When feeding time at the zoo "Burger King" goes wrong, the animals get nasty.

A black female and her friends decided to act like a bunch of monkeys in a zoo at a local Burger King in Panama Beach earlier this week. I guess you can take a person out of the ghetto, but you can't take the ghetto out of the person.The lady in the bikini standing on top of the counter is Kimesa Smith who attacked a Burger King employee with the Charity Jar from the counter, because "her Whooper Jr wasn't ready fast enough".
It's bad enough that Kimesa Smith and her friends were behaving like a bunch of shiftless monkeys, but Ms Smith isn't even a college student on Spring Break. She is a 31 year old mother of four children! I can almost expect drunken teenagers on spring break to act like this, but this is a mother acting like this. I've been to fast food places where my food wasn't ready in a timely manner, but it never dawned on me to ever act in the fashion these people acted. The real losers in all of this are Ms. Smith's kids. With her as their "parental role model" , their futures really aren't looking very bright. If you all are wondering whether Ms. Smith regretted acting like an ignorant fool, this is what she had to say. "We tore the Burger King up "I don't play no games."This is the Police report of the incident. I'm surprised she didn't blame the police for her being arrested due to her own actions. I have a gut feeling that her four children are from different fathers. Gee, I wonder what would make me come to that conclusion?
That is crazy. What a wack job.
Sad, isnt it?
Your deprecation shows real courage Alpha Conservative. The key is the understanding that the misfortunes of a race is deeply rooted in genetics. It is this understanding that enables the control mechanism. It is also why negroes are parcel democrat/liberals. Liberalism appeals directly to their genetic instints. I commend Alpha Conservative for understanding that self deprecation can help to enlighten.
Anonymous, your statements are a bit humorous and this being the Internet, we don't know think when people speak.
How about some soccer, South Africa of course, just held the World Cup last year so they are serious about soccer but often those countries that do indeed produce good players like Nigeria, Cameroon and Ghana hire "foreign" coaches.
In Ghana a "foreign" or white coach said "The Africans played well but lacked discipline", what does one make of that?? It is a bit like Anonymous' statement. And people would wonder, well, would that be a racist statement?? I have problems calling things like that racist but I may be wrong.
On the other side of the coin, I've read and I'm registered with Vanguard Magazine in Nigeria, it's been a big deal about their National Soccer Team of Nigeria, the Super Eagles. You can read comments like we comment here on their team. You know, some people criticize their Football Federation for hiring a "White Witchdoctor" to make things better.
How about Jimmy the Greek that guy?? I believe he has passed away but so many people will look at what he said around the '80s I suppose that blacks were better athletes in the NFL or something like this because all of those years of slavery helped them pack on the muscle or made them better athletes, that's the substance of it. wiki link Jimmy the Greek got sacked for that by CBS and probably didn't really realize he was saying wrong. To tell you the truth, if that is all that he said, I don't think it was bad to say such.
Food for thought.
Anon;"The key is the understanding that the misfortunes of a race is deeply rooted in genetics. It is this understanding that enables the control mechanism".
What in the sam hill is that supposed to mean?? Are you saying Blacks (or the "misfortune" of Blacks) is due to a genetic trait?
Anon;"I commend Alpha Conservative for understanding that self deprecation can help to enlighten".
"Self deprecation"???? Wait a minute... Why don't you cut out the mumbo-jumbo and plainly state your case.
Tyrone, if I'm interpreting Anon's post correctly, it sounds like he's calling "all Blacks" animals... including you!
The only thing that shocked me about this video, was that it took place, in sunny Florida! For my own personal health issues, I have refrained from eating at local fast food establishments, especially those centered in predominately black neighbohoods! Over the years, I've witnessed some pretty embarassing situations, which took place at a number of local food franchises, where both ghetto-minded black customers and employees, behaved in such a coonish, and sambo-like manner, but nothing to this extreme. What's even more horrific, are the loud-mouth, ignorant fools in the background egging this moronic woman on! In our day and age of political-correctness, many individuals on the left, will dismiss the behavior, of this imbecelic woman as some kind o typical stereotype, to further tarnish the collective image of black woman. As a college educated black woman myself, this is not a stereotype, concocted from the old Hollywood Studio System, It's an unfortunate reality, centered on certain behavior patterns, adopted by a high concentration of a number of verbally-challenged, and uneducated black women! The sad part of this disgusting melee, is that it will further hurt the perception of many intelligent, and morally-upstanding black woman like myself, no matter what we accomplish in this society, because this woman is being told that she is some kind of victim, by a number of educated people, who should no better, but will just continue to capitilize on her ignorance, and the rest of our misguided community! Economically, Burger King, and other fast food franchises, especially those managed by blacks, are at a severe lost, as are the number of responsible, decent, and hard-working black applicants, both young and old, who'll unfortunately be turned away, from possible future employment, due to this ignorant woman's, shameless behavior. (Renee).
p allen "What in the sam hill is that supposed to mean?? Are you saying Blacks (or the "misfortune" of Blacks) is due to a genetic trait?"
Of course you don't believe that allen, and neither do I, so why get worked up over it? It is funny to me that people actually think such things.
p allen "Tyrone, if I'm interpreting Anon's post correctly, it sounds like he's calling "all Blacks" animals... including you!"
We both know that animals do not walk upright and speak English. So to give any attention to what he said is laughable on your part allen. Human beings didn't evolve from animals, we both know that. When I saw the message, I was going to delete it, but I decided to mainly post it just to see what your reaction was going to be. lol It was as expected.
CB;"but I decided to mainly post it just to see what your reaction was going to be. lol It was as expected".
You best believe, and without a doubt, my reaction was "as you expected!" However, I think Anon's reaction to your essay "wasn't what you expected."
After all, you're the one who referred to the crazy girl as an "animal." The idiot who posted it is commending and agreeing with "YOU" not me...
I have seen people act like this on "Hardcore Pawn" on TruTV.
anon "I have seen people act like this on "Hardcore Pawn" on TruTV."
It's funny that you mentioned one of my top 5 favorite shows. lol You're right to. I don't understand how Les and his family has survived in the Pawn business in Detroit all those years. I think one of the reasons why the show is so popular is, because how his customers act.
p allen "You best believe, and without a doubt, my reaction was "as you expected!" However, I think Anon's reaction to your essay "wasn't what you expected." "
Think about what you just said allen. I want you to think long and hard. How could I have known what an anonymous writer was going to write? Come on genius think. I get comments all the time that are flat out bizarre, odd, doesn't make any sense. I don't control people's thought patterns allen. I posted the anonymous comment to prove a point. My point was proven, thanks allen.
Quite the contrary Tyrone. I've read plenty of your essays where you believe that Blacks (eg; Whoopie Goldberg, etc...) were "race baiting" by injecting the possibility of race being a hidden or covert issue.
For the sake of the argument, let's assume the poster (Anonymous) is not Black. I thinks it's fair to say that they're not.
The post by Anonymous, although vague, appears to imply that Blacks have a "genetic" disposition, or tendency to act like wild animals. Your take on this assertion is;
"It is funny to me that people actually think such things".
as the poster "commended your self-deprecation", or for lack of a better term, admitting that genetically you're an Black animal also!
So it's "funny" when someone "covertly" calls you an Black animal, but it's "disgusting, vile, pitiful, and a race baiting troll when a Black person (Whoppie Goldberg who is just as Black as you) asks the question, "is it because he's Black?"
Someone calls you genetically prone to act like an animal and it's funny. Yet if asked "is it because you're Black" in your eye's it's "disgusting, vile, pitiful, and race baiting." Think about what you just said Tyrone. I want you to think long and hard.
p allen "Quite the contrary Tyrone. I've read plenty of your essays where you believe that Blacks (eg; Whoopie Goldberg, etc...) were "race baiting" by injecting the possibility of race being a hidden or covert issue.
The "possibility"? I presented them in their own words allen. I guess we aren't to believe what we are hearing and reading allen. Should we all just take the red pill and avoid reality as it is? You don't have a problem with their race baiting. You have a problem when someone is smart enough to figure it out and then comment and expose them for doing it. What can I say, tough luck. You obviously watched the videos I posted of Whoopi, why does she always bring up race in issues that don't involve it allen?
p allen "For the sake of the argument, let's assume the poster (Anonymous) is not Black. I thinks it's fair to say that they're not.
The post by Anonymous, although vague, appears to imply that Blacks have a "genetic" disposition, or tendency to act like wild animals. Your take on this assertion is;
You know who else who seems to believe along the same lines as Anonymous allen? Obama's Attorney General Eric Holder. He's the one who believes that blacks are too stupid to pass police and fire fighter entrance exams. You read the story. Does Eric Holder believe blacks are genetically inferior mentally? Why would he order the lowering of passing grade scores? So Eric Holder and Annoymous may be on the same page allen, imagine that.
p allen "It is funny to me that people actually think such things".
as the poster "commended your self-deprecation", or for lack of a better term, admitting that genetically you're an Black animal also!"
You're obsessed with this allen.
Allen, do you need a tissue, are some tears forming or what? Did you need a moment to compose yourself? I posted the comments to get a rise out of you, but I didn't know you would be offended and upset over a kookish and foolish comment. Do you want me to delete it? Just let me know.
p allen So it's "funny" when someone "covertly" calls you an Black animal, but it's "disgusting, vile, pitiful, and a race baiting troll when a Black person (Whoppie Goldberg who is just as Black as you) asks the question, "is it because he's Black?"
It's funny that people would think such things. News flash allen, there are mentally disturbed people in the world. I've entertained many insane comments from you over the years. I just laugh at them and go on. There use to be a poster on the blog that was even more deranged then the anonymous poster. Over time, he became more and more unstable. He is a black guy. He called me every race attack word under the sky, and I posted his comments. Eventually, he was becoming to vile for the blog and I banned him. He sometimes post on Booker Rising. You are going after me for something I didn't do, but you completely avoided saying anything about Whoopi being wrong on right. Don't think I didn't notice. I told you I know about the art of deflection allen.
p allen "Someone calls you genetically prone to act like an animal and it's funny. Yet if asked "is it because you're Black" in your eye's it's "disgusting, vile, pitiful, and race baiting." Think about what you just said Tyrone. I want you to think long and hard.
You try way too hard allen to try and make a valid point, when there isn't none to be made. With the comments by anon, there is a difference between "agreeing" with what he said and "laughing at his insanity". Let's put this to rest allen, because you aren't winning any points on this. Can you post my response to anonymous? Oh wait, there is none is there? So you are barking up a tree and there isn't even a cat to be found up there allen.
CB;"I posted the comments to get a rise out of you, but I didn't know you would be offended and upset over a kookish and foolish comment".
Come on Tyrone... It was obvious from my initial posted reaction that Anon's post rubbed me the wrong way. Anyone who reads my comments would know that someone referring to Blacks as being "genetically kin to wild animals" will get a rise out of me every time!
Look at it from this angle...
There are many people here in America and around the world that believe the nonsense such as Anonymous spews. As you and I both know, there is no evidence to prove such ignorance. Yet, with people like Anon in the world it's easy to "PROVE" that covert (and overt) racist attitudes exists.
Thus, I wouldn't find it "funny" if Whoopie or anyone else injected "genetics" as the reason for a races shortfalls or greatness. Had Whoopie said to John McCain, "White men are genetically prone to feel superior to all other races" would you think that would be "funny?"
According to the discussion and conversation regarding the constitution, Whoopie's question was legitimate. Granted, it might not have been "called for", but considering that slavery did exist and referenced in the U.S. constitution, the question was legitimate. Moreover, they all were able to "laugh" about the question after she asked it. I really don't think anyone would have laughed had she asked the other question.
CB;"Do you want me to delete it? Just let me know".
Not at all. It's always good to know what the other guy is thinking as long as you keep an eye one them, and use the right prospective.
This is just how the majority of blacks act. Then they cry whites don't like us because the color of are skin. No whites don't want to be around you because of how you act!!!
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