Tuesday, February 17, 2009

It's called "Obamalism". Try not to catch it or understand it.

The more the human mind tries to comprehend the insanity known as Obamalism, the more confused that person will become. I still wonder if Obama would be praised and worshiped as he is now if he was "white"? I'm just throwing that out there. In the very first still picture of this video, Oprah Winfrey looks like she is "praying". She professes to be a "Christian". I wonder was she thanking god for Obama?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obama is an authentic African American. His father is an African Luo and his mother is a communist sympathizer from Kansas. A fellow traveler is what she was called. He was what the Democratic socialist needed to win, and he fit the bill. He was used to get all of the so-called colored people to vote a Black man into office. All of the crying and adoration of Obama is out of lack of knowledge about him and what he stands for. Most do not know what a Marxist is or a socialist or an IslamoMarxist. America is getting ready to find out. Pelosi and Reid are at the top!

12:05 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

anon"All of the crying and adoration of Obama is out of lack of knowledge about him and what he stands for"

Even if they know what Obama stands for, that still doesn't rationalize their cult like praise over a moral man. One of the Ten Commandments says "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." If they don't learn now, it will be too late when they close their eyes for the last time on this earth. Most of them don't know what a Marxist or a Socialist is. That's because a lot of Americans aren't that knowledgeable. That explains why Obama can lead these poor fools around, because in the end they are indeed fools. In the end, it's easier for a smart person to control a sea of ignorant people then another smart individual

12:51 AM  
Blogger Conservative Black Woman said...

I never considered that I had above average intelligence until this election. I am simple astonished at the level of ignorance both willful and unintended that exists within our culture.

I am just plain disgusted with Black Christians as they have completely thrown Jesus under the bus and transferred their allegiance to Barack Obama....it's pathetic.

CB, thanks for posting this video. I love it!!!

10:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder how Oprah will feel about Obama when her billions of Dollars become darn near worthless.
Hmmm, that should prove to be a very interesting development.

Or in a true liberal fashion she and other liberals will move overseas while us mere plebeians go hungry over our elitist leftist overlords greed and grandstanding!

11:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I call the fanatical followers of Obama, Obamammedans...

12:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm disgusted with black Christians too! I find that a lot of black folks worship their color which is rather sad. Their color ain't gonna mean anything when they close their eyes and leave this world for good.

7:21 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

CBW "I never considered that I had above average intelligence until this election. I am simple astonished at the level of ignorance both willful and unintended that exists within our culture."

You didn't vote for Obama CBW, In my book your intelligence is more then above average, trust me!! Intelligent people rarely can fall victim to brainwashing CBW. You are a person that uses you're mind, and you process the facts as you see them. Obama drones lack intelligence, and they can't do that. They are easily suckered as we all are witnessing with their worshiping of Obama.

CBW " I am just plain disgusted with Black Christians as they have completely thrown Jesus under the bus and transferred their allegiance to Barack Obama....it's pathetic."

I feel the exact same way. Instead of having a crucifix in the black churches, they might as well display Obama's "O" symbol. Why stop there. The black churches can rewrite the bible. The Gospel according to Obama. How about the "New Obama testament"? A lot of blacks that call themselves Christians are fakes!! If anything CBW, they are Christians In Name Only. I've always had a pet peeve with the hypocrisy and the watered down Christian value system with many black churches. It seems like they care more about race then salvation or damnation. Frankly they make me sick.

CBW "CB, thanks for posting this video. I love it!!!"

No problem CBW, Glad you enjoyed it,

CB, thanks for posting this video. I love it!!!

2:53 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

Chilerkle "I wonder how Oprah will feel about Obama when her billions of Dollars become darn near worthless.Hmmm, that should prove to be a very interesting development."

If inflation does come about because of Obama, to bad it can't just happen to Oprah and her fellow wealthy liberal friends Chilerkle. Since liberals live in a dream world anyways, maybe reality is the only thing that can wake them into reality.

Chilerkle "Or in a true liberal fashion she and other liberals will move overseas while us mere plebeians go hungry over our elitist leftist overlords greed and grandstanding!"

Oprah won't leave Chilerkle, just like other liberals that threaten to leave and don't. As much as these anti American scum bags find fault with this country, they know they can't make the same money or more in another country. I wish they would leave though, this country would be so much better off without them without a doubt.

Quartermain "I call the fanatical followers of Obama, Obamammedans..."

I like it!! Obammedans does make sense. They are acting like a bunch of pathetic jokes, and they are making absolute fools out of themselves.

Chilerkle "I'm disgusted with black Christians too! I find that a lot of black folks worship their color which is rather sad. Their color ain't gonna mean anything when they close their eyes and leave this world for good."

That is the main reason black liberals pseudo Christians don't understand why other blacks are conservatives Chilerkle. Black conservative Christians are the pure practitioners of the Christian faith. That also goes for conservative Jews that practice Judaism. It amazes me that black liberal that profess to be Christians can't come to grips and realize that god created all of us in his image. These black churches are bastardizing the Christian faith, and we are witnessing the end result Chilerkle, and it's not good.

3:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I never considered that I had above average intelligence until this election. I am simple [sic] astonished at the level of ignorance both willful and unintended that exists within our culture."

First, don't flatter yourself.

Second, the Democrats are saying the exact same thing ... about YOU.

12:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Black christian church is dead. Farahkan has taken over the black churches and they dont even know what has happened to them. When Christians, both black or white, deny what the bible said abortion is wrong and yet they agree, then they disgrace Christ. When gays adopt a gay agenda and then say God loves them to regardless of what they do sexualy, the church lost. If str8s cannot fornicate neither can they.

1 Tim 1:8-10 says sodomy is the same as slavery-bad and a sin.
Most whites who came to America were uneducated and didnt own slaves. Only the rich owned slaves. Only the rich and religious leaders were able to read. Most of the whites were indentured servants. Because the religious leaders didnt read the bible slavery was accepted. Along with slaves came a guide book, called the Quran. Inside of this book rules and guidelines were contained. When the Muslims sold other Black Africans to Portugal, Spain, and Britain, those rules for slavery were sent along. The sale of Black Africans to Europeans was not as bad as the Eastern Slave Trade. At least the Europeans white man didnt castrated the men. Sex with females and males was acceptable as the slaves were property as they are today in the Islamic world.

Islam has told the Blacks that Jesus was a white man on a stick and Islam is a Black man's religion. This has almost destroyed the Black Christian communities. Although Islam is Arabic and no African tribe spoke Arabic, Blacks fell for the lie as they did Swahili as an African language. Swahili is a mixture of Bantu and Arabic trade language.
False prophets have come among us and has destroyed us. Jeremiah Wright, NOI, Al, and Jesse are all part of the conspiracy. All false prophets of Doom! They never read because if they had read, they would have discovered that Allah is the DEVIL according to Sura 3:54 and the Black man is less than a donkey and black women are a bad omen. Tabari 1:280 says Black women are created STUPID by Allah. I guess they are to join a religion where men can have 4 permanent wives and beat their butts and can sex prostitutes for an hour under Islamic laws called muta and misyar-temporary wives.

7:12 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

Chorom "never considered that I had above average intelligence until this election. I am simple [sic] astonished at the level of ignorance both willful and unintended that exists within our culture."
First, don't flatter yourself.
Second, the Democrats are saying the exact same thing ... about YOU.

Here's the major fundamental difference Chorom. The people that voted for McCain actually knew more about Obama's ideology and past then his own supporters. So ignorant uninformed drones can talk about educated analytical people all they want. At the end of the day, the ignorant people will still be just that,ignorant. Go onto youtube and pull up the video "how barack obama got elected". That's a perfect illustration of how stupid 98% of Obama drones really are.

2:41 AM  

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