Vice President Joe Biden in review.
Liberals don't like to stare into the mirror and witness their hypocrisy. Last year, the tinfoil hat society got their jollies attacking Governor Palin. They went after her, because they assumed she wasn’t intelligent. They of course will never admit the true reason for their blind hatred of her. She was a threat then, and she is still a threat now. Be that as it may, Joe Biden didn't really get much mention during the campaign. The reason I’m bringing up Joe is for this simple reason. I’ve witnessed the attacks on Governor Jindal over the past few weeks by the Obama kooks. I don’t think these poor foolish souls realize they really don’t have a leg to stand on in which to attack Palin or Jindal. It all comes down to the fact that they voted for Joe Biden for Vice President. This is a point that really should be thrown back into their faces on a daily basis. Here are some examples of the "great hyped" intellect of Joe Biden. The real scary thought is the person that is "just one step away" from being President as liberals claimed last year eventhough they don't know it.
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Is Joe Biden a Real Man of Genius?
When did Webistes have numbers? I believe the zombies that attacked John McCain for not knowing how to use a computer, voted for Joe Biden for Vice President. I just may be right.
Did Joe ever explain why he thought Obama went to test himself for aids eventhough he's married?
Stare hard in the mirror liberals.
Bridges can help small business owners?
Is Joe Biden a Real Man of Genius?
When did Webistes have numbers? I believe the zombies that attacked John McCain for not knowing how to use a computer, voted for Joe Biden for Vice President. I just may be right.
Did Joe ever explain why he thought Obama went to test himself for aids eventhough he's married?
Stare hard in the mirror liberals.
I confess to having fun with all of Biden's missteps, it's great if for nothing else but comedic relief.
Does he really think black men dont know what a condon is? Many dont use one because it is not a feel good thing. Many women tell them not to. He saw Obama and thought that he was the only articultate black man alive. A black man from HARVARD. Didnt he know any other black men from Harvard. Like the Marxist who help start the NAACP, who was also half white and died in Africa.
It had to be done Grey Ghost.Liberals never seem to point the finger of embarrassment at the people they voted for. Since they won't do it, I will be more then happy too.If a conservative Republican was a lose goofy canon like Biden, the media would have ha field day, week and month over it. The sad thing about this Grey Ghost is that many people don't know about Biden's comic missteps thanks to the so called media. They know all about Sarah Palin's daughter though.
anonymous "Does he really think black men dont know what a condon is? "
lol, it wouldn't surprise me if he did think it. This is the same Joe Biden that believes that only Indians work in Dunkin Doughnuts and 711's.
anon "He saw Obama and thought that he was the only articultate black man alive. A black man from HARVARD. Didnt he know any other black men from Harvard. Like the Marxist who help start the NAACP, who was also half white and died in Africa.
If any other black man had the background of Obama and was a Republican or conservative, he would be accused of being "uppity" by other blacks, Even white liberals would come out an claim it. As for W.E.B Dubios, he was a follower of socialism. I respect him for one thing though. He felt that he didn't like America, so he actually gave up his citizenship and left to immigrate to Africa. Blacks in this country that claim America is so rotten and "oppressive" will never follow Dubios's example. That's why they are such two face sniveling hypocrites.
I agree CB that blacks who hate America should follow Dubios's example or shut up! That is why I find the Obama's to hypocrites in Chief! Mrs. Obama said she was only proud of America when her husband was running for office *ick* dirty ingrate!
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