, so why should Obama being any different? I'm not going after him just to be going after him. If Obama does do something right, I will actually say so. Just think of me giving Obama the same treatment liberals gave Palin. In the issue of fairness.

anon "s there a point here, or are you finally ready to write that you're just a silly little wind-bag?"

A "silly little wind bag"? That statement sounds as "silly" as an arab trying to curse in English, funny.

Pamela "Have Mercy"
As the Sensei in the movie Karate Kid said Pamela "Mercy is for the weak" lol
Since liberals are pretty weak, maybe I should cut Hussein some slack,

Pamela" Just read this. Looks like the French media is using 4 year old footage to show Israel's carnage in the current conflict". Hamas is over inflating their numbers pamela. Have you ever known for terrorists to tell the truth? It's all about propaganda. The aspect in this that ticks me off to the extreme is that nobody is condeming Hamas for firing thousands of rockets into Israel in the first place. People are willing to be blinded by shear ignorance and not back track to the why Isreal is in Gaza right now. To them Pamela, Israel is being painted as the big bad bully when it's anything but.

Pamela, you know perfectly well that the french are the biggest anti semites in Europe. It doesn't come as a surprise too me at all. Instead of them hating Israel, the French need to develop the concept of air conditioning in the summer time.

6:17 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

anon "Now if Wright is a true Christian, why interfaith with two Muslims who seek his demise."

EXCELLENT POINT!!Over the years Farahkan has trashed Christianity, yet Wright is his friend?

anon "Muslims never helped during the civil rights movement because Dr. King had whites and Jews helping"

correct again. Also Muslims played a huge role in the African slave trade to the new world. Like that ever will be taught during "black history" month.

6:26 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"anon "Now if Wright is a true Christian, why interfaith with two Muslims who seek his demise."

EXCELLENT POINT!!Over the years Farahkan has trashed Christianity, yet Wright is his friend?"

Friends that trash each other? Much like the U.S. Congress I suppose...

CB;anon "Muslims never helped during the civil rights movement because Dr. King had whites and Jews helping"

correct again. Also Muslims played a huge role in the African slave trade to the new world. Like that ever will be taught during "black history" month."

Anon.... So, are you attempting to re-write history, or just telling a bald faced lie?

What about the several meetings between Elijah Muhammad and Dr. King? What about Elijah Muhammad being one of the reciprient's of Dr. Kings "Letter's From Birmingham Jail"? What about this instance?

This instance?

Muslims sold Africans to the Chrisitans who then enslaved them for 400 years, using Christianity and religion to justify keeping them in chains.

10:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10:38 PM  

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