October surprise!!! The high tech lynching of Herman Cain has begun.
Her allegations just happened to come right before the conformation hearings, and Ms. Hill had to testify during the confirmation hearings. Surprise, surprise, surprise, nothing was proven from Ms. Hill's allegations. Clarence Thomas was confirmed to the Supreme Court, and the rest is history. It looks like the October surprise of rehashed dirty tricks may be at work yet again on another black conservative. The Politico is reporting that two women have come forward to accuse Herman Cain of "inappropriate behavior". I sigh laughing thinking about this. Every angle the left has tried against Cain has failed up until this point. They've attacked Cain's 999 plan, but it didn't hurt him in the polls. They've attacked him using the all predictable race card, that hasn't even worked. I guess the left is desperate and now have to double down on Saul Alinksy Jujitsu. The tactic now is going to be to destroy Herman Cain's character, and bog him down having him defend himself against "the seriousness of the charges" by these two women. The new media wasn't around during the time Anita Hill made her allegations, but they are now. If this is an orchestrated plan in order to take down Herman Cain, they will get to the bottom of it. The identity of these two ladies should be known if they are real, and the media should not be allowed to attack Cain on the charges of two women who can hide in shadows of anonymity.They might be made up figures of the Politico for all we know. I know how the smear game works with the media using "anonymous sources". That tactic has been used against Sarah Palin from day one. The Politico reported in regards to the Cain camp
"POLITICO has confirmed the identities of the two female restaurant association employees who complained about Cain but, for privacy concerns, is not publishing their names"
Privacy concerns? This is what I mean about being able to throw sharp darts from within the dark clouds of anonymity. I bet that within twenty four hours, the media is going to go into all out blitz mode with this story. Maybe they will call this pubic hairs version 2.0, 20 years later, who knows. Cain might be new to politics, but he made the right comment when confronted by the media after his Face the Nation appearance today. Cain said that he would not comment until " I see some facts or some concrete evidence.”
That is how you shut down the media's anonymity tactic. Demand that they put up the evidence first and then respond accordingly. I know the media is praying for a John Edwards, Gary Hart moment. As I read further into the Politico story, I found something interesting.
"There were also descriptions of physical gestures that were not overtly sexual but that made women who experienced or witnessed them uncomfortable and that they regarded as improper in a professional relationship."
So if the gestures weren't sexual, then what is the foundation of the allegations of inappropriate behavior? We'll see what comes from this and how Cain is able to continue going forward. The timing of the Politico bombshell is interesting. They released this story just 24 hours before Herman Cain is scheduled to speak in front of National Press Club tomorrow. What a coincidence.