Sunday, October 14, 2012

The AP asks the taboo question "Do blacks support Obama because he is black"

A story came out yesterday by  Jesse Washington of the Associated Press. I was actually blown away, when I read the headline, and I was even more stunned as I was reading the story. I can't believe it took the Associated Depressed almost five years to do a story reporting the obvious. In light of the racial attacks black actress Stacey Dash is receiving for saying she will support Romney, Washington decided to actually do some journalism (which is rare for the AP) asking the politically taboo question "Are blacks supporting Obama because he is black". I beleive there is tons of evidence to support such a notion. I'm sure the rapper Ludacris would agree.

 Blacks don't support Obama just because he is black though. They support Obama because he is black and a Democrat progressive.  Blacks would vote for a white Democrat before they would ever vote for a black Republican for any political office, however since Obama is a Democrat, they see him in the light of being a "real black man" and white liberals are comfortable with Obama because he's not so black . Some people have asked me whether I believe that if Obama is defeated, will  his black supporters start race riots. That is a hard question to answer. You can never predict the actions of people who think on emotion. Obama has made it highly unlikely though that another black person will be considered anytime soon for the presidency. By the left constantly using Obama's race as a weapon to try and silence mainstream America's opposition to his policies and political doctrine, I simply do not see it happening. Also, there are those who will judge Obama's failure based on his race. Of course race doesn't determine how good or bad a person will be at a particular job, but there are those who see it like that. Personally, I do believe that Obama has been toxic for race relations as president. Last year in a Gallup poll, only 35% of Americans believed that race relations under Obama improved. When he was sworn in in January of 2009, 70% predicted race relations would improve. All the post racial hype of unity didn't even come close to panning out. I believe Obama's own supporters played a major role more so then Obama in that decline. When his supporters keep making every political and policy issue about Obama's race, it turned off a lot of people. As usual  with the left, they overreached and helped to alienate the very people Obama needs in order to have a chance at re election. His economic record hasn't helped his case much either.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Once you go black, you never go back-Obama, 2012"

Lol! You're not going to get me to wear one of those pins. I voted for Obama and I'm not going to vote for him again.

I have seen some Obama supporters complain about our economy and the price of gas, yet they still will vote for him. They would always go and blame Bush, about the recession. When I reminded them that Obama may have inherited $10 trillion from Bush, he added $6 trillion more instead of cutting the deficit like he promised.
-Big Pop

5:21 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"Blacks would vote for a white Democrat before they would ever vote for a black Republican for any political office".

Since you "KNOW" this to be true, how can you unarguably answer the question, "Do blacks support Obama because he is black", with a YES?

Perhaps the question should be framed; "Do blacks support Obama because he is a 'Black Democrat'? Or, "Do blacks support Obama because he is NOT a Black Republican?" Here, at least either way the question can be given a clear yes.

The bottom line is that blacks have for the past 5 to 6 decades voted Democrat, and it doesn't look like it's going to change any time soon. Conservatives can paint what ever picture they want as to why Blacks vote Democrat. Frankly, blacks have seen and heard them all. Yet nothing the conservatives say or do seems to work in turning blacks away from the Democratic Party.

Tyrone, on one of the other threads an obviously racist poster named Herbert Waitman posted some pretty interesting rhetoric. He said something along the lines that blacks needed to be led by whites, otherwise blacks would turn society into a jungle. Of course I wrote such stupidity off as the racist garbage it is.

However, I thought about his assertion that conservative blacks are being led by their ideological white counterparts. Frankly, that indeed is true. Hold your outrage Tyrone, I'm not finished. By the same token, the same goes for black liberal Democrats. Blacks are effectively being led by both political party's.

It's something I've said many times on your blog Tyrone... We as Blacks need to have our own political, economic, social, educational and spiritual ideology and social structure. It's not a "racist" idea, nor is it a call for separation. It's a call for community, no different than the Arab, Asian, Jewish, or even the Mormon or Amish communities.

1:06 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen "Since you "KNOW" this to be true, how can you unarguably answer the question, "Do blacks support Obama because he is black", with a YES? "

Help me out on this allen. Name me a black republican who was elected to office running as a republican in a mostly black district. If you can't name any and when, then what I said is what I KNOW AS THE TRUTH, thank you.

p allen "The bottom line is that blacks have for the past 5 to 6 decades voted Democrat, and it doesn't look like it's going to change any time soon."

Thank you fot admitting the truth. Blacks look stupid when they try to make an issue about diversity and the GOP, because it is their loyalty to the Democratic Party which has prevented many blacks who are Republicans but live in mostly black area form being elected and expanding the level of diversity within the GOP. It's not the GOP's fault nor the black republican candidates. So when blacks call black republican tokens, again it just shows how ignorant and clueless blacks are because their voting habits have contributed to this perception.

p allen "Conservatives can paint what ever picture they want as to why Blacks vote Democrat. Frankly, blacks have seen and heard them all. Yet nothing the conservatives say or do seems to work in turning blacks away from the Democratic Party. "

Of course not. the GOP can't win for losing with blacks. If they reach out, the party leaders accuse them or pandering. If they don't reach out, they are then accused of not caring about blacks. So what can they do? I would like to know what the Democratic Party has done to earn this subservient loyalty by blacks besides painting Republicans as the white boogeyman party. Blacks who are conservative or are republicans hold a completely different set of values then blacks who vote Democrat. That will never change.

p allen "Tyrone, on one of the other threads an obviously racist poster named Herbert Waitman posted some pretty interesting rhetoric. He said something along the lines that blacks needed to be led by whites, otherwise blacks would turn society into a jungle. Of course I wrote such stupidity off as the racist garbage it is. "

I let the Herbert name post for a reason primarily to see how you were going to react to him. Normally, I wouldn't have even approved such garbage on this blog, but I knew you would have responded to it. I wanted to wait and see would you brand this guy as a conservative who represented the majority of conservatives and then try to use him to race bait me. I was right on all three counts. Personally, I think the guy is a fool. If you notice, the screen name was created a few days ago. There is no way to verify whether he is a really a conservative or not. Any person can create a name and post allen. I don't have proof one way or another to whether he is a far right winger or a progressive plant trying to bait me. It goes back to what I said awhile back about fake conservatives trying to stir up trouble. I've read stories of busted liberal ops showing up at tea party rallies with a racist sign and their friend taking a picture and posting it on their blogs as the smoking gun of racism on display at tea party rallies. I use to pose as a liberal in the yahoo political lobby 6 just to mess with their heads and report back to pl7 which was a conservative lobby room what the kooks were saying in room 6. It never entered your mind once whether this guy was real or just trying to pull my leg. Since you have a prejudice against conservatives in general, he simply fit your template right allen?

1:51 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen "It's something I've said many times on your blog Tyrone... We as Blacks need to have our own political, economic, social, educational and spiritual ideology and social structure. It's not a "racist" idea, nor is it a call for separation. It's a call for community, no different than the Arab, Asian, Jewish, or even the Mormon or Amish communities."

Doesn't that goes counter to what the whole Civil Rights movement was about allen? Not all black people do not want to live in all black communities or isolate themselves off from different cultures. There are blacks like you described who embraces the black value system of Obama's church. To a point, what you described is already happening. Most of the inner cities across America are made up of blacks, but look at the communities within them. You remember the video I posted a few months ago on the day Rodney King died? The video showed a black business owner crying, because other black thugs burned down his business during the La Riots. Blacks are poising one another through the illegal drug trade and killing each other off every night across America. The problems are much deeper then some sort of segregation can even being to solve. Here in Baltimore in Highland town and upper Fells Point, Hispanics have come in and taken over. Many do not speak English, but they have built businesses and remodeled homes in those area. I always joke that in 15 years, they will run Baltimore. It just may come true. They want the American dream and are family oriented. I hate to say it, but many blacks don't aspire to that.Many Jewish families teach their kids about finance at an early age. Once again it comes down to having an intact family unit to provide guidance and motivation to the child. How can that happen in the black community with a 75% out of wedlock birth rate? Until that is fixed, everything else you with for blacks will only be a dream allen.

2:08 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

Big Pop "I have seen some Obama supporters complain about our economy and the price of gas, yet they still will vote for him. They would always go and blame Bush, about the recession. When I reminded them that Obama may have inherited $10 trillion from Bush, he added $6 trillion more instead of cutting the deficit like he promised."

They only care about the issues when a Republican is in the White House. It just goes to show how phony they are Big Pop. If Romney wins, then you will see them start raising hell about gas prices, the debt, unemployment, inflation etc.

2:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

P. Allen-"It's something I've said many times on your blog Tyrone... We as Blacks need to have our own political, economic, social, educational and spiritual ideology and social structure. It's not a "racist" idea, nor is it a call for separation. It's a call for community, no different than the Arab, Asian, Jewish, or even the Mormon or Amish communities."

I would assume Allen, if a white person were to go and say the same thing what you just said, many liberals will say that statement itself is "racist". It sounds to me that it is encouraging to segregate the American way of life. We're already a diverse nation, we need unity.
-Big Pop

2:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was listening to Sean Hannity the other day and a caller who identified himself as a Black man and an Obama supporter was being frustrated when Hannity was hitting him with facts; finally came out and said "WE ARE NOT GOING TO VOTE FOR A RICH WHITE MAN TO BE PRESIDENT."

I wish Hannity would have asked him then if Herman Cain was the GOP candidate, would he vote for him?

10:20 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

Anonymous "I was listening to Sean Hannity the other day and a caller who identified himself as a Black man and an Obama supporter was being frustrated when Hannity was hitting him with facts; finally came out and said "WE ARE NOT GOING TO VOTE FOR A RICH WHITE MAN TO BE PRESIDENT.""

I was listening to Sean's show Friday when the black guy made that statement. Sean should have asked the caller, was he going to vote for the rich black guy againg for president. Facts means nothing to progressives. They are fueled by nothing more then talking points and emotion, that's it.Sean was picking that guy apart, and when the black guy ran through his TP's he revereted to his true self any way he's voting for Obama. That black guy wouldn't have voted for Cain, he would have given so BS excuse about Cain not either being really black or isn't down with the black community, like Obama is.

1:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@ Alpha Conservative Male-
Combing through the blogsphere in the days after the first debate, I came upon your site via the blog roll at Reason and Sanity. My Blogger account is new because I chose to make an un-anonymous comment. I am a 46 year old white male conservative who lives in the northern Ohio/southern Michigan area. I see no need in playing games on your site, or anybody elses. Your site has comment moderation, you can shut out who ever you choose. Just so you will know, I mean what I say and say what I mean.

@ p anthony allen-
Number 1- The name is WALTHAM.

2. Fatcs are facts allen. You can like it or lump it.

5:40 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;" let the Herbert name post for a reason primarily to see how you were going to react to him. Normally, I wouldn't have even approved such garbage on this blog, but I knew you would have responded to it".

Oh please Tyrone.... I've seen more than a few overtly racist comments made on your blog. Just this month someone posted a link to the Storm Front website.

CB;"I wanted to wait and see would you brand this guy as a conservative who represented the majority of conservatives and then try to use him to race bait me. I was right on all three counts".

I've never told you or anyone else that the "majority" of conservatives are racist. I never said it or implied it when answering his assertions, or answering anything you wrote. So, how is that race baiting you?

Big Pop;"I would assume Allen, if a white person were to go and say the same thing what you just said, many liberals will say that statement itself is "racist".

Big Pop, allow me to show you what I mean.

Read what this group's mission statement says.

They openly say, "The purpose of this organization shall be to promote unity, support and a Jewish awareness, as well as to provide a Jewish experience for ourselves, our members, and the community as a whole".

How about this Asian group?.

"Unity is our strength and priority".

I could go on pointing out other organizations in the American "minority" that promote cultural and political unity, but I just hope that you get my drift.

Let's not concern ourselves with what "liberals" would think, I'd like to know what "you" think. Do you see these groups as racist? Are these groups attempting to separate themselves from the rest of American society?

Are you aware of these statistics;
-70% of black children born out of wedlock.
-12%-13% of the American population is African-American, but they make up 40.1% of the almost 2.1 million male inmates in jail or prison
-47 percent of Black males are graduating from high school.
That's just naming a few...

I believe that a "community" effort is needed to resolve these problems. Black conservatives often cite these, and then reference the community efforts of the "old days", when blacks had businesses (in our own communities) got married (to other blacks in our own communities) and raised families (in our own communities), elected officials (in our own communities) educated our children (in our own communities) where their was often a spiritual connection (in our own communities).

2:02 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"Once again it comes down to having an intact family unit to provide guidance and motivation to the child. How can that happen in the black community with a 75% out of wedlock birth rate? Until that is fixed, everything else you with for blacks will only be a dream allen".

My point now has some clarity Tyrone. I hope now you can see that many black conservatives, just like yourself, are talking out both sides of your mouths!

I often hear black conservatives (including yourself) say, "40 plus years ago blacks were getting married, raised their children properly, sent their kids to school and church, etc..." This was the norm because more black "COMMUNITIES" and families were intact. Yet, when I suggest the blacks take up the EXACT SAME ideological path, suddenly it becomes "Obama's church boogie man Rev. Wright" styled values. You're talking out the side of your neck Tyrone.

Your racist poster had a point. Something or someone has "LED" you to an unreasoned contradictory conclusion. How can you be "for" the cohesive black communities of 40 plus years ago, yet be against applying the EXACT SAME ideology in order to resolve many of the problems today? Some how blacks have to come to realize our own communities are more important than any political party, Democrat or Republican.

2:44 AM  
Anonymous Marc said...

Tyrone said, "Here in Baltimore in Highland town and upper Fells Point, Hispanics have come in and taken over. Many do not speak English, but they have built businesses and remodeled homes in those area. I always joke that in 15 years, they will run Baltimore. It just may come true. They want the American dream and are family oriented."

So do you support the Dream Act and comprehensive immigration reform then, Tyrone???? Are you voting YES on question 4 this Fall for those hard working undocumented youth, Ty?? I ask because I know you live in the great state of Maryland. Based on your comments here, where you imply they are smarter and work harder than the lazy, dumb blacks in Baltimore City, YOU SURE SHOULD!!! If you are, good!

Because you and many other conservatives can whine all day long and call names out of anger about the way blacks vote, but the funny thing is Mexican Americans - and Hispanic Americans in general - largely vote Democratic as well, as do Asian Americans.
And those smart, hard working,entrepreneurial Indian Americans overwhelmingly vote democratic, too .....despite Bobby Jindal and Nikki Haley, LOL. My one Indian friend did not even know who the hell Nikki Haley was. I know, I know, blame the lamestream lib media for that one. I do blame them for a lot, but not this one. Sorry, Ty. I made the excuse for you, though.

One of the main reasons the California GOP has no real power in the state government anymore is because of the Hispanic and Asian vote. Hispanics and Asians outnumber blacks in California by the way, Tyrone. So stop blaming blacks for your the GOP's inability to capture urban votes! lol You guy's problem has gotten worst than that in the last 20 years. Other minorities make a difference now, too.

So the those stupid blacks who just want welfare checks and hand outs - as you all bitterly suggest - are not the GOP's only problem anymore. Obama is on point to get 61 to 70 of the Hispanic vote in two weeks, even though they are not even that happy with him. Even your buddy Dick Morris admitted that may be a real problem! Even he admitted that! In fact, Newt Gingrich told Greta Van Susteren the only reason the presidential race is even still close at this point, when it should not be, is because of minority voting patterns. MINORITY, Tyrone, not just blacks. Minority votes are much more than the black votes you guys whine about on a day to day basis. I am not voting for Obama or Romney. But the GOP needs to stop whining and accept that it is their own fault they will not get the overwhelming numbers of black and...MINORITY vote they would like in certain places in the country. The same sex vote would be a good start, though.

Oh one more thing.......some of the wealthiest black people I know personally and know of vote Democratic. In fact, the first African American billionaire, Bob Johnson, is a strong, pro-business Democrat. He supported Hillary Clinton for president over Obama in 2008. Bob Johnson even maligned Obama in the 2008 Democratic primary for his admitted drug use. They made him apologize later. So please don't call Johnson a black, Democrat racist for voting and being a Democrat out of desperation, Tyrone. lol

6:11 PM  

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