The Young Men Christian Association kicks Saint Nicholas to the curb in favor of secular Political Correctness.

I received a nice email from Liz who runs Apparently, there were many more stories in reference to the attacks on Christmas by the intolerant left then I knew about this year. Thanks Liz for the heads up. In New York City's West Village, poor Santa just doesn't cut it anymore in being an "appropriate symbol for Christmas according to some. Oh wait one second, Santa Clause is also known as "Saint" Nicholas. Saint Nicholas was actually a Christian saint. So sorry Santa, you just made the progressive's PC hit list. No wonder Saint Nicholas was replaced at the YMCA's annual "holiday" luncheon in place of a "talking snowman" this year. I'm sure the kids just loved that not so obvious "substitution", NOT! So what could have been the reason for the YMCA giving Saint Nicholas the boot this year? Well according to Mr. John Rappaport who is the executive director of the McBurney YMCA said "it wasn't replacing just transiting". If that isn't pure progressive double talk, I don't know what is. He went on to say
"We realized that change is sometimes good, and that Frosty is a great winter character who would appeal to a broader number of kids."
What Mr. Mc Rappaport is saying is that Frosty is a more suitable character for the "broader number of kids" AKA those who don't celebrate Christmas or are offended by it. Funny how these "winter characters" are never ever mentioned again after the holiday of "Christmas" is over. If progressives are so much into "winter trees" and "winter characters", why don' they keep their winter trees and winter characters displayed up until March 20th which is the official end of winter? Progressives can't spin reality no matter how hard they try. Did you all know that the YMCA was founded as Christian organization back in 1844. YMCA stand for "Young Men Christian Association". Bill Donohue of the Catholic Leagues was dead on in his outrage over what John Rappaport did.
"Christmas is not about Jack Frost; it's not about snowmen," fumed Bill Donohue of the Catholic League. "We're not talking about some secular organization that has no religious roots. If they can't celebrate Christmas, then they should check out. What a bunch of cowards."
Tyrone: The Red Cross also stopped Christmas in order not to insult Muslims.
When Jesus said "turn the other cheek' he didnt mean dont fight back. This only applied to teaching the gospel, nothing about public safety.
Muslims insult everybody not Muslim, but we are not allowed to call a spade a spade. Christians are being burned alive and lied on and killed by Muslims and the media always chatise others when thr Muslims are attacked back.
It has been said that Obamacare was passed due to the immigrants from South America and Muslims from around the world. If we have unemploymen in America why bring illegal or LEGALS to America. We are in trouble.
YMCA has also removed the word Christian from the YMCA.
The left of socialist and communist habve joined with the Muslims to destroy the Judeo-Christian symbols and their entire world.
President Obama also had the army destroy alll Bibles in the Afghani Language, while allowing qurans to exists. NOT RIGHT.
He seems to be in favor of Muslims and Islam than others, while Muslims see this as a go signal to destroy.
Most Muslims are products of incest and suffer from mental illness and "rat kids" in Pakistan and Afghanistan and middle East. Marrying little girls and 1st cousins is what Muhammaad did and Muslims follow his example. In London 60% of Pakistani are 1st cousin incestral relationsips. In America the same is true.
Many Black Muslims shack up and ignor the punishment to death for the woman. In Sudan, a widow had a baby and was put in a house and made die of starvation as the Quran said do. In America Muslims are considered to be apostates and deserve death and America tries not to insult Islam. Well I say what goes around comes around. Men like you Tyrone and Allen are called less than a donkey's penis and all of us are clled zurjis-dirty nigga in Arabic.
Oh my all are really TRIPPIN!
Santa Clause is a "MYTHICAL" figure! The "character" Santa Clause is a concoction of America cartoonist Thomas Nash, based on the European figure Sinterklaas. Should the Europeans be "up-in-arms" because the Americans bastardized him in the first place?
If a YMCA official replacing Santa Claus with a Snowman bothers you that much, dress up as Santa Claus yourself! There are plenty of places that will let you sit kids on your lap and fill their heads up with visions of sugar plums. Provided you can clear a criminal background check...
anon" Muslims insult everybody not Muslim, but we are not allowed to call a spade a spade. Christians are being burned alive and lied on and killed by Muslims and the media always chatise others when thr Muslims are attacked back."
I believe there rest the problem. Christians have become to tolerant of being attacked, mocked and ridiculed. Notice liberals never attack anything remotely related to Islam. They don't mess with Muslims, because they know Muslims won't "tolerate" being attacked by liberals. It's about time Christians start to put these progressive ass wipes in their place. The day of turning the other cheek is over in my book.
anon "It has been said that Obamacare was passed due to the immigrants from South America and Muslims from around the world. If we have unemploymen in America why bring illegal or LEGALS to America. We are in trouble."
Since our country is pretty much broke. Obamacare will be short live,because we don't have the money to pay for it's implementation anyways. So if it was Muslim illegals from South America, there work is going to be for not in the end.
p allen"Santa Clause is a "MYTHICAL" figure! The "character" Santa Clause is a concoction of America cartoonist Thomas Nash, based on the European figure Sinterklaas. Should the Europeans be "up-in-arms" because the Americans bastardized him in the first place?"
Let me rack your brain for a second allen. If Santa is a "MYTHICAL" character as you said, why is the YMCA dumping Santa in the first place? Santa is just "mythical". But wait, so is Frosty the Snowman. When I wrote saying why don't the YMCA rename themselves the YMSA if they are embarrassed to have the name Christian in their title, I missed the part in the New York Post's story that they YMCA is re branding their name and are calling themselves the "The Y". lol
Keep living in your safe and secure dream land allen. If Santa isn't a character based on a real life Christian Saint, then why did the YMCA say
"We realized that change is sometimes good, and that Frosty is a great winter character who would appeal to a broader number of kids"? If the majority of children and even adults were asked what character is the most recognized around Christmas, the answer hands down period is Saint Nicholas aka Santa Clause. In other words, you can't spin this, twist this or whatever. You can't rationalize insanity.
p allen "If a YMCA official replacing Santa Claus with a Snowman bothers you that much, dress up as Santa Claus yourself! There are plenty of places that will let you sit kids on your lap and fill their heads up with visions of sugar plums. Provided you can clear a criminal background check..."
It bothers me, but I am doing my part by exposing this attempt to white wash Christmas. Knowledge is power, and the more people are informed, the more people are empowered to stop this madness from happening. As I stated to you before allen, you can't give a logic explanation to the insanity, all you can do is try again tag the people like myself who are exposing this crap as being "paranoid" lol Some retailers have gone back to saying Merry Christmas in their advertisements such as Target and Walmart, thanks to people standing up and speaking out. Don't you hate it allen, when the masses speak out against political correctness? lol
CB;"As I stated to you before allen, you can't give a logic explanation to the insanity, all you can do is try again tag the people like myself who are exposing this crap as being "paranoid".
Follow the logic.
The crux of the idea of a "war" on particular religious or non-religious celebrations, is that "some" people believe that their [religious or non-religious] ideals trumps all others.
Is "Christ" the truth Tyrone? (I'd really like an answer to that one Ty)
The fact is that, Christianity is the dominant religion in America. Thus, those who practice Christianity want to keep it the dominant religion in America.
Is Christianity the dominant religion in America Tyrone? And, do you like it, and want to keep it that way?
What you're being told is that any criticism, variants or changes, is a "war" being perpetrated on your religion and/or holidays. What it really is, is a propagandized tactic concocted in order to keep what they, and possibly you, believe is a threat to that dominance.
Do you believe there is a "war" on your beliefs in Christmas?
However, there's an obstacle to the tactic. That obstacle being The U.S. Constitution. Freedom of religion does not allow religious (or non-religious) ideals to take precedence in American society. You're free to practice whatever religion you want. It just so happens at this point and time that Christianity is the dominant religion.
Thus, as long as the first amendment prohibits the making of any law "respecting an establishment of religion", or impeding the free exercise of religion, any other religion chosen by a majority of the people can become "the dominant" religion in America. When people become "hung-up" on their religion being dominant..... that's when the real "war" starts...!
This is just as similar as back in 1969, St. Nicholas was de-canonized by the Catholic Church, because of the reason was using his symbol and image to promote "commercialism".
I think those who are at war with Christmas need to just get a life. Being offended all the time can't be good for your health.
Islam under Shartia Law is the only religion allowed to exist as a religion. Christians and Jews under Islam are made pay an extra tax, and only Muslims are allowed to have a gun.
Protestantism came North and Catholicism went South. Protestant religions stopped slavery, not Catholics til later.
Islam has never stopped slavery, as slavery is still under Sharia Law. Dark-skinned Muslims are slaved to white ones in North Africa and Sudan.
America has freedom OF and FROM religion, as they left London to get away from one-religious control over all London as the King was head of the CHURCH.
Santa Claus in America is based on the Catholic priest named St. Nicholas who did carry toys to kids in Europe who were in need.
Commerialism was good in capitalistic America and Santa Claus made the kids to good to receive goodies from Santa.
I found out early and saw my parents putting my toys under the tree. It hurt their feelings when they saw my eyes open as they were doing it. I then knew mon and dad were Santa. NO MORE SANTA FOR ME.
It was and is fun, although it is a lie as no big white man came come down all the chimneys in one night.
Liberals want Christianity removed as the book called the Bible has the hardest to crack. Islam is being used to replace Christianity as Islam says the same as Marxism.
Islamomarxist have joined once again to destroy Jews and Christians who do not entertain their ideologies.
I do not belong to Christendom, but I believe in the Bible. Quran written by allah said because Im black, Im cursed. The Bible said we are all the same, no difference between a Jew or Gentile. Allah said Jews and Christians are apes and pigs. Sura 5:60 Arabs are the best of all people. Now if Moses married a black woman, then why are Muslims in love with Moses.
Since the Americans were Europeans they could do what they wanted to now that they were free from King George.
Some blacks call themselves African-Americans and get mad at African words like:
du du means dark-skinned blacks
pu pu means light-skinned blacks
oyinbo means white people
Those words in English means something entirely different, but why get upset?
Americans better wake up, the slippery slopes of Islamic Sharia is here.
When blacks hear about the separate swimming pools in America, for you Tyrone in Druid Hill Park, Muslims who had it first anyway have brought it back at the highest educational school
in America, Harvard and Georgetown
Segregated pools from Muslims and non-Muslims.
Islam under Shartia Law is the only religion allowed to exist as a religion".
What does that have to do with Santa Claus?
St. Nicholas was a persecutor who killed people. Maybe you ought to not be a moron and actually read some history in depth before worshipping the jolly fat man as God. Frosty is just as Christmasy and at least he isn't a murderer.
Islam under Shartia Law is the only religion allowed to exist as a religion".
What does that have to do with Santa Claus?"
Santa Clause in his time imposes his own sort of sharia law and burned down the houses of worship of any religion other than Catholicism. Religious troublemakers who go around yelling that their sacred fictional characters are under attack seem to always have no knowledge of the history of the historical personalities behind those characters. Just a bunch of sad little angry illiterates.
beowulf:"their sacred fictional characters are under attack seem to always have no knowledge of the history of the historical personalities behind those characters".
Who's next?? The Easter Bunny? Punxsutawney Phil? The Great Pumpkin? Old Man Winter? Staten Island Chuck? Cupid? Hanukkah Harry? Father Time? Freddie Kruger???
I'd say probably the Easter bunny. He might get replaced with a more secular duck or something and then all the evangelicals will be in arms that the rabbit who rose from the dead with Jesus is being given a raw deal. What, you missed the story about Mary Magdalene finding the tomb empty, except for a rabbit wearing a tophat and hiding eggs in the tomb?
Santa Clau offends Muslims and under Sharia that is a death penalty. that is what it has to do with Santa.
anon: At least Santa is not worshipped. Sure he did bad things in real life and real named person.
Sharia Law is based on an insane pedophile, incest lover,liar, murder, woman hater, slaver and thief named Muhammad bin Abduallah.
HIS nameless allah bragged about being the greatest deceiver, liar, schemer and makes all of his warriors murderers.
THIS PART OF HIStory has been left out of books sine the oil started flowing. Before, the information was available for all WHO COULD READ ARABIC OR LATIN. Most couldnt read anything. Today, 65% of the Muslim world still cant read, The Afghans dont know why Americans are there. They dont want Black men, nor in Pakistan. As long as Blacks dont read, Islam will do the same genocidal attempts as has been planned for the Black Muslims in Sudan. It is so sad that American Muslims wont say a word and they can read.
Qaddifi, an Arab says he is King
of Africa and threatened to turn Europe black if they didnt do as he
Allen, next will be Paul Bunyun and Porky Pig. Pigggy Banks have already been removed. Tom and Jerry are gone. Both offend Muslims as they are Jews.
Joke: How many Muslims does it take to turn off a light bulb:
None, the just all sit in the dark and blame the JOOOOS.
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