Obama isn't the president of Black America.
What if Mitt Romney or some high profile white politician either conservative or Republican would have made that comment, what would the reaction by blacks and liberals have been? I can pretty much say with absolutely certainty that every fake paid off civil rights group and black mouthpiece for the Democratic Party would have been streaking with horror about how racially insensitive to border line racist it was for that person to have said such a thing. Over the past four years, I've thought about what exactly did blacks get for their votes in voting for Barack Obama. There hasn't been any economic trickle down to the black communities in the way of job creation nor business creation or expansion. I can't even recall the last time Obama visited an inner city just to at best lie to them in saying he hasn't forgotten them, and that he had a plan to address issues like rampant poverty and blight. The black unemployment rate is over 14.4%, yet blacks by a large majority still hold a favorable opinion of Obama. I guess, because I am a straight thinker, I can't comprehend insanity very well. If these statistics existed under a Republican president, blacks and white progressives would make dam sure to highlight it as a negative in saying that the polices of Republicans president's is a clear example of how they don't help black Americans. Obama was the first president in 36 years to skip the NAACP convention in an election year.
Since he has the milk of blacks (their votes), be figures why does he have to buy the cows( showing up). Maybe that explains why Obama who is being passed off as the first black president said a few days ago that "I'm Not the President of Black America". Granted a president is suppose to be the president of the entire nation, but I find it odd that Obama hasn't once mentioned nor have drawn light to the black unemployment rate which is the highest among any racial segment. I guess he doesn't have to take responsibility for that. It's not like he is their president or anything.
Since he has the milk of blacks (their votes), be figures why does he have to buy the cows( showing up). Maybe that explains why Obama who is being passed off as the first black president said a few days ago that "I'm Not the President of Black America". Granted a president is suppose to be the president of the entire nation, but I find it odd that Obama hasn't once mentioned nor have drawn light to the black unemployment rate which is the highest among any racial segment. I guess he doesn't have to take responsibility for that. It's not like he is their president or anything.
Hypothetically, lets say President Obama launched a "government initiative" to create jobs in Detroit, Baltimore, South Central Los Angeles, Chicago, The Bronx, Brooklyn and basically area's of high Black unemployment. Let's say his efforts are to directly attack the problem that you say he's been ignoring. How do you think Fox News would report such an effort? What do you GOP Rep. Steve King would say? King once said the President has demonstrated that he has a default mechanism in him that breaks down the side of race — on the side that favors the black person. What do you think his response would be to such a "government initiative?"
p allen "Hypothetically, lets say President Obama launched a "government initiative" to create jobs in Detroit, Baltimore, South Central Los Angeles, Chicago, The Bronx, Brooklyn and basically area's of high Black unemployment. Let's say his efforts are to directly attack the problem that you say he's been ignoring. How do you think Fox News would report such an effort? What do you GOP Rep. Steve King would say? King once said the President has demonstrated that he has a default mechanism in him that breaks down the side of race — on the side that favors the black person. What do you think his response would be to such a "government initiative?"
No allen, Bill Clinton (the first black president) put forth economic initiatives for inner cities back in the 90's called "Empowerment Zones", remember those. They were designed to create economic growth and expansion in inner cities neighborhoods. I actually thought the idea was pretty good back then. I don't recall there being any right wing opposition to it. By the way, Baltimore received $100 million dollars in Empowerment Zone grants. So that shoots down your theory allen.
CB;"Baltimore received $100 million dollars in Empowerment Zone grants. So that shoots down your theory allen".
Wow! $100 million just in Baltimore?! So, under the Clinton administration, the government was spending money to spur economic growth in black communities. How cool was that! Fortunately Clinton had a Democrat majority in the House and Senate when the Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities were designated. Also Clinton didn't have to deal with a pesky ole' "worst economic downturn since the Great Depression."
Even though Clinton may have been the "first Black president", he still had one thing to his advantage...HE WAS WHITE. (see how I just played your game?) Even though was the first black president, he would not have been accused of "favoring" blacks because....HE WAS WHITE. President Obama's (the 2nd black president) opposition would never go for anything initiative, including empowerment zones, targeted for black communities. Why you ask? Because he's HALF-WHITE (which apparently isn't good enough for the opposition).
Don't play dumb Tyrone. You know that JOBS BILL after JOBS BILL was blocked by the Republicans in the house and senate, along with A record number of filibusters.
So why do you think that some on the right-wing calls President Obama (the 2nd black president) a "racist", yet those same right-wingers never called President Clinton (the 1st black president) a "racist." Wait I know... because the first black president WAS WHITE!
I just got directed to your blog from American Thinker. I'll be back cause you are a pretty good American
Ah yes, the American Thinker, chock-full of conspiracy theories, pseudoscience, anti-science, and general idiocy. ... Your source for posts from such conservative luminaries as Noel Sheppard and Pamela Geller and such climate experts as S. Fred Singer and Christopher Monckton.
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