Friday, August 28, 2009

Meet Congresswoman Diane Watson: This is an example why birth control is a good thing.

I am so sick and tired of black and white liberals constantly trying to make every issue about race. If they aren't busy making every issue about race, they are busy labeling people with opposing view points as being "racists". Most of Americans are sick of these people. I wish I could put these people on a huge space ship and send them on a collision path with the sun. Let me correct myself, I don't want pollute the sun. I rather just send them to Cuba, Canada or North Korea instead. Let me introduce you all to another example of a clueless, liberal race blinded fool. Congresswoman Diane Watson is a black racially oversensitive radical congresswoman from Los Angelos. That explains how she got elected and re elected.. This is what Ms. Watson had to say back in June of 2006 about race and the Minute Men.

The election of Barack Obama has been an absolute disaster for race relations. Ever since Obama came onto the political scene, liberals have been stuck in a racial rut or loop. Unfortunately, the rest of Americans have to suffer because of it. Diane Watson is a part of the liberal camp who believes that nobody has a valid right to criticize Barack Obama's policies. I am sick and way past tired of all their whining. The only way liberals wouldn't be in a fevered pitch over anything related to Obama and race is if Obama was a "conservative". When you hear black and white liberals utter the words race or racists, just remember what I've said about how liberals operate. Liberals really don't care about racism as we know it. They use the term merely as a weapon in which to silence any option to their ideology. When Jim DeMint talked about Obama's "Waterloo", only an absolute airhead could have interrupted what he said meaning somethign racial. Ms. Watson considers the Minute Men to be nothing more then a bunch of racists simply, because they want to secure the borders from illegal immigration. If she would have done any research at all, she would have discovered that blacks are member of the Minute Men Civil Defense Corp. This woman is a flat out ignorant dunce. This is what the waste of a human being had to say about the health care in Cuba and how great she thinks Castro is as a leader. I'm sure as I'm typing this, here supporters will still call her a "centrist" or being in the "mainstream". I doubt she urged Ted Kennedy is seek treatment in Cuba.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


cASTRO SENT BLACK CUBANS ON THE BOATS TO GET RID OF THEM. CASTRO REPLACED A BLACK CUBAn. Why dont she move to cuba or sudan. commies are the same as Islam, both of which she would be slaves.

10:27 PM  
Blogger Robert E. Morgan, Jr. said...

I read the first portion of your post, and thought it well written. That is until I got to the part about the spaceship and sun and all that. I am sure you are speaking in just, but you lost me. In order for right and left to reach some type of agreement, we need better words that sending people to their death because they have different viewpoints. The right and left will forever disagree. They will continue to use sound bites and snippets to bolster their ranks. But you must admit the captions that were being super-imposed on the videos was a bit over the edge.

Barack Obama is just another politician that happens to be Black. I'm proud to say I voted for him, but I don't fall in step with all his policies. I looked at both candidates and their policies and chose the one I thought suited my taste. Good luck in your movement to wake up Black America. While you are at we need to wake all of America up and tell them to THINK

1:13 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

True understanding and cooperation between races will never happen as long as psychotic liberals like this woman are in power. The hyper-sensitivity and ultra-political-correctness are killing any chances we have as a nation to move on away from the negative perceptions and poor race relations of the past. Why do people like this insist on blaming white people for everything including slavery which has been gone for nearly 150 years? How long can a people like her rely on blaming something that is long gone and no longer exists. Everyone acknowledges slavery was evil, disgusting and repugnant. It is time to move on lady, it is time to be accountable for your own problems and your own well-being. Quit blaming the white male for all of your problems and do something to make your situation better. It is really unbelievable. I deeply admire African-Americans of truth who reject this ridiculous race card mentality and recognize how stupid, foolish and sad it makes them look. As for this woman's ignorant support of Cuban health care, she hasn't had an operation or procedure done in the filthy and squalid clinics of Havana or had a blood transfusion with a needle that was used by 5 people before her like the folks in Cuba do. She is pathetic. I am glad people like her are speaking out representing the Democratic party. 2010 is going to be a great year for conservatives I think. Sorry for the rant.

7:59 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...


No doubt Miss Watson has a Masters Degree in the art of ignorance bebe. You made a great point. The Cubans that are caught fleeing Cuba in homemade rafts in route to south Florida are mostly black. If Castro is such a great leader and the health care is so top notch, why is it that people risk their lives in shark infested waters desperately trying to leave cuba? That is something people like Miss. Watson couldn't begin to grasp. She is victicm of of her own ignorance and then some.

11:12 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

remorji "I read the first portion of your post, and thought it well written. That is until I got to the part about the spaceship and sun and all that. I am sure you are speaking in just, but you lost me"

I could have worded what I wanted to say differently. Be that as it may, this is what I meant. I believe our country would be so much better off if the people who cry race at every turn weren't in it. That should clarify it. People like Miss Watson are a hindrance to race relations in America. Liberals regardless of race seem to always want to scratch at the issue of race in an attempt to inflame it or they can't stand the idea that race relations are indeed healing. It's one or the other. I hope that clarified for you.

remorji "In order for right and left to reach some type of agreement, we need better words that sending people to their death because they have different viewpoints."

People like Hitler, Stalin, Castro and others had "different viewpoints" as well am I right? The oversensitivity or exploitation of race has nothing to do about "different viewpoints". If anything, it comes down to "intellectual extortion. Let me example. Liberals will call anyone who doesn't agree with them a racist. It doesn't matter if people with "opposing views" don't have a racist bone in their body. Liberals don't care about that. The extortion is that for a person not be tared and feather as a "racist" he or she must subscribe to a liberals point of view on issues.

remorji "But you must admit the captions that were being super-imposed on the videos was a bit over the edge. "

Nnt really, I am more focused on the content that came from Miss Watson. She was the focal point of the video. Her ideology is what needs to be highlighted for what it is.

11:26 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

Mr. Tent Trash "True understanding and cooperation between races will never happen as long as psychotic liberals like this woman are in power. The hyper-sensitivity and ultra-political-correctness are killing any chances we have as a nation to move on away from the negative perceptions and poor race relations of the past."

I was trying to find another word to you instead of oversensitive allan, but I think you helped me out. The term "political correctness" is definitely correct. It's because of the manipulation by liberals on race and their oversensitive, "they want their racial hangups to be the rest of our problems", thus enter political correctness. I saw the video of a white city councilman in Dallas use the term "black hole" in describing the fiscal budget. A black judge who was in attendance GOT OFFENDED!!! It has gotten so bad that now companies and corporations have to institute "sensitivity training". The liberals method of attack is the clearly try to change the mindset of the opposition, because liberals know they can't defend their own arguments against "diverse viewpoints". What Diane Watson was saying is that it is racist and politically incorrect for whites to criticize Obama.

Mr. Tent Trash "Why do people like this insist on blaming white people for everything including slavery which has been gone for nearly 150 years? How long can a people like her rely on blaming something that is long gone and no longer exists."

The answer is very simple allan. As long as it works, people like Watson will continue to use it. A person will continue to fire a gun as long as bullets are in it. Once the bullets are all gone, the person stops pulling the trigger. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton keep shaking down corporations, because corporations are dumb enough to pay them off even when they have done nothing wrong. Once corporations start firing back at them, they Jesse and Al will stop. Whites who aren't liberals need to simply in no uncertain words tell black and white liberals to "#$@#$ off"!! As long as liberals continue to collect fruit from the use of injecting race, they will continue to use it. Conservatives of all races, nationalies etc, need to start engaging and attacking back at liberals. The days of conservatives having to defend themselves from unwarranted attacks by liberals should be over!! When a liberal stooge calls a conservative a racist, that conservative should tell the liberal "PROVE IT"! Conservatives make the mistake of actually giving a dam what liberals say. That of course is mistake number one.

Mr. Tent Trash "Everyone acknowledges slavery was evil, disgusting and repugnant. It is time to move on lady, it is time to be accountable for your own problems and your own well-being. Quit blaming the white male for all of your problems and do something to make your situation better. "

In negotiating something, the most power weapon to get what you want is to blame your inflexibility on someone else. This is no exception. As long as race rackeeters can get away blaming whats for their own person flawed decisions in life, it won't ever change allan. It definitely won't change in our lifetime said to say. It's easier to promote "external blame" as the problem then it is fess up to "personal responsibility". I'm going to have to save this story for a different day, but I had a great exchange between my barber, myself and people in the shop. I always get things jumping politically when I go there. The summary of the conversation was when a black man said that the black communities were better when they were segregated. They didn't have the crime, drugs etc. I told him that desegregation wasn't the reason why a lot of black communities are impoverished areas. I'm going to have to write a story on this sometime next week.

11:56 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

Mr. Tent Trash"
It is really unbelievable. I deeply admire African-Americans of truth who reject this ridiculous race card mentality and recognize how stupid, foolish and sad it makes them look. As for this woman's ignorant support of Cuban health care, she hasn't had an operation or procedure done in the filthy and squalid clinics of Havana or had a blood transfusion with a needle that was used by 5 people before her like the folks in Cuba do. She is pathetic. I am glad people like her are speaking out representing the Democratic party. 2010 is going to be a great year for conservatives I think. Sorry for the rant."

Conservatives and liberals see race through completely different lenses. Liberals see race as a means of control through political correctness. They also believe they see racism at ever turn. Conservatives on the other hand just want all Americans to come together in order to make this country great. One ideology is about divisiveness and the other is about unity. In Cananda of all place, they don't call blacks "African Canadians" like in America where blacks are called "African Americans". Up in Canada, they are simply Canadians.They can't do health care right, but at least they got the art of nationalism down right.

11:56 AM  
Anonymous Chilerkle said...

I can think of one group tent times more obnoxious than racial crybabies. It's feminists!
Diane Watson definitely is a liberal loony!

1:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Castro and Islamic world with the Communist in America and the world are laughing all the way to conquest of America. Watson needs to be asked has she ever been in a jail in cuba or ever lived in cuba. Castro would never allow blacks to live there.
tom Marr told Larnell that he would pay for her ticket to Africa. There are many Africans who want to get out of Africa because of Islam and communism. They offered to trade places with American blacks who want to live under Islam and blacks who think Islam is nice. For 20 yrs they have had no takers. egypt kill all who come there. Israel allow black Muslims to live there as they are afraid to go to gaza with Palestinians. In Gaza Black is cursed and blacks are treated as abeds or slaves. white non-muslims are called mamluks but sell for more as Muslims say white is blessed sura 3:106.looooool.
Allah said in Tabari 1:280 he made black women STUPID.

1:19 PM  
Blogger Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]Let me introduce you all to another example of a clueless, liberal race blinded fool[/quote]

Tyrone - I am offended. You just made a RACIST statement. :-)

The guy who asked "Would any of them have you over for dinner" did a "Janeane Garofalo" on us. There is no rule in America that says that one must LIKE YOU. They only must RESPECT your rights and not trample upon them lest the GOVERNMENT enforce the law.

Ms Watson just did RACIAL PROFILING. She told the audience that the WHITE FOLKS outside protesting would have been wearing sheets just a few years ago.

The way you confound the Racism Chaser is to make note that IN 2006 - THE BUILDING WAS NOT BURNED DOWN by these White "Klans"men.

In truth more of the people inside would be far more fearful of walking 20 blocks in either direction out of the building at 11pm at night than they were exiting the building with the Minute Men protesting.

1:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not one Muslims has said a word about the Muslims making a ten year old girl return to an 80 yr old husband or the 17 yr old who became a christians and escaped for her life in OHIO in America. 1000 honor killing have been done in America. Detroit is a haven for them. The Muslim who cut off his wife's head in NY did it so she wouldnt go to paradise.

6:00 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

constructive feedback "Tyrone - I am offended. You just made a RACIST statement. :-)

lol, I've picked up some bad habits hanging around liberals constructive, what can I say. lol,

constructive feedback "The guy who asked "Would any of them have you over for dinner" did a "Janeane Garofalo" on us. There is no rule in America that says that one must LIKE YOU. They only must RESPECT your rights and not trample upon them lest the GOVERNMENT enforce the law."

constructive, white liberals have used that line on me so many times I've lost count. They would say things to me like, "conservatives won't let me date their daughter" or something mental like that. Their race pandering is like watching an 80's B movie. It's just that bad. I grew up in neighborhoods here in Baltimore that a white liberal would stop to even ask direction in.I wonder how many "black, hispanic, asian, jewish or native American" friends do white liberals have. We know liberals are flaming hypocrites constructive. I would love for a poll to be conducted asking white liberals that question. Black liberals shouldn't be off the hook either on this.They are the biggest screamers in this country on the racial boogeyman. They should be asked about how "diverse" their "click" is as well, I love it constructive when liberals in general tell me that "conservatives don't really like me". I guess when liberals call me names like "self loating", "uncle tom", I guess that is just a liberal's way of showing "how much they really care about me"lol lol lol lol lol lol :-)

costructive feedback "Ms Watson just did RACIAL PROFILING. She told the audience that the WHITE FOLKS outside protesting would have been wearing sheets just a few years ago."

She was stereotyping. How would she have know that about those people? Liberals like her have the audacity to try and label conservatives the "closed minded" ones. Ms. Watson clearly demonstrated how closed minded the left is. Their constant knee jerk overreaction when it comes to Obama is sheer evidence of that beyond any shadow of a doubt.

9:58 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...


Allen is what????


Look here Anon, I had nothing to do with that house that fell on your sister!

Damn those radical Munchkins!!

1:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Allen you wrote that you have Muslim friends. I just responded thay you are Islam/Muslim friendly.

Allen, I have a book called, Muhammad and the Three Little Jewish Pigs. The Wolf lied to the pigs to get them to come out of their houses. Two Jews lost their lives, but one Jewish pig had built his house of bricks and the Muhammadan wolf was not able to blow him up. Because Muhammad failed he got no virgin sheep in sheep paradise.

6:01 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Marvin Stewart?? Director of Community Relations?? You sure know how to pick your You Tube video's Tyrone...

Marvin Stewart is a joke!! Stewart (who is Black...)was recruited by Jim Gilchrist to counter the accusations of racism because of Gilchrist's ties, and the recruitment of members of the White supremacist group The National Alliance.

I believe that it was Gilchrist's ties to the White supremacists groups is what led to a recent power struggle over the control of the organization. That power struggle was recently got more heated when Orange County Superior Court Judge Wilkinson threw ou a motion by Stewart and two others, basically siding with Gilchrist validating his claim that Stewart and the others had "hi-jacked" the Minuteman organization.

In essence, the Minutemen are a Joke!!! While he was president, even George Bush offered no support for the organization, and he called them vigilantes!!

9:01 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Anon;"Allen you wrote that you have Muslim friends. I just responded thay you are Islam/Muslim friendly".

Really?? Find it and post it! If you find where I said I "HAVE MUSLIMS FRIENDS", copy, paste then post it.

If you find it, I will keep my mouth shut (and keystrokes) about Muslims and never harass you, nor mention Muslims ever again.

But if you don't find where I said it...YOU MUST DO THE SAME!


9:12 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen "n essence, the Minutemen are a Joke!!! While he was president, even George Bush offered no support for the organization, and he called them vigilantes!!"

Oh please allen. George Bush was in bed with LaRaza. Of course he called the Minute Men vigilantes. That is one of the reason why his poll numbers started to collapse back in 2005. Conservatives abandoned Bush in droves, when he made that comment and took his pro illegal stance.

9:33 AM  
Anonymous Chilerkle said...

I'm really sick of race baiting hypocrites!
It's idiots like them that set back people of color more than the racists of old.

11:27 AM  

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