I grew up in the city of Baltimore. I lived in neighborhoods where white liberals wouldn't dare set foot in to visit on a bet. Funny how these people truly do not have a grasp of what goes on in the real world. Um, the real world is the world that exists beyond the white picket fence houses they grew up in in the suburbs. If a person brings up the fact that food stamp abuse is going on, liberals will be quick to poo poo the person who would dare say such a thing (fact) as either being clueless or worse (being a racist). Even though more white Americans are on food stamps then blacks based on the population sizes of each race, it still doesn't stop progressives from whipping out the race card when someone criticizes food stamp abuse. The self absorb comedian Jon Stewart decided to take a swipe at Fox News for daring to do their job on reporting about the government fraud of welfare abuse. Eric Bolling of Fox News rebutted Jon, but Eric actually left some key points out.
In typical naive liberal fashion Jon truly believes Food Stamps are used for just "FOOD". He was so proud in his segment as "being in the know". What Eric said however was correct. EBT cards and Independence cards have been used for products that are "NOT" food. Ah if only the elitist liberal Jon Stewart would take a trip outside his false concept of reality and take a trip into the real world, he would see how the real world operates.
And to think he called Eric Boiling a dummy, yet Boiling was knowledgeable about real life abuse of EBT cards. What Boiling left out is that some people who have EBT cards do hang around supermarkets and try to sell their benefits to shoppers for cash money. Now anyone with an ounce of common sense knows that once these people receive cash for their benefits, they aren't going to turn around and by food with it. Others are using their EBT cards to withdraw cash at strip club, liquor stores and casinos. Something tell me that they aren't buying food with that money, sorry Jon.
It looks like Jon and people like him are the dummies for again not knowing how the real world works.