Who's more respected as Commander in Chief? Is it Bush or Obama?
Kooks on the left really believe Obama is respected just as much as George Bush was by the military. Maybe they enjoy living in denial. Obama was friends with a person that bombed the nerve center of the military. I don't think that historic fact has registered with the Obama cultists just yet. During the time Obama was the President-elect, the Military Times conducted a poll of active duty service members about how they felt about Obama being their "commander In chief". 6 out of 10 active-duty service members said they were uncertain or pessimistic. The proof is in the footage.
I guess even the Marines had to feign enthusiasm for Obama. Meaning they knew Obama much like all liberals hold the Marines and the people who defend our freedoms in contempt!
I swear I could have heard crickets chirping!
Bush the man that's supposedly hated by all gets thunderous applause and cheers from the Marines. All that proves is that liberals are lying about Bush being evil and Bush did do good in defending our nation against foreign enemies. He genuinely cares about our troops too despite his weaknesses in other areas of his presidency. Can't hate him even though he is a moderate.
I don't recall the troops being excited either over bubba when he was their commander in chief chilerkle. It must be a liberal thing. Since the armed forces deal with defending this country, they can't afford to get caught up in popularity polls like liberals do. Most of the sheep that voted for Obama aren't grounded in reality to begin with chilerkle. They're was a reason why Democrats didn't want the military vote counted in 2000. The military has historically voted Republican. I believe it comes down to the maturity factor of the military chilerkle. I believe that Bush cared for the troops as well. When he secretly visited the troops in Iraq, that showed what type of character he had. I still laugh when liberals call Bush a nazi, fascist and a dictator. Liberals truly don't have any idea what the definitions are of those words.lol
All one needs to do to figure out why military personel hold liberals in such disregard is to pull out those annoying archives. "This war is lost," "Our soldiers are stupid" "lives have been WASTED", the list goes on and on. I believe those quotes were from Reid, Kerry, and Obama. Anyway, great blog, Tyrone! I'm linking to you over @ www.FrontLinesBlog.com.
Daniel "All one needs to do to figure out why military personel hold liberals in such disregard is to pull out those annoying archives. "This war is lost," "Our soldiers are stupid" "lives have been WASTED", the list goes on and on. I believe those quotes were from Reid, Kerry, and Obama. Anyway, great blog, Tyrone! I'm linking to you over @ www.FrontLinesBlog.com."
Thanks Daniel and welcome aboard. You are so right in what you said. Most liberals believe that the people that joined the military are mainly doing it just to make money. Liberals only recently discovered patriotism four months ago. I'm noticing a pattern with Democrats that run for President. The Community Organizer is or was friends with the anti military terrorist Bill Ayers. John Kerry sold his Vietnam Vets down the river and defended the Viet Cong as the victims when he came back from his photo op in nam. Bill Clinton protested against the military and his country will overseas at Oxford. I guess in order for a liberal Democrat to become President or win the nomination, he or she must have some sort of anti military event in their background or is connected to a person that is. I remember listening to the audio of Obama speaking at some anti military pacifist group. He talked about stripping the military of many new weapons and homeland missile defense systems.No wonder the military don't respect this clown. I don't blame them.
Well, of course Dubya is popular amongst servicemen and women. They remember his exemplary military career!
Got accepted into the Texas Air National Guard –- in order to avoid serving in Vietnam –- despite scoring low on the entrance exam. His Daddy, then a Congressman, greased the skids to get him a soft post. And then young Dubya couldn’t even bring himself to vigorously and completely fulfill a 6-year-obligation. Failing to show up for the minimum number of training drills. Failing to show up for physicals. Again, the Bush name & connections saved the day when it came time to justify his honorable discharge, which was granted before the promised 6-years passed.
No wonder they cheered so loudly for this man! A supreme role model for all men and women in active duty!
(The irony here is that if YOUNG Dubya were wearing his National Guard uniform today, PRESIDENT Dubya wouldda back-door drafted his sorry ass off to war.)
Matiscur "
Got accepted into the Texas Air National Guard –- in order to avoid serving in Vietnam –- despite scoring low on the entrance exam."
No matter how you try to downplay it, Bush still has military experience. What military experience does this fill in president has Matiscur? Feel free to speak up on that one Matiscur.You talk about BUsh being accepted in the Texas Air National Guard. Obama was accepted into William Ayers living room to launch his political career. I rather support the first then the latter.
Matiscur "No wonder they cheered so loudly for this man! A supreme role model for all men and women in active duty!"
Then Bush must be more of role model then Obama right. Let's face it, the troops were merely polite to Obama out of protocol and nothing more. I don't blame the troops at all, why should hey respect a man that wants to be friends with leader that take joy in the death of American soldiers. The only army Obama was ever apart of was the Acorn army of community organizers and that's it.
I'll take the community organizer -- any day, any year, any election -- over the mediocre rich kid who had his Dad pull some strings so he could defend Texas and Alabama from the Viet Cong.
This country was founded by community organizers. And don't you ever forget that.
Why is Obama sending the marines to Afghan when he hated them to be in Iraq. Both countries hate Africans and even today Africans are slaves in Pakistan. India has tried to do better, but the Indians say Muslims are the worst of all. Faithfreedom.org is by Indians. Obama has put down the Bible every chance he gets, yet he claims to be a Christian. He has learned well from Wright and Farrahkan. After all Louis Farrahkan is a Baptist Muslims so he said in 2004 while in Maryland.He has hired a bin Ladan sympathezier as civil commissioner. Now we are not to call a murder a murder, because he said he would side with the Muslims when the deal goes down in his book Audacity of Hope.
Matiscur "This country was founded by community organizers. And don't you ever forget that."
I forgot to pick up a copy of revisionist American History L edition Matiscur lol.
Yes, CB. Adams, Franklin, Jefferson. Flaming liberals.
The Tories? They were the conservatives. Wonder how that worked out for them? lol
Tyrone, I like your blog. Could you enable full RSS feed on it so I can pull it into my reader. Or if it is already enabled let me know what the link is because my Google Reader can't seem to grab it.
Obama noticed it - you can see it in his eyes.
The people who make up the armed forces, in general, come from the lower and lower middle ends of society -- Obama gives off too much of a "bourgeoisie" vibe for him to be cheered on by them.
Bush, although from an elite family, had that 'common man' appeal to him.
anon "The people who make up the armed forces, in general, come from the lower and lower middle ends of society -- Obama gives off too much of a "bourgeoisie" vibe for him to be cheered on by them.
Bush, although from an elite family, had that 'common man' appeal to him."
To the average everyday person, they really can care less about a President being a slick talker. It comes down to substance of marketing. You're right about Bush. He wasn't an elitist like Obama is.
Alexander Romero "Tyrone, I like your blog. Could you enable full RSS feed on it so I can pull it into my reader. Or if it is already enabled let me know what the link is because my Google Reader can't seem to grab it."
I believe it is enable Alexander. I'll double check though.
"Yes, CB. Adams, Franklin, Jefferson. Flaming liberals."
So liberal that they have no problem saying this nation should pray to God and repent of its sins. Not to mention pass laws against homsexuality, which in Jefferson's case, was castration. Some liberal he was.
He may be "liberal" by standards back then, but no liberal by today's standards.
Ever read what they said about the founding principles of this country. John Adams and John Jay most notably have no problem saying they were Christian values.
"The Tories? They were the conservatives. Wonder how that worked out for them? lol"
Conservatives and liberals as terms mean differently than from now.
And they did not define themselves by conservatives or liberals back then.
The one folks did consider liberal back then was John Locke, who influenced the founders, and guess what his views were on political rights for atheists? He OPPOSED it.
By today's standards, those being deemed liberals back in America's founding days, would much farther to the right than the so-called "far right."
I can see a marked difference when I watched your video, but you wouldn't think it to be so when you watch the videos the media moguls put out. I can tell you from experience as my father recently had a military retirement that the soldiers are forced to be there, forced to be polite, and forced to clap (not that my dad wasn't a great guy, but...). Any so-called "enthusiasm" for Obama's plan to withdraw troops that sounded almost identical to Bush's plan for the same should in no way be used to identify whether or not the soldiers are in support of it. I really like your blog- it is very well put together- keep the posts coming. Though I am not a Republican (I am a libertarian), I can see sense in a lot of what you say, much more than the Democrats at this point. And regardless of what a person's view of war is, the soldier's fighting there for US need to be backed up 100%. Thank you so much for doing that!
A mostly political blog that isn't Republican or Democrat
You also have to remember the situations at which these two men are speaking. Bush had a more open and casual audience, while Obama was holing a more formal attention. You can't just base your opinions about the commander in chief on the applause received at military conventions.
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