Well it hasn't taken long for Team Obama to capitalize on Obama's extremely recent politically coming out announcement. The first video ad contrasting Obama pro gay marriage position versus Mitt Romney's pro traditional marriage position is already on the internet.
I still can't help from wondering what the hell is Obama thinking. Yeah, his base loves the "new" position of Obama, but he already had them in his back pocket. Watching
Obama's video yesterday reminded me a lot of the final scene in the movie Thelma and Louise. Just replace Thelma an Louise with David Axlerod and Barack Obama going over the cliff in a political suicide pact. The new ad attacking Romney for supporting tradition marriage is only going to rally mainstream and tradition Christian valued voters around Romeny. Obama's announcement yesterday was politically insane, but him now attacking Romney for him sharing the views that most Americans share on traditional marriage defies logic. Obama can't change the core issue of this election, which is the economy. It will continue to be the 800 pound gorilla in the room that isn't going anywhere anytime soon. How stupid can the Obama camp be?
Do they not realize by them attacking Mitt Romney as being "Backwards on Equality" for his stance in defending traditional marriage, they are attacking the very same voters who support traditional marriage but also voted for Obama in 2008? So he is in essence calling his own supporters backward thinkers. Far be it for me to point out to the left Obama's very possible fatal inflicted wound. It doesn't really matter, it's not like he can take back what he said now. It's already out of the closet so to speak. The politically smart thing for Obama to have done was for him to come out in favor of gay marriage if he truly believed it AFTER the election if he would have won. That is what Governor Martin O'Malley of my state of Maryland did after he won his second term. I can't stand O'Malley's gutts,but I have to give him credit for being politically astute. I'm enjoying this, because I can't see how this can not backfire on Obama. This was simple a very, very dumb political gamble with huge room for loss and no room for upward gain.