The religion of peace has gone wild again in violence.

If I hear appeasers of Islam repeat yet again that Islam is the religion of peace, I am going to throw up on them. Why is it that Christians, Jews and Hindus don't act like mindless savages, when someone destroys or damages copies to their holy book? When a person sets a bible on fire, Christians don't go out and kill other people to protest it, they actually pray for that person's soul instead, imagine that. Nothing is more irritating then listening to people act like spineless cowards towards a bunch of people who still live and think as if they were living in the 5th century. A few days ago, a bunch of Korans were burned at a U.S Military base in Afghanistan. Some officials are saying that American held Afghan prisoners were using the pages of the Koran to pass messages back and forth. Under the laws of Islam, when a Koran is desecrated, it is suppose to be destroyed. The the military officials were actually respecting the laws of Islam by doing so. As you can expect, that still isn't setting well with the 5th century Middle Eastern throwbacks.
Of course, Obama has bent over and apologized non stop since the story was reported and the protests began. Eight foreigners were killed, also two American soldiers were killed by an Afghan solider in retaliation over Koran burnings.
Where is Obama in demanding an apology and expressing condemnation over our soldiers being killed over something stupid that they weren't even apart of? Why are progressives so willing to walk on egg shells in hopes of appeasing nut case Muslim fanatics, yet these same people have no problem attacking Christians and attacking their faith? I guess that's because Christians are so tolerant and non vocal, and they don't kill people like Muslim fanatics do. Funny how progressives have the naive gull to call Christians "religious fanatics" and extremists. I know how the game works. The Muslim extremists will get a pass by the ones who will point their finger at me and millions of other people like me who are exposing the truth to what is going on. If there is a such thing as a moderate Muslim, why aren't they standing up and denouncing the elements who have hijacked their religion? Have you ever heard Christians around the world ever chant "Death to America"?