Saturday, April 27, 2013

A racist Michigan Republican rears her head.

I guess I have to admit it. Liberals always told me that racism is a Republican thing solely, but I didn't listen. They said that the "R" in republican stood for racist, but did I listen? Of course I didn't listen, and do you now why I didn't listen? Because what progressives have been saying about the both parties is now and will always bee "ABSOLUTE BS"!! Progressives Democrats still live in a self created dream land. They have convinced themselves that any sort of white racism is a Republican thing, yet they have managed to turn a blind eye to the racist traits of white Democrats. Oh you didn't know that there is such a thing as "white" Democrats? I know, if you listened to the left, one couldn't help to come to the conclusion that all whites belong to the Republican Party. Leave it to me to once again debunk insanity passed off as the new reality by progressives. Can anyone imagine what would happen if a Republican female who held a position in the local or state party called a black person an "arrogant nigger"? Oh snap!!,the response would be fierce, it would be national news. I've always said that racism or racial hatred isn't owned by any political party. Progressives haven't figured that out. In their la la land childish way of thinking, they believe that the Democratic Party is all about racial harmony and diversity. They might be in need of a cold slap wake up call.  Buena Vista Township Clerk Gloria Platko is resisting demands that she step down after another local official, Interim Township Manager Dexter Mitchell (a Democrat), taped a phone conversation in which Platko referred to Township Supervisor Dwayne Parker (also a Democrat) as “an arrogant nigger.

What Ms Platko said is perfectly ok actually.  "She had thanksgiving dinner with black people".! I wonder did she take any of the dark meat on the turkey? At least she didn't do like what white Democratic politicians do around election time, go to black churches for 15 minutes to 20 minutes and clap off key. This story will never make the national news, because Ms Platko is a Democrat and the national media has to keep the illusion going, but at least the local media did their job in reporting on the not so racially compassionate "Democrat".


Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"What Ms Platko said is perfectly ok actually. "She had thanksgiving dinner with black people".

I found that line to be along the lines of the, "some of my best friends are black." Just goes to show you that "some" whites (Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Liberal, Conservative, whatever...) use the word "nigger" behind closed doors.

So, let the partisanship begin! Will Sean Hannity invite her on his show (eg. like Duane "Dog" Chapman) and give her a chance to redeem herself? Will there be an outcry of support from some Democrats, or will she be "thrown under the bus?" What ever the case, I think her time in politics is about to come to an end...

1:00 AM  
Blogger Marcel said...

Yeah, fake white liberals and white democrats always slip up every once and a while and tell us what they really feel about blacks. It's just too bad, Tyrone, your good friend P.Allen and most other African Americans, who are Democrats, don't show the same outrage and don't (BLOW UP!) when these racist white liberals make racist comments about blacks.

But oh my man, if this would have been a Tea Party old white lady or any Republican from down South, this would have been front page news on the African American liberal website the and it's not.
And oh, MSNBC would not stop playing this clip if she was a Tea Party. So as always white liberals and white Democrats get a pass.

Somebody say selective outrage?

1:10 AM  
Blogger -FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

o/t - Kawanio che Keeteru!

Kawanio che Keeteru!

"Song for St. Tamminy s Day. "The Old Song.

Of Andrew, of Patrick, of David, & George,
What mighty achievements we hear!
While no one relates great Tammany's feats,
Although more heroic by far, my brave boys,
Although more heroic by far.

These heroes fought only as fancy inspired,
As by their own stories we find;
Whilst Tammany, he fought only to free,
From cruel oppression mankind, my brave boys,
From cruel oppression mankind.

"When our country was young and our numbers were few
To our fathers his friendship was shown,
(For he e'er would oppose whom he took for his foes),
And made our misfortunes his own, my brave boys,
And he made our misfortunes his own.

"At length growing old and quite worn out with years,
As history doth truly proclaim,
His wigwam was fired, he nobly expired,
And flew to the skies in a flame, my brave boys,
And flew to the skies in a flame.

10:18 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Marcel;"your good friend P.Allen and most other African Americans, who are Democrats, don't show the same outrage and don't (BLOW UP!) when these racist white liberals make racist comments about blacks".

Plain and simple, that's a bunch of BS! I've never met, nor seen a black person who wasn't offended when a white person (any white person) referred to them -"maliciously"- as a nigger.

I'll give you a small amount of leeway on the idea that the media (in some cases) might not "BLOW UP" the story to a level that satisfies you. But the level of outrage by those who know a racist comment when they hear one, the level is the same.

I think your assertion is based on a partisan divide. Let me ask you this; Would you be offended if a white conservative republican maliciously attacked you using a racial slur?

1:51 AM  
Blogger Marcel said...

Plain and simple, that's a bunch of BS! I've never met, nor seen a black person who wasn't offended when a white person (any white person) referred to them -"maliciously"- as a nigger.

I never said blacks were not offended by any white person using the word, I just said it’s funny you black liberals get MORE outraged when it’s racist Tea Party person or Republican That’s the B.S.!!
Where is the outrage from African American liberals and their fake white liberal friends, Allen?? I can’t find them commenting on this one. Left-wing hacks on MSNBC, like race baiters, Al Sharpton and Chris Matthews have not covered this story. I can’t find it on the African American liberal website, WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE IF BLACKS ARE OFFENDED!!?? Where is the NAACP demanding that this old racist hag step down?? Too bad she we was not part of the old racist Tea party, Allen. If she was, race hustlers Jesse and Al and thrill up my leg Chris would have covered it last week.

I'll give you a small amount of leeway on the idea that the media (in some cases) might not "BLOW UP" the story to a level that satisfies you. But the level of outrage by those who know a racist comment when they hear one, the level is the same.
I actually don’t need your leeway at all with this one, Allen. The left-wing, lamestream media has NOT touched this story and you know it. Is this on story on the front page of MSDNC or theGrio’s website? Nope. Like I said before, the everyday liberal hacks, who love to race bait, have not cover this story or this old lady and demand she resign today.

I think your assertion is based on a partisan divide. Let me ask you this; Would you be offended if a white conservative republican maliciously attacked you using a racial slur?
Oh please, Allen. My assertion justified. Please show me the left-wing and African American outrage. Please show Al Charleton and the National Action Network on top of this. Did that college dropout and former MTV VJ and race baiter, Torue say anything? You mean none of these clowns are saying anything about this story. Lol
Say what you want, but you know damn well if this was a tea party old lady, black liberals would be saying, “see, we told tea-party Republicans are racist.” But when it’s an old racist from your party that calls your beloved, first black president the “N” word it’s, “oh so what, who cares, any white person can be racist.” Yeah that’s true Allen, but it’s just funny how you and other liberals only seem to be care more when it’s a Tea Party racist
And to answer your question, yeah, I guess I should be just as offended by a white republican using the word as you and I both should be with president Obama’s good friend, Jay-Z, who made a good living for himself using that racial slur along with calling black women bitches and hoes as well. Lol

6:41 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Marcel;"I just said it’s funny you black liberals get MORE outraged when it’s racist Tea Party person or Republican".

"You black liberals???" We black liberals... I mean "WE BLACK PEOPLE", have been called "nigger" (maliciously), by people of all other races. It's nothing new Marcel. Thus, whites in the Tea Party, the Democratic Party, or the "Whatever Party" are not exempt.

As I said, it's your "partisanship" that blinds you to the idea that a liberal black would not be just as offended by a white democrats racial attacks, versus a white conservative. Not only do "fake white liberals" slip up and say what they really think, so do "fake white conservatives." (ie; whites who fake their true feelings about blacks, and other races in general)

Marcel;" Where is the NAACP demanding that this old racist hag step down??".

Again, because your partisanship blinds you to facts...

Saginaw NAACP calls for Gloria Platko's resignation after using racial slur.

Marcel:"I can’t find it on the African American liberal website,".

Then try the African American site News One.

Marcel;" Left-wing hacks on MSNBC, like race baiters, Al Sharpton and Chris Matthews have not covered this story".

That's because they, like you, are also partisan "political hacks." They're media pundits. Just like right-wing media pundits, they speak "to the people", not "for the people."

However, that doesn't mean that, "most other African Americans, who are Democrats, don't show the same outrage and don't when racist white liberals make racist comments about blacks." Contrary to your misguided belief's, Chris Matthews, Toure' and Al Sharpton are not "MOST OTHER AFRICAN AMERICANS WHO ARE DEMOCRATS."

Hell, it was found in a poll of NRA members that "most" (seventy-four percent) are for background checks to buy a gun. Yet the NRA leadership is totally against it. So that should tell you that you should never broad brush rank and file with of the idea's of the talking heads....

12:12 PM  
Anonymous Eddie said...

It's a good thing that Anarchists such as myself do not see black and white but the individual. I refuse to group anyone no matter what your back ground or beliefs are. Also i do not believe in political parties sense in the end it's all about serving the state run monopoly through violent coercion. I have less of a reason to fight over such worn out non-sense then anyone here. How sad that the world will not advance past the idea that we need still fight over these things. This is not what Jesus taught.

7:04 PM  
Anonymous Eddie said...

Which is why the NRA is stupid in this. The GOA is far better then the NRA.

7:05 PM  

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