Martin Bashir, you've just been exposed for the fraud that you are.
I posted the video of Martin Bashir's meltdown hissy fit over the use of the American flag on Palin's One Nation tour yesterday. Here's an encore performance of his over dramatic tirade.
This is why conservative bloggers have far more credibility then that of the "mainstream" media. We present what the media purposely leaves out. Let this serve as a case study. Here's a picture of the big bad evil Sarah Palin One Nation tour bus with the American flag on it that is in question by Martin Bashir of MSNBC.

I went back and researched other stories by Martin Bashir, and I couldn't find any other stories in which he mentioned the improper use of the America flag on a motor coach bus by a political figure. Here's the most recent picture of the American flag begin used on the tour bus of a nationally known political figure prior to Palin using it.

Martin for some inexplicable reason had nothing to say about the use of the American flag on the campaign bus of Barack Hussein Obama back in 08. I so want to use the word "hypocrite". To add the final nail into the coffin in the case against Martin Bashir's " journalistic integrity", here's a picture of John McCain's 08 campaign tour bus with the American flag in the back ground.

The truth is that Martin Bashir doesn't care about how the flag is used and on what it is used on. He doesn't like Palin, so he used a fake "controversial" issue in which to attack her but disguised as "journalism". Martin Bashir, sit down. You've been exposed!
This is why conservative bloggers have far more credibility then that of the "mainstream" media. We present what the media purposely leaves out. Let this serve as a case study. Here's a picture of the big bad evil Sarah Palin One Nation tour bus with the American flag on it that is in question by Martin Bashir of MSNBC.
I went back and researched other stories by Martin Bashir, and I couldn't find any other stories in which he mentioned the improper use of the America flag on a motor coach bus by a political figure. Here's the most recent picture of the American flag begin used on the tour bus of a nationally known political figure prior to Palin using it.

Martin for some inexplicable reason had nothing to say about the use of the American flag on the campaign bus of Barack Hussein Obama back in 08. I so want to use the word "hypocrite". To add the final nail into the coffin in the case against Martin Bashir's " journalistic integrity", here's a picture of John McCain's 08 campaign tour bus with the American flag in the back ground.

The truth is that Martin Bashir doesn't care about how the flag is used and on what it is used on. He doesn't like Palin, so he used a fake "controversial" issue in which to attack her but disguised as "journalism". Martin Bashir, sit down. You've been exposed!
Come on Tyrone, that's not even a good try. You're no "spinmeister."
Bashir said that she "might" be breaking the law because she's using an image of the flag for commercial (advertisement) purposes. He just "might" be right.
President Obama, Senator McCain and thousands of other politicians use the flag and it's image in the "political" (not commercial) realm. There's a big difference between the two. Palin hasn't said she's running for any political office.
Moreover, where is the money coming from to fund this tour? Is she using her own money? If so, it would just go to show how desperate for attention she really is! If she's using her PAC money, that shows how "gullible" her donors are!
How about a donation to "ALLEN-PAC" for the P. Anthony loves America tour. I hear you can give up to five grand a year. Credit card, money orders, cashiers checks or cash only please....
Whatever Allen...
Bashir said that she "might" be breaking the law because she's using an image of the flag for commercial (advertisement) purposes.
I guess that p. anthony doesn't ever pass any used car lots and thinks that Microsoft's headquarters flies a union jack.
Thersites "I guess that p. anthony doesn't ever pass any used car lots and thinks that Microsoft's headquarters flies a union jack."
Exactly. I'm sure allen and Bashir are going to start commenting in the near future on how businesses "may" be violating the federal law in the use of the American flag. lol The flag is one of the most commonly used symbols in advertising. Bashire is off base regardless of him saying she "may".
p allen "
Bashir said that she "might" be breaking the law because she's using an image of the flag for commercial (advertisement) purposes. He just "might" be right."
Why didn't Bashir do his job as a so called journalist by doing research and then reporting on the FACTS the he would have discovered on the use of the flag on motor vehicles. You could tell just be his tone and wording, he was more interested in attacking palin rather then reporting a fact based story.
p allen "President Obama, Senator McCain and thousands of other politicians use the flag and it's image in the "political" (not commercial) realm. There's a big difference between the two. Palin hasn't said she's running for any political office.
Most conservative pundits who write book have the American flag in the background of their covers, so try again allen. People display miniature flags on their cars. People also display American flag sun visors. So you are batting 000 on this. You might want to quit on this topic. I sure the people with all those flag merchandised PURCHASED THEM from stores which made the merchandise COMMERCIAL in nature allen.
p allen "Moreover, where is the money coming from to fund this tour? Is she using her own money? If so, it would just go to show how desperate for attention she really is! If she's using her PAC money, that shows how "gullible" her donors are! "
The more important question allen is "why does it matter where she got the money from"? She's a private citizen. Furthermore, she has her own money. Palin can't use the money from her PAC for political reasons other then giving to other candidates. Since the tour isn't political in nature, there is no problem. Even if the tour is political in nature, as long as she isn't using PAC money, it's still no problem. Keep digging allen.
p allen "How about a donation to "ALLEN-PAC" for the P. Anthony loves America tour. I hear you can give up to five grand a year. Credit card, money orders, cashiers checks or cash only please..."
As if allen. Palin has lawyers who know political finance laws backwards and forward. Anything she is doing has been researched verified and verified again, so this unfortunately for you is a non controversy just like the flag on Palin's bus. She how Palin's haters can't get nothing to stick on her, it hows how pathetically pitiful her adversaries truly are.
Sec. 3. Use of flag for advertising purposes; mutilation of flag.
"attached, or otherwise placed a representation of any such
flag, standard, colors, or ensign, to advertise, call attention to, decorate, mark, or distinguish the article or substance on which so placed shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $100 or by imprisonment for not more than thirty days, or both,.
And no, I'm not nearly certain if what Palin done with the flag is illegal or not. That's why I said "MIGHT."
However, the statute clearly states; "a representation of any such flag, standard, colors, or ensign, to advertise." Was Palin on a political campaign stump? No... Was she vacationing? Well, she could say so. But, when was the last time you publicly announced your vacation with a map showing your route, and ask your "supporters" to send GENEROUS DONATIONS, and follow your tour...ah..oh, vacation?
CB;"The more important question allen is "why does it matter where she got the money from"? She's a private citizen. Furthermore, she has her own money. Palin can't use the money from her PAC for political reasons other then giving to other candidates".
Tyrone, do yourself a favor and stop hacking to the point of sounding delusional. PALIN'S OWN WEB SITE ASKS FOR PAC DONATIONS TO SUPPORT THE TOUR! Full disclosure, I wasn't sure how she was paying for the trip until I went to her site myself. Further research reveals that Palin herself told ABC News that she's using PAC money for the tour. But who knows! Perhaps you're onto something. She might have broken some other laws...
When will Palins supporters realize she's not the brightest bulb on the X-mas tree. On her web site it says; "The One Nation Tour is part of our new campaign to educate and energize Americans about our nation's founding principles." Educate??? Founding principles??? Here's how she wants to educate America on the history of Paul Revere. Typical Palin.
Thersites;"I guess that p. anthony doesn't ever pass any used car lots and thinks that Microsoft's headquarters flies a union jack".
I live in Detroit. There are thousands of used car lots here...
Microsoft sells computer software and the like. Car lots sell cars. Hell, the hardware store in my neighborhood displays the flag, and sells hundreds of flags a year. What is Palin selling? Do you get me drift? If not, ask and I'll explain it to you...
Correct me if i am wrong here but is it only the left and the haters that are criticizing this issue because thus far i am getting nothing from the center or right, nor the people around her. Am i to believe that the left are the only ones who have this issue right? If so, that seems rather suspect to me.
What is Palin selling?
But if not books, how can you say it's a commercial enterprise?
btw - Speaking of selling something... when you gonna arrest this joker?
Oh, he's president now. He's ALLOWED to wear his American flag lapel pin.
You Lefty's are always trying to justify your (and Barack O'Traitior's) lack of patriotism and willingness to sell us out to the UN. Get a life.
btw - p anthony, when you gonna call for the indictment and arrest of those flag-touting editors at Newsweek?
Jes' Wondrin'.
Typical you would post a video bite from Think Progress. Another far-left loon outfit who only sees one way. Are they buddies with TYT as well? And before you think i am only on the side of the right-wingers, i do recall Jimmy Carter saying some very nice things about her, oh and i like JFK so there.
A message to the far-left and haters:
For all of you ignorant gullible people out there let us set the record straight, shall we. Is she hated because of her traditional values and success? or are we led to believe she is literally dumb because the media and snl said so? Ask yourself this, does the ideology she carries agreeable, if not, did you all really think deeply about what those ideals are and how they correlate with what America should stand for in accordance to what our founders wanted or have we moved to the point of a progressive agenda to throw away those ideals and change this country to something no longer recognized as America? Also, why out of hundreds of people involved in politics is she such a unique case. Why the relentless attacks on a unique case? What are you all afraid of? That she will have access to all of the launch codes? What a silly assumption for some that may think that.
I have a nice rebuttal on this issue so you choose to remain open-minded about it.
Also, what is the matter Allen? Afraid she is passing out copies of our constitution that folks will have access to. That could be dangerous, might give people the wrong idea. Remember we have to progress, not conserve our nation, right?
You live in Detroit. That explains a lot sad to say. A city based on the success of progressive ideas and it's a dump. BTW, i live in the inland empire, another dump ruined by progressive ideas.
anon "Typical you would post a video bite from Think Progress. Another far-left loon outfit who only sees one way. Are they buddies with TYT as well? And before you think i am only on the side of the right-wingers, i do recall Jimmy Carter saying some very nice things about her, oh and i like JFK so there."
Um anon, think progress posted the video, but the "CONTENT" is MSNBC.
If I came across the video from MSNBC itself, I would have used that. Bashir's words and motives don't change, because of the person who posts his words.
anon "Correct me if i am wrong here but is it only the left and the haters that are criticizing this issue because thus far i am getting nothing from the center or right, nor the people around her. Am i to believe that the left are the only ones who have this issue right? If so, that seems rather suspect to me."
People in the center really don't know anything about the flag "controversy", and people on the right are too busy laughing at Bashir for his desperation to attack Palin. As of me writing this, Bashir is the only person who made an issue about a non issue.
anon "You live in Detroit. That explains a lot sad to say. A city based on the success of progressive ideas and it's a dump. BTW, i live in the inland empire, another dump ruined by progressive ideas."
I live in Baltimore which isn't too far behind Detroit in being yet another major metropolitan ruined by progressive stupidity.
Thersites:"But if not books, how can you say it's a commercial enterprise?".
I'll take that as if you're asking...
Of all the examples of what others here think are "advertising", none meet the framed intention of the statute.
Wearing a "flag pin" is not using the flag to "advertise" yourself or a product. Taking a picture with the flag, then printing the picture on the cover of a magazine is not using the "flag" to sell magazines. Flying or displaying the flag in public (on you house, car, boat, etc..) is not using the flag to advertise yourself or a product.
However, as the statute clearly states, "USING" the flag, or a representation of any such
flag, to sell, promote yourself, or a product is considered in violation of the code.
Using an image of the flag on toilet paper would be considered in violation of the code. As with displaying the flag on liquor bottles or background signage for a strip club. That's what advertising means...
Is it enforced? To my knowledge, hardly ever. Did Palin violate the code? Hell, I don't know. Was Martin Bashir fraudulent in his assertion that she "might" be violating the Flag Code? Absolutely not! The code exists, thus, as a reporter (although he may be bias, but on cable news aren't they all) he noted a fact.
Tyrone, have you taken the time out to write Palin and inform that she shouldn't be using PAC money for he "personal and private citizen" trips? Since you asked me to "keep digging" I thought I'd just "dig that one up for you."
p allen "However, as the statute clearly states, "USING" the flag, or a representation of any such
flag, to sell, promote yourself, or a product is considered in violation of the code."
What is Palin promoting about herself allen? She's been promoting the historical attractions of America BUT NOT HERSELF. Your swinging wildly allen and only hitting air. She's not selling a product either.
p allen "Is it enforced? To my knowledge, hardly ever. Did Palin violate the code? Hell, I don't know. Was Martin Bashir fraudulent in his assertion that she "might" be violating the Flag Code? Absolutely not! The code exists, thus, as a reporter (although he may be bias, but on cable news aren't they all) he noted a fac"
As much as the media loath Palin, if there was any validity at all to Martin Bashir's "story", the rest of the media would have broken their neck to get to their camera to report it and print it in the papers. So as I said before, this is the non controversy, controversy.
p allen "Tyrone, have you taken the time out to write Palin and inform that she shouldn't be using PAC money for he "personal and private citizen" trips? Since you asked me to "keep digging" I thought I'd just "dig that one up for you."
lol, how do you know how she's funding her bus tour allen? Better get Martin Bashir on the case. lol
CB;"lol, how do you know how she's funding her bus tour allen? Better get Martin Bashir on the case".
Did you read the ABC News article Tyrone? I guess not. Did you check her website where she asks for donations to her PAC to fund the tour. I guess not. No wonder you're a Palin supporter. You don't read either! Can you see Russia from your front porch also?
p allen "Did you read the ABC News article Tyrone? I guess not. Did you check her website where she asks for donations to her PAC to fund the tour. I guess not. No wonder you're a Palin supporter. You don't read either! Can you see Russia from your front porch also?"
Give it up allen. Sarah Pac is involved in the bus tour, and the tour is about promoting the history of our country. Unless it says PALIN FOR PRESIDENT 2012. You have NOTHING ALLEN! Clean you ears out. The media would have nailed Palin if this bus tour violated any sort of law or code, so your fishing expedition is over. Political Action Committees PACs are most often organized around a particular trade, union, or business; they are also organized to promulgate particular social, economic, or political beliefs or agendas. For example, there are PACs formed to represent the interests of the pharmaceutical industry and the automotive industry. From an ideological perspective on Abortion, there are both pro-life PACs and pro-choice PACs.
p allen "Here's how she wants to educate America on the history of Paul Revere. Typical Palin."
No, actually the term should be "typical liberal and Obama supporter", clueless to the Facts. Palin was right about Paul Revere, and the ones who think they are smarter then her as usual are the ones who looked foolish trying to claim she was wrong. Stick your head back in the hole allen.
Palin was right about Paul Revere
Palin knows more about her country's history then her enemies do
Just like most liberals believe that Palin said "I can see Russia from my house". It comes down to the ignorant thinking they are smart. It would appear that Palin isn't the one who needs to hit the books and learn more.
This is just Leftists pretending to be "more ethical than thou" and trying to set a NEW political standard in which politicians WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO APPEAL TO PATRIOTISM during their political campaigns and will be accused of "breaking the law" by "advertising/ selling themselves" if they do.
In other words, they're trying to "justify" Obama's "holier than thou" NOT wearing of a "flag pin" during the 2008 campaign.
This attack is intended to set a NEW political standard with the MSM, sans American flags. Period.
First off Tyrone, you said;"Palin can't use the money from her PAC for political reasons other then giving to other candidates".
She clearly stated she used PAC money for the trip, and he website ask's for donations for the trip. Either you're wrong, or she's in the wrong... which is it?
CB;"Palin was right about Paul Revere".
PU-LEEEEEZE! Paul Revere's mission was not to "warn the British." And that's exactly what that idiot implied!
I'll state this without even referring to, looking up, or using an internet search. From what I remember from 7th grade, Paul Revere and two other men (who's names I can't recall) were detained briefly by the British. Revere gave bogus information to steer the British away from the Hancock house where the patriot leaders were gathered.
Even a historian would consider it a complete stretch to think that Revere informing the British that the colonists would fight back would serve as a "warning." So the next time some 7th grade kid asks you or Palin who was Paul Revere and what did he do, just tell him; "he was the guy that warned the British that American Patriots were going to fight them"....
p allen First off Tyrone, you said;"Palin can't use the money from her PAC for political reasons other then giving to other candidates"."
Ok, I was mistaken, so sue me.
p allen"She clearly stated she used PAC money for the trip, and he website ask's for donations for the trip. Either you're wrong, or she's in the wrong... which is it?"
Since her detractors are focusing on her and American Revolutionary History, it would be safe to say that she isn't doing anything illegal with her PAC. So case closed on that.
p allen"PU-LEEEEEZE! Paul Revere's mission was not to "warn the British." And that's exactly what that idiot implied! "
Not only did I learn what said in U.S History, the HISTORIANS also said she's right. Tell the people who know more about American history then you ever will that they are wrong. By all means do that. You hate Palin so much that your ego like others can't stand it that she is right and you all are wrong, sorry about your bad luck.
p allen "
I'll state this without even referring to, looking up, or using an internet search. From what I remember from 7th grade, Paul Revere and two other men (who's names I can't recall) were detained briefly by the British. Revere gave bogus information to steer the British away from the Hancock house where the patriot leaders were gathered."
Keep twisting in the wind allen. The experts validate Palin's words. Their words are good enough for me, thanks anyways. Even though Palin wasn't wrong, why is it that you liberals totally ignore any mistakes and gaffes Obama make, but can't wait for the slightest hint that Palin might make an error in a statement? Constancy builds credibility. If Palin ever said she visited 57 state, I would never hear the end of it. I didn't here a peep from the left when Obama said that, go figure.
I love what Miller had to say about Palin.
Go Palin!
Go Team Palin!
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