Friday, February 13, 2009

House Democrats pass trillion dollar pork bill" WITHOUT EVEN "READING IT"!

Nancy Pelosi posted the 1,100 page pork bill online less then 24 hours before it was it was voted on. How many people can read 1,100 pages in less then 24 hours? When Nancy Peloser was sworn in as the House Speaker, she said that "this will be the most ethical and transparent congress in history". This woman lies better then Barry Obama himself. I forgot to mention something. Most of the extra pork pay backs that was stripped out of the Senate bill was put back in this time around and passed. I give the House Republican leader John Boehner and ALL THE REPUBLICANS in the house a great applause for standing up for fiscal conservative common sense. I even give credit to the seven Democrats that courageously broke ranks with the crypt keeper Nancy Pelosi to also vote against this financial and economic wreck in the making. If any blue dog Democrats voted in support of this bill, they better be prepared to kiss their house seats good bye next year. Pelosi will not be able to save them. This passing of this piece of crap bill sadly reaffirms the notion I've had about why a lot of people don't trust or take part in the political process. Forget once again "change we can believe in". It's actually "DECEPTION WE CAN BELIEVE AND SEE".


Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Democrats pass the bill without reading it?? The truth is Congress as a whole (Dem's & Repub's) often pass bills without reading them. They add and delete items at the last minute, in secret, and when it's found, "suddenly" no one knows how the pork got there.

On the other hand you've got Republicans like Mike Huckabee "nitpicking" the bill for negative political advantage points..."the bill is anti-religious". I'd be willing to bet that those who voted "Nay" haven't read the bill either.

2:23 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

The truth is exactly how I said it allen. Remember, this is a DEMOCRAT BILL!! Republicans were shut out of the process of reconciling the house and senate bill. The reality is that DEMOCRATS voted in support of this bill without knowing all that is in it period. As much as liberals cried about Bush wasting tax payer money, where is the outrage from liberals like you allen? Does it only become an issue when a Republican is in the White House?

2:33 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"The truth is exactly how I said it allen. Remember, this is a DEMOCRAT BILL!! Republicans were shut out of the process of reconciling the house and senate bill."

Tyrone, you know that "shutting-out" the opposition party is part of the partisan process. It happens all the time. The Bush Administration was notorious for it...Thus, in this case, it doesn't matter to me who's bill it is.

CB says;"As much as liberals cried about Bush wasting tax payer money, where is the outrage from liberals like you allen? Does it only become an issue when a Republican is in the White House?"

That's my exact point! Democrats are playing havoc with this bill, while Republicans are playing politics!

What's occurring here is partisan politics as usual. "All" of these politicians (including the president) are trying to polish their political asses at the expense of future generations.

The Democrats obviously have no idea of how to "kick start" the economy because they bought into the Bush bailout plan. Yet, for the sake of doing "something" rather than nothing (whereas we know doing nothing would have been just as bad if not worse), they come up, basically, a continuance of the Bush plan.

The Republicans are no better, if not worse! Although they won't dare say it publicly, Republicans in the house and senate are hoping the stimulus fail. They see an Obama administration failure as a political windfall for the 2010 and 2012 elections.

The resulting effect is that the whole damn government has gone stark-raving mad! The fact is no one knows if the stimulus will work or not. In the mean time it's politics as usual in Washington.

5:42 PM  

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