ABC decides to become Obama's loyal whore in order to promote his government health care proposal.

How gullible can people get? I understand that our country is full of lazy, unmotivated, leeches. I also understand that these people are for a lack of a better word, "freeloaders". These people are liberal in nature and feel its the responsibility of the government to "take care of them". I hear them constantly using the words "free health care" or "universal health care". Any service that is promoted as being "free" will be abused. Its human nature, and that will never change. If I ran an ad in the local newspaper here in Baltimore saying that I was "giving away" a car in running condition, my phone wouldn't stop ringing off the hook. This is why the whole essence of the government running health care is so gravely dangerous. If the federal government does indeed take over the health care system, insanely long waiting lines and sub standard care will become the norm. People will go to the hospital merely for something relatively stupid like a splinter or a hang nail. Their reasoning will be that "its no money out of their pocket", and "that's why they pay taxes for". Tomorrow on ABC News, the network has decided to make itself a bigger whore for Barack Obama then they usual are. They will be broadcasting from the White House. The reason for this "special event" is so that Obama can pitch his "Obamacare" government plan. ABC didn't want any opposing views against Obama's plan, they went as far as to turn down "paid" advertising from groups that have a different perspective on the impact of government health care. So ABC's broadcast will be nothing more then a glorified Obama informerical. ABC "claims their coverage will be balanced" in their questioning of Obama. Why would anyone for one mintue expect a network that donated heavily to Obama's campaign will ask Obama even one hard question? They didn't do it during the campaign, so why would they start now? I roll my eyes just knowing what the reaction would be if George Bush invited Fox News to broadcast from the White House to help promote the Iraq war. I wonder how many people in our country remember when Obama claimed up and down that he wasn't a "socialist". I wonder could he explain to the American people now how his government run health care plan isn't the ultimate form of socialism? A sucker is truly born every minute, if he or she believes that the government will give them a "chicken in every pot" and "free first class health care".
ABC is rather pathetic if they think I'm gonna buy their so called Journalism.
Will Americans begin demanding extra root canals or colonoscopies if out-of-pocket expenses are eliminated?
At present, healthcare costs are kept down not by traditional market forces but by denying insurance claims and letting people die.
The basic problem involved in the healthcare debate is simple and embarrassing. The basic laws of economics place a dollar value on human life and the cost of maintaining a high quality of life but no one will openly admit as much. You cannot simultaneously manage healthcare as a profit making enterprise and provide unlimited healthcare to those who are economically valueless. Our country will have to choose one system or the other.
Chilerkle, ABC and Journalist integrity is like intelligence and liberal. They just don't mix no matter what. I can across a story the other day I meant to post. I will have some time this weekend. The story was about how the ratings for the network newscasts have fallen off a cliff. I truly believe people are starting to see the news media for what they really are. They are nothing more then the Democrat Party's lap dogs. They only bark and growl when a republican makes news. They lick the knee caps of liberals "especially Obama" in a playful fashion.
Limbaugh has gotten off calling the media the "drive by" media and is now calling them the "state run" media instead,and I think that tag is more accurate and all so truthful. Our media is no different then in Iran, North Korea or China. ABC is a willing tool to promote the propaganda of their beloved Saint Barack of Obama. It really makes me ill just thinking about ABC, Chilerkle.
God of Bacon "Will Americans begin demanding extra root canals or colonoscopies if out-of-pocket expenses are eliminated?"
Anything the "masses" believe as being free, they will want it God Of Bacon. People will stand in lines to play the lottery, because all they have to lose is a dollar. If a lottery ticket cost ten dollars, 95% of the people that play the lottery would stop cold.
God of Bacon "At present, healthcare costs are kept down not by traditional market forces but by denying insurance claims and letting people die."
I don't see that way God of Bacon. Two problems exit in the private health care system. The first problem is the excessive, junk science law suits. Nobody is even talking about this. When the insurance companies have to pay out these outragious settlements, they have to recoup that loses by going up on the doctor's malpractice insurance. The doctors in turn have to go up on their fees. Its a vicious cycle. Obama is dead set against medical tort reform. I'm sure him being a lawyer himself has something to do with that of course. The second problem with the private system is that people that have insurance are over using the system, The whole copay function within the medical plans have added more costs then was expected. I know I could fix the private system and bring costs back in line in 5 easy steps. Of course, I make to much sense to be taken seriously though, so I know it won't happen.
God of Bacon "The basic laws of economics place a dollar value on human life and the cost of maintaining a high quality of life but no one will openly admit as much."
Welcome to the real world God of Bacon. Doctors go to school for well over a decade. They rack up hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt to learn what they believe will be lucrative skill. Why would a person dedicate a certain amount of their life to educating themselves on becoming a doctor if they weren't going to be compensated for it Gods of Bacon?
In the "ideal" world maybe health care should be absolutely free, but this isn't the ideal world. It doesn't exist.
Drug companies spend billion on Research and Development in order to come up with the life changing drugs. They deserve to be compensated for their ventures. If you want to see government run health care in actions, check out the VA Hospitals. They are an utter embarrassment on the sub par care they give our soldiers.
God of Bacon "You cannot simultaneously manage healthcare as a profit making enterprise and provide unlimited healthcare to those who are economically valueless. Our country will have to choose one system or the other."
What do you mean exactly by "economically valueless" God of Bacon? Do you mean lower income people? It is against the law for anyone to be refused health care.
Strong but true words.
Freeloaders just bug me.
Now, I do love free stuff, and yes, I would probably call you about your free car (I mean seriously, wouldn't you?), but you have to have a limit.
I can't believe that ABC is 1) Airing this directly from the WH, and 2) Not showing any commercials that are against Obamacare. They promise to ask the 'tough questions', but I have my doubts. I am still deciding if I'm going to watch or listen to Rush for the tidbits so I don't have to put myself through the misery...
Good post T
As a so-called "Liberal", I am not totally convinced that government supplied health care will work.
I can agree with Bacon in that health care is a profit driven business. The object in any profit oriented business is to constantly increase profits.
God of Bacon;"You cannot simultaneously manage healthcare as a profit making enterprise and provide unlimited healthcare to those who are economically valueless. Our country will have to choose one system or the other.".
Well put Bacon...I totally agree.
As long as healthcare is a for profit enterprise, there will be economic pressure to cater to those who have money or insurance and to neglect those who don't.
Human life is cheap. Medical care is not.
I wouldn't want Canada's Healthcare system. Though ours is far from perfect ours is superior to Canada because of the quality of Healthcare not whether or not it's a freebie. I agree with that Canadian Lady who cares I'm alive!
Doctors are people too and they need to make ends meet like everyone else.
Celebrities are rich but I don't see leftists demanding any of the celebrities to share their wealth!
emigratenow "Now, I do love free stuff, and yes, I would probably call you about your free car (I mean seriously, wouldn't you?), but you have to have a limit."
lol, I have no problem with free stuff either emigrate. I would also call about the free car especially if it was a BMW.:-)
emigratenow "I can't believe that ABC is 1) Airing this directly from the WH, and 2) Not showing any commercials that are against Obamacare. They promise to ask the 'tough questions', but I have my doubts. I am still deciding if I'm going to watch or listen to Rush for the tidbits so I don't have to put myself through the misery..."
There is a huge bright side to the ABC knee cap licking of Obama, emigratenow. Their Obama infomerical finished LAST IN THE RATINGS,LOL!!! It completely backfired and bombed on them! Even the reruns of CSI beat the live broadcast of Obama. If Americans truly cared about government run health care, they would have tuned in in record numbers. This is a huge black eye for ABC News and Barack Obama. :-)
P Allen "As a so-called "Liberal", I am not totally convinced that government supplied health care will work."
What kind of liberal doesn't believe in government run health care allen? You better not say that too loudly around your liberal friends. You might be ostracized from the liberal fold for saying such things. Are you feeling alright allen. Dare I say you are starting to have doubts about the power of government to run things? Has what I'[ve been saying all these years finally started to penetrate that thick skull of yours allen? lol lol lol
p allen "I can agree with Bacon in that health care is a profit driven business. The object in any profit oriented business is to constantly increase profits."
That's not necessarily true allen. You and Bacon are right about a company wanting to make a profit. Lets be real. Businesses are in business to MAKE MONEY. There is no cardinal sin to that allen. When companies or corporations take advantage of people in order to make that profit, then it becomes a problem. Why aren't he ambulance trial lawyers never to blame allen? As for the objective of health care companies to increase their profits. I don't think that is the case. It comes down to econ 101, supply and demand. People in great numbers will buy a product,when they think that product offers a good value. It wouldn't make sense of health insurance companies to "price themselves out of business" allen. Companies attract more customers by "lowering their prices" allen not the other way around. Health Insurance companies have to keep their premiums high in order to recoup their reserves from paying out ridiculous settlements based primarily on junk science allen.
God of Bacon;"You cannot simultaneously manage healthcare as a profit making enterprise and provide unlimited healthcare to those who are economically valueless. Our country will have to choose one system or the other.".
Well put Bacon...I totally agree.
Chilerkle " I wouldn't want Canada's Healthcare system. Though ours is far from perfect ours is superior to Canada because of the quality of Healthcare not whether or not it's a freebie. I agree with that Canadian Lady who cares I'm alive!"
The thought that some government lackey would have power over what type of treatment I receive doesn't sit well with me at all Chilerkle. The more power the people give to government, the weaker the people become. The private system can be fixed Chilerkle. This is what conservatives and Republicans should be yelling. Most Americans don't want socialist healthcare. Leave it to liberals to impose on Americans what they don't want.
Chilerkle "Doctors are people too and they need to make ends meet like everyone else."
People that support the government dictating their lives love this Chilerkle. In their simplistic little world, they believe doctors shouldn't really charge for their services. They should do it for "the common good". You right Chilerkle. Doctors need to make ends meet, and that is why they spent over a decade in some cases in school to learn how to become a doctor. Their skilled labor has a value like any other profession.
Chilerkle "Celebrities are rich but I don't see leftists demanding any of the celebrities to share their wealth!"
Most celebrities are also clueless sheep that follows the lead of other liberal celebs Chilerkle. They defined the definition of the word hypocrisy.
CB;"Has what I'[ve been saying all these years finally started to penetrate that thick skull of yours allen? lol lol lol".
That all depends on "what" you say...
If you're spouting nonsense, (which you do more often then not) somebody needs to tell you!
It's not that I'm leery about a government program to provide health care coverage. One of my concerns is "how" the system would been ran.
A frightening example of how "not" to run a health care system is the Veteran care hospital system. If it turns out that that the government has that sort of system planned for the masses, we might as well leave things the way there are.
The problem is, no one seems to have an idea as to how to improve the system we presently have.
p allen "
It's not that I'm leery about a government program to provide health care coverage. One of my concerns is "how" the system would been ran."
Why do you have such faith in the government to do anything right allen? Answer me that question. You only question how the system will be ran. Tell me what the government actually runs well allen, and lets start from there.
p allen "A frightening example of how "not" to run a health care system is the Veteran care hospital system. If it turns out that that the government has that sort of system planned for the masses, we might as well leave things the way there are."
You just validated what I said. So thank you. The government is already providing health care, and you just acknowledged that the VA Hospitals SUCK!!! I would think that the government should FIX WHAT IT ALREADY IS BROKEN UNDER ITS CONTROL before talking about trying to "fix" what isn't under it's control right now allen.
p allen "The problem is, no one seems to have an idea as to how to improve the system we presently have."
Wrong allen. People know how to fix the current system, they aren't being asked. I know how the fix the current system. Actually it isn't hard to do at all. The number one problem in the current system is the out of control junk science lawsuits. When an ambulance chaser sues a doctor, the lawyers is actually suing the doctor's malpractice coverage. If the lawyer wins, the insurance company has to pay out. The insurance company is going to jack the rates up on that doctor and other doctors to recoup the payout. The doctors then have to go up on their rates in order to pay for their increased premiums. People with health insurance are going to have to pay more, because the hospital is charging more for their services. This really hurts people that don't have any health insurance at all. It all starts with the trail lawyers, and it works it's way through the health care system, thus causing the problems we have right now allen. There is a perfectly laid out explanation of the problem.
CB;"The number one problem in the current system is the out of control junk science lawsuits.".
There you go again... Conservative talking point to the rescue!! They say it, you repeat it. My god Tyrone, don't you do any research on your own?
At the present, junk lawsuits are hardly the "number one" problem with insurance and health care in America. As a matter of fact, medical malpractice insurance rates have "dropped" in most area's of the country. Yet, that stability has nothing to do with tort reform or fewer lawsuits...
Many insurance company observers such as the, Americans for Insurance Reform, shows that it's economic cycles that drives insurance industry cost. The chart on that page shows that "soft market" forces and high return on investments kept rates low and stable...even after Hurricane Katrina!!!
CB;"It all starts with the trail lawyers, and it works it's way through the health care system, thus causing the problems we have right now allen. There is a perfectly laid out explanation of the problem..
That's just plain DUMB!! Insurance companies and conservatives alike attempt to put the blame on the legal system, when in fact it's the insurance industries investment practices.
CB;"There is a perfectly laid out explanation of the problem.".
You have no idea what you talking about Tyrone. I'll issue this challenge!
Find a "CREDIBLE" study or source for your argument that, "It all starts with the trail lawyers, and it works it's way through the health care system, thus causing the problems" ,and provides "FACTS" that trial lawyers are the "number one cause" for high insurance cost's.
p allen "There you go again... Conservative talking point to the rescue!! They say it, you repeat it. My god Tyrone, don't you do any research on your own?"
Let me stop you in your tracks before you dig a deep hole for yourself allen.
This is the headline Star Telegram
Doctors boo Obama after comments on allowing lawsuits
Talking point on that!
WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama took his case for an extensive overhaul of healthcare to one of his most skeptical audiences — doctors — and was met with scattered boos when he told them bluntly that "he wants to continue allowing patients to sue for and win unlimited amounts in malpractice cases."
I guess the doctors must all be rightwingers allen, right?
p allen "At the present, junk lawsuits are hardly the "number one" problem with insurance and health care in America. As a matter of fact, medical malpractice insurance rates have "dropped" in most area's of the country. Yet, that stability has nothing to do with tort reform or fewer lawsuits...
Story from CNN/Money
The fear factor in health care costs
EW YORK ( -- Every time a doctor orders an extra test for you, it pushes up your medical costs and -- some experts say -- contributes to the waste in the nation's $2.2 trillion in health care spending.
While there's much debate about the actual dollar impact of this controversial practice called "defensive medicine," experts agree it's an obstacle to reining in the medical care expenses.
Doctors are ordering all these tests, because they are scared of being sued if they miss something allen. Once again, its not a rightwing conspiracy just fact yet again. Doctors are in turn driving up medical bills in order to protect themselves. It is like they are caught in a self destructive loop. Why would Obama be against medical torte reform allen? Oh wait, Obama is a lawyer isn't he. He wouln't dare go against the lawyer brotherhood even if it meant lower prices for health care for the masses.
Okay,,,let's see here...
I asked you to;
Find a "CREDIBLE" study or source for your argument that, "It all starts with the trail lawyers, and it works it's way through the health care system, thus causing the problems" ,and provides "FACTS" that trial lawyers are the "number one cause" for high insurance cost's.
And your responses have "ABSOLUTELY NOTHING" trial lawyers being the "number one" cause!
CB;"Doctors boo Obama after comments on allowing lawsuits".
Duhhh?? What would you expect them to do...sing "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow"?? I'm a teacher. If Obama said he want's "merit pay" for teachers he'd get a few boo's from this end also!
"While there's much debate about the actual dollar impact of this controversial practice called "defensive medicine", etc...".
If [some] doctors "truly" practiced defensive medicine, instead of ordering unneeded test's to increase the payments to their hospitals or private practice, many of those "junk lawsuits" (and actual or verifiable malpractice suits) perhaps would not even occur!
CB;"Doctors are ordering all these tests, because they are scared of being sued if they miss something allen." .
That's what Dr. Alan Woodward, former president of the Massachusetts Medical Society and vice chairman of its committee on professional "LIABILITY" said...right? But, did you really expect him to state something contrary to practicing "cost effective" medicine?
Soooo... it's obvious you "CANT" prove your incorrect assertion. You didn't even bother to quote the challenge in your post. As I said earlier on this thread, "If you're spouting nonsense, (which you do more often then not) somebody needs to tell you!".
However, you can find solace in the fact that I don't have an idea on how to resolve the health care issue either. Yet I wasn't the one who claimed, "I know how the fix the current system." Unlike you I understand that health care in this country has a complex recipe with varied intricate and challenging problems. Simply put, it's "above my pay grade!"
I'll assume everyone who wants free healthcare doesn't care about the doctors and nurses who work hard to ensure that the quality of care is at it's finest!
I'll assume you turkeys who want government funded health don't care about nurses and doctors nor their families!
You people who love government freebies are selfish!
Nurses and Doctors are doing a job that is far more important than acting or running for senator! They save people's lives more than any government legislation could ever achieve!
I wish our politicians, trial lawyers, doctors, medical ethicists, and celebrities who simply must get involved with everything would come right out and admit that human life is cheap and stop beating around the bush.
Canadians wait in line for one simple reason:
People reproduce with less forthought than they put into buying a new television. Quantity over quality.
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