Who stands to benefit more from Mike Huckabee announcing he isn't running for president, Michelle Bachmann or Sarah Palin?

Liberals and establishment Republicans can't be happy with Mike Huckabee's decision not to run for the Republican Nomination. This really isn't a surprise though. Huck even said last year that he was comfortable with his position at Fox News, and that it was unlikely he would try a second go around for the Republican nomination. That didn't stop the political chattering class from still talking about him possibly running. He was still seen as the number two most favorable prospective candidate behind Mitt Romney a few months ago. Even though the Republican establishment wasn't keen on a Huckabee nomination, they would rather have had him run for the nomination then have a certain other person run for it and actually win it. It's obvious who I am talking about. Mike's would have been a formidable candidate in capturing social conservative voters, these voters are commonly referred to as the "Evangelical voters". With Huckabee officially out of the picture, the question now is this. Which candidate either announced or going to announce will fill the social conservative vacuum for Huckabee supporters going forward? Minnesota Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann said she will make a decision in June on whether she will officially enter the race. She is a staunch social conservative and is in good standing with the Tea Party movement, but there is another name that the left and some on the right have been trying to downplay and ignore. I'm talking about of course former Governor Sarah Palin. With Huckabee out, and the current GOP field still looking timid at best, a Palin announcement would more then almost guarantee her the nomination or at the very least put her into the second or third position in the first tier of candidates. Going forward until the field is officially set, Palin's name can't be dismissed as it was before Huckabee made it official that he isn't running. There are simply too many McCain like candidates right now who have announced, that is why there really isn't a clear cut favorite among conservatives. The media would foolishly have people believe that Democrats and Obama are afraid of people like Tim Pawlenty and Jon Huntsman. With Romney shooting himself in the foot again on trying to explain his support of Romney care, even the supposed front runner isn't very solid right now. Unlike wtih Huckabee, Palin hasn't really given any announcement she isn't running. People who tend to challenge me on Palin saying she isn't running tend to do so from an emotional dislike for her. I on the other hand believe she is going to run based on the situation and facts. The only way I see Palin announcing she isn't running is if Michelle Bachmann announces she is running in June. Palin said that she wouldn't run if true conservatives stepped up to the plate to run. Michelle and Palin are good friends, so I have no doubt that the two have talked about each other's plans. With that said, I still believe that Sarah Palin would more directly benefit from Mike Huckabee not running in gaining his supporters.
CB;"a Palin announcement would more then almost guarantee her the nomination or at the very least put her into the second or third position in the first tier of candidates".
"Almost guarantee the nomination?" Yet, "at the very least put her into the second or third?"
When did a party primary nomination turn into a "win, place or show?"
Just imagine if Palin did enter and win the nomination. That means she'd have to take questions and give interviews to the "liberal bias lame-stream media." She'll have to debate Barack Obama on questions from a "biased liberal forum" with liberal commentators, and answer silly liberal questions like; "what would be her efforts on the nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons", or how would solve the "zoning" problem in Israel.
Just imagine all the unfair questions she'd get about "quitting" he elected position in mid term. All the re-hashing of the 4 year old not so impressive interviews she gave. The low brow attacks on her out-of-wedlock daughter and family values. The assault on he husbands secede from America group. Hell, what next... maybe the long form Idaho birth certificate??
p allen ""Almost guarantee the nomination?" Yet, "at the very least put her into the second or third?"
Under certain circumstances allen, she could win the nomination just by her announcing. If those circumstances don't fall into place, she will still be a top tier candidate one way or other. It isn't hard to follow allen.
p allen "When did a party primary nomination turn into a "win, place or show?"
Ask Obama and Hillary that question allen, and you will have the answer
p allen "Just imagine if Palin did enter and win the nomination. That means she'd have to take questions and give interviews to the "liberal bias lame-stream media."
Just imagine if the lame stream media remembered who they are and decided to leave their political bent at the door and just be journalists allen, How about that?
The media is going to torch any republican who wins the nomination. They will protect Obama with everything they have. That's a given. Remember what Chris Matthews said, it's his job to see this president "Obama" do well. His words not mine.
p allen "She'll have to debate Barack Obama on questions from a "biased liberal forum" with liberal commentators, and answer silly liberal questions like; "what would be her efforts on the nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons", or how would solve the "zoning" problem in Israel."
Debating Obama would be the least of her problems if she runs. It's not like Obama is strong on any issue at this point. That is why the media is going to have to double down in their activist journalism and opposition research against the GOP nominee
p allen "Just imagine all the unfair questions she'd get about "quitting" he elected position in mid term.
Oh, you mean like how Obama did in quitting half way through his first term as the junior U.S Senator from Illinois allen. Don't worry, Barack wasn't asked that "unfair" question, I'm sure the media won't do the same with Palin. ;-)
p allen "All the re-hashing of the 4 year old not so impressive interviews she gave. The low brow attacks on her out-of-wedlock daughter and family values. The assault on he husbands secede from America group. Hell, what next... maybe the long form Idaho birth certificate??"
With the economy in the tank, the unemployment rate a 9%, real unemployment being around 16% people losing their homes left and right, the national debt increasing 50%, inflation eroding the buying power of the dollar, record deficits, the media trying to make the issue about Palin won't even come close to working and bearing fruit. 2012 is about whether Barry deserves another term and that is it.
One of the reasons why Huckabee isn't running for president is because he has come under fire for the past couple of years most of it has do with handling of clemency during his governorship.
One of those has to do was pardoning a violent criminal whom would later make national headlines for murdering four Lakewood, Washington police officers.
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