Sunday, October 07, 2012

Which Obama showed up at the first debate?

I've heard every excuse  by the Obama's faithful and even himself to why he got skunked in the first debate by Mitt Romney.

Al Gore is saying that Obama wasn't use to the Colorado altitude.

Some Obamatrons are so home claiming that Romney cheated

Some are blaming the moderator Jim Lehrer

Some are blaming Obama's debate coach John Kerry  aka lurch

 The most creative excuse is that some are saying that Obama lost on purpose, because of the Obama race tape that was released a few days prior.

Go figure.  The same people who have every conspiracy this side of the rainbow about why Obama got knocked around in the first debate are the same ones to call those who question the September unemployment report on mathematical grounds as not adding up as being conspiratorial. The best and most humorous excuse to why Obama lost the debate came form dear letter himself in which he claimed that "Romney was lying" throughout the debate. When I heard Obama tell his supporters the other day that Romney at the debate wasn't the real Romney, I couldn't help to wonder is that the best he could come up with.

For him to utter such a thing is like the pot calling the kettle black. In typical Obama fashion, the man can't take responsibility for the fact that he just got out debated. Of course the Obama loyalists are going to believe no matter what that their president is the paragon of truth and morality. If you ask them has Obama ever told a lie to the American people, chances are more likely then not they will say no. So  my question is which Obama showed up at the debate? The one that lies or the one that lies?


Blogger Unknown said...

I love reading your page! It makes me laugh (even though I'm cringing on the inside). Down with the ridiculous spending and the lies! How can anyone believe Obama anymore- is it because he refuses to take responsibility?

6:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Al Gore is saying that Obama wasn't use to the Colorado altitude."

How can Gore say that when Obama had a capacity crowd of supporters at Mile High Stadium in Denver in 2008? Oh, wait a minute, it finally caught up with him. Next Gore will blame it all on global warming.

I'm looking forward to seeing the VP debate this Thursday. I'm predicting that Paul Ryan will out-debate Joe Biden. Then again, Joe Biden has been putting his own foot in his mouth. So, why bother for a debate?

2:53 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

anon "How can Gore say that when Obama had a capacity crowd of supporters at Mile High Stadium in Denver in 2008? Oh, wait a minute, it finally caught up with him. Next Gore will blame it all on global warming."

Liberals never seem to understand that history tends to not be their friend, because it always comes back on them. Obama was full of energy back in Denver in 2008 addressing the huge crowd in Mile High stadium. I can't wait for the foreign policy third debate. Obama can't defend his failed policies off of lies. I hope a lot of people tune in for the Ryan-Biden debate. Apparently crazy chains Biden has taken a few days off to prepare, that bumbling fool is going to need more then a few days. I predict he will get his ass kicked just like Barry did.

10:22 AM  
Blogger Hardcore Conservitive said...

You are doing a great service to your country. Truth is on our side and we all know it's not about color it's about leadership and economic survival of our America as we kmow it. Keep up the good work.

12:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obama has a very sheepish persona. There's enough evidence in his history to explain why he can't think on his feet. He was born and raised a mama's boy by a in heat socialist race trading 1960's bed wench hippie. Some of you conservatives run around saying Obama is a Chicago style thug. lol What a bunch of crap. The Irish, Italians, Polish and other Europeans that ran Chicago politics makes Obama look like the Kenyan jungle village chief he is -and really should be.

Obama's speeches are performances. One and two acts, without the curtains, scenery and light. His speeches are pre-written and teleprompted by a host of liberal rich whites in the media and white trash Hollywood types. There is no deepness, or dept to Obama. It's all smoke and mirrors. I think they are beginning to see that their boy is not all he was cracked up to be.

Okay liberals, you got your first black president, are you happy now? This liberal experiment and little stunt has probably caused irreparable damage, though I truely hope thats not the case. The dam shame is, every liberal experiment- from the economic policies of welfare to social policies integration, all huge failures. When will these liberal losers be thrown from this land and eventually defeated?

5:44 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Herbert;"There's enough evidence in his history to explain why he can't think on his feet. He was born and raised a mama's boy by a in heat socialist race trading 1960's bed wench hippie".

A "race trading" bed wench hippie? I'm going to assume you meant "race traitor" bed wench hippie. But dude I'd hate to go further to assume what you really meant...

Herbert;"Europeans that ran Chicago politics makes Obama look like the Kenyan jungle village chief he is -and really should be".

So it's your opinion that Europeans make better "thugs?"

Herbert;"every liberal experiment- from the economic policies of welfare to social policies integration, all huge failures".

You know something Herb, as a Black man, I was not that fond of "forced integration" either! I've seen and experienced the political efforts. Furthermore, there's tons of video and news footage documenting the violence and mayhem caused by forced integration. From the North to the South, Whites and their schools and communities vehemently rejected the governments efforts of forced integration, and at times violently. And you're right, for the most part it failed. In most area's where forced integration was carried out the vast majority of the Whites fled.

Still, to this day in major urban area's like Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Atlanta, Boston, Houston and Philadelphia you have 90 to 100 percent Black communities and schools. Yet, I think it would be interesting to read your real thoughts. What say you?

11:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@ p anthony allen-

Obama's mother was a race trading bed hopping hippie. She 'traded' in races, White for an African, then for an Polynesian Asian and god knows what else. She was a product of 1960s' free love acid and speed drug scene. In a nutshell his mother was a white trashy two bit slut. Any other questions?

@ p anthony allen-

Blacks ruin communities and schools where ever they go. White's have nothing to do with the failures of black communities or schools. The facts have been shown repeatedly. Blacks have lower IQ's than whites and Asians. Blacks are 10 times more likely to commit crimes than any other race in America. It's a simple hierarchy of racial superiority.

In the political realm, when not being led, blacks have a tendency to become disoriented which causes them to become liberals. White liberals don't give a dam about blacks, they take your money and your votes and leave you with nothing. What's really funny is the white people you talk about fleeing from blacks, are LIBERALS! They won't lead you, and they don't teach you.

Conservative blacks are better because they listen and learn. Conservative blacks have no problems in predominantly white communities because they have learned how to maintain their property, raise their children, and rely on themselves.

4:54 PM  
Blogger Frank A. Dupree said...

Allen: From the North to the South, Whites and their schools and communities vehemently rejected the governments efforts of forced integration, and at times violently.

Interestingly enough, one the most vehemently opposed to the integration of blacks into white schools was then (1957) Gov. Orval Faubus - democrat.

Allen: Still, to this day in major urban area's like Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Atlanta, Boston, Houston and Philadelphia you have 90 to 100 percent Black communities and schools.

You answered his question for him inadvertently, Allen. You listed the cities with the highest crime rates, teen pregnancy rates, unemployment rates (among blacks), school testing scores/drop-out rates, etc...

6:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@ Frank A. Dupree-
You answered his question for him inadvertently, Allen. You listed the cities with the highest crime rates, teen pregnancy rates, unemployment rates (among blacks), school testing scores/drop-out rates, etc...

Precisely! White liberals in their strive for politcal power, took advantage of the subservience of minorities and unfairly weaseled opportunities and property from whites by way of Affirmative Actions laws. Vote for us they said. Well take whitey's jobs, schools and neighborhoods and give em' to you. And what happened? You revert back to what you were when your black ancestors sold to to us. you turn cities into jungles with crime, blight and spead your offspings all over the jungle untamed and unfed.

What's your excuse Allen?

5:54 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Herb;"The facts have been shown repeatedly. Blacks have lower IQ's than whites and Asians. Blacks are 10 times more likely to commit crimes than any other race in America. It's a simple hierarchy of racial superiority".

Genetic racial superiority? Wow! That's a new concept. Oooohh wait... no it isn't. It's been around for some time. It's in the Bible (according to idiots like you) and it's in the U.S. Constitution...right? I guess the old saying is true...If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit...

Herb;"In the political realm, when not being led, blacks have a tendency to become disoriented which causes them to become liberals".

SAY WHAT??? Your rhetoric is so far fetched and stupid, it "LED" me to almost missed that one! You say "when not being LED?" Led by whom? Are you saying that Blacks need to be led by Whites (White conservatives, no less) to be good Americans? Dude, are you out of your rabid ass mind?

Herb;"Conservative blacks are better because they listen and learn".

Have you ever explained that to the Black conservatives you might know? Have you told ever told them that "they're better" because of you? Sorry Herb, I know for a fact that even the most conservative Black person won't agree that they needed to be "led" by White conservatives to be successful in America.

Frank;"Interestingly enough, one the most vehemently opposed to the integration of blacks into white schools was then (1957) Gov. Orval Faubus - democrat".

Interesting enough, Herb (obviously a White conservative) believes you and other Black conservatives are being "led" by White conservatives. Effectively, he's saying you and other Black conservatives are "good Blacks" who are doing what you're told!

So Frank, I think the real question is are you the "obedient" Black conservative that he speaks of? Are you able to live and work among Whites because you "listened and learned?" Did White conservatives teach you how to how to be a good Black?

7:36 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

Herbert Waltham "Okay liberals, you got your first black president, are you happy now? This liberal experiment and little stunt has probably caused irreparable damage, though I truely hope thats not the case. The dam shame is, every liberal experiment- from the economic policies of welfare to social policies integration, all huge failures. When will these liberal losers be thrown from this land and eventually defeated?"

You are wrong on several fronts Herbert. Obama's skin color didn't make this country worse, his ideological socialist core did. Obama is no different then the woman he ran against for the nomination Hillary Clinton who is white. The state of country would have been no better if she was elected instead of Obama. There were both cut from the same cloth and that also includes Bill Clinton, John Kerry, Howard Dean, Walter Mondall, Jimmy Carter etc etc.

Herbet Waltham "Precisely! White liberals in their strive for politcal power, took advantage of the subservience of minorities and unfairly weaseled opportunities and property from whites by way of Affirmative Actions laws."

I've never been a fan of AA, but I can't say either that whites have been adversely impacted by it. Blacks only make up 13% of the population, so I doubt that many opportunities for whites were stolen because of AA.

Herbert Waltham "Vote for us they said. Well take whitey's jobs, schools and neighborhoods and give em' to you. And what happened? You revert back to what you were when your black ancestors sold to to us. you turn cities into jungles with crime, blight and spead your offspings all over the jungle untamed and unfed. "

Herbert, you have deep sited issues. Cities cant revert to jungles or vice versa. The reason why cities which have mostly black populations are in the conditions they are is due to the break down of the black family 50 years ago. The ghetto urban lifestyle is the main problem. This didn't exist 50 years ago. Many blacks were married, owned businesses and had a strong faith in god. The situation with modern day black America has nothing to do with genetics or DNA traits, it's purely social and economical period.

1:33 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

Herbert "Obama's mother was a race trading bed hopping hippie. She 'traded' in races, White for an African, then for an Polynesian Asian and god knows what else. She was a product of 1960s' free love acid and speed drug scene. In a nutshell his mother was a white trashy two bit slut. Any other questions?"

In 2012 believing in a "pure race" is as laughable as believing in the great pumpkin. Racism or supremacy is something that is taught. Nobody is born believing he or she is superior to anyone. As American society has evolved over the decades, interracial marriages and relationships have exploded in acceptance. My best friend jason is a white conservative who is married to a black woman and they have a child together. So your views do not represent conservative Herbert. The left loves to here people like you speak, because you reinforces the stigma that all conservatives think like you yet they don't. I received several emails from readers asking me what is up with you. All I can say is that every side has their fringe element.

Herbert ""The facts have been shown repeatedly. Blacks have lower IQ's than whites and Asians. Blacks are 10 times more likely to commit crimes than any other race in America. It's a simple hierarchy of racial superiority".

You really do believe your insanity, don't you Herbert? Blacks are more like to commit crimes per capita then any other race for a reason. The income per capita among blacks is much lower then that of any other race Herbert. It has zero to do with genetics. Most gun crimes committed by blacks is due to the drug trade which is an illegal economic enterprise. When people are poor and are not taught to have a set or moral principals to guide their actions, then this is what happens. You conveniently leave out the fact that there are millions of blacks who own businesses, work in corporate America, are teachers, lawyers, doctors, neurosurgeons, inventors, entertainers etc. It's easy to take a micro view of problem instead of panning out to see the big picture. When you focus on the micro, you paint a false picture overall. Your assertion is easily debunked. I'm assuming you are white Herbert, yet there are blacks who are far more successful then you are. They did it without Affirmative Action. Is it because their genes were superior to yours?
How did that happen?

1:33 PM  

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