Friday, December 12, 2014

The collective IQ of the Hands Up Movement summed up in 15 seconds?

I've been having a little bit of fun with the hands up theme. What do you get when you mix Woodsy the Owl with the "Hands Up Don't Shoot"?

Hands up don't pollute, if you don't give a hoot then I will shoot!!

My favorite one about the protesters is "Stop showing your ass, go back to class"

Anyways,  people who are in this "hands up" and now the "can't breath" crowd aren't the brightest among us.  Back during the "Occupy" movement, I said that those who were involved didn't even truly understand why they were involved. From Occupy to "hands up", the protesters have one thing in common. They are and were made up of primarily young people.

As much as the media and others on the left would have everybody to believe that this is a national movement representing all walks of life, that would be wrong. Furthermore if police brutality is such a problem in the black community as the left wants to Gruber us into believing, then why aren't older black folks among the protesters? When you look at the latest fade known as the "die-ins" and see the ground covered now with young white suburban teens, you just have to shake your head and laugh at what a joke this astro turf movement truly is.If you take a very good look at the videos of all the protesters, you'll notice that it's hard to spot any hands up protesters over the age of 25 especially not in their 30's and older. Most young people do not have a clue about anything in life. If any of these young minds of mush in the hands up/can't breath crowd were asked what is the end game strategy to continuing to protest and block traffic, they will give a very vague answer and a dazed look, because they don't know themselves. Here's an example of how intellectually on the down low the protesters are. Just remember no matter how large a balloon representing a lie looks, a solid pin of truth can burst it with ease.    A Fox News reporter interviewed a black female protester, and he asked her one simple question. The rest speaks for itself.


Anonymous Vincent said...

"Pants up. Don't loot."
I was very upset about the death of Garner whom I would refer to as a capitalist.
My problem with our Marxist Millennials, who are in fact headed my way to the Philly suburbs, is the mixing of the two cases. It's just not rational.

Have civil rights come from the top down(Feds) or the bottom up(the citizens? Isn't that the crux of this whole matter?

1:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Historical Figures you didn't know were black Some here might, I did not. Thank you. Had to post even if it is admittedly off-topic

4:02 PM  
Blogger Renee said...

What is so frightening about that clip is that the majority of those knuckleheads are registered Democrat voters who supported & voted for Obama, not once but twice!

At least she was honest enough in admitting by default, that she had no idea of what the Michael Brown, staged protest meant! But hey, she is the future brain dead youth of our not to distant future. Be very, very afraid America!

11:12 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;" you just have to shake your head and laugh at what a joke this astro turf movement truly is.If you take a very good look at the videos of all the protesters, you'll notice that it's hard to spot any hands up protesters over the age of 25 especially not in their 30's and older. Most young people do not have a clue about anything in life".

You're pointing out that most of the protesters are young??? Is that supposed to be some kind of "sign of detriment?" Are you serious, or are you just ignorantly dense?

Almost every movement for social change, the "YOUNG" are pivotal to the movement. Young people were a key factor in the Civil Right Movement. M.L. King was TWENTY SIX years old when he led the Montgomery Bus Boycott. At 22 years old, Congressman John Lewis played a key role in the movement.And if you don't know who Claudette Colvin (who was 15 years old at the time of the boycott) I suggest you look-up her role in the the Civil Rights Movement.

Moreover, one of the most important organizations during the Civil Rights Movement was a group called SNCC (which was formally known as "snick"). And guess what the "S" in SNCC stands for? STUDENT! The organization was formed and founded by college students. And what about the lunch counter sit-in's? The Freedom Rides? These were all led by young people, mostly under the age of 25.

It's just crazy how you can dream up an idiotic narrative just to attack a movement that you don't like, or agree with. Castigating the movement because of "young people" Tyrone? Really? It's you who really doesn't have a clue...

12:30 AM  
Anonymous Indigo said...

Teenagers and young adults protesting, without even knowing the facts involved, points to major problems with the under 30 generation. Many have not been trained or conditioned to gather the evidence, to weigh the evidence using logic, and then to draw only such reasonable conclusions as the evidence permits; If conjecture, speculation or opinion is given, then to say so, and keep an open mind until more evidence can be weighed in.

The young generation has often been told what to think (“pc” agenda of the left) instead of how to think, and how to use the tools of leaning. Worse, just like some parents who try to clone themselves in their children instead of helping them cultivate their abilities, students in public schools in recent years have been taken advantage of as a captive audience and force fed wacky opinions of teachers, administrators, and powers that be. Many high school graduates are sorely lacking in the basics of reading, writing and arithmetic, much less independent investigation and research.

In the car insurance industry 18-24 year old males have the highest rates because they are the wildest and most dangerous drivers. (Myself when I turned 25 my insurance rate dropped by one half.) Political and moral views of children, teens, and young adults are often imitations of parents or guardians, and peer groups. They do not really not what they are and believe until they start working as an adult in the world and have to navigate hard knocks, and friends, and enemies, and realities, for their own selves.

When the democrats / leftists / progressives have children making political speeches and being tokens on stage to pass legislation, it makes me cringe. Those immature children are being abused to emotionally persuade adults. Even accomplished college students don't know yet. Being an outspoken advocate who works on Wall Street is a whole different life and death thing, than being a student body president.

10:28 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

Vincent said...
"Pants up. Don't loot."
I was very upset about the death of Garner whom I would refer to as a capitalist.

Yes he was a capitalist, and I am going to go into greater detail on that, because there is a underlying story that many people aren't hearing. All we hear about is the now famous catch phrase "I can't breath", but when the facts are truly presented, Eric Garner was killed for simply selling a product that he legally purchased. Though Eric Garner should have just allow himself to be arrested to avoid the whole confrontation aspect, however selling loose cigarettes should NOT be a crime to begin with.

Vincent said "Have civil rights come from the top down(Feds) or the bottom up(the citizens? Isn't that the crux of this whole matter?"

I believe that the citizens forced the government to act on civil right. Congress normally ignores the masses until the masses start acting out, then the politicians take notice out of fear of losing their precious power and then take action.

renee xuereb said...
What is so frightening about that clip is that the majority of those knuckleheads are registered Democrat voters who supported & voted for Obama, not once but twice!

Oh yeah, it's beyond scary and then some. Young people are reality's version of Zombie Nation. I guarantee you that most of them do not even know who Joe Biden is!
No, they truly do not know who Joe Biden is! These morons are protesting for two people they never knew, yet these very same people mostly do not even have jobs to support themselves. That's how messed up their logic is. Jonathan Gruber was right unfortunately. When people allow themselves to be dumbed down so low, it's almost child's play for politicians to take advantage of their lack of intelligence.

renee xuereb said "At least she was honest enough in admitting by default, that she had no idea of what the Michael Brown, staged protest meant! But hey, she is the future brain dead youth of our not to distant future. Be very, very afraid America!"

When the reporter presented her with the facts, the talking point fantasy she was fed got bogged down and the gears in her head came to a grinding halt. That question the Fox News reporter asked is one that the Saint Michael crowd can't debate. Black witnesses saw the whole thing and said that Brown did not have his hands up and that he was charging towards Darren Wilson. These question(the solid pin)their illusion of hands up (the big balloon) can't over come.

1. Why would more then one black witness say that Saint Michael didn't have his hands up?
2. Since there was no financial gain but only potential harm for testifying, why did the black witnesses testify that Saint Michael didn't have his hands up unless it was the truth? There was no reason for them to lie.

That is why the young girl made a fool out of herself. If she had the facts, that wouldn't have happened.

1:02 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen said "You're pointing out that most of the protesters are young??? Is that supposed to be some kind of "sign of detriment?" Are you serious, or are you just ignorantly dense?"

No, I am factually accurate, you should try it sometimes allen, it's fun being it. I would guess that you never heard the term "with age comes wisdom and knowledge". Conservative minded young people are obviously the exception to the rule. Most progressive young people can't even name the vice president of the United States, who their congress person is or who their U.S Senator is! They don't understand anything about the constitution or even the history of their own freaking country allen!! So with that being said,
they are CLUELESS!! I rest my case.

p allen said "Almost every movement for social change, the "YOUNG" are pivotal to the movement. Young people were a key factor in the Civil Right Movement. M.L. King was TWENTY SIX years old when he led the Montgomery Bus Boycott. At 22 years old, Congressman John Lewis played a key role in the movement.And if you don't know who Claudette Colvin (who was 15 years old at the time of the boycott) I suggest you look-up her role in the the Civil Rights Movement."

Prove it allen, When you look through the archives of the marches, sit ins, boycotts, the people shown were adults 30+ and over not teenagers. Why aren't people 30 years and older apart of the hands up and I can't breath protests? Um could it be, because adults know better then to waste their time on this, just like they weren't a major part of the occupy fade. If young people basically spark change, why isn't nothing happening with all these die ins, blocking traffic etc? hmm? The same way the Occupy movement didn't change one thing, this isn't going to do anything else. Oh matter of fact, the kids are trying to find new ways to stay relevant sine the Grand Juries rulings are done. Simple concept allen. without purpose all movements fall apart due to lack of direction, and this is not exception. Oh one last thing, the Civil Rights movement had a defined purpose and objective. That's why it took hold and it was successful. What's going on now can't even be compared in the least to the Civil Rights Movement. Look around you, people are going on with their lives. The protest stories are getting pushed back further and further in the news cycles. There is nothing new to report.

1:32 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

Indigo said..."Teenagers and young adults protesting, without even knowing the facts involved, points to major problems with the under 30 generation".

Democratic Congressman John Dingell said it best."
"It takes a long time to do the necessary steps through legislation to CONTROL THE PEOPLE." The more gullible, detached and clueless the masses are the easier it is to control the people. Obama spent more time visiting colleges and universities during his 2008 and 2012 campaigns then he did businesses or churches. Young people are not known for being critical thinkers. Those under 30 tend to be idealist and dreamers, those 30 and over tend to be realists. The real world has a way of deprogramming the junk they were spoon fed by their professors in college, too bad it's just not at an accelerated pace.

Indigo said "Many have not been trained or conditioned to gather the evidence, to weigh the evidence using logic, and then to draw only such reasonable conclusions as the evidence permits; If conjecture, speculation or opinion is given, then to say so, and keep an open mind until more evidence can be weighed in."

Right,conservatives are critical thinkers. That's why they actually hold the GOP accountable for what they do, and aren't mindless political drones. They call the party leaders out when they try to play conservatives for fools. Young people think with their emotions. They feel that things should be a certain way, but we both know that critical thinking and feelings are two completely different things. There is no rational reason for the use of Common Core in the schools other then to create an legion of non critical thinking social justice spewing drones.

1:51 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"Prove it allen, When you look through the archives of the marches, sit ins, boycotts, the people shown were adults 30+ and over not teenagers".

Hmmmmm? How can I "prove" to you that Dr. M.L. King Jr. was 26 years old in 1955 when he led the Montgomery Bus Boycott? Honestly, I can't prove it to "YOU." If you don't want to believe it, how can I prove it! Okay, Dr. King was 35 years old in 1955. Every black person in the student organization SNCC were all over 30. Blacks were in High School until they were 28 or 29 years old.

The article I linked to from The U.S. Library of Congress, and everything else written about young people being involved in the Civil Rights Movement is all a big fat LIE! There were no students (or very few, take your pick...) involved in sit-ins or school desegregation. The students that took part in these protests were all in their 30's, 40's and 50's.

The Civil Rights Movement began just after the end of World War II (if you want to believe it did not, it's okay because Black history is all a big lie). By the height of the CRM in 1960, all of the blacks that began the movement were now in their late 40's or late 50's. Dr. King was 60 years old. His youthful supporters such as John Lewis, Jesse Jackson, Julian Bond, etc.. were all 50 years of age or older. By then activists such as Paul Roberson and Thurgood Marshall were well into their HUNDREDS.

Here's a propaganda fake video showing 35 and 40 year old Negroes claiming to be students from the 1960's sit-ins. Sickening, isn't it? All the LIES and deceit those Negroes tell us should be rectified. You're just the Black guy to do it! Young Blacks are just plain stupid. Young Blacks had absolutely nothing to do with the Civil Rights Movement. It was a movement of people who were 30 to 100+ years old.

Dr. King Jr. spent 80 years of his life to allow these stupid, dumb, ignorant, racist and violent blacks the right to protest. And what do they do? They march and protest to support criminals who try to kill good and decent white police!

Mike Brown- A violent drug addict thug who tried to kill a police officer. Trayvon Martin- Attacks a good and decent Hispanic, and tried to kill him for keeping his neighborhood safe from thieves and drug addicts like Trayvon. Tamir Rice-Who pointed a gun at police and thought he wouldn't get two to the gut. Eric Garner- who evaded taxes and resisted arrest. Stupid Negroes need to learn not to confront police...especially white police!

You're the teacher Tyrone! You're doing a real good job re-writing Black history. Hell, I think I'm beginning to hate black people just as much as you!

5:24 PM  
Anonymous Indigo said...

(Tyrone, I hope you see fit to allow excerpts from the following article (in 2 parts), since it is so critical to not only the issue of your post, but also to America today.)

The Left’s War Against Justice And Peace: What Conservatives Still Must Understand About Progressives Dec 10, 2014 by David Horowitz

“When rioters and “protesters” defend criminals and attack the police it is not a protest. It is an attack. When radicals and rioters defend the guilty and attempt to prosecute the innocent, it is not a protest. It is an attack. When they make race an issue when it is clearly not an issue, it is an attack. When whites are regarded as guilty before the fact and blacks guiltless even after the facts show they are guilty, it is not a protest; it is an attack. It is a calculated attack and the target is America, is us.

“No Justice, No Peace!” is the cry of modern lynch mobs. It means “Our Justice, Or Else” - or else we will burn your city down. Or else we will burn your system down. This is the agenda of the left in the streets and of their supporters in the White House and the Democratic Party: “We are going to fundamentally transform the United States of America: your system of justice, your system of governance and your system of laws. If we can’t do that, we are going to burn it down.

Conservatives need to stop dropping their jaws when progressives say “My mind is made up don’t confuse me with the facts” – and mean it. Conservatives need to recognize that the only facts that matter to progressives are the ones that justify their attacks. The mobs who have occupied our streets are not protesting injustice. They are a lynch mob demanding their due. They want officers of the law handcuffed and hung, and criminals (aka “political prisoners”) set free. They want honest juries disbanded, and racist judgments the rule..... “

To be continued -

8:25 PM  
Anonymous Indigo said...

continued from above -
(Note: MEDICAL NOTES ON ERIC GARNER DEATH IN PUT IN CAPS, use link at end for fuller analysis)

" ... The trigger of the current progressive assault, which has inspired mobs in over 100 American cities, is the Eric Garner case in New York. Many conservatives eager to be reasonable have suggested that the racial arsonists may have a point. Actually they don’t. Most conservatives realize that the “Hands Up Don’t Shoot” slogan, which pretends that the Ferguson criminal, Michael Brown, was innocent and the white police officer Darren Wilson guilty is false. BUT THE ERIC GARNER SLOGAN “I CAN’T BREATHE” WHICH SUGGESTS GARNER WAS CHOKED TO DEATH BECAUSE HE WAS BLACK IS EQUALLY A LIE. GARNER WASN’T CHOKED TO DEATH, AND HE DIDN’T DIE BECAUSE OF THE COLOR OF HIS SKIN.


8:27 PM  
Anonymous Indigo said...

Somebody said LeBron should wear a shirt saying: “Be A Better Father” instead of I can't breathe. I second that motion. Anyway, here is what I came to add to the comments:

In a child's life, the first authority figures SHOULD be the mother and FATHER.

To maintain civility in our cities, the front line authority figures are the POLICE.

For many of these young protestors, their rage against the police is really a displace rage against their own (inadequate) fathers.

Consider Trayvon Martin – his father was not raising him.

Consider Michael Brown – his father was not raising him.

8:57 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen "You're the teacher Tyrone! You're doing a real good job re-writing Black history. Hell, I think I'm beginning to hate black people just as much as you!"

Um, I'm not the one trying to link this laughable and pathetic farce of a movement to that of the 60's civil right era the last time I checked. Let me guess, Al Sharpton is the MLK of this movement?lol Yeah, good luck with

p allen "Mike Brown- A violent drug addict thug who tried to kill a police officer. Trayvon Martin- Attacks a good and decent Hispanic, and tried to kill him for keeping his neighborhood safe from thieves and drug addicts like Trayvon. Tamir Rice-Who pointed a gun at police and thought he wouldn't get two to the gut. Eric Garner- who evaded taxes and resisted arrest. Stupid Negroes need to learn not to confront police...especially white police!"

Now you are getting it allen, high five!!(sarcasm)

If Trayvon would have asked Zimmerman what was going on, he would still be alive. If Saint Michael wouldn't have stolen the cigars, assaulted the store owner and got into a psychical altercation with Darren Wilson, he would still be alive. If Eric Garner would have just allowed himself to be arrested, he would be alive. The only person I truly feel for in a way is Eric Garner, out of the three, he wasn't a violent thug. So why did you bring up the race of the cops. So you are proving my point that blacks lives killed do not matter UNLESS the killer is "WHITE" cop. So if Eric Garner and Saint Michael were killed by BLACK COPS, this wouldn't be an issue for you. But if you have an issue with race, then you should have an issue with the BLACK FEMALE NYPD Sargent who was on the scene and let this happen and defended what happened. But then again, that would mean you would have to be honest,eeeyeah about that.

9:44 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

Indigo "Indigo said...
Somebody said LeBron should wear a shirt saying: “Be A Better Father” instead of I can't breathe."

We can't have that kind of crazy talk Indgio. If Lebron was to wear such a shirt promoting personal responsibility among black men and to be in their child's lives instead of being a sperm depository, he would be labeled a sellout for doing that. Wearing an I can't breath shirt is safer for his street cred.

Indigo said "In a child's life, the first authority figures SHOULD be the mother and FATHER.
To maintain civility in our cities, the front line authority figures are the POLICE.
For many of these young protestors, their rage against the police is really a displace rage against their own (inadequate) fathers."

I believe you have point. Certain blacks do have a problem with authority figures. It can be teachers, the police or even other people of authority. If their mothers having a ghetto mindset, and she's the only "role model" in that child's life growing up, it's no wonder that child becomes just like he or mother. There is no positive black male in their lives. So the cycle continues and continues.

Indigo said "Consider Trayvon Martin – his father was not raising him. consider Michael Brown – his father was not raising him."

Who were the "positive influences" in their lives?It doesn't appear that there were any. I came across this fascinating story last week.
A 14 year old black girl by the name of Thessalonika Arzu-Embry recently graduated college!!
Though she was raised by only her mother, her mother raised her right. 1. She was home schooled, 2. She has been raised by a woman of strong faith. 3. Her mother has been a "positive" influence on her life.

10:12 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...


The medical examiner determined that, "compression of the neck and chest, along with Garner's positioning on the ground while being restrained by police", is what caused his death. He did say that "acute and chronic bronchial asthma, obesity and hypertensive cardiovascular disease" were contributing factors, but not the CONSEQUENCE nor the CAUSE of his death. It was determined by a medical examiner that Garner's death was a homicide.

10:58 PM  
Anonymous Indigo said...

ACM "A 14 year old black girl by the name of Thessalonika Arzu-Embry recently graduated college!!"
Thanks for the story about 190 IQ Ms. Arzu-Embrey. It reminds me to say that we never want to cast a shadow on a child because they are raised by a single parent. My own father's father died while he was too young to remember him. But my grandmother who then raised him had a daily strong belief in God, and got to work, and my father became successful, and then raised me and my siblings well. Many raised by a single parent have like stories, including brain surgeon Ben Carson raised from poverty by his single mother along with Ben's rocket scientist brother (really!). Once again, it is about content of character.

11:26 PM  
Anonymous Indigo said...

Liberal Lunacy At Work:
Australia PM Abbott and Police Commissioner: “We don’t know the motivation”
1. Up to 50 people held hostage at Lindt cafe in Sydney, Australia.
2. Police say at least one gunman involved.
3. The jihadist is wearing a headband with Islamic writing.
4. At the outset of the siege, he forced the hostages to hold up the black flag of jihad.

Deputy Police Commissioner says the motivation for the Lindt Cafe siege is still unclear. He’s not the only clown. The Prime Minister said the same thing.

You can't make this stuff up.

9:25 AM  

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