Us Magazine reports aka attacks, you decide.

The definition of "deception" is "causing one to believe what is not true or fail to believe what is true". Take a look at these two US Magazine covers for a moment. It's no secret that the media in America hates Sarah Palin's gutts. Their bias against her and for Obama has become so extreme, they can no longer portray the illusion of being "objective". Barack and Michelle Obama were featured in Us Magazine in June of this year entitled "WHY BARACK LOVES HER", and Sarah Palin is in the current edition entitled "BABIES,LIES, AND SCANDALS"! Liberals really do believe that they are the only smart people in the room,and everybody else are a bunch dopes that can't figure out when they are being manipulated and lied too. This is a video of Megan Kelly from Fox News thankfully drilling and exposing Us Magazine senior editor Bradley Jacobs for his lies. The second video is of Megan Kelly explaining the bias of the cover. At least there is one network that still understands what "Integrity in Journaism" is all about.
The title "SEX,LIES AND SCANDALS" in itself is misleading and Megan exposes that. There hasn't been no lies by Palin, there is no scandal in regards to Palin, and the only issue of sex has to do with HER DAUGHTER and not Sarah Palin, Notice also that the cover doesn't have Palin's husband Todd on it. Compare that too the MIchelle and Barack cover. Clearly the magazine wanted to paint a picture Barack's happy marriage to Michelle. I don't believe that Us Magazine created the edition featuring Sarah Palin just a few days after she was announced by John McCain, because they were fascinated by her and wanted to do a detailed story on her. It was clearly orchestrated. The owner of Us magazine Jann Wenner is also the owner of Rolling Stone Magazine, and it turns out that she is a BIG donor to Barack Obama. Did Jann have any input on the current edition or demand the hit piece be done? The contrast between the two editions is no cawansidance. For all the piling on by Obama's saragots and allies in the media. little do they know they are actually not fooling anyone. In a Rasmussen poll released last Thursday 51% of Americans believe the media is purposely trying to hurt Sarah Palin.
The media is made up of liberals, and liberals are always out of touch with mainstream America. There is a reason why the network news shows are losing viewers left and right. Newspapers are constantly cutting staff due to ever decreasing readers. People know there's a liberal bias in reporting. There are people that wouldn't have voted for the McCain Palin ticket the day McCain announced her, will vote for the ticket just out of spite over the media's coverage of Palin. The media should quit while it's behind, because it's not having any impact against Palin and McCain in the polls. The old saying is "you can have to much of a good thing". In the media's case "Reporting too much of negative things isn't leading to good things for them".
Looks like someone finally took a look at how their reputation has gone south the past few months. This will be all over talk radio in the morning. It will be fun listening.
Will be on point with my next point TOMORROW after a good night's sleep.
Never ever piss off your customers or your potential customers. That is rule #1 in the business world.
Looks like the editors forgot rule #1 and stepped in some #2...
Yea, I went there...
Well, the leftist smear campaign could backfire on election day. Let's hope it does.
pamela"Looks like someone finally took a look at how their reputation has gone south the past few months. This will be all over talk radio in the morning. It will be fun listening.
Will be on point with my next point TOMORROW after a good night's sleep.
Those two hacks should have never been posing as anchors in the first place pamela. I don't know if the light bulb finally went off in the heads of the executives a MSNBC or not.Something made them make these changes. It was either do to their constantly POOR RATINGS and their POOR RATINGS lol.
pamela "Looks like someone finally took a look at how their reputation has gone south the past few months. This will be all over talk radio in the morning. It will be fun listening."
MSNBC's reputation has been a joke MUCH MUCH MUCH longer then a few months pamela, we're talking years her. MSNBC has always been a very distant second in the ratings.The latest polls are showing that women are leaving Obama in droves for McCain and Palin, I can sleep good tonight as well pamela lol
the vegas art guy"Never ever piss off your customers or your potential customers. That is rule #1 in the business world.Looks like the editors forgot rule #1 and stepped in some #2...
Yea, I went there..."
Nothing at all wrong about going there vegas, because it's the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. lol
Us Magazine thought it could sucker their readers. and they didn't think conservative bloogers would pick up their deception. Once again they thought wrong. When will they realize they can't get away with the stuff they use to get away with a few years ago. The new media is rendering the old media obsolete.Vegas I came across a story today about thousands of people canceling their subscriptions to Us Magazine. Maybe the editor can hit Obama up for a donation to offset the money it won't be collecting in renewals lol
conservative black man"Well, the leftist smear campaign could backfire on election day. Let's hope it does."
It already has conservative black man. The media is so full of rage they don't see what's happening. Little do the media know conservative, they are acting like a huge billboard telling people to vote for McCain. People are so sick of their bias attacks on Palin, people are actually support Palin just to them their noses at the media. I say for them to keep it up. The new poll numbers just verify it's working lol
MSNBC is third now behind CNN. It looks like the following things probably put the nail in the coffin.
(1) NBC was identified during the RNC as biased. I do not remember who was speaking but someone spoke about the media bias. Someone started chanting CNN BUT the rest of the audience started screaming NBC. I think it may have been Rudy. I'm sure they were really humiliated when the entire nation heard that huge RNC audience repeatedly chanting NBC when talking about media bias.
(2) On Thursday Olbermann apologized to the viewers for NBC airing the tribute of the 09/11 victims since the RNC was exploiting the victims.
I thought that if they do not stop Olbermann and Matthews after the past week or two on the air I would be convinced that they just cannot help themselves and that they had completely lost their minds. It would be apparent to me that do not want to make money or stay in business:)
I was reading Get Religion. This blog deals with how religion is reported. They had a post about the attacks on Palin that included some nonsense about how the GOP does not was critical analysis on her policies when in reality people are upset at the rumors and the attacks about Trig. The article referenced was insane. The author of the blog entry did an update which included a post of a despicable blog against Palin. I will not include the link here but I will include a response to it:
I would suggest that people DO NOT flag this blog as offensive, even though it is shameful beyond description. This blog should stand as a memorial to the unprecedented smear campaign that turned the tide of the 2008 election. When these whiny liberals crawl out of bed on November 5th and start pointing fingers at each other, this blog might serve as an example of what NEVER TO DO AGAIN.
This is getting wilder by the day.
pamela "
(2) On Thursday Olbermann apologized to the viewers for NBC airing the tribute of the 09/11 victims since the RNC was exploiting the victims."
Exploiting?!lol lol
This is the same Olberman that had on his show frequently the left wing hacks of the relatives of some of the 911 victims aka the "Jersey Girls"? I guess he overlooked his own "exploitation". NBC has become the National Barack Company.
pamela" When these whiny liberals crawl out of bed on November 5th and start pointing fingers at each other, this blog might serve as an example of what NEVER TO DO AGAIN. "
They will do it again pamela, you know this lol Liberals are like a bunch of woodpeckers try desperately to peck an aluminum telephone pole. All their going to have at the end of the day is a splitting headache and nothing accomplished as usual.
I refused to include the link of the blog where I posted the response. I did so because it was way worse than anything in US Magazine. I probably would have been slammed for doing so.
You may be right that they cannot help themselves. Pretty sad.
Why people continually underestimate flyover country I'll never understand. The democratic party is going to have to do some serious soul searching and soon if they want to remain viable.
Of course you have to have a soul to search first...
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