Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Hispanics aren't nothing like blacks politically.

White liberals are some very stupid people. I'm not saying this, because I am opposed to just about everything they stand for. I'm saying this, because it's the truth. These people have this warped concept of how the world should be, and they are determined to make it so. They also have to tendency to think that things will work out according to their way of thinking, and that will lead to their down fall. There is no denying that most blacks follow the lead of white progressives hook line and sinker. They are for the most part the ultimate useful idiots. It is what it is.

They have been indoctrinated or trained to believe that white liberals are somehow "not white" yet white conservatives are and that makes them all racists because of it.

I never said liberal logic had to make sense. White liberals know they have to vast bulk of the "black vote", and they never have to fear blacks becoming a political dominating force that will rise up and take away their power. Hispanics on the other hand are a different story entirely. Hispanics in this country both legal and illegal aren't like blacks. For one thing, Hispanics don't abort off their own like blacks do thus their population will continue to grow. Another thing and probably the most important thing is that Hispanics are very politically aware as to their influence in politics by both parties. Since blacks are deemed owned or property by the Democratic Party exclusively, they really do not have any political capital. The Democratic Party knows that blacks will never leave them no matter what which means that the party knows they do not have to do anything for them so they can be taking for granted. I've been listening to some of the militant Hispanic leaders over the years from groups like CASA, and their agenda is one that could ultimately make white liberals a minority within the Democratic Party which I wouldn't really wouldn't care if it happened. There are Hispanic Democrats and leaders who are openly against white Democrats winning congressional seats in their districts. As their population continues to grow this will start to be a problem for white Democrats aka "anglos". For example, In New Mexico running for state delegate, Frank Otero sought the help of State Representative Miguel Garcia who is a Hispanic Democrat in Albuquerque. Miguel decided to help Mr. Otero. So Miguel sent out an email to other Democratic House, Senate and other elected Officials.. The Gracia email stated 

" A minority of unsuspecting Democratic leaders are supporting the Democratic ANGLO newcomer opponents in Andrews and Frank's primary races".

So I guess this was a case of a racist Hispanic Democrat attacking white Democrats., gee go figure. I know some will claim this was just an isolated issue, but I know it's not. Liberals think they will control the Hispanic vote like they do the black vote. They are dreaming if they think that will be the case.


Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"Hispanics on the other hand are a different story entirely. Hispanics in this country both legal and illegal aren't like blacks. For one thing, Hispanics don't abort off their own like blacks do thus their population will continue to grow".

Abortion again Tyrone? Get ready for my response, because it's going to be "two-fold."

AS USUAL you're promoting a false meme hoping to score points with your conservative instructors. First off, the hispanic abortion rate is FIVE percentage points different that that of blacks. Secondly, do you know the actual abortion stats Tyrone? Not the manipulated overgeneralized probabilities to create a fallacy and mislead, but the actual stats. I'm talking about "raw numbers."

Non-Hispanic white women account for 36% of abortions, non-Hispanic black women for 30%, Hispanic women for 25% and women of other races for 9%.
Guttmacher Institute-

So, according to the numbers, white women have more abortions than either black or hispanic. Being that whites outnumber blacks 7 to 1, their 36% abortion rate effectively makes the number of white abortions almost double that of blacks. Don't believe me, then do the math;

-Black women’s abortion rates are 49 per 1,000
-non-Hispanic white women’s are 13 per 1,000
-Whites outnumber blacks 7 to 1
-7 * 13 = 91.

In "raw numbers", for every 49 black women that seek abortion services, 91 white women will be in that same line. Even if the white to black ratio is 6 to 1 (13*6=78) or 5 to 1 (13*5=65), more white women are aborting than black.

Second fold;

Here's a story posted on the ultra right-wing site titled, EUGENICISTS REJOICE: MORE BLACK BABIES ABORTED THAN BORN IN NYC. Read the story and take notice that the writer doesn't mention that 36% of all abortions are had by white women. Why do you think he excluded that statistic from his story? It's simple.

White conservatives use the black abortion rate to promote their personal agenda. I honestly believe that many white conservatives are against abortion based on their morals and principals. The moral stance is easy to understand and needs no further explanation.

However, I also "KNOW" that many white conservatives use the black abortion rate solely for political purposes. Case in point, the article on Breitbart. Before you respond Tyrone, read the article. Take notice that the writer, Ben Shapiro, does not mention that 36% of all abortions were had by white women. The story was clearly written to incite and promote a meme that blacks are somehow targeted for eugenic extermination. Nothing could be further from the truth.

9:54 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

The entire article is a hodgepodge of right-wing talking points. Shapiro takes liberty with the truth by making unsubstantiated assertions, such as;

"This program [Sanger's eugenics] was ineffective for decades, thanks to the rise of the black middle class and the stability of the black family structure."

"WRONG" Mr. Shapiro!

My Grandmother (my mother's mother) had 22 children. My mother had 11 of us. Almost every family in my Detroit neighborhood in the late 1950's and early 60's had at least 6 or more children. I asked my mother once, why did her mother (and herself) have so many children? She told me that in most states abortion was illegal, also that the birth control pill was not largely available until the mid 1960's.

Thus, according to a woman (my mother) who had 11 children, and being from a family of 22 herself, Shapiro's assertion is far from being a correct observation. Therein lies the conservative angle of misdirection in order to make a point solely based on political gain. He could give less than a damn about that black abortion rate, let alone the plight of black children.

If I were to ask Mr. Shapiro, would he donate to Planned Parenthood if they supplied food, clothing, shelter and a pre-school to college education for every black child that was not aborted, what do you think he would say? Does Mr. Shapiro go into black neighborhoods offering his help (time and/or money) to prevent teenage pregnancy and crime?

Many white conservatives are just as hypocritical as Shapiro. On one hand they attempt to site how many black children are aborted. On the other, they decry how blacks are welfare dependent and perpetrate crime. Even more, conservatives chastise the unwed mother, the absent father, moreover, the wayward juvenile child. They scream "baby killers and black genocide." Yet once the child is born it's a "government dependent liberal taker, bringing the country down!"

The conservative voices on abortion makes absolutely no sense...unless there's another motive at play. Which I do believe in the minds of "SOME", there is.

There are white conservatives who use the "black genocide" meme as a vehicle to prevent the aborting of "whites." Here again, they fake their concern and use the black genocide meme, when they could care less about blacks, born or unborn. Those particular conservatives are aware of this.... as of 2012, Whites Account for Under Half of Births in U.S.. They know this; Even though there has been a decline in births among black women Blacks still outpace white teens in birth rates, they now trail Latinas in teenaged childbearing.

Actually, black conservatives are the useful idiots Tyrone. I'm not saying that all white conservatives are disingenuous in their opposition to abortion. However, I am saying that those who claim they care have no reason to mislead. When they mislead, it's only to deceive.

1:29 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen "Here's a story posted on the ultra right-wing site titled, EUGENICISTS REJOICE: MORE BLACK BABIES ABORTED THAN BORN IN NYC. Read the story and take notice that the writer doesn't mention that 36% of all abortions are had by white women. Why do you think he excluded that statistic from his story? It's simple."

"Ultra Right Wing site" lol, you are such a drama king allen, lol. If 36% of all abortions are had by white women, then who are making up the 64% majority in NYC allen?

p allen "Many white conservatives are just as hypocritical as Shapiro. On one hand they attempt to site how many black children are aborted. On the other, they decry how blacks are welfare dependent and perpetrate crime. Even more, conservatives chastise the unwed mother, the absent father, moreover, the wayward juvenile child. They scream "baby killers and black genocide." Yet once the child is born it's a "government dependent liberal taker, bringing the country down!""

Funny how liberals never support anything to help give these kids chances to get out of poverty. It's either abort them or give them social dependency/ For get supporting a strong family unit and a two member household, can't have that. Say anything constructive and that person will be branded a racist with they are white or a sellout if they are black. What has liberalism done for blacks living in poverty over the last 40 years? Maybe liberals support abortion, because they know they can't fix the mess they created in the inner cities.

p allen "Actually, black conservatives are the useful idiots Tyrone. I'm not saying that all white conservatives are disingenuous in their opposition to abortion. However, I am saying that those who claim they care have no reason to mislead. When they mislead, it's only to deceive."
And progressives are as pure as the driven snow allen of course ;-). Support us because the ultra right wing wants to either bring back slavery, jim crow or deport you, lol. The big bad tea party is going to get cha!! lol. As Hillary Clinton said back in 2005 to blacks in Harlem. The House is run like a "plantation", you all know what I mean ;-) Deception you say allen? Liberals say that the white racists are a right wing thing yet it's funny how the right wing are the ones speaking out against black babies being killed. You would think progressives would be the ones doing that, again imagine that.

9:21 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen "The entire article is a hodgepodge of right-wing talking points. Shapiro takes liberty with the truth by making unsubstantiated assertions, such as;"

Of course blah blah allen. Funny how I've never heard anyone on the right say what I wrote but yet it is somehow a right wing talking point, go figure. There was a video I saved but never got around to doing a story on it of a radical Chicano professor who was claiming that the Southwest of the United States belonged to them and that they were going to reclaim that land from the American treas passers. I don't have to make stuff up like liberals to get my points across allen, you should know that by now. Actually it's common sense what I said. If a white liberal Democrat tried to run for mayor of Detroit with a 90% black population, what would be his or her chances of winning? If you say slim, then you proved my point. Martin O'Malley became mayor here in Baltimore mainly because there as a three way race in the mayoral primary where two black candidates split the black vote which allowed O'Malley to win. Do you really think that a white liberal will ever be elected mayor of Los Angeles again in your lifetime? Embrace reality and think.

p allen "So, according to the numbers, white women have more abortions than either black or hispanic. Being that whites outnumber blacks 7 to 1, their 36% abortion rate effectively makes the number of white abortions almost double that of blacks. Don't believe me, then do the math;-Black women’s abortion rates are 49 per 1,000
-non-Hispanic white women’s are 13 per 1,000
-Whites outnumber blacks 7 to 1
-7 * 13 = 91."

Maybe I missed it, but the numbers for Hispanic women were what?
Tell me how blacks went from being the number one minority group to being number two in less then 20 years allen.

9:21 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"If 36% of all abortions are had by white women, then who are making up the 64% majority in NYC allen? ".

That's "36%" of the U.S. Tyrone, not NYC...

CB;"For get supporting a strong family unit and a two member household, can't have that".

No, in many instances "we DON'T have that." That's where the social programs come in. By the way, don't conservatives blame the "governments' liberal social programs" for the break-up of the black family? Yet here in Michigan the conservative governor has slashed public education. Oh wait, I forgot, that doesn't work either. The government broke up our families, now they don't want to educated the children. Ain't that America?

CB;"Support us because the ultra right wing wants to either bring back slavery, jim crow or deport you, lol. The big bad tea party is going to get cha!! lol.".

I thought we were talking about the conservative views on abortion? Guess not...

CB;"Tell me how blacks went from being the number one minority group to being number two in less then 20 years allen.".

It certainly wasn't, or isn't because of abortion. Would it have something to do with... ahhhh let's say... Mexico? You know, that portion of the North American continent that just happens to share thousands of miles of border with the U.S. Over the last 40 years, Mexicans, Guatemalans, El Salvadoreans, and Hondurans have come here by the millions. You think that might have something to do with it?

10:28 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"If 36% of all abortions are had by white women, then who are making up the 64% majority in NYC allen? ".

That's "36%" of the U.S. Tyrone, not NYC...

CB;"For get supporting a strong family unit and a two member household, can't have that".

No, in many instances "we DON'T have that." That's where the social programs come in. By the way, don't conservatives blame the "governments' liberal social programs" for the break-up of the black family? Yet here in Michigan the conservative governor has slashed public education. Oh wait, I forgot, that doesn't work either. The government broke up our families, now they don't want to educated the children. Ain't that America?

CB;"Support us because the ultra right wing wants to either bring back slavery, jim crow or deport you, lol. The big bad tea party is going to get cha!! lol.".

I thought we were talking about the conservative views on abortion? Guess not...

CB;"Tell me how blacks went from being the number one minority group to being number two in less then 20 years allen.".

It certainly wasn't, or isn't because of abortion. Would it have something to do with... ahhhh let's say... Mexico? You know, that portion of the North American continent that just happens to share thousands of miles of border with the U.S. Over the last 40 years, Mexicans, Guatemalans, El Salvadoreans, and Hondurans have come here by the millions. You think that might have something to do with it?

10:29 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

anon, I saw that picture yesterday. It's to be expected from the left. Oh I'm sorry, the every so compassionate and embracing of diversity left. I'm going to have a story on that up before the 4th Holiday.

5:49 PM  
Blogger Jif Frommer said...

Can't believe Blacks would be happy seeing the Hispanic minority grow and grow. Thank you Mr. President.

11:02 AM  

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