Black Lives Matter. except when
A few months ago when the Islamic terrorist organization in Africa Boko Haran kidnapped 300 Nigerian girls from their village, progressives in this country took to twitter and came up with a catch phrase "Bring Back Our Girls" that I'm sure made them feel good, but it didn't help in releasing one girl.
Well a new catch phrase campaign has been created to bring "attention" to the deaths of Saint Michael Brown and Eric Garner. The theme is "BLACK LIVES MATTER". This has to be one of the most hypocritical social campaigns" ever created. Even Occupy Wallstreet had more validity then this. This so called movement started when Saint Michael Brown was shot and killed by former Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson, when Michael Brown charged towards officer Wilson. The Grand Jury hearing the case into the death of Eric Garner also decided not to indict Officer Daniel Panteleo in his death. So now thousands of people across America are trying to stop traffic, and do whatever they can think of in order to be noticed, so they can claim and chant that "Black Lives Matter". Here's my problem with those three words. It's all a well orchestrated deception. The truth is that most Americans know that "Black Lives Do NOT Matter". So what do I mean by that? Blacks are killed everyday in America In the last ten years here in my home city of Baltimore, Well over 2,500 blacks have been killed. I haven't even mentioned the black murder totals in cities like South Central Los Angeles, Chicago, New Orleans, Philadelphia Detroit, Newark Jersey etc. You want to know why there was no "Black Lives Matter" movement for the blacks who have been killed day after day, week after week and year after year? It's pretty simple to figure out. The blacks who are killed on a daily basis are killed "by other blacks" Liberals do not like it when others do not allow themselves to be hoodwinked with lies. When black and whites bring up the truth that by far more blacks are killed not by white cops but by other blacks, they get very "defensive". Blacks killing other blacks happen far more then whites, Asians, Hispanics, Native Americans or Jews killing blacks COMBINED! Blacks and racial agitators trying to say that white cops killing blacks is a serious problem while ignoring black on black homicide is like a person's car not being able to start, so the person pops open the hood and looks at the spark plugs while ignoring the smoke coming from the engine. Oh yeah, to make a laughable joke even more funnier if that's even possible, the nation's largest abortion provider which has killed more black lives then young black men with guns Planned Parenthood has joined in with the "black lives matter" protest. Again, this is too funny in a sadistic twisted sort of irony. The very organization which was founded by a white supremacist Margaret Sanger.would have never said black lives mattered. Most Planned Parentood's are located in minority neighborhoods "oddly" enough. .Between black males killing off blacks and Planned Parenthood killing off black lives, the numbers of black lives that have been killed is enormous. Some people just want to be apart of what they think is an important movement no matter how stupid the movement is.
Why is it that we never hear about blacks lives mattering when the black life is killed by a black police officer? I mean isn't the black person just as dead as if he or she was killed by a white cop? In a flipped way does this mean that really in order for a black life to "matter", a black person must be killed by a white cop in order to to get the celebrated slain victim status by the black community, white progressives. the media and racial agitators? Looks that way. If a person is black and killed by another black person. oh well, moving on, nothing to see here. "Their lives DON'T matter"
A movement has started around the idea that "Black Life Matters." And guess what the response is from conservative? "Ohhh nooooo, black life doesn't matter because blacks kill blacks all the time." I wonder conservatives would say if a Muslim living in America said, "Americans kill other Americans all the time. They shouldn't be upset because a Muslim blew up a bomb in Boston!"
If blacks are killing blacks why should anyone else care, particularly if they are killed by someone who isn't black? I'll tell you why. Because their talking about blacks being killed by POLICE! The police are sworn and PAID to protect the public.
Sure, you as a opponent of the movement can excuse police when they kill blacks senselessly. You as an opponent can believe whatever police say or claim when a black person is killed by police under questionable circumstances. However, what conservatives and their advocates are promoting is that the "police agencies" themselves use the same excuse. I watched former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani spar in a discussion with Georgetown professor Michael Eric Dyson. Giuliani promoted the idea that police agencies should defend shooting blacks by making the assertion that "blacks do it."
So now we have a another meme being promoted by conservatives. Instead of police officials and officers being contrite and remorseful when a black person is killed by WHOMEVER, their position now is to make claim that, "hell, you do it to each other, so whomever gets to do it too....including the police!"
So it's conservatives who are promoting the idea that "Black Lives Don't and Should Not Matter." Conservatives hate this movement because it pushes back on their meme that Blacks, particularly Black men, should be minimized in American society. So I hear you Tyrone and I understand exactly where you're at on this issue. You're tired of black men getting all the attention when one is killed by a cop. Eric Garner should have never been selling cigarettes on the street,..right? He should have let the cops arrest him even though (as Garner claimed in the video) that the cop didn't see him sell anything. He should have complied, got arrested, when to jail, then to court, accepted a sentence for time in jail, did his time, and he would still be alive today... right? Moreover, that should also be the police's position, being that Garner died for suspicion of selling un-taxed single cigarettes...right?
The irony behind the conservative meme is that they still attempt to claim that the police are there to protect black communities. Yet, they cite the idea that black-on-black crime is out of control. So how good of a job could the police actually be doing if black-on-black crime is so high??? The conservative answer is; "let's kill them too!"
P Allen "A movement has started around the idea that "Black Life Matters." And guess what the response is from conservative? "Ohhh nooooo, black life doesn't matter because blacks kill blacks all the time."
You are half right. It's not that conservatives and others notice that blacks kill other blacks all the time, you left out as do other liberals is that they mostly say nothing about it. If liberals were vocal about the scores of blacks who have died at the hands of people with the same skin shade as them,as they are about Eric Garner and Saint Michael, this wouldn't right. You all would have credibility, because it could be say at least you all were consistent in your outrage of the loss of life of blacks. But that isn't the case, now is it? It goes back to what I've said countless times, if Darren Wilson wasn't white but lets say he was Officer Jamal Wilson black officer, we wouldn't be having this conversation right now. This is why. So Saint Michael would still be dead, no "black lives matter". no sharpton, no national media etc etc etc etc. Phony people do not like it when they are exposed for who they are just as a rat doesn't like to cornered nor have a bright light shined on it.
p allen " I wonder conservatives would say if a Muslim living in America said, "Americans kill other Americans all the time."
Ah trying to create a straw man argument in a weak attempt to take attention away from the indefensible. First off, conservatives are strong on the rule of law and law enforcement in general. So regardless of whether it's a Muslim or non Muslim, conservatives expect the criminal or terrorist to be brought to justice or killed if necessary. Conservatives aren't saying lets go light on criminals but go heavy on Muslim terrorists. That' consistency.
p allen "If blacks are killing blacks why should anyone else care, particularly if they are killed by someone who isn't black? I'll tell you why. Because their talking about blacks being killed by POLICE! The police are sworn and PAID to protect the public."
Ah!!! Thank You for proving my point. It's not about black lives mattering, it's about the ones who pull the trigger.As long as the ones who kill aren't cops, blacks lives don't matter. They only matter when it's the cops preferable white cops. No matter how hard you try to justify your position, you can't. You and others look like bigger hypocrites the more you try
p allen "So now we have a another meme being promoted by conservatives. Instead of police officials and officers being contrite and remorseful when a black person is killed by WHOMEVER, their position now is to make claim that, "hell, you do it to each other, so whomever gets to do it too....including the police!"
Um yeah, where was the city wide sorry and remorse when how many blacks were killed in your city of Detroit? Then again, how many black lives were taken last year by other blacks in Detroit compared to those lives being lost at the hands of the Detroit Police, hmmm?
p allen "so it's conservatives who are promoting the idea that "Black Lives Don't and Should Not Matter." Conservatives hate this movement because it pushes back on their meme that Blacks particularly Black men, should be minimized in American society. "
Oh no allen, conservatives aren't promoting this narrative, they are simply "stating the obvious" that you liberals get pissed at for them doing it.I know people who aren't even political ideologues who have come to the same conclusions as those on the right. This is why the nation is not on the protester's side. They even know how phony you all are. Conservatives have been saying for awhile now that blacks should be outraged about the crime in their communities, because it's gang bangers and other vermin which are impacting the lives of law abiding blacks who simply want to live in peace and contribute to society. It's liberals who want to give black violent criminals less jail time which as resulted in a revolving door for black criminals to come back into the communities and continue where they left off.
From black on black crime, drug addiction, illiteracy, the black community has done itself a disservice, the big government progressive solutions have been an epic failure, so don't get made that conservatives point out the obvious and it's damage.
p allen "The irony behind the conservative meme is that they still attempt to claim that the police are there to protect black communities. Yet, they cite the idea that black-on-black crime is out of control. So how good of a job could the police actually be doing if black-on-black crime is so high??? The conservative answer is; "let's kill them too!"
Funny how you left out that in both cases of Saint Michael and Eric Garner, both "resisted arrest for breaking the law". Oh wait, am I saying that the cops just didn't pick these people at random to harass? Wow,I guess I am saying that!! If both Saint Michael and Eric Garner would have simpley complied with the officers, they both would still be alive to day!! WOW, that's a heavy revelation!!!!!! Dang, comply with the officer's orders and live, what a concept!!!
CB;"Ah!!! Thank You for proving my point. It's not about black lives mattering, it's about the ones who pull the trigger.As long as the ones who kill aren't cops, blacks lives don't matter. They only matter when it's the cops preferable white cops".
RIGHT! Cops are not supposed to kill people as though they're the same type of thug on the street. You're attempting to justify police killing blacks, when they are the ones who should be there to assist and/or help to prevent crimes from occurring. What you're saying is that you want white cops to kill blacks simply on the premise of viewing blacks as criminals, which is the craziest part of your argument!
You "admittedly" are convinced that it's okay that Blacks should be viewed as criminals first and citizens second. The sickest and most self depriving idea of your argument is the fact that YOU'RE BLACK! You've been convinced that you should abide by an idea based on a perception. A perception that has been placed upon you by the actions of others that just happen to look like you.
Admittedly, you don't comply with police because they are an authority. You comply because you believe you have to simply because you're Black. So it doesn't matter to you if a police officer is either harassing you for no apparent reason, or if they're simply making a mistake.
So false arrest is okay by you, even if it is you? You're a police department's black suspect dream, and a legal lawsuit attorney's nightmare.
p allen "RIGHT! Cops are not supposed to kill people as though they're the same type of thug on the street. "
When thugs don't attack police officers and reach for their service weapon, then thugs won't have to be shot. It's that simple even a cave man can comprehend that simple concept.
p allen "You're attempting to justify police killing blacks, when they are the ones who should be there to assist and/or help to prevent crimes from occurring."
You do not understand the role of cops. Very rarely do they prevent crimes from happening. Their existence is suppose to serve in the minds of would be criminals what will happen if they commit a crime. Cops if they are lucky enough to be around as a crime is being committed with step in but most of the time, they arrive after the crime has been committed. If Eric Garner and Saint Michael weren't committing crimes, then they would still be alive right? It's a yes or no question
What you're saying is that you want white cops to kill blacks simply on the premise of viewing blacks as criminals, which is the craziest part of your argument!
p allen "What you're saying is that you want white cops to kill blacks simply on the premise of viewing blacks as criminals, which is the craziest part of your argument!"
Nice try at misdirection, but lets focus shall we. It's you and liberals who don't give a dam about blacks UNLESS they are shot and killed by WHITE police officers. Can you present a case in which there was national black outrage over a BLACK COP shooting and killing a BLACK SUSPECT. It may have slipped my memory, so by all means refresh it please. FYI, you all trying to build a foundational argument on quicksand will never work out. Also quote me where and when I said "you want white cops to kill blacks simply on the premise of viewing blacks as criminals". If you can't find me saying that. Be honest with the readers and retract that statement, thanks. I know you are desperate to make a point that will never be valid, but come really?
p allen "You "admittedly" are convinced that it's okay that Blacks should be viewed as criminals first and citizens second."
Now you are starting to come unhinged. I guess the emotions are clouding your judgement. Refocus man!! Get a hold of yourself lol
All I am dong is calling out hypocrites for hypocrites, that's it. I've said before that in order for the black community to straightness itself out, it needs to address the INTERNAL problems it faces and stop trying to focus on the truly non issues. Black people are their own worst enemy. This is the brutal truth, suck the hurt allen. The staggering number of young black males who are lying in the ground due to being murdered are there due to the actions of OTHER BLACK MALES not COPS!
p allen "The sickest and most self depriving idea of your argument is the fact that YOU'RE BLACK! You've been convinced that you should abide by an idea based on a perception."
You are right allen. I am black, both my parents were black. So we agree on that point at least. This is where we part company. I was convinced about obeying the law and staying out of trouble. My mother instilled that in me when I was young. She told me when I was little kid that if I stay out of trouble and don't hang with the wrong crowd, I can accomplish anything. When I was in school several cops gave speeches to us in class functions about staying out of trouble and focus on getting a good education etc. Well Shazam!! I sit here today as a black male who has never had a run in with the police and I also have NO CRIMINAL RECORD! Wow, how about that?! So that must means that a person's actions has consequences, then Michal Brown would still be alive if he didn't chose the actions he took the day he was killed. If Eric Garner would have simply put his hands behind his back, he would have still been alive as well. As a black male, I would have NEVER stole anything from a store (thus breaking the law) nor would I have ever jacked up a store owner (assault) nor would I have ever tried to assault a cop (just stupid). Then again, I must a different type of black guy I guess.
p allen " A perception that has been placed upon you by the actions of others that just happen to look like you."
And the person who is me, has never been arrested nor harassed by any police officer for a reason.
p allen "Admittedly, you don't comply with police because they are an authority. You comply because you believe you have to simply because you're Black. So it doesn't matter to you if a police officer is either harassing you for no apparent reason, or if they're simply making a mistake."
Here's a dumb question (because the answer is very obvious), have you ever known for a suspect to have resisted arrest and the outcome was favorable in the person NOT being arrested anyways? The old saying goes that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting a different result.
Again, here's a simple idea. If a person regardless of race doesn't want to be arrested, DON'T COMMIT A CRIME!!
Your blog is interesting and your sparring back and forth with pallen is pointless unless you leave the large urban areas and come to the west you never enjoy the real freedom of being an American/American and not a African/American, or any other /American. Ever since people started labeling where they are from it divided. United we stand divided we fall. Go west young men.
CB;"When thugs don't attack police officers and reach for their service weapon, then thugs won't have to be shot. It's that simple even a cave man can comprehend that simple concept".
I'm not talking about what you've been "told" or what you've been instructed to say or believe. I'm talking about what you and millions of Americans have "seen" on video. There is no video of "a thug reaching for an officers gun." (ie; Mike Brown). You have not seen any such thing, thus, you're only parroting what you've been told. Lets talk about what you have seen.
CB;"Can you present a case in which there was national black outrage over a BLACK COP shooting and killing a BLACK SUSPECT. It may have slipped my memory".
No I can't. Does that answer your question? However, can you present "VIDEO" evidence of a black cop killing a black suspect and there was no subsequent national outrage?
But back to the subject at hand...
Prior to being killed by a police officer, Eric Garner stated that the officer did not see him sell a cigarette. So he had reason to believe he was being harassed. And regardless to what you might want to believe about him "resisting arrest", five officers should have been able to subdue him without choking and killing him.
CB;"The staggering number of young black males who are lying in the ground due to being murdered are there due to the actions of OTHER BLACK MALES not COPS!".
OTHER BLACK MALES (ie; street thugs, robbers, rapists, burglars, etc...) ARE NOT COPS! It's a stupid argument because you're making a false equivalency. Cops can't take and keep money they find on you even if they know that you stole the money. A thug on the street will. Cops are not supposed to beat you because you've beat your neighbor. A thug on the street will. And cops can't kill you because you've told them that you're sick of them harassing you over a cigarette. A thug on the street will. Can't you see the difference? No you can't! And the reason why you can't see it, is because you've been convinced that black men are inherently criminal. You're harboring a resentment toward black men. Why you hold this fear, I really don't know, but it's most definitely there...
Your proffering of a false equivalency is no different than blaming a woman for getting raped. She shouldn't have worn the revealing dress...right? She shouldn't have gotten drunk...right? More than likely she's lying about being raped...right? Even a video of a sexual assault couldn't make you believe it...right?
Sick, just plain sick...
CB-“Liberals do not like it when others do not allow themselves to be hoodwinked with lies. When black and whites bring up the truth that by far more blacks are killed not by white cops but by other blacks, they get very "defensive". Blacks killing other blacks happen far more then whites, Asians, Hispanics, Native Americans or Jews killing blacks COMBINED!".
Even the Black Congressional Caucus (CBC) has got into it with the , “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot!” slogan. Despite all the evidence that support Officer Wilson testimony, including the black eyewitnesses, it turns out that facts do not matter to them. Take for example of when Sean Hannity was interviewing CBC member Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) who admitted that she never read the evidence and has no concerns for it and gets defensive about it. It’s kind of like “How dare you ask me a question which I cannot (and refuse) to answer!” I don’t understand their narrative as to why they show more concern and can remember the names that were made public by those who were killed by law-enforcement officers but not from the inner cities who were killed by other blacks?
While they are more interested in their narrative that a black person whose life only matters if he was taken by a white police officer, I wonder how they would react that the supervising arresting officer who was present when Officer Daniel Pantaleo who fatally took down Eric Garner, was a black female sergeant named Kizzy Adoni? Was that one of the reasons why Officer Panaleo was acquitted?
Anon "Your blog is interesting and your sparring back and forth with pallen is pointless unless you leave the large urban areas and come to the west you never enjoy the real freedom of being an American/American and not a African/American, or any other /American."
Thanks, some days(more often then not)I guess my logic for why I continue to live in such a screwed up city and state. I am planning on living Baltimore in a few years for maybe Gulf Coast region of Florida, maybe Oklahoma or Texas.
Anon" Ever since people started labeling where they are from it divided. United we stand divided we fall. Go west young men."
LOL, it just may happen. I've always been fond of Oklahoma but we'll see. My time living in this blue state basket case is rapidly drawing to an end.
p allen "I'm not talking about what you've been "told" or what you've been instructed to say or believe."
Who is telling what allen? Name them.It's so difficult for you liberals to understand that people can having opposing view points opposite of yours without having to be told what to think. Think outside your little box allen, think outside.
p allen " I'm talking about what you and millions of Americans have "seen" on video. There is no video of "a thug reaching for an officers gun." (ie; Mike Brown). You have not seen any such thing, thus, you're only parroting what you've been told. Lets talk about what you have seen."
But there is video of Saint Michael "ASSAULTING" the store owner, and "THREATENING" him afterwards for trying to confront him about the stolen cigars, and MILLIONS OF PEOPLE did see that. You see, that video shattered the Halo liberals tried to give the "the gentle giant". So we know that he was aggressive and it was on video. The video TOLD me by his OWN ACTIONS.
P Allen "Prior to being killed by a police officer, Eric Garner stated that the officer did not see him sell a cigarette. So he had reason to believe he was being harassed. "4rAnd regardless to what you might want to believe about him "resisting arrest", five officers should have been able to subdue him without choking and killing him.
Garner said that the officer didn't see him selling cigarettes? Wow, what criminal is going to say that they aren't guilty? Geez!! Besides, the point. I could spray paint a wall, the cops can see me next to the wall with cans of spray paint in my bag that matches the colors of that on the wall. Are they going to not doing anything because "they didn't see me do it". Contrary to your distorted belief allen, a person can be arrested for not actually being seen doing the crime. If the evidence at the scene of the crime is sufficient, that's all that matters. Besides other people were the ones who called the NYPD in the first place on Eric Garner. And also, packs of cigarettes were recovered at the scene and submitted as evidence. Your argument is a joke. That would be like me saying that I have several kilos of crack cocaine on me that is more then enough to sell, and I get busted by the cops, but I then tell the cops "just because I have the cocaine on me, you didn't see me selling it".
-BP "Even the Black Congressional Caucus (CBC) has got into it with the , “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot!” slogan. "
Of course they have. The CBC doesn't really serve as a legitimate advocate for blacks, it's just a flunky Democratic auxiliary. The CBC will never address the real issues facing blacks, because for them to do sow would mean they would have to call out their Democratic bosses. So doing the hands up don't shot dance them at least giving the impression they are doing something and are aware.
-BP "Despite all the evidence that support Officer Wilson testimony, including the black eyewitnesses, it turns out that facts do not matter to them. "
Facts are an obstacle to progressives BP, come on. To the left, the only thing that matters is the "seriousness of the charge". Think about it. Liberal call anyone who doesn't agree with them racists all the time. Have you ever known for them to ever present any evidence to back up their claims? Of course not. They put for the narrative that "Bush stole Florida" in 2000 without presenting no evidence. They say that Republicans intimidate black voters, again with no evidence. They say Bush was a racist, no evidence. So they can put forth the hands up don't shoot illusion, because they know that their base is dumb a brick and will buy into it every single time
BP "While they are more interested in their narrative that a black person whose life only matters if he was taken by a white police officer, I wonder how they would react that the supervising arresting officer who was present when Officer Daniel Pantaleo who fatally took down Eric Garner, was a black female sergeant named Kizzy Adoni? Was that one of the reasons why Officer Panaleo was acquitted?"
Excellent Point. From NY PIX 11 NEWS "Another female sergeant, Kizzy Adoni, made a similar statement in the report. She “believed she heard” Garner say he was having difficulty breathing. Adoni also said “The perpetrator’s condition did not seem serious and he did not appear to get worse
Sergeant Kizzy Adoni nullify any racial conspiracy right then and there. If anyone is to blame is her or at least shares the blame, because she didn't tell Pantaleo to release the hold on Garner. This is why the national media nor the racial agitators will ever let the name Kizzy Adoni get out beyond that of New York.
Case from Louisiana yet, different, read for yourselves. Never thought I'd be quoting Al Jazeera.
I watched a short clip on Newsmax with Steve Malzberg who interviewed a gentleman named Jesse Lee Peterson & within 15 short minutes, he summed up the entire fallacy of the pre-orchestrated, "Black Lives Matter" movement which is currently taking place in various cities.
Sure enough, he brilliantly concluded what you, I & most intelligent observers are aware of as far as the abysmal state of black America, even under the leadership of its so called "first black president" are aware of & that is, the black community is in an abject shambles, due to the 50 year destruction of the traditional family as the result of the fake compassion of white liberal Democrats!
What's more, all of the talking heads on T.V.both on the right & the left really don't need to spend any more time on this subject because it is a fool's errand trying to engage a liberal in an intelligent discussion regarding the bad behavior of blacks! Booking a wealthy black liberal such as Tavis Smiley to discuss "race issues" in America in the 21st century serves no purpose!
He like me & other intelligent Americans wouldn't make an attempt, to drive through crime ridden, Democrat run, urban neighborhoods of Bedstuy in NY & Compton in Los Angeles, even in the day time! He, Obama, Jackson & Sharpton are all opportunists who rely heavily on the wealth of their white enablers to live comfortable lifestyles while they discourage uneducated blacks from improving themselves & remaining angry by blaming "whitey" for all of their irresponsible decisions!
Since Fox News is the only cable news program in which I can really on, even with its disappointing, transformation, I fail to see what they hope to accomplish by devoting endless hours of news coverage regarding this tiring subject of "race" in America & the recent deaths of two black men who lead irresponsible lives as a result of their acceptance in supporting the morally corrupt policies of the Democrat party!
Blacks in the 21st century America under the corrupt leadership of Barack Obama are spiritually, morally, & economically worst off than those blacks who lived through the truly difficult era in WWII under the viciously racist hardships of the Democrat created, Jim Crow Laws!
As long as white liberal politicians, especially those from the Democrat party continue to rely on the predominant support of black voters, LBJ's initial vision of helping to "keep those niggers voting Democrat" with the redistribution of self defeating policies as welfare, food stamps, section 8 public housing, free sub standard public schools & Medicaid will continue to live on, ad infinitum!
Renee: You mention Newsmax and then go on to mention Fox News; I have been watching Newsmax more and more for their news because I don't feel like all of their news reporters are making 7 figure incomes like Fox news. And in saying this, I'm not really knocking Fox, it's just that FNC is not the only choice.
Newsmax though, without a doubt compared to, at least Fox, is a bit 2nd rate reporting but that's not always bad either. They have their guests on often using Skype, etc.
Lastly, politics and the politics of an area can drive me batty, maybe it's more than that when you talk about urban areas. In the end, there are some good things about everywhere.
For example, I once had to make a move to somewhere I didn't really like too much but you know what they had? A lot of different Churches, a totally new exposure to the Lord and His word, even if I didn't always go to Church, I became interested in the Bible and read, well, most of it, New Testament, know it fairly well.
Wildlife, food, history, there is good about everywhere.
Thank you for allowing me to post, didn't want to get carried away.
CB;"I could spray paint a wall, the cops can see me next to the wall with cans of spray paint in my bag that matches the colors of that on the wall. Are they going to not doing anything because "they didn't see me do it".
Yes, sure, absolutely, positively the cop should do something. You've committed a criminal act. However, according to your perspective of the makeup of a "criminal", you're going to lie, cheat, steal and resist every effort of the sworn authority.
So now, you're going to be put into a choke hold, or shot to death because of your "criminal" act of spray painting a wall. Therefore you've surrendered all rights of "Due Process." You've chosen to remove any legal requirement that the state must respect as the legal rights of a citizen. The police officer has now become the Judge, Jury and Executioner, and moreover, leave your dead body in the street for 4 hours. Conservative Justice has been served...right?
I've seen several arrests during the recent protests. Most of the people arrested that have been caught on video (that I've seen) have been, let's say, less than cooperative. Makes me wonder if you'd love to see police "KILL" those arrest resisters also...
Renee;"Blacks in the 21st century America under the corrupt leadership of Barack Obama are spiritually, morally, & economically worst off than those blacks who lived through the truly difficult era in WWII under the viciously racist hardships of the Democrat created, Jim Crow Laws!".
Quite a few conservatives have proffered that same notion that blacks are "worse off" now than under Jim Crow. What it means is that, you believe that blacks were "better off" under Jim Crow.
If I were to tell you that women are "worse off" now, than they were in the mid 1800's (prior to Women's Suffrage). I say that women are "spiritually, morally, and economically worst" now! If someone were to tell you that, what would you think about that person? What would you believe to be that persons motives for saying such a thing?
The only reason any person (particularly a male person) would say such a thing, would be that he believes that women shouldn't vote, hold public office, work in similar (or any) capacities same as men, let alone work outside the home. For a man with those views, your political opinions wouldn't even be welcomed in this forum!
So when I hear or read that someone believes that Jim Crow was "better" for blacks, it raises a read flag.
Oklahoma and Texas mentioned, I do believe those are great states but guess what too? They are some of the most overweight states as well if you look at stats. It goes to show one has to look at everything.
Oil bottoming out, in the short term, I haven't heard about layoffs but that can not be good news for the oil patch.
My Post-"BP "Even the Black Congressional Caucus (CBC) has got into it with the “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot!” slogan."
I've notice lately that those who have a lot of common sense and object to the rioting and looting their slogan is, "Pants Up, Don't Loot!" Too bad the CBC doesn't see it that way.
In other news, another black person was shot by a white Florida deputy, who witnesses say had his hands up. The person who was shot, he and his accomplice were in a stolen car.
According to the report, once the stolen car was located at an apartment complex, Sergeant Robert McCarthy fired three shots, one of which hit one of the occupants, Cedric Bartee; the other occupant was unharmed. Bartee failed to comply with McCarthy's commands and made extensive furtive movements, making the deputy fear for his safety.
Orange County Sheriff Jerry Demings, who is black and was surrounded by six religious leaders from the black community, said investigators have found some eyewitness accounts that conflict with that of the officer involved. He ask everyone to not rush to judgment and allow the investigation to be completed.
The person who was shot, had a lengthy criminal record and had least 45 charges since 1999.
Another black thug shot by police in Florida and as usual the MSM sides with the thug. Barry Obozo talks about teachable moments. He should tell all the baby mama's to line their miscreants up at the scene to observe what happens to thugs. Its about time these thugs and their supporters gets met head on. If you steal a car, rob a store, or fight with police and you die during the commission of a crime you had it coming! PERIOD!
In Brooklyn, a black man was shot dead by police after he refused to put down a knife that was used to stab a student in a synagogue.
The suspect, Calvin Peters, a 49-year-old crook turned doting dad who suffered from bipolar disorder, complied at first, first placing the knife on a table after the police ordered him to do, and suddenly grabs the the knife and start making more threats.
According to reports, he just wanted to kill Jews.
I wonder if the racial agitator Al Sharpton is going to incite another riot like he did years ago since it was in the Crown Heights district?
Many Americans today are like teenagers, at a slumber party, in a big house on the second floor, and having a pillow fight over Selfies and Kardashians and Black Friday's, while in the basement, several kinds of termites are all eating away (hate, lies, evil, thuggery, jihad). It could be a rude awakening when foundations and walls start to crumble, and the occupants are forced to then ask “what happened?' and to face the results of being manipulated on the surface emotionally rather than understanding the depth and background of the problems.
The founders of America knew they had faults (like slaves) and that is why they in their nation building accounted for human depravity and self-interest, so America could get better. In the laws coming from the U.S. Constitution they knew that to maintain a Republic would require a citizenry of knowledge, morals and character. When people are not trained in virtue and are low information in themselves and those they elect, that spells trouble to the “Republic, for which it stands.”
To prevent depravity, selfishness, and confusion from ruling the day, as America hopefully gets better, there must however, be a balance of respect for just laws and those who seek to enforce them. There must be not only a calling out of warring enemies on the outside, but the spine to confront enemies on the inside.
As the debate moves forward on the behavior of police forces in the United States, I will like to open with this statement, the popular correlation of so-called “Black on Black” murder with police using brute and deadly forces against unarmed Black men defies critical thinking and logic because they are two entirely entities and putting these two phenomenon together is like mixing apples and oranges (two different fruits). Why do I say this? Well because one is a civilian and one is a sworn officer of the law with fiduciary duties that binds him or her to a different set of behaviors as pursuant to their title and privileges as officers. Civilians are not officers and vice versa. The police are sworn to protect and serve, not behave like “Judge Dredd” enforcer, judge and executioner. The police are here to uphold the law but they are not THE LAW and cannot behave in a manner that defies the highest law of the land, THE CONSTITUTION (however imperfect it may be). The whole purpose of apprehending and arresting a “criminal” is due to the presumption of innocence until proven guilty. The function of the criminal justice system is for a person who is accused of a crime to have their day in court and offer defense by going to trial (win or lose, be cleared or found guilty) or plead guilty and accept punishment as requested by the prosecutions and the mercy (lack of mercy) of the judge who mandates a sentence to be served. For the police to kill any person (man, woman, Black, White, Asian and on and on) in the line of duty is something to be taken seriously whenever and wherever it happens because of the public trust that is required for law enforcement to work effectively. Oh and by the way, White people kill White people, Asian people kill Asian people and on and on. So to be concise, even if there is Black on Black crime, it is no excuse for the police to use unwarranted brute and deadly force at any time. Let’s stop with the shallow thinking!
anon "As the debate moves forward on the behavior of police forces in the United States, I will like to open with this statement, the popular correlation of so-called “Black on Black” murder with police using brute and deadly forces against unarmed Black men defies critical thinking and logic because they are two entirely entities and putting these two phenomenon together is like mixing apples and oranges (two different fruits)."
Actually it is. The core argument that these so called protesters are claiming is that "black lives matter". Whether the life is ended in a confrontation with the police or ended by a black gangbanger. The life that was ended was "suppose to matter" regardless. There is no justification for a double standard nor can it have credibility.
anon "Well because one is a civilian and one is a sworn officer of the law with fiduciary duties that binds him or her to a different set of behaviors as pursuant to their title and privileges as officers. Civilians are not officers and vice versa. The police are sworn to protect and serve, not behave like “Judge Dredd” enforcer, judge and executioner. T"
The court system is in existence to administer justice under the eyes of the law. A suspect is innocent until proven guilty but that doesn't mean that a suspect can simply ignore the police when confronted about possibly breaking the law. This is why we have a legal system, both sides prosecution and defense can make their case, the facts will bare out as to who is telling the truth or not. If a person feels he or she was wrongly arrested, then he or she can file charges against the officer. That is the proper recourse for the person not simply resisting arrest in the first place.
The police are here to uphold the law but they are not THE LAW and cannot behave in a manner that defies the highest law of the land, THE CONSTITUTION (however imperfect it may be). The whole purpose of apprehending and arresting a “criminal” is due to the presumption of innocence until proven guilty."
The definition of resisting arrest is "the crime of using physical force (no matter how slight in the eyes of most law enforcement officers) to prevent arrest, handcuffing and/or taking the accused to jail."
Compliance under the law isn't just expected of law enforcement, it's also expected of individuals as well. Individuals do not have the right under law to resist arrest. Resisting arrest is "breaking the law".
anon "Oh and by the way, White people kill White people, Asian people kill Asian people and on and on. So to be concise, even if there is Black on Black crime, it is no excuse for the police to use unwarranted brute and deadly force at any time. Let’s stop with the shallow thinking!"
We will have to agree to disagree on that one. A life is a life period. No life should be championed in death more so then any other person simply because of the person who ended it. In the cases into the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner, the legal progress ran it's course. The Grand Juries which represented the public made their decisions based on the facts, and according to the people's finding via the Grand Juries, the police were justified in their actions. It's tragic that both Michael Brown and Eric Garner died, but if they would have simply have allowed themselves to be arrested, they would still be alive right now. That can't be disputed.
BP "In Brooklyn, a black man was shot dead by police after he refused to put down a knife that was used to stab a student in a synagogue.The suspect, Calvin Peters, a 49-year-old crook turned doting dad who suffered from bipolar disorder, complied at first, first placing the knife on a table after the police ordered him to do, and suddenly grabs the the knife and start making more threats.According to reports, he just wanted to kill Jews.
I wonder if the racial agitator Al Sharpton is going to incite another riot like he did years ago since it was in the Crown Heights district?"
Good luck in waiting for pimp and hustle aka the justice brothers Sharpton and Jesse to descend onto the scene on this one. I doubt that Mr Peters will even be charged with a "hate crime" in this. If he was white, then mostly definitely he would be.
anon "Another black thug shot by police in Florida and as usual the MSM sides with the thug. Barry Obozo talks about teachable moments. He should tell all the baby mama's to line their miscreants up at the scene to observe what happens to thugs. Its about time these thugs and their supporters gets met head on. If you steal a car, rob a store, or fight with police and you die during the commission of a crime you had it coming! PERIOD!"
Progressives care more about the rule of "lawlessness" more so then they care about the rule of law. We both know that Obama, Holder and other hard lefties care more about the criminals then they do victims. Liberals fight to repeal the death penalties in states. Liberals support cop killers. They are constantly watering down child assault laws etc etc. The only thing Obama is "teaching" is that he and others like him are frauds, when it comes to the issue of race in America. Him of all people isn't in the position to teach anyone about race considering his questionable background and who he associated with.
Indigo "Many Americans today are like teenagers, at a slumber party, in a big house on the second floor, and having a pillow fight over Selfies and Kardashians and Black Friday's, while in the basement, several kinds of termites are all eating away (hate, lies, evil, thuggery, jihad)."
Yep, just like he slogan from Orwell's 1984 "Ignorance is Strength". It's strength to those who wish to control the masses. This is why I've always railed against collective group being a bad thing. As people are caught up with the latest pop princesses in showbiz, the druggies in Hollywood etc, their country is being transformed right around them, and they are none the wiser. Dumb, Feed and Happy. Then again, animals are treated like that. People are mad at what Johnathon Gruber said about Americans being stupid and him gloating how Obamacare was sold to the gullible masses. The truth hurts but he was right. If the people would have been engaged on one of the most important aspects to their life being healthcare, Obamacare wouldn't be negatively impacting them like it is now.
Indigo" It could be a rude awakening when foundations and walls start to crumble, and the occupants are forced to then ask “what happened?"
At that point, it's too late. Of course the ruling class elites will have nothing to worry about just the dim witted livestock will pay the price. I made a comment to a friend yesterday about the riots. I told him that the riots in Ferguson was nothing at all. Let the EBT cards stop working for 72 hours, and then he would see true riots. The power to control people is 1. Promoting ignorance as truth 2. Creating dependency
CB;"The core argument that these so called protesters are claiming is that "black lives matter". Whether the life is ended in a confrontation with the police or ended by a black gangbanger".
It is the "core argument" and one that should resonate to encompass every black person that's senselessly murdered. So, why are you mocking the term? You''re using your false equivalence to attack the term. If black life really matters to you, you wouldn't need to attack the term from any angle.
This is how you view the movement, and the term; from your essay- " The theme is "BLACK LIVES MATTER". This has to be one of the most hypocritical social campaigns" ever created. Even Occupy Wallstreet had more validity then this".
Think for yourself for a moment. Don't even consider my opinions or my point of view (which you never do anyway...) You are calling people "hypocrites" for saying that a "life matters." The definition of hypocrisy is, " practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform." Mind you, these people are not out promoting murder, homicide, war or terror, they're promoting an idea that life matters. You're trying hard (being instructed) to degrade this particular movement by attempting to demonize the narrative. Even Medical Students have taken notice.
The fact is that, the conservative tactic of attacking black people over the growing number of protest,s is literally making more people take notice to the problem of police shooting and/or killing unarmed black men. All due respect Tyrone, but you have to be close to ignorant and bordering on stupid to equate blacks killing blacks, to police killing blacks. It's not a valid argument. Moreover, if it were a valid argument, the police themselves would use it!
The gentle giant's true character was carefully concealed by the left wing media as was Obama's prior to his so called "historic" presidency! Here's a very disturbing video showcasing the real "gentle giant" as he brutalizes an elderly man for his money. You can hear the woman who took the video confess that she doesn't want to "show their faces" but you can catch a couple of glimpses of the "non-threatening" & "unarmed" potential college student's face throughout the harrowing ordeal!
No doubt, if this tape resurfaces on television, the liberals will begin their accusations of those "right wingers" trying to distort the "angelic" image of "St. Michael"! What's more, they'll deny its authenticity & rage relentlessly over the fact that the "racist conservatives" are simple trying to tarnish "st. Michael's angelic image!
I wonder why Obama didn't reinstate the same statement of how if he had a son, he'd look just like "St. Michael" as he quickly as he had toward Treyvon Martin? Hmmm....could it possibly be that he is somehow color strucked? Could "St Michael's 300 lb demeanor & dark "threatening" skin color have something to do with it? Or maybe deep down inside he knew that such a statement would be a bad reflection on himself especially since the surveillance camera captured the "gentle giant" in a criminal act prior to his abrupt death?
Here is the clip of the "giant giant" in his actual form & character. For some reason it didn't go through in my earlier post.
Allen"The fact is that, the conservative tactic of attacking black people over the growing number of protest,s is literally making more people take notice to the problem of police shooting and/or killing unarmed black men. All due respect Tyrone, but you have to be close to ignorant and bordering on stupid to equate blacks killing blacks, to police killing blacks. It's not a valid argument. Moreover, if it were a valid argument, the police themselves would use it!"
Conservative tactic attacking black people… we go again. Allen, as the black liberal hack he is - loves to make black people into victims to someone….. Mainly evil white conservative Republican boogeymen. The white racist conservatives who don't exist in black communities today. I can't find any elected there or making pubic policy there.
So I guess liberals and black liberals do not attack anyone or any race, right, Allen? Just evil, white, racist conservatives, right, Allen?? Liberals and black liberals don't attack poor dumb white people who live in the south and who vote Republican or attack Uncle Tom black conservatives......right. Right. Only poor black people and black libs are the victims being attacked politically by white wing nuts who are just racist!. Got it, Allen. Plus I forgot. Blacks on the left say blacks can’t be racist because they have no power in America. lolol. I swear you all kill me. What a sorry pathetic, loser attitude to have. SMDH….. Thank god African immigrants and Afro-Caribbean blacks don’t share that same loser, victim mindset and attitude black liberals and their white friends promote. Cough, cough Tim Wise……….
You conservatives keep bringing up black on black crime, WAAAAAH, WAAAAH. Sound familiar? lol. Yep, it is one of the biggest issues in America today and as long as libs continue to find your one or two white men a year cases,(last year it was Michael Dunn and Zimmeman, this year it is white police officers), while at the same time conveniently ignoring black on white crime(assaults, robbery, and rapes) the issue of black on black crime will continue to be brought up. So get over it and get used to it and you might as well stop whining about it. Like you say, WAAAAAH…. You libs keep finding your white racist cops and ONE or TWO white racist cases a year and you will hear about the black on black crime you hate to hear about. I mean you all really start to sound dumb when talking about the issue of blacks being killed by white people and now white police officers. I mean really. Eric Holder’s Justice Department stats are just not in your favor when it comes to crime against blacks by whites and police VS. the crimes blacks commit against others(mainly whites) and even themselves, Allen. It is so one sided some black liberals get really desperate and have to go back to slavery and Jim Crow to justify it. lol. Yep, so they would rather go with the blacks in America are forever victims narrative. I mean damn. You’d think they would know better, Allen! Especially when other groups of blacks come here from other countries that have far worst positions than American blacks have, and they rise above pretty quickly.
In regards to your attacks on police officers: "equate blacks killing blacks, to police killing blacks." and You know what is so stupid about you saying that, Allen?? Police killing black people in 2014??? You sure you want to go with that one, Allen?? Are you serious??? Let me help you out a little because you are either don’t know or purposely love to play dumb. POLICE ARE NOT ONES FILLING UP THE MORGUES EVERY NIGHT AND MORNING WITH BLACK MEN!!!! THEY JUST ARE NOT!!!! What part of that don't you get, Allen??? I mean you cannot really be that foolish to keep using that bull shit defense for black thugs? As a black man in America YOU, Allen, have a much better chance, a MUCH HIGHER chance, of being murdered by some worthless black thug any day of the week!! Not a police officer!!!! Those worthless black thugs you sympathize with will put a gun in the face of your son or daughter and pull the trigger in heart beat and careless when they are dead. And that is what you and other black liberals never want to deal with?? You all are still mourning the dead of a black thug, Michael Brown?? Really??? WOW!
And you support and defend what those, as Barkley rightfully called them – criminals, ass holes, and scumbags tearing down BLACK OWNED BUSINESSES FOR MICHAEL BROWN??!! Wait, Allen, I thought you were for blacks owning their own businesses and in “our” communities. I thought you were so much for black empowerment. Yeah, right. You have said nothing to denounce what those black bastards have done to black owned businesses in Ferguson. And I probably should say “bastards” literally! In fact you even brought up what dumb white kids do after games. Lol. Really Allen?
Oooppp…..I forgot. Black liberals do not care about when blacks kill and hurt other blacks….just when a white person hurts or kills a black; then we have a problem. I got the memo kind of late I guess.... And you tell us here on this blog that police are the real problem in your community killing black men??? Don’t equate black thugs to police you say? Say what??? You can’t be that dumb, Allen. I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt and hope you are just another liberal trolling a conservative blog. “Equate blacks killing blacks, to police killing blacks.” You can’t be serious…… But I guess you probably are not. Anything to defend black thugs and their family members, and attack whitey and the police for all the problems in the black community. Not surprising at all from you.
You know what is even more ridiculous? Black liberals who are so anti police right now – like, Allen - live in communities that obviously need the need them the most!!! If police are so much more of a threat to black men the way you imply, Allen, then I say remove them from your neighborhood since they are the problem. They should just boycott and, or better yet, you all should tell them to leave for a week and let you live without them for a week or month. lol That’s a great idea! Then we will see who is really the threat to black men and black people in general. Yep.
Again, Allen, you know who filling up the morgues every night and morning with black men. Even with the police there. And you say they must not being doing a good job anyway??? Right? Fine then!! I say get them out since they are not doing a good job and you view them as the real threat to black people, Allen!! You think it is bad now because those black animals are so out of control??? Just wait and see what happens when they know NO police are in the city at all, Allen.
Now are their bad police officers out there that do not need to be police officer, of course. But there bad people and every profession, and I will call cops out when they wrong and should be fired. However, I am not going to anti police period now like you black liberals.
Allen, you should be lucky anyone even wants to be a police officer in your city!
And if you are another liberal that is so anti police that you think they are the real problem in your city today, I really feel sorry for you and I pity you for thinking that way. I tell you what Allen; you live in Detroit, right? Are you really that sick of the damn police??? Especially white ones?? Ok, fine. Take the police away from Detroit for just ONE day, Allen....JUST ONE DAY. And tell me what happens to you or your city when the day is up. Police killing blacks are the real problem, Allen? Ok, fine. I say take them out of your city for a day, no how about a week!!! I say get them out!! Then I want to see how anti police you are after that... Maybe as a black lib you still will be, but I know you will still want them back..... Oh yeah, and no guns for self-protection. Right, Allen? That's what liberals like or dream about, right. A city where only the police and criminals have guns. But I'm starting to think you don't even want police to have guns.....just the black thugs since they are the real victims... so black libs will say. lol. But you’re a liberal, so maybe you might like lawlessness for one day to a week.
On to the Charles Barkley: So Allen. You seem to not care for the fact that Charles Barkley came out in spoke out about the riots and the black thugs and criminals involved. I wonder why? And you mention all this b.s. about him being a ball player that would be nothing today if he could not shoot a basketball and etc. What the hell does that have to do with anything? Those are just ad hominem attacks because you don't like his message and his criticizing black thugs; so you attack him personally by implying he was just another dumb ball player that was lucky enough to make it out the ‘hood’. Again - ad hominem attack on Sir Charles. Don't like the message or agree with it, so attack him personally. Typical liberal..... And good job on the stereotype, Allen; a true white racist would be proud of you for that one Allen!
But I know what it really is for you as a typical black liberal who defends black criminals…. I know, I know. He said he had no problems with peaceful protest; his problem was with the black ass holes and scum bags looters and the riots they carried out on that black community. YOU just don’t like that he called out those black bastards that rioted and burned in Ferguson.
You even imply he is a conservative now for the things he said about those black bastards?? LOL. Well I will tell you what, calling those black bastards just criminals, ass holes and scumbags was very generous of him to say the least.
I know you feel for them and what they did, Allen.
And I can assure you Barkley is NOT a right wing conservative, either. Need proof? Let know….. Psss. I give you some teasers… Charles Barkley has called out the “right wingers” numerous times within the last 12 years for what he saw as their racism against immigrants(Latinos) and even black people at times. He supports progressive views as well, including gay marriage and he is pro-choice.... Sir Charles even supported Barry for president in 2008, Allen. Barkley interviewed your beloved black president in Feb 2014 on TNT. Charles said earlier this year, “Obama calls me.".
This one is for all the black libtards calling Sir Charles a conservative now just because he dared to speak out against black degenerates that liberals love.
Charles Barkely the conservative, lol. : .
And I have more and links for any dumb liberals who still think Barkley is a conservative; just let me know….
Poor Cosby and Sir Barkley. I guess they were doing what Barry did back in 2008. Only Barry was a little more indirect, but most with a brain knew who he was talking too. Messy Jackson caught on tape:(whispering:...he talking down to black folks).... One of the few thinks Barry ever said right and he upset Messy. The difference is even Messy and most black libs back than knew Barry was far from a conservative. He was just speaking common sense about black fathers in America today that blacks needed to hear - even though it fell on deaf ears.
Too bad Messy Jackson wanted to chop his Fing balls for saying common sense thinks to black men, though.....
It is very funny to me that black liberals like you think anyone who speaks out against black thugs killing and terrorizing the poor black communities and criticizes degenerate black thug culture makes them a conservative.
First of all, not only was Sir Charles dead on with what he said, he did not go far enough!!! Do you want to defend those worthless black thugs who did all that rioting after that Wilson decision, Allen?? Let me help you out a little, Allen. Those black ass holes that did all that destruction to Ferguson did not give a damn about Michael Brown, and you know it!!! Even your beloved black president Barry called them out on it, Allen!
Hell, even your beloved president called them criminals, Allen!
And what is even more telling is, again, you have yet to denounce what they did. Yet you are on defense for them in these blogs talking about it looks like what the whites do after ball games. Say what? Wow! This speaks volumes about you Allen on so many levels. The same Allen that comes on here and talks about blacks need to do this and that to improve “our” communities, but yet you seem to not even care that those black bastards destroyed all those black small businesses owners businesses. Amazing!!! I knew you were a phony with that black empowerment crap you spew, Allen! I just knew it! The most you could do was say it looks like when the white boys tear up the town after a basketball game….LOL. Wow, Allen. So you, the black empowerment liberal Allen, equates blacks tearing down their own communities and black small businesses to dumb white guys after a game setting stuff on fire?? You know what is even worse? Those cowards you are clearly sympathize with, Allen, did not hurt the white people they will say they hate when they did all the rioting and looting.
So much for your claims of wanting blacks to have their own in their own communities, Allen! Those black thugs hurt the very community and black small businesses YOU, as a black liberal, would claim you care so much about....
ACM “Thanks, some days (more often then not) I guess my logic for why I continue to live in such a screwed up city and state. I am planning on living Baltimore in a few years for maybe Gulf Coast region of Florida, maybe Oklahoma or Texas “
OKLAHOMA. “Native America” is on their license plates, the presence and culture of many tribes of native Indians. Many of the blacks are old school so they know the necessity of God and morals. And of course among whites Oklahoma is among the most red meat conservative, so many of their laws and ordinances are less liberal (less intrusive). Tulsa and OK City are quite modernizing however most Oklahomans take a balanced view to not get hung up on the latest hi-tech.
TEXAS. I spent some years living in Texas, and drove through many cities, in the 1980's. The first thing I recall is that just like their state, many are BIG-hearted. I had many friends who would give the shirt off their back if you needed it, and in Texas there are plenty of shirts to go around. The second thing I remember is their sense of humor. Texans are funny as all get out, and have an endless supply of idioms, colloquialisms, and jokes. Even many of their city's names are funny, like Hutto, Blessing, Earth, Happy, Lovelady, Muleshoe, etc. They know how not to takes themselves so seriously, but they do take their state seriously. In no state of the USA are people more proud of their state than in Texas. Lots of Bumper stickers saying “Native Texan” or “Naturalized Texan.” Schoolchildren are required to take Texas History so it is put in them early in life, so many parents want to raise their children there.
I'm a native Texan, appreciate it, but it doesn't have the death penalty and a lot of people carrying guns for nothing. Growing up it was like so many other cities, someone getting shot in Dallas, 7-elevens getting robbed pretty often but maybe that was just what made the news. And their are tables of which states are fitter and fatter, I love Memphis but with all their barbecue, they come out as one of the most obese cities, El Paso with their great Mexican food somehow are up on the list too. I just say look at the total picture, I love South Carolina not all that far from DC but they have some of that too.
In fact, speaking of Sir Charles, he got into some trouble about saying San Antonio had I forget the words he used but he was in the news about that. Of course, he could have been taking a shot at the Spurs.
Marcel, why is it that your post's read as though they're carbon copies (parody) of mine? Are you playing a game of, "I'm rubber you're glue, what's said bounces off me and sticks to you?"
The conversation here is about a narrative that many conservatives (white and black) have offered as their solution for police shootings and killing of unarmed black men. Instead of taking a police shooting on a "case-by-case" and the individual basis, most conservatives have placed the onus upon black male society as a whole. The assertion is disingenuous because it indicts "all" black men, rich or poor, liberal and conservative.
This is what happens when a cop places the onus on black men, and indicts all black men as criminally suspect. Lucky for the man who was shot, the entire incident was caught on video. If it had not been, the officers story (which completely differed from whats seen in the video) would have been the official story.
Unfortunately the Michael Brown shooting was not caught on tape. So what we're dealing with in that case is a "he said she said, and who you wish to believe." However, in the case of Eric Garner and Tamir Rice unnecessary excessive and deadly force by police is clear.
Hopefully you've watched the video link I posted above of an "UNARMED BLACK MALE" being shot by a white police officer. Ask yourself this; Would I feel justified to tell Levar Jones (the black man who was shot) after being shot by a police officer, that black men shoot each other all the time. And, that he should be more concerned about black-on-black crime rather being shot by a police officer himself. Do you really think that Mr. Jones would be receptive to your "considerate" point of view? I seriously doubt it. I'm absolutely sure he would tell you, "what in the hell does black-on-black crime has to do with the cop that shot me!!!" Frankly, if the cop had a preconceived notion that black men are inherently dangerous, can't be trusted, and should be shot, that's A PROBLEM FOR POLICE, not black men.
As a rule, I don't "broad brush" police and police departments. I understand the dynamics and the rigors of being a police officer in a urban area like Detroit. For the most part the police here are doing the job and abiding by the simple rules of upholding and enforcing the laws. However, there is a small number of officers who've allowed their attitudes (such as some have here) toward black men, to negatively effect and infect their thought process. It is police officers who have that problem that kills unarmed black men.... which does not equate with or to black-on-black crime.
You do know that when a cop is trying to arrest someone for doing illegal things and you are resisting they have the right to use forus if you black or white ... Just b.c someone is black doesn't mean cops should go easy on them... Further more I don't think you're really understanding the big picture here ... In my live in nh usa I have never seen any kind of racist act on anyone I have black friends and Spanish friends and Asian friends I actually just realized I don't have any white friends right now hahahah we all get along ... If we were all in trouble for someone and the cops arrested us we would all be charged equally granted no one was an idiot and tried to run away ... And this whole thing about black lives matter is all crazy nonsense my black friends have better jobs than me they can afford better things and I'm here just barley scrapping by to get food ... Everyone is born equal ... Everyone has the same opportunity to go to school and better then selves ... Everyone has the right to rob a store and suffer the consequences... I'm sick of people making out to be about color instead of what they really are ... Criminals ... Everyone of these people you claim are "innocent " were not so innocent and the cops really are doing there job to make it saver for people like me and my friends who are civilized and work for a living paying taxes and sh** ... I would be very happy if irony came to you and you were mugged by one for these lives that matter so much to you (like I was saying earlier I don't mean color I mean criminals)
Omg ... These people comment on your blog or w.e and twisted your worlds I saw like the same comment like twice about " oh so you're saying black lives don't matter b.c black people kill blacks " it's like no I didn't say that I merely gave you the facts that black people kill more black people than anyone else combined ... Which leans me to believe that maybe instead of blaming others maybe they should be trying to better their own community and teach the youth not to get in gangs or drugs and stay in school and get a job ... This stuff only happens in the city ... I wish people could wake up and stop blaming others of their on problems... Cops are a pain in my ass but I don't think every single one of them wake up every morning and say "well I haven't killed a black guy in a while ... Think I'll go do that today" but I do know that this "black lives matter "business has ruined local businesses with looting and has killed two uninvolved cops ... News flash Asian and Spanish lives matter too ... You have equal rights what more you want ... Everyone to kiss your ass b.c your ancestors were slaves piss of go educate your self
Thats how crime works FOR WHITE PEOPLE. White people can tag a building in front of cops and live to tell about it. Thats the point. Whites are always downplaying the importance of anything to do with "black" forever minimalizing. Its fucking annoying to say in the least. Be it possession with intent or robbery, black criminals are less likely to even make it to the back of the police car, more so now than ever. George Zimmerman is the product of thinking like yours, he saw trayvon as a criminal, a threat not a person. A white boy of the same age could be ten times as violent wit a long ass rap street would be allowed to rub him blind and certainly be within a few feet of him and not be seen as threatening. Perhaps if people would just leave blacks alone and let them enjoy privilege as whites do in this country, their communities, family units, crime statistics and low education/unemployment perspectives would improve. After all, their lives would have WORTH then.
America needs to be honest with themselves; Simply look at the murder/crime statistics. It is a fact that black Americans do the most crime and most time by a landslide. If you break the law,further resist arrest and so on,you should be treated accordingly. I recently heard a huge public figure say we have to understand the black culture...why should we be more lenient of any culture that continues to think this behavior is ok because its "how their culture is" ? That's an excuse. Crime is crime.
The truth is there are NO protests over the outrageous amount of innocent people killed by blacks everyday. I live near Newark NJ and the amount of unessesary killings and shooting injuries of targets and innocent bystanders including children, is truly disgusting. White people can't say anything about this issue or we are labled racist even though it's simply the truth.
We need many more respectable and reasonable members of the black community to speak up for us as you do. We need to stop blaming white people for our problems and take responsibility for our lives, our families, our communities, our education, and our culture.
I do not and cannot understand why people don't get it. Criminal behavior will probably get you an encounter with the police; resisting arrest and grabbing for their gun will get your butt killed. Pretty simple and common sense. We our asking for respect when we don't respect ourselves, each other, or other groups. When do we stop asking for more privilege and handouts and start earning our own way?
I've seen first hand how poor white folk get treated and they get no more priorities for jobs and loans than poor blacks get. It's not about race anymore. It's about what we do with the opportunities we have. Nobody needs to drop out of school, having kids at 15, using and selling drugs, and then blame white folks for their problems. That's crap!
This whole Black Lives Matter movement makes me so ashamed of our young people. That Bernie Sanders rally was hi-jacked and threatened is intolerable. Blacks have no right making DEMANDS from others until we live right ourselves. That's my view as a black woman.
I agree very much with this article, but I got 3 words that says it all..."black LIES matter". Take some fucking responsibility for your actions, quit using race card to save your jobs because you lack class, quit the double standard, act like civilized people, and maybe, just maybe, the blacks might get more respect. Lol, like that will ever happen. Anyone that disagrees with this article is a moron / black / or just plain ignorant.
First off, many of us Democrats/Liberals see the truth, but our leadership doesn't speak it, nor does any other politician care about anyone outside their constituents. I am a liberal and I am a Democrat. I also realize that the Black Community is often times the root of their own problems.
I agree with Allen- the police need to use more discretion in their use of force- with ANYone. There ARE Whites, Latinos, and others killed by police, but the media doesn't mention it. Police brutality/abuse of power is a real issue that needs to be addressed, but not for only one group of people. For police officers serving a minority neighborhood, there should be sensitivity training and heavier recruitment of police that reperesents that group.
I agree with Alpha in that no one has complained about the high murder and crime rate found in predominantly Black neighborhoods, but even worse than the murder rate found in inner-city Black communities is the lack of respect they show in the way they represent themselves as well as the way they treat others (their own race and other races). If Democrats/Liberals REALLY want to make an impact- start from building the individual up from the inside. Make the individual find true pride, not false pride shown through bravado/rebellion. It's always easier to point your finger at someone else rather than yourself.
I truly wish the best for the Black Community and wish there was a way for me to help, but I am not some one with power nor money. I hope our leadership takes new approaches to building a Black Community that Blacks can be proud of. One of the first things that needs to happen is filling in the gap of the economic divide. When people can support themselves comfortably, they tend to feel better about themselves and others. Poverty breeds anger and ignorance.
Lively discussion. I do believe some positives have come out of the BLM movement. Police cameras, policing tactics, civilian hearings are all on the table and that's a good thing. I just believe it has to evolve to include an emphasis on black on black crime. Mothers and fathers in these neighborhoods are losing their young men at a disproportionate rate and have been losing them for some time. And I've never heard a grieving mother feeling worse that the bullet came from an officer whose job is to protect and serve and a thug (and I've seen a grieving family deal w/ a son lying dead at the hands of a thug of the same color). Murder in these areas are destroying our communities and bringing about a nihilism that may take generations to correct, if that's even possible. Where lies the greater carnage? It is not stupid, mindless or wrongheaded to simply ask that the murder of a human being from any sector be a point of emphasis and not just from a police officer especially when the murder rate of our ppl is so utterly disproportionate. A thug is a thug, whether he wears a badge or not. Because once that officer crosses the line and "murders" someone he has lost the right to be a cop. The bullet in a young black mans back was fired by a thug.
Having said that I find that both conservative/liberal camps have their rights and wrongs. Conservatives want to believe where you live, 2 parent homes ect. shouldn't be considered when talking about crime and race. "Society is a weak excuse for a man". I'd say to degree, yes. But if that's 100% the case, real estate is real cheap in Compton CA, Southside Chicago, Detriot etc. so knock yourself out. Where I think they get it right is violence in these areas do heighten the risk of violent confrontation w/ police officers (another reason why black on black crime should have a seat at the table within the BLM movement). I've had friends growing up who would outright cuss out police as their riding by w/ there windows rolled down and sometimes a few of them were actually strapped! Liberals do see the need to address police tactics, conflict resolution and so on like I explained earlier but won't address the "culture" in these communities at all and simply say that society has made us this way. Again, to what degree? As if prison culture, crime culture and MURDER CULTURE glorified by rap (no, I'm not blaming rap for the ills of black ppl but it ain't helping) that my own ppl have adopted as a "black culture" have helped guide negative attitudes towards police, education, parenthood etc. I've seen it up close personal being a social worker at a Boys & Girls club.
As a white woman whose traveled around the world, and considers people of many nationalities and races and ethnicities her friends, including East, West, and North Africans; and a native Baltimorian and daughter of a retired police detective and internal affairs investigator, I've been afraid to even discuss this subject out of fear that merely asking the question will label me a racist, or that I have no business even asking the question that this blog discusses - which is how I found it. Unable to ask this question out loud, I searched for a voice from within the black community to explain more about it.
I've known my whole adult life that a young black man is far more at risk walking down the street in their own neighborhood of being assaulted or killed than someone of another race. 80% of crime nationally, on average, is committed within the same racial group. I didn't trust google to learn that, either - my father pointed me to the National Institutes of Justice, the data center for DoJ and clearinghouse for national statistics on crime, so I could see the stats firsthand for myself. (From 2009-2013, the percentage is more like 90%)
There are bad cops. There are corrupt departments. My family and my father was disgusted by the LAPDs behavior in the 90's, and the NYPD's in the 70's and 80's. (This is one reason in his later career he moved to Internal Affairs - he wanted to weed out the bad cops who would tarnish the department's reputation.) And there is no question that there are towns and small cities that are defacto still segregated and racism is endemic in many of them.
But these facts can and do co-exist with the truth that the "don't snitch" culture, and an culture of mistrust if not outright hatred of police, leaves criminals and murders feeling empowered to act within impunity, knowing that neighbors and friends and family will not share what they know with the police - black or white.
The police cannot stop crimes without the cooperation of the community - any community. And murder isn't the first crime anyone commits - it's an escalation of criminal activity over a period of time. Simply arresting murderers after the fact is not the way you're going to stop the killing in any community. And that is what left me scratching my head.... that the killing of a dozen unarmed black youth nationally in 2 years - some legal, some not - would bring out thousands of protesters and marchers, but the deaths of THOUSANDS of black youth at the hands of their brothers, every year never did.
There's no question the problem is complex - and that is what I feel is part of the answer: that the deeply ingrained problems that lead to thousands of killings feel insurmountable, while the killing of a few by the police feels 'fixable', feels like something that can be changed.
There is hope - the District of Columbia has improved schools, expanded summer jobs programs that employs hundreds of youth who otherwise can't find work and have too much time on their hands during the summer, and now is launching a program to send 8th and 11th graders abroad over the summer in language immersion programs in an effort to help our urban youth, overwhelmingly black, to see a new and different kind of future; to see the possibilities that education and hard work engender. If we show kids a different definition of what's 'cool' - like being able to speak a second language, and being able to travel - and change the assumptions about what's possible in their future, black youth will begin to believe that their own lives matter... and so do the lives of their peers.
I have no read through the comments, however I will say THANK YOU FOR EXPRESSING THE EXACT THING I SAID. (That got me banned from facebook). The other fact is that how come they aren't protesting black lives matter when black cops bet killed. Their lives don't matter either I guess. It's a horrible movement that needs to go away
Well said i agree its laughable there are protests against police brutality when in chicago they are killing each other. WHERE ARE THE PROTESTS THERE when a loser gang member killed an 8 year old boy nothing the truth is more non black are killed by police. And where are these parents. Give me a break the protesters don t care about anyone killed . And a certain ignorant catholic priest on south side of chicago answer that. You live among souless ignorant people. Sorry but its the truth.people just don t want to look at themselves
What's the beef between black lives matter and Donald Duck?
Black Lives Matter
You were banned from Facebook for speaking the truth? That's horrible! I agree with you! I hope you get your account up and running soon.
I don't support black lives matter because what started out as awareness has totally become a downfall and these people use their platform to add to the already big fire of racism America has.
The world doesn't owe you people shit you got your freedom and what happened you all continued to act like a bunch of territorial apes, at one point in time your ancestors had a chance to do good with there lives and bless the Lord many have,.
There are great number of African Americans that have led this country to greatness.
Today there is still greatness, but it is not what stands out.
What I see every day girls having children to get more money from the state male punks and thugs taking that money.
I see lazy ass boys and men who don't work because they don't have to,they steal cheat and lie they and the vulnerable girls know how to work the system.
Gangs fighting over territory that's not even theirs shooting there own cause they are flipping idiots.Go keep it up the lesser the better.
Oh but I guarantee that poor victim was an angel he wouldn't have hurt a fly,give me a damn break anyone who puts themselves in that situation is going to be shot.
What about these poor kids getting shot by police it's in the news why are parents giving their kids toy guns KNOWING that possibility of getting shot is always there.
Call me a bad man for saying,cause no-one will oh well little shaquan is dead let's sue the police and get us a nice chunk of change.
All this crying foul is bullshit and I don't hear anybody with the balls enough to say hey dumbass IT'S YOUR OR YOURS FAULT go take them crocodile tears back home try again later,, the lesser the better.
I anticipated there'd be a pretty good response to this argument as I think it might divert away from issue but on side note, saying it's alright to blow up Americans cuz they do it themselves Is NOT the same and the reason being the rate itself....
Resisting arrest.
Having no disregard for the law.
All in all behaving hostile towards everone.
Fuck the black lives matter bull shit.
If it did matter They would protest black on black crime.
So fuck them all. When its Jamal killing Tyrone black lives reallybdont matter huh... Fucking garbage.
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